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1、山东省春季高考英语真题与答案docx山东省 2018 年普通高校招生(春季)考试英语试卷本试卷分一卷(选择题)和二卷(非选择题)两部分,满分 80 分,考试时间 60 分钟。考生请在答题卡上答题,考试结束后,请将本试卷和答题卡一并回收。卷一(选择题, 50 分)一、英语知识运用(本题 30 个小题,每小题 1 分,共 30 分。在每小题列出的四个选项中,只有一项符合题目要求,请将符合题目要求的选项字母代号选出,并填涂在答题卡上。 )1.-.He is from Hang Kong.-Nice to meet you.A.Let me introduce myselfB.Let me intro

2、duce TomC.This is Tom speakingD.Have a good time,Tom2.-Could you give me someon how to improve my spoken English ?-I m so glad to hear that!A.movementsB.suggestionsC.greetingsD.treatments3.-Nowadays people are encouraged eat fruit and vegetables to keep_.A.honestB.nervousC.healthyD.proud4.-Why do yo

3、u like swimming?-Because I find _ very relaxing.A.itB.oneC.thoseD.these5.-_? _Good idea.A.Why not join us in the game B.How did you know thatC.When would you like to come D.What would you like for dinner6.-_beautiful the park is !We may have a picnic here this weekend .-Sound great.A.What a B.What C

4、.How a D.How7.-It s an impossible task for us to finish the building in half a year.-Yes,it will take _ one least last time order8.-I think Mary is a successful woman.-I agree with you .She has nearly _all her dreams.A. realized B.won C.understood D.believed9. -_?-Chinese fo

5、lk music.A.How about going for a walk B.What s your favorite sportsC.How do you like Chinese D.What are you interested in10.Where will the football game be held?FOOTBALL GAMEBetween the Sunday Club & the Youth ClubOn Friday ,May 187:00 p.m.-9:00 p.m.All football lovers are welcome!A.At the Sunny Clu

6、b B.At the Youth ClubC.At the City Stadium D.At the City Park11.IF Bob wants to apply for the job, he needs to _ .DRIVER WANTEDFull-time,5 days a week$ 20 per hour5 years experience with a driver s license Call Susan at 555-778-6356A work part-timeB work six days a weekC call Sandy at 555-778-6356D

7、have work experience12. Ihope that you can come and celebrate the Spring Festival with mA doB didC doesD done13. -?-I d like to buy some traditional Chinese souvenirs.A What can I do for youB How much do they costC What size do you takeD What color do you like14. -What did you do last weekend?-IMoun

8、t Tai with my friends.A climbB climbedC will climbD am climbing15.-I wonder_ a film.-Once a month.A.when youseeB.where you seeC.whether you have often you see16.-Who is the man _by the window.-He is our English teacher.A. sitting17.-Downing Hotel.Can I help you?-_.A.

9、 I m looking for a dress for my daughter.B. I d like to buy a ticket for tonight s film.C. I d like to reserve a double room for this Friday.D. I ve caught a bad cold and I m feeling terrible.18.I felt very tired after a day s hard work,_I went to bA. butB. orC.whileD.so19. -I haven t finished my di

10、nner yet.-Hurry up ! Our friends _ for us.A. are waitingB.were waitingB. had waitingD.waited20. -_I have found somewhere to live, I will send you my address.A. UnlessB.UntilC.ThoughD.Once21. -Thank you for taking care of my pet dog while I was on business.-_.and had taken a fall next to her wheelcha

11、ir.Betsy ran to Miss Harris and asked she was alright “.I think I” 救护车).Miswasbroke my arm, said Miss Harris.Betsy called for an ambulance( takeA. Best wishes B.My pleasure C.No,thanks D.Goodbye hospital.When Miss Harris returned home from hospital on Sunday,she went t m so lucky to have bought this

12、 hou22.-According to the traffic rules in our country,you_wear you seat belt when driving.her, “ You are a very kind girl.Ito you!A.mayB.canC.wouldD.shouldsmile and said,” Welcome to the neighborhood.”23.-It s raining hard ,We have to _the sports meeting till next week.A.put upB.put onC.put offD.sho

13、uld31.How long was the Roger house empty?24.-I can t go for a holiday this summer.A.One weekB.One monthC.Three monthsD.Six months.-_.32.Who was living in the Roger house?A.Neither can IB.So can IC.Nor do ID.So do IA.Betsy and her momB.Just Miss Harris.25.-It is said that the new training center of o

