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1、水泥英语300句水泥英语300句(一)1. How do you do? Mr. Jensen. Welcome to Chengdu.您好,Jensen先生。欢迎到成都来。2. Nice to meet you again, Mr. Robert.很高兴再次遇见您,Robert先生。3. Excuse me, I want to meet Mr. Heyd, Patrick Heyd.对不起,我找 Heyd先生,Patrick Heyd。4. Sorry, I have kept you waiting.对不起,让您久等了。5. How to pronounce your family na

2、me?您的姓怎么称呼?6. My name is Wang Ling. Call me Wang, please.我叫王林,叫我王就行。7. Could you stand for the time difference? Chengdu is 7 hours ahead of Germany time.你能适应时差吗?成都比德国时间早7个小时。8. I shall pick you up tomorrow morning at 8:30, please wait me in the hotel lobby. 明天早上八点半我来接你,请在旅馆大厅等我。9. I can fully unders

3、tand what you mean, but I cant speak English fluently.我完全能听懂你的意思,但我的英语讲得不好。10. Will you tell me the correct name of the ring pressed on the nozzle?你能告诉我那个压在喷嘴上的园环叫什么名称吗?11. What is lubrication for? Its for reducing friction.为什么要进行润滑?这是为了要降低摩擦。12. How do you distinguish the different meaning between

4、tolerance and error?如何区别tolerance 和 error这两个词的不同含义?13. When will you deliver your first lot of goods?你们的第一批货物什么时候发货?14. This mill is of good quality and excellent performance.该磨机质量不错,性能优良。15. Usually, we adopt pinion drive for large mills. 大型磨机我们通常采用边缘驱动。16. We think that pre-blending is necessary f

5、or limestone because of its uneven chemical composition. Do you think so?我们认为石灰石的预均化是必要的,因为它的化学成分不均匀。您说呢?17. You told me yesterday that spare parts for two years operation were not included in your quotation, can you add it in now?昨天你告诉我在你们的报价中不包括两年运行的备品备件,现在你能加上吗?18. I am told that general layout o

6、f this plant will be done by you, could you give me some ideas about the location of power sub-station?据我所知,本厂的总平面布置由贵方承担,你能告诉我总降打算布置在什么地方吗?19. Youd better embed a wall bushing at the corner. 最好在转角处预埋一个穿墙导管。20. One of the methods adopted is to organize a discussion.可以考虑组织一次讨论。21. More attention shou

7、ld be paid to the function of PLC.对PLC的功能应给于足够的重视。22. Optimization plays an important role in project design.在工程设计中,优化是十分重要的。23. Whats the difference between ball mill and roller mill?球磨机和立磨有什么不同?24. What does he mean? Please give me an explanation.他是什么意思?请给我一个解释。25. I dont quite understand you. Cou

8、ld you explain it again?我不太明白你的意思,请你再解释一下好吗?26. Your explanation is easy to follow. Ive got your point now.您的解释很容易明白,我知道您的看法了。27. Oh, I see. I see what you mean.哦,我懂了。我明白你的意思了。28. No. In this case, I think this device cannot work in good order.不对。在这种情况下,我认为该装置不可能有良好的工作状态。29. May I keep your calculat

9、ion sheet?能把你的计算给我吗?30. Its up to you. You can either use belt conveyor or use screw conveyor.随你的便。你可以用皮带机,也可以用螺旋输送机。31. The theoretical content of CaO in limestone accounts for 56%.石灰石中氧化钙的理论含量占56。32. Limestone often contains small amount of magnesium oxide that is harmful to soundness of cement.石灰

10、石中经常含有少量的氧化镁,这对水泥的安定性有害。33. The plant site boundary is deemed as design limitation, and item out of the enclosure wall belongs to your job (duty, responsibility).厂区的边界就是设计的分界线,围墙以外的子项是你们的事。34. Before measuring, this instrument must be calibrated carefully.该仪器在使用前必须先仔细地校准。35. Basic information of met

