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1、湖南师大附中届高三高考模拟卷一英语解析湖南师大附中2014届高三高考模拟卷(一)英 语 试 题命题人:高三英语备课组 审题人:蒋立耘 朱蔚杨 美英(考试范围:高考全部内容) 本试卷分为四个部分,包括听力、语言知识运用、阅读和书面表达。时量120分钟。满分150分。PartListening Comprehension(30 marks)Section A(225 marks) Directions: In this section, you w/ hear six conversations between, two speakers For each conversation, there

2、are several questions and each question is followed by three choices marked A, Band CListen carefully and then choose the best answer for each question You w/t hear each conversation, TWICEExample :When will the magazine probably arrive?AWednesday BThursday C FridayThe answer is BConversation 1lWher

3、e does the man live? AIn the mountains BOn the lake CIn a city2What can we learn about the man? AHe built the house himself BHe won-t live in the mountains forever CHe has lived in the mountains for five yearsConversation 23When will the train leave? A At 10:30 B At 11:00 C At 11:104Where are they g

4、oing? ATo the supermarket BTo the train station CTo the nearest petrol stationConversation 3 5How much does the tour cost, including lunch? AEighty yuan BNinety yuan CA hundred yuan6What can we learn about the guidebook? AIts expensive and useless BIt-s about the places people will visit CIts writte

5、n in both Chinese and EnglishConversation 47What has happened to Kate? AShe is stressed because of her job BShe is much busier than before CShe hasnt been feeling well recently8What do we know about Kate? AShe is too busy to see a doctor BShe is not taking the doctors advice CShe is bound to take th

6、e man-s advice9Why does the woman refuse to see Kate with the man? AShe thinks it is useless showing concern BShe has her own things to do CShe doesnt get along well with Kate Conversation 510When did the two speakers arrive at the cinema? AAn hour early BJust before the movie began CThirty minutes

7、early11What was ;the mans last movie experience like? A Fascinating B Bad CStrange12What doe the man ask the woman to do? AHold his place BHold his ticket CSit in the front rowConversation 613How many hours does the man need to sleep a night? AEight to nine hours BOnly five hours CSeven to eight hou

8、rs,14What did scientists find according to the man? AFive hours sleep a night is enough BThe amount of sleep one needs is determined by a gene COne needs at least eight to nine hours sleep to overcome tiredness15What is one characteristic of people who have a lower sleep requirement? AThey may suffe

9、r from tiredness during the day BThey have higher efficiency in their daily tasks CThey may die earlier than othersSection B (75 marks) Directions:In this section,you will hear a short passageListen carefully and then fill in the numberedblanks with the information you have heardFill in each blank w

10、ith NO MORE THAN THREE WORDS You w/ hear the short passage TWICEPart II Language Knowledge(45 marks)Section A (15 marks) Directions: For each of the following unfinished sentences there are four choices marked A,B,C and DChoose the one that best completes the sentenceExample:The wild flowers looked

11、like a soft orange blanket the desert Acovering Bcovered Ccover Dto coverThe answer is A21The ability one-s idea decides how far one can get along with ones colleagues Aexpressing Bexpressed Cto express Dto be express22Han Meimei, I was wandering why you were absent from yesterdays English classl Im

12、 sorry, but I n important interview then Ahad attended Bwas attending Cwould attend Dam attending23The headmaster is said to have returned from Vancouver, where he with another sister schoolWestside School A would sign Bis signing C signs D signed24The players from the whole school are expected to b

13、ring us honor in this summer game A selected Bto select C selecting Dhaving selected25Very often, a small amount of the food ordered at restaurants left over, but, to our delight, the majority of the diners seen to pack the leftover home Ais; are Bis; is Care; are Dare; is26Have you heard about the

14、recent air disaster?Sure, it the only thing on the news for the last three weeks Awould be Bis Chas been Dwill be27Linda, make sure the tables before the guests arrive Abe set Bset Care setting Dare set28Li Lei is good at politics, geography and history, he is going to major in in college Anone of t

