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1、地下水水文学A卷长江大学试卷 学院 地球化学系 班级 学号 姓名 .密封.线.20102011学年第2学期The second semester in 2010 2011 academic year地下水水文学试题(A卷)Test Questions of Geohydrology (Test paper A )专 业:水文水资源工程 年 级:2008Major: Hydrology and Water Resources Grade:2008No.1234567TotalScore考试方式:开卷; 学分:2.0; 考试时间:120分钟Exam Mode: open-book exam; Cr

2、edit hour: 2.0; Duration: 120minutesPart (50 percent)(In this part you are asked to write out your answers in Chinese)1 Short answer question (there are 6 questions, each question is 4 points, total points are 24) /简答题(6小题,每小题4分,共24分)1.1 与地下水过度开发相关的水环境问题有哪些?What is environmental problems related to

3、excessive exploitation of groundwater?1.2 什么是岩土的水理性质? 岩土的水理性质有哪些? What are the physical properties of rock and soil related to groundwater and which should be included?1.3 反映地下水质量的指标有哪些? What are indicators to reflect groundwater quality?1.4 除含水层之间的补给和计算区以外地下水的侧向补给外,地下水的自然补给有哪些主要来源?What are main sou

4、rces for groundwater recharge naturally, except for recharge between aquifers and lateral recharge from external of the computation area?1.5 抽水试验中设置水位观测孔的目的是什么?What are the goals of a well for water table observation in pumping test?1.6 水均衡法计算水资源量的基本原理是什么?具体应用步骤有哪些?What are basic principles of water

5、 resources computed by water balance method, and concretely calculating process?2 Analysis and comparison (There are 2 questions, each question is 4 points, total points are 8) /分析比较题(2小题,每小题4分,共8分)2.1 容水性与给水性有何不同?What are different between the property of rock-soil to store water and the property o

6、f rock-soil to yield or supply water? 2.2 储水率与储水系数有何不同?What are different between specific storage and storativity or storage coefficient?3 Summary and induction or generalization (There are 2 questions, each question is 5 points, total points are 10) /总结归纳或总结概括题(2小题,每小题5分,共10分)3.1 阅读教材p236-241,指出处理

7、受污染地下水常用的物理方法有哪些。Reading your textbook from page 236 to 241, point out relevant common physical methods used to treatment of polluted groundwater.3.2 阅读教材P149-151,在理解例6-1的基础上,写出利用抽水试验的降深时间资料确定潜水含水层水文地质参数(导水系数)T和u*(弹性释水系数)的方法步骤。Reading your textbook from page 150 to 151, write out method and procedur

8、es of hydrogeology parameter T (Transmissivity) and u* (elastic storativity) determined by drawdown-time data from pumping tests based on comprehending example 6-1.4 covered the matter in a brief statement (8 points)/简述题(8分)。简述地下水库与地表水库的基本区别?Briefly narrate basic differences between groundwater rese

9、rvoir and surface reservoir?Part (50 percent)(In this part you are asked to write out your answers in English)5 Fill in the blanks with best term according to following descriptions, each blank is 1 point, and total points is 20.5.1 ( ) is water located beneath the ground surface in soil pore spaces

10、 and in the fractures of rock formations. A. soil moisture B. fissure water C. Groundwater D. pore water5.2 In physical geography, a term often describes the combined mass of water found on, under, and over the surface of a planet. The best word for this term is ( ).A. hydraulics B. geohydrology C.

11、hydrogeology D. hydrosphere5.3 The ( ) is a conceptual model that describes the storage and movement of water between the biosphere, atmosphere, lithosphere, and the hydrosphere.A. hydrologic cycle B. geological cycle C. reservoir D. runoff5.4 ( ) refers to the movement of water into the soil layer

12、from surface.A. runoff B. infiltration C. Infiltration D. throughflow5.5 When gravitational water has drained away the amount of water that remains is called the ( ). A. gravitational water B. throughflow C. seepage D. soils field capacity5.6 When a unit of rock or an unconsolidated deposit can yiel

13、d a usable quantity of water, it is called an ( ). A. aquifer B. aquitard C. aquiclude D. aquifuge5.7 An ( ) is a rock type with a very low permeability. The rock hardly transmits any groundwater although it may well contain large quantities of groundwater.A. aquifer B. aquitard C. aquiclude D. aqui

14、fuge5.8 ( ) groundwater occurs when the flow of subterranean water is not confined by the presence of relatively impermeable layers.A. Confined B. unconfined C. Unconfined D. confined5.9. The water retained by such a force found on the surface of soil mineral is called ( ).A. hygroscopic water B. gr