11、eorology (temperature, humidity, wind speed, precipitation, etc.) is very important, because these data are useful in plant design.基本的气象资料(温度、湿度、风速、降水量等)是非常重要的,因为这些资料在工厂设计中有用。36. The first design liaison meeting was held last Monday, one week ahead of (delay to) the original target date.第一次设计联络会已在上星

12、期一举行,比原定日期提前(推迟)了一周。37. The clinker discharged from grate cooler will be transported by chain conveyor to the top of clinker silo.从篦冷机卸出的熟料, 由链斗机送往熟料库顶。38. Whether this material could pass the test is still a question.这种材料能否试验合格,还是一个问题.39. We dont know whether the figures are correct or not.我们不知道这些数

13、字是否准确。40. At high altitude areas, the air pressure is low, so the capacity of kiln system must be enlarged.在高海拔地区,由于气压低,所以窑系统的能力必须加大。41. It is clear that you should bear the responsibility for the missing of spare parts.很清楚,贵方应对备品、备件的遗漏负责。 42. Cement may be used along, but the normal use is in morta

14、r or concrete in which the cement is mixed with inert materials known as aggregate.水泥可以单独使用,但一般都用在砂浆或混凝土里,在其中,水泥与被称之为骨料的惰性物料混合。43. We have at least 15 kind of different Chinese cement standards.我们至少有15 种不同的中国水泥标准。44. Up to 5% of gypsum can be added to cement products.水泥成品中最多可以添加5的石膏。45. A by-pass sy

15、stem should be used if the content of chloride anion in raw meal is greater than (over) 0.015%.如果生料中的氯离子含量超过万分之十五,则应该使用旁路放风系统。46. We shall supply you information as soon as possible. But if the contract can not be into force in time, the schedule of our information supply should be prolonged accordi

16、ngly.我们将尽快向你们提资料。但如果合同不能按时生效,我们提资料的时间将相应推迟。47. In case of any discrepancy between drawings and instructions, the drawings shall prevail. (The drawings have priority over instructions.)在图纸和说明书之间有矛盾的时候,以图纸为准。(图纸优先于说明书。)48. Discussing problems would be an effective way to eliminate the contradiction (m

17、iss understanding).讨论问题是消除分歧 (误解) 的有效途径。49. Mutual understanding between two parties has laid a solid foundation for further cooperation.互相理解为双方的进一步合作奠定了坚实的基础。50. For the smoothly operation of the project construction, it is necessary to hold coordination meeting once a week (every other week, every

18、 two weeks).为使项目的建设能够顺利地进行,有必要每周(每两周)举行一次协调会。51. Thats a good idea. We can make a try.这是个好主意,我们可以试试。52. That will do. No problem. Every thing is OK.行,可以。没问题。53. They are ready to do whatever you want them to do.你要他们干什么,他们就干什么。54. Whoever you will be, you have no right to do such a thing.无论你是谁,你都没有权力

19、做这种事。55. Wherever you go, you will always find the same thing.不管你去哪里,你总会发现同样的事情。56. The insulation layer was destroyed for overheating.绝缘层因为过热而被烧毁。57.From now on, we cant allow them wasting the material in this way.从现在开始,我们不允许他们如此浪费这种材料。58. How long will it take to repair this rotor?修复这个转子需要多长时间?59.

