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1、英文电影经典台词绝对原创电影类Into the wild1.When he did,he would do it with characteristic immodration.一旦开始,就绝不会回头。2.It is associated in our minds with escape from history and oppression and law and irksome obligations absoulte freedom.在我们心中它意味着逃离过去,苦恼,约束和烦人的责任和完全的自由3.A in Aparthied in South African Society.A-min

2、us in Contemporary African Politics and the Food Crisis in Africa.A在南非社会代表着种族隔离,A代表着同期南非政治和食物紧缺。4.Rather than love,than money,than faith,than fame,than fairness,give me truth.我宁可不要爱情,金钱,信仰,名誉,公平,请给我事情的真实。5.Some people feel like they dont deserve love,they walk away quietly into empty spaces,trying t

3、o close the gaps to the past.有些人认为他们注定得不到真爱,静静的走向没有感情的未来,试图断绝和过去所有的联系。6.The seas only gifts are harsh blows,and,occasionally,the chance to feel strong.Now,i dont know much about the sea,but i do know thats the way it is here.And i also know how important it is in life ,not necessarily to be strong ,

4、but to feel strong .大海唯一能给我们的就是无情的海浪,有时候海浪会来的很猛烈。现在我对大海知之甚少,但我知道这就是它存在的方式。我还知道在自己的生命中,你不必很强壮,却要觉得自己很强壮。7.To measure yourself at least once,to find yourself at least once in the most ancient of human conditions,facing the blind,deaf stone alone,with nothing help you but your hands and your own head.哪

5、怕只有一次也要去证明自;哪怕只有一次,也要在原生态中去发现自我,独自一人去面对冰冷的石头,仅仅用自己的头脑和双手来帮助自己。8.The freedom and simple beauty is just too good to pass up .自由和单纯因太美好而匆匆流逝。9.There was clearly felt the presence of a force not bound to,be kind to man我感受到自然的力量,他并不会偏向人类。10.The core of mans spirit comes from new experiences.人类的新灵魂来自人类的新经

6、历。11.But when you forgive,you love.And when you love,Gods lights shines on you.只有当你原谅的时候, 你才知道什么是爱。当你会爱了,神的光芒就会照亮你。12.Happiness only real when share.能够与他人分享的快乐才是真正的快乐。The Holiday13.I have found almost everthing ever written about love to be true.Shakespeare said,Journeys end in lovers meeting.What a

7、n extrodinary thought.我发现从古至今书上所写的爱情故事,没一件是真的。莎士比亚曾经说过,旅行因为恋人的相聚而结束,这是多么不可思议的想法。Big Fish 14.We were part of the same equation.我们拥有相同的人生。15.Sometimes the only way to catch an uncatchable woman is to offer her a wedding ring .有些时候抓住一个无法抓住女人的唯一办法,就是帮他套上一只婚戒。16.We were like strangers who knew each other

8、 very well.我们就像两个彼此熟识的陌生人17.Dying is the worst thing thats ever happened to me.死亡是我遇上最糟糕的事。18.Kept in a small bowl,the goldfish will remain small.With more space,the fish will grow double,tripe,or quadruple its size.养在小鱼缸里,金鱼就会保持他原有的大小。但如果给予他更多的空间,金鱼就会数倍化的成长。19.Its too small for a mans amibition.这里对

9、于一个男人来说太小了。20.There comes a point when a reasonable man will swallow his pride and admit that hes made a terrible mistake.一个理智的男人终会有按下自尊,坦诚他犯下严重错误的时刻。21.The more difficult something is,the more rewarding it is in the end.事情越艰难,最后越能得到丰厚的果实。22.I may not have much,but i have more determination than any

10、 man youre likely to meet.我有的也许不多,但我比任何人都有决心23.I discoverd that the most things you consider evil or wicked are simply wicked and lacking in social niceties.我发现那些你认为最邪恶最坏的东西,其实只是孤独和缺乏融洽的个性。24.Have you ever heard a joke so many times youve forgotten why its funny?And then you heard it again and sudde

11、nly its new.你有没有曾经因为某些笑话听过很多遍而觉得他一点也不好笑, 后来又听到他,就好像全新的笑话。25.A man tells his stories so many times that he becomes the stories.一个人不停的述说自己的故事,然后他自己也变成了故事本身。This is it.26.At the age of 50,after a decades absence from the stage,Michael Jacson was quietly performing and crafting an entirely new concert e

12、xperience. His only audience was a small group of technicians and dancers who watched Michael create a show that would have been his return to the stage.在五十岁的年龄,迈克尔杰克逊还是悄悄排练打造一场全新的演唱会体验。他唯一的观众只有一小群技师和伴舞演员。他们目睹了迈克尔创作这个本该上演的回归。Love Actually27. I love that word relationship. Covers all manner of sins,

13、doesnt it? I fear that this has become a bad relationship. A relationship based on the President taking exactly what he wants and casually ignoring all those things that really matter to, erm. Britain. We may be a small country but were a great one, too. The country of Shakespeare, Churchill, the Be

14、atles, Sean Connery, Harry Potter, David Beckhams right foot, David Beckhams left foot, come to that. And a friend who bullies us is no longer a friend. And since bullies only respond to strength, from now onward, I will be prepared to be much stronger. And the President should be prepared for that.

15、我喜欢“关系”这个词,掩饰了一切罪恶,不是么?恐怕这就变成了一种恶性的关系,基于总统先生获取所有他想要的,却毫不在意那些对英国来说重要的事情。我们可能国土狭小,但我们同样是个伟大的国家。我们拥有莎士比亚,丘吉尔,披头士,肖恩康纳利,哈利波特。贝克汉姆的黄金右脚。说起来还有贝克汉姆的黄金左脚。仗势欺人就算不上是真正的朋友。而既然对方吃硬不吃软,那么从此开始,我准备采取以更强硬的态度应对。也请总统先生为此做好准备。28 Whenever I get gloomy with the state of the world, I think about the arrivals gate at Heat

16、hrow Airport. General opinions starting to make out that we live in a world of hatred and greed, but I dont see that. It seems to me that love is everywhere. Often its not particularly dignified or newsworthy, but its always there - fathers and sons, mothers and daughters, husbands and wives, boyfriends, girlfriends, old friends. When the plan

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