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高中英语 Unit2 Robots单元测试3 新人教版选修7.docx

1、高中英语 Unit2 Robots单元测试3 新人教版选修7选修七 Unit 2Robots单元测试3笔试部分:I. 单项选择21. It is not where you come from or what you are, but the ability to do the job _ matters.A. one B. that C. what D. it22. She had a computer at home, and her parents desired that she _ all her work at home.A. do B. does C. must do D. wo

2、uld do23. The bank is reported in the local newspaper, _ in broad daylight yesterday.A. being robbed B. having been robbedC. to have been robbed D. robbed24. Is this the reason _ at the meeting for his carelessness in his work?A. he explained B. what he explainedC. how he explained D. why he explain

3、ed25. Peter _ the papers he was marking and reached for his cigarettes and matches.A. set out B. set off C. set in D. set aside26. How was your dinner date, dear? Very nice.A. Much more than I could have imaginedB. I cant wait to have it againC. could have helped myself to some moreD. If only they h

4、ad served better27. Many people stood near the bus stop, nervously waiting _.A. to pick up B. picking upC. to be picked up D. being picked up28. Do you think it is going to rain over the weekend? _.A. I dont believe B. I dont believe it C. I believe not so D. I believe not29. It is always difficult

5、being in a foreign country, _ if you dont speak the language.A. extremely B. naturally C. basically D. especially30. Dont leave matches or cigarettes on the table with in the _ of little children.A. hand B. reach C. space D. distance31. Not until all the fish died in the river, _ how serious the pol

6、lution was.A. did the villagers realizeB. the villagers realizedC. the villagers did realizeD. didnt the villagers realize32. I am sorry I stepped outside for a smoke. I was very tired. There is no _ for this while you are on duty.A. reason B. excuse C. cause D. explanation33. At least 100 people lo

7、st their lives in the fire, _ 7 children.A. contained B. included C. including D. except34. _ David and Vicky married? For about 3 years.A. How long were; beingB. How long have;gotC. How long have; beenD. How long did; get35. I am going to Shanghai. Do you have anything _ to your parents?A. to take

8、B. taken C. taking D. to be takenII 完形填空 When I was a college student, I did a lot of traveling abroad. That was because a professor 36 me to do so. She said,“Now it is the time for you to travel around the world, 37 your knowledge through actual experiences and have fun?” I 38 her. Since I started

9、to work for a 39 company, however, I have done most of my traveling through the Internet. By using the Internet, I have seen the 40 of many cities on my computer screen. And I have really made business 41 , too. With the help of the Internet, I have also got 42 about food in different countries. The

10、refore, I was beginning to feel that actual trips were 43 necessary when I happened to read a famous chefs (厨师) comment on the Internet. He said, “It is very difficult to have real Italian food in a foreign country, because we enjoy food and the 44 around us at the same time. So why dont you fly ove

11、r to Italy and enjoy real Italian 45 ? “Those words reminded me of my 46 advice. As information technolongy 47 , you might be able to do without making some real trips. But this also means that you will miss the various 48 you can get from traveling. Today there are people who 49 direct communicatio

12、n with others and spend much of their time on the Internet. It is not surprising to see a group of people 50 not with each other but into their micro phones. It seems as if such people are 51 by an invisible wall. They seem m be losing out on a good chance to 52 and talk with other people. I do not

13、think that they are taking good advantage of information technology. We should use information technology as a tool m make our daily 53 more fruitful. However, we should never let it 54 our time for face to -face communication. Lets make use of information technology more 55 ,and have great fun in e

14、xperiencing the actual world.36. A. promised B. allowed C. hurried D. encouraged37. A. build up B. use C. practise D. exchange38. A. agreed with B. learned from C. followed D. obeyed39. A. computer B. food C. clothing D. machine40. A. life B. rivers C. sights D. houses41. A. plans B. bargain C. prog

15、ress D. trips42. A. information B. taste C. cooks D. feelings43. A. even more B. no longer C. much D. actually44. A. people B. drink C. atmosphere D. environment45. A. shoes B. dishes C. customers D. situations46. A. friends B. parents C. professors D. bosss47. A. produces B. advertises C. forms D.