15、hat Bone of which Cnone of them Dnone of it29MrSmith, with depression9 eating disorders and alcohol abuse for years, finally understood the importance of health Ahaving struggled Bstruggling Cstruggled Dto struggle30I cant see the blackboard very well Perhaps you need Ato examine your eyes Bto have

16、your eyes examined Cto have examined your eyes Dto be examined your eyes31One of our rules here is that every student wear school uniform while at school Amight Bcould Cshall Dwill32As her parents are getting older and older? Lydia doesnt feel like abroad, Astudy Bto study Cstudied Dstudying33Not un

17、til she retired half a year ago more time to share with her children Adid she have Bshe had had Chad she had Dshe had34Is everybody here? Not yetLook, there the rest Of our classmates Ahave come Bcome Care coming Dwill come35I told them not everybody could run as fast as you did, ? A could he B didn

18、t I C didnt you D could theySection B(l8 marks) Directions: For each blank in the following passage there are four words or phrases marked A, B, C and DFill in each blank with the word or phrase that best fits the context Im retired from work and life from now on What do I mean? I mean Ill no longer

19、 work or live a life as conventional society expects me toIll nolonger 36 myself with money, social statuses and matching peoples expectationsIll just live the life I like and trust everything will 37 itself out in the end Why? Im only 28I still have four decades to go before my _ 38 But I guess I j

20、ust realized life is too short to be spent doing something I dislike 39 , I found a good part of my life had been spent living for someone or something elseFrom my studying years to my working years, I had 40 been pursuing goals set by myself and by the society The pursuit of these _ 41 _ had made m

21、e a more successful person, but the act made me delay the moment in 42 of a better futureIt made me wonder Whats next? Since most of my life goals have been 43 , its time forme to create my life path again Start from today: live a life in a child-like manner rather than worry about what should be or

22、 what others might think! On the 44 it may seem as if nothing is going to changeIll still be writing articles, creating videos and taking on media interviews to 45 my message However, on the micro-level, things will be 46 Instead of asking, What should I do today to achieve my goal?, I will be askin

23、g myself,。 “What do I want to do today? Its a slightly but fundamentally different approach to my life and its something to 47 my life inside out36A associate Bconcern Crelate D combine37A work Bstand C turn D look38A achievement Bmovement Cimprovement D retirement39A Taking back BHolding back C Thi

24、nking back D Keeping back40A eventually Boccasionally C accidentally D constantly41A goals Bpromises C hopes D gifts42A favor Bcase C wait Dhonor43A set Bachieved C provided Dscored44A surface Btop C basis D bottom45A extend Bleave C spread D take46A similar Babsurd Csame D different47A adapt Bchang

25、e Cburden D ruinSection C(12 marks) Directions: Complete the following passage by filling in each blank with one word that best fits the context Have you ever seen the advertisement: Learn a foreign language in six weeks, 48 give yourmoney back? Of course, it 49 happens quite like thatBefore the Sec

26、ond World War, people usually learned a foreign language 50 study the literature of the countryNow most people want to speak 51 foreign language to work and live better Every year millions of people start their learning Then how do they do it? Some people try at home 52 books and tapesMachines and g

27、ood books will be very helpful, but they can not do the students work53 go to evening classes or watch TV programsIf they use the language only 2 0r 3 times a week, learning it will take a long timeHowever, its 54 easier to learn the language in the country where it is spoken But most people can not

28、 afford it, and many people dont have to do so 55 the language learned is more efficient in this way or that way, it is hard to sayPart Reading Comprehension(30 marks) Directions : Read the following three passagesEach passage is followed by several questions or unfinished statementsFor each of them

29、 there are four choices marked A, B, C and D Choose the one that fits best according to the information given, /n, the passageA Many American colleges and universities require applications for the fall term to be completed by January lst But some have deadlines of December lst So this was a proper w

30、eek for a; research group in California to release its latest national report card on higher education” The National Center for Public Policy and Higher Education calls it Measuring Up The report says the price of college has increased more than 400% since 1982 Costs have climbed much faster than other prices -as well as the wages of average families The group warns that a continuation of these trends would put higher education beyond the reach of most AmericansAnd it would mean greater debt for those who do

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