15、oundwater C. pore water D. confined water5.10 It is one form of soil moisture. Because this water is primarily moved by capillary action, scientists commonly refer to it as ( ).A. hygroscopic water B. capillary water C. Hygroscopic water D. confined water5.11 ( ) is the ratio of the volume of water

16、that a rock or soil will yield by gravity drainage to the volume of the rock or soil. A. Specific yield B. Specific storage C. Specific retention D. Storativity5.12 ( ) or deep drainage or deep percolation is a hydrologic process where water moves downward from surface water to groundwater.A. Ground

17、water recharge B. groundwater dischargeC. groundwater runoff D. Leakage recharge5.13 ( ) of groundwater can be defined as “the practice of increasing by artificial means the amount of water that is recharging a groundwater system”.A. Natural recharge B. Artificial rechargeC. River recharge D. artifi

18、ial recharge5.14 ( ) can generally be defined as the outflow of water from a groundwater system at or near the groundwater table.A. Groundwater recharge B. Groundwater dischargeC. Transfluence D. Groundwater movement5.15 ( ) is the flow of water beneath earths surface as part of the water cycle.A. S

19、urface flow B. Subsurface flow C. Hydrological cycle D. Spring5.16 ( ) is an integration that basic elements of groundwater such as water table, water quantity, water temperature and its chemical component etc. vary with time. A. Groundwater regime B. Groundwater recharge C. Groundwater runoff D. Gr

20、oundwater discharge5.17 In light of saturation of groundwater, seepage can be classified into saturated and unsaturated seepages. ( ) refers to flow of groundwater in the zone of saturation.A. Saturated seepage B. saturated seepageC. unsaturated seepage D. Unsaturated seepage5.18 ( ) is the amount o

21、f water that a portion of an aquifer releases from storage, per unit mass or volume of aquifer, per unit change in hydraulic head, while remaining fully saturated. The term generally refers to volumetric specific storage.A. Specific storage B. Storativity C. Specific yield D. Specific capacity5.19 (

22、 ) is the quantity of water that can be drained out from a given aquifer under gravitational action.A. Specific storage B. Storativity C. Specific yield D. Specific capacity5.20 ( ) refers to a discharge per width that passes through whole thickness of an aquifer when hydraulic gradient equals to 1,

23、 with dimension L2/T (m2/day). A. Transmissivity B. Hydraulic conductivity C. Storativity D. Porosity6 Reading and comprehension (There are 2 questions, each is 10 points, total points are 20).6.1 Read your textbook at page 47-48, then point out the relationship between gaseous component in groundwa

24、ter and geochemical environment.Key words: geochemical environment地球化学环境;dissolve溶解;dissolved oxygen溶解氧;oxidation/oxidization氧化;deoxidization还原;reductive environment还原环境;carbonate碳酸盐;crystalline rock结晶岩; weather风化; O2, N2, CO2, CH4 and H2S;gaseous component 气体成分.6.2 Answer 5 questions after reading

25、the following material, each is 2 points and total points are 10.Total Dissolved Solids (TDS) is a measure of the combined content of all inorganic and organic substances contained in a liquid in: molecular, ionized or micro-granular (colloidal sol) suspended form. Generally the operational definiti

26、on is that the solids must be small enough to survive filtration through a sieve the size of two micrometer. Primary sources for TDS in receiving waters are agricultural and residential runoff, leaching of soil contamination and point source water pollution discharge from industrial or sewage treatm

27、ent plants. The most common chemical constituents are calcium, phosphates, nitrates, sodium, potassium and chloride, which are found in nutrient runoff, general stormwater runoff and runoff from snowy climates where road deicing salts are applied. Total dissolved solids (TDS) are differentiated from

28、 total suspended solids (TSS), in that the latter cannot pass through a sieve of two micrometers and yet are indefinitely suspended in solution. The term “settleable solids” refers to material of any size that will not remain suspended or dissolved in a holding tank not subject to motion, and exclud

29、es both TDS and TSS. Settleable solids may include larger particulate matter or insoluble molecules.The two principal methods of measuring total dissolved solids are gravimetry and conductivity. Gravimetric methods are the most accurate and involve evaporating the liquid solvent to leave a residue t

30、hat can subsequently be weighed with a precision analytical balance (normally capable of .0001gram accuracy). Electrical conductivity of water is directly related to the concentration of dissolved ionized solids in the water. Ions from the dissolved solids in water create the ability for that water

31、to conduct an electrical current, which can be measured using a conventional conductivity meter or TDS meter. 1) What are the gravimetric methods of measuring total dissolved solids?2) What is TDS?3) What are primary sources for TDS?4) What is TSS?5) What are different between TDS and TSS?.7 Give the best proper term in English after considering the terms listed in the following table carefully, each is 1 point and total points are 10.Technical terms in ChineseTechn

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