16、advances48. A. news B. pleasures C. troubles D. places49. A. avoid B. keep C. lose D. enjoy50. A. meeting B. talking C. communicating D. traveling51. A. stopped B. met C. surrounded D. hurt52. A. look at B. employ C. travel D. meet53. A. communication B. study C. work D. action54. A. spare B. increa

17、se C. reduce D. make use of55. A. wisely B. correctly C. or less D. slowlyIII 阅读理解 阅读下列短文,从每题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中,选出最佳选项。A Long long ago, there was an old merchant who had three sons. “To which one shall I leave my fortune?” he wondered. “It must be to the cleverest son. But which one is the cleverest?

18、” He called his three sons to him. “Here is some money,” he told them, “you must each take one coin to buy something that will fill this room. Anyone who can do this shall have my fortune.” “It is a big room,” said the eldest son. “One coin will not buy very much,” said the second son. But the young

19、est son said nothing. He stood and thought, and then he smiled, “Come, brothers,” he said, “let us go to the market.” The eldest son bought straw with his coin. But one coin bought only a bit of straw. Even when he had spread it as much as he could, the straw covered only a corner of the room. The s

20、econd son bought sand with his coin. But one coin bought only a bit of sand. Even when he had spread it as much as he could, the sand covered only half of the floor.“What did you buy?” the eldest son angrily asked the youngest son. “You dont have any straw.” “Yes, what did you buy?” the second son a

21、sked angrily. “You dont have any sand.” “I bought this,” said the youngest son. “A candle!” cried his brothers. “What good is a candle?” “Watch”,said the youngest son. He lit the candle, and all at once the room was filled from wall to wall, from ceiling to floor. It was filled with light! “Although

22、 you are the youngest, you are indeed the cleverest of my sons,” the old merchant said. And that is how, the old merchant left his fortune to his youngest son, the one who could fill a room with light.56. Who would get fathers fortune? A. The oldest son. B. The richest son. C. The cleverest son. D.

23、The silliest son.57. The merchant left his fortune to the son A. who would fill the room by using something which is worthy of one coin B. who would take care of him when he became old C. who wanted to get his fortune D. who got married first58. How do you think of the youngest son? A. He is very cl

24、ever. B. He is very lazy. C. He is very mean. D. He is very diligent.59. The youngest son used _ to fill the room. A. straw B. candle C. sand D. waterB Doha: The World Trade Organization (WTO) finally opened its door on Saturday to China, advancing the country with the largest population on the plan

25、et into the open world market and send an active signal to slumping(不景气)global economy on the edge of a full-blown backwardness. The Chinese delegation signed a membership protocol (协议书)with WTO yesterday. Under WTO rules China will become a full member 30 days after it reports the global trade body

26、 of the approval(批准)by President Jiang Zemin. It took only minutes for WTO trade ministers to consider and then, on a basis of agreement, vote for a report of the China Working Party with an applause on Saturday evening. The moment came to the climax(高潮) when WTO conference chairman Youssef Hussain

27、Kamal of Qatar knocked the table following resounding extended applause. The vote was a formality (形式,礼节), with China reaching the requested agreements with each of the trading partners necessary for the admittance. Upon entering WTO, the Chinese delegation became the center of international media a

28、ttention. The cameras of the news photographers flashed non-stop as Minister of Foreign Trade and Economic Cooperation Shi Guangsheng enjoyed a lasting applause. “Chinas entering WTO is not only the interests of China, but also the interests of all WTO members and good to the development of the mult

29、ilateral (多国的) trading system ,” Shi said, “it will certainly have wide-reaching effect on Chinas economy and the world economy in the new century.”60. It can be inferred from the first two paragraphs that A. Chinas entering WTO is the only decision in the history of WTO B. China will become the new

30、est member in WTO very soon C. Shi Guangsheng signed the membership with WTO in Geneva D. China will open all its markets to the outside world from now on61. It took only minutes for the WTO ministers to consider and vote because A. China had reached the agreements with each of the governments alrea

31、dy B. the Chinese delegation signed on the day before they considered and voted C. they had discussed the report of the China Working Party somewhere else D. there was not enough time for them to consider and discuss at the conference62. The underlined expression “a lasting applause” shows A. Shi Guangshengs success in his speech B. that Shi Guangsheng was popular with journa lists C. the welcome to the Chinese delegation D.

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