14、ur school_next year.C.Miss Harris and her brotherD.Miss Harris and a dog.-Good news.33.How did Miss Harris describe Betsy at the end of the story?A.will buildB.has builtC.will be builtD.has been builtA.NoisyB.ShyC.NaughtyD.Kind34.According to the text,we can learn that people in the neighborhood26.-

15、I m terribly sorry for being late.There was so much traffic on theroad.should_.-_.A.often interrupt each otherA. Don tmentionitB.CongratulationsC.It doesn matterC.share some cookiesD.mind their own businessD.Excuse me35. Which of the following might be the best title for the text?27.-_

16、of the students in our class went to the English party yesterday.A. An Old Woman in a Wheelchair.B. Mother and Daughter.A.Three fourthB.Three fourthsC.Third four D.Third fourthsC. Welcome to the Neighborhood.D. Call for an Ambulance.28.-_ polite to others, and you will find it easy to get along well

17、 with them.A.BeingB.DoingC.BeD.DoB29.-The professor, _ is over eighty years old, still carries on his research in the fields.ADVERTISEMENTSA.whichB.whoC.thatD.whoseLOST30. -It s getting late. I m afraid I have to leave now.-_.A. Good morning B.See you later C.Many thanks D.Here you are二 阅读理解(本题 10 个

18、小题,每小题 2 分,共 20 分)在每小题列出的四个选项中,只有一项符合题目要求,请将符合题目要求的选项字母代号选出,并填涂在答题卡上。AA red purse with an ID card,a credit card and a photo inside Call Mary Smith at 555-778-6565RentingA one-bedroom apartment,from Seprember I to December 31 Next to the College of BusinessCall JACK bROWN AT 555-778-6494House for sal

19、e$200,000 built in 2010With two bedrooms,a bathroom,a living room and a kitchen In the south of the cityCall steven Fieder at 555-778-6251The old Roger house had been empty for six months,and finally someone was moving in.Betsy didn tsee any children getting out of the car,just an older woman in a w

20、heelchair.Betsy didnseeanyt childrenRoommate wantedgetting out of the car ,just an older woman in a wheelchair.Betsy asked :” Mom,is it alright if I go over to sayA female American who can offer help in English learning“ Why don t you wait until tomorrow ?” said her mom .To share a two-bedroom apart

21、ment near the College ofhello to our new neighbor?”TechnologyThe next morning theydecidedto bring somecookies to their newneighborandintroduceWith a washing machine ,a fridge and a televisionthemselves.The lady came tothe door and said her name was Emily Harris.She invitedtheminto theCall Lily Wang

22、at 555-778-6967house.Betsy and her mom introduced themselves and stayed only for a short time“.We don t want to waste 36.If you find a red purse you can call_.your time, ”said Betsy s mom. ” If you ever need anything,let us ”“knowThanks. so much, ”said Miss Harris.A. Mary SmithB.Jack BrownC.Steven F

23、ielderD.Lily WAfter breakfast the next day,Betsy decided to visit Miss Harris again.Betsy rang the doorbell but didn37. tIf you want to rent a one-bedroom apartment ,you can call_.get an answer.The door was unlocked,so Betsy looked inside only to see Miss Harris had tried to reach a shelfA.555-778-6

24、565B.555-778-6967C.555-778-6251D.555-7738.Which of the following is true according to the text?A.Steven Fielder s house is in the south of the city.B.Jack Brown wants to rent an apartment near a hospital.C.Mary Smith lost her purse with only an ID card inside.D.Lily Wang wants to share the apartment

25、 with a man .39.According to the text , we can learn that _.A.Steven Fielder s house was built in 2012B.Jack Brown wants to rent an apartment for a years.C.Lily Wang wants to improve her EnglishD.Steven Fielder wants to sell his house for $300,0040.The advertisements can probably be found in a.A. Te

26、xtbook B newspaperC storybookD dictionary任务一 请根据下面会议记录要点,完成表格。 (本任务 5 个小题,每小The Minutes ( 会议记录 ) of the MeetingDate Monday, November 27, 2017 Place Meeting roomAttendees Seven department managers Chairperson Mr. JohnsonMr. John, the general manager, decided to hold an annual meeting in Dece Aiming t

27、o improve team spirit and express thanks to all the staff.1. ALL agree on the theme ” Happy Team, Great Dream ”.2.The general manager is to deliver the opening speech.3.Seven department managers are to report their work and plans.4.Three outstanding groups are to be rewarded,5.Every department is to prepare performances and games.6.Planning Department is to make a schedule for the annual meeting.Recorded by : JudyPlease complete the following form.Annual Meeting Plan卷二 (非选择题 30 分)三、根据情景内容补全对话(本题 5 个空,每空只填一词,每词 1 分,共 5 分)A:Welcome

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