20、 Defects in the mill parts, if any, can be detected by this instrument.磨机零件内的缺陷,如果有的话,可以用这种仪器来检测。60.I am not certain whether it is true or not.这是否属实,我没有把握。水泥工程英语300句(二)61. We are going to protect the materials from loss.我们将管好这些材料使之不受损失。62. This appears to be an only exception to the rule. 这似乎是这条规则的唯

21、一例外。63. This operation system was proved to be extremely stable. 该操作系统曾被证明是及其稳定的。64. The first thing for us to do is to check your calculation. 我们要做的第一件事情就是核对你们的计算。65. As the Owner is final user of your equipment, they will make decision based on your recommendations.由于业主是贵方设备的最终用户,他们将根据你们的建议作出决定。66

22、. This is the magazine published by our Institute, which is a bimonthly periodical. Any advice and comment is welcome.这是我们院出版的一份杂志,双月刊。欢迎提出意见和建议。67. No matter how long will it take, we determine to make an investigation on the subject. 不管需要花多长时间,我们决心要对此事做一个调查。68. Feasibility study report of this pro

23、ject will be appreciated by government authorities, customer or credit banks for different purposes.本项目的可研报告将由政府主管部门、顾客、或者贷款银行进行目的各不相同的评估。69. Next January, the hydraulic station will be supplying power to our plant site.明年一月, 水电站将向我们厂区供电。70.Investment for this project will be controlled within RMB 2

24、55 million. (CNY)本项目的投资将控制在2.55亿之内。71. It is better to eliminate blocking with process measures,by-pass system is the last choice for us. 最好采取工艺措施来消除堵塞,加旁路系统是我们最后的一招。72. Sufficient space must be kept between motor and ladders to ensure operation of normal mantainence. 必须在电机和梯子之间保留足够的空间,以确保正常检修工作的进行。

25、73. Since China is still a developing country, we must consider manufacturing cost as an important factor.由于中国还是一个发展中国家,我们必须把制造成本当作一个重要的因素来考虑。74. Just a moment, Ill copy these lists for you.请稍等,我把这些表格复印给你。75. Due to the tight schedule, we hope you supply us the data we need a bit earlier.由于进度要求很急,我们

26、希望贵方能否再早一点提供我们所需要的资料。76. A good cement quality requires a clinker with high content of C3S (tricalcium silicate) and low free lime.好的水泥质量需要C3S (硅酸三钙)含量高而游离氧化钙底的熟料。77. In spite of difficulties, we must finish the work in time.尽管有困难,但我们必须按时完成这项工作。78. During performance test, kiln production has far su

27、rpassed the targeted figure of 2000t/d.在性能试验期间,窑产量已远超过指标规定的2000吨日。79. Rated current of the main motor is lower than the maximum safety limitation.主电机的额定电流低于最大安全电流极限。80. The dust-collecting efficiency of the electrostatic precipitator and of the different bag filters has been got within the guarantee

28、d range. 电收尘和各袋收尘器的收尘效率均在保证指标的范围内。81. The acceptance date of kiln plant is fixed on the first day of next month. 窑系统的验收日期定在下个月的一号。82. If necessary, the kiln plant can not only theoretically but also in actual practice be run without by-pass system in operation.如果有必要,窑系统不仅在理论上而且在实际上也可以在不启动旁路防风系统的情况下运

29、行。83. Generally speaking, the kiln system is absolutely safe even at partial loads no more than 35%. 一般说来,该窑系统在局部荷载不超过35的情况下是绝对安全的。84. Apart from furnishing proof of the systems capabilities, the customers are also interested in reaching satisfactory values during continuous operation. 除了能证明系统的能力外,客

30、户还对在长期运行中能否达到满意的指标感兴趣。85. For whole kiln system, it is of vital importance that the interfaces of every single component must be well harmonized to each other. 对于整个窑系统而言,各个单体部件之间的相互接口必须调整好,这一点是非常重要的。86. The extent of waste-gas temperature reduction is marked in Fig. 2. 废气温度的降低程度标注在图2上。87. Main funct

31、ion of raw meal homogenization is to provide a kiln feed of constant chemical composition and fineness. 生料均化的主要作用是提供化学成分和细度均稳定的窑喂料。88. All the oil pipes must have sufficient strength with smooth internal wall, and no any defect like corrosion or crack. 所有油管必须有足够的强度,内壁光滑,无锈蚀、裂缝等缺陷。89. Before erection, all the pipes must be washed with 20% hydrochloric ac

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