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1、管理学名词解释83424第一单元Manager:Someone who coordinates and oversees the work of other people so that organizational goals can be accomplished管理者:通过协调和监管其他人的工作活动以实现组织目标的人员First-line Managers :Individuals who manage the work of non-managerial employees.Middle Managers:Individuals who manage the work of first

2、-line managers.Top Managers:Individuals who are responsible for making organization-wide decisions and establishing plans and goals that affect the entire organization.基层管理者:最底层的管理人员,他们管理着非管理雇员所从事的工作 。中层管理者:对基层管理者进行管理的人员。高层管理者:负责为整个组织制定决策、计划和目标并进而影响整个组织的管理人员。Management:coordinating and overseeing th

3、e work activities of others so that their activities are completed efficiently and effectively.管理:协调和监管他人的工作活动,从而使其有效率、有效果地完成工作。Efficiency: Doing things right,or Getting the most output for the least inputs效率:正确地做事,或者以尽可能少的投入获得尽可能多的产出Effectiveness: Doing the right things,or Attaining organizational

4、goals效果:做正确的事情,或者实现组织的目标Planning:management function that involves setting goals, establishing strategies for achieving those goals, and developing plans to integrate and coordinate activities.Organizing: management function that involves arranging and structuring work to accomplish organizational g

5、oals.Leading : management function that involves working with and through people to accomplish organizational goals.Controlling: management function that involves monitoring, comparing, and correcting work performance计划 :设定目标,确定实现这些目标的战略,并且制定计划以整合和协调各种活动 组织: 安排各项工作,以实现组织目标领导: 同他人合作并通过他人去实现目标 控制:对员工的

6、工作进行监控、比较和纠正Management Roles: specific actions or behaviors expected of a manager.Interpersonal roles: managerial roles that involve people and other duties that are ceremonial and symbolic in nature.Informational roles: managerial roles that involve collecting,receiving,and disseminating informatio

7、n.Decisional roles: managerial roles that revolve around making choices.管理角色:管理者按照人们的预期在实践中展示的具体行为或表现人际关系角色:人与人的关系以及其他礼仪性的和象征性的职责。信息传递角色:收集、接受和传播信息决策制定角色:作出决策和选择Technical skills:job-specific knowledge and techniques needed to proficiency perform work tasks.Human skills:The ability to work well with

8、other people individually and in a group.Conceptual skills:The ability to think and to conceptualize about abstract and complex situations 技术技能:某个特定领域的知识和专业技术人际技能:与他人和睦相处、密切配合的能力概念技能:对组织面临的抽象、复杂情况进行思考和概念化的能力Organization:A deliberate arrangement of people assembled to accomplish some specific purpose

9、组织:是对人员的一种精心安排,以实现某个特定目的 。(这个目的是个体无法单独实现的)Sustainability :a companys ability to achieve its business goals and increase long-term shareholder value by integrating economic, environmental, and social opportunities into its business strategies.可持续性 :公司通过将经济的、环境的和社会的机遇整合到公司战略以实现公司目标并为股东增加长期价值的能力。Univer

10、sality of Management:The reality that management is needed in all types and sizes of organizations,at all organizational levels ,in all organizational areas,and in all organizations, regardless of location管理的普遍性:在现实世界中,管理是不可或缺的在所有类型和规模的组织中,在所有的组织层级中,在所有的组织领域中,在所有的组织中,无论该组织位于哪里。第二单元Omnipotent View of

11、 Management: the view that managers are directly responsible for an organizations success or failure.Symbolic view of Management : the view that much of an organizations success or failure is due to external forces outside managers control.管理万能论:认为管理者对组织的成败承担直接责任管理象征论:认为组织的成败在很大程度上归因于管理者无法控制的外部力量。Or

12、ganizational Culture:The shared values, principles, traditions, and ways of doing things that influence the way organizational members act.Strong Cultures:Organizational cultures in which key values are intensely held and widely shared.组织文化:组织成员共有的、能够影响其行为方式的价值观、原则、传统和做事方式强文化:其核心价值观被组织成员们强烈坚持和广泛共享的组

13、织文化Socialization :The process that helps employees adapt to the organizations culture.社会化:帮助新员工学会本组织做事方法的一个过程Workplace Spirituality :a culture where organizational values promote a sense of purpose through meaningful work that takes place in the context of community职场精神:它是一种文化,在这种文化中,组织的价值观提倡员工通过在集体

14、环境中从事有意义的工作来感知人生目的。External Environment:those factors and forces outside the organization that affect its performance.外部环境:组织之外能够对该组织的绩效产生影响的因素和力量Environmental Uncertainty:the degree of change and complexity in an organizations environment. 环境的不确定性:一个组织的外部环境的变化程度和复杂程度Environmental Complexity: the nu

15、mber of components in an organizations environment and the extent of the organizations knowledge about those components.环境的复杂性:一个组织的外部环境的构成要素数量以及该组织对这些构成要素的了解程度Stakeholders:any constituencies in the organizations environment that are affected by an organizations decisions and actions.利益相关者:组织的外部环境中被

16、组织的决策和行动所影响的任何相关者。第三单元Parochialism:viewing the world solely through your own perspectives, leading to an inability to recognize differences between people.Ethnocentric Attitude: the parochialistic belief that the best work approaches and practices are those of the home country.Polycentric Attitude :

17、the view that the managers in the host country know the best work approaches and practices for running their business.Geocentric Attitude:a world:oriented view that focuses on using the best approaches and people from around the globe.狭隘主义:仅仅用自己的眼睛和视角来看待这个世界,从而无法意识到人与人之间的差异民族中心论:狭隘地认为自己母国拥有世界上最佳的工作方

18、法和实践。多国中心论:认为东道国的管理者知道如何以最佳的工作方法和实践来经营其业务全球中心论:一种全球取向的观点,强调使用来自全世界的最佳方法和人员European Union (EU):a union of 27 European nations created as a unified economic and trade entityEuro: a single common European currency欧盟:由27个欧洲国家组成一个统一的经济和贸易联合体欧元:欧洲单一货币Nations (ASEAN) :a trading alliance of 10 Southeast Asi

19、an nations.North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA) :an agreement among the Mexican, Canadian, and U.S. governments in which certain barriers to trade have been eliminated.东南亚国家联盟(东盟):由10个东南亚国家组成的一个贸易联盟北美自由贸易协定:墨西哥、加拿大和美国政府签署的一项旨在消除贸易壁垒的协定。World Trade Organization (WTO) :a global organization of

20、153 countries that deals with the rules of trade among nations.International Monetary Fund (IMF):an organization of 185 countries that promotes international monetary cooperation and provides advice, loans, and technical assistance.世界贸易组织:一个由153个成员国组成的负责处理国家间贸易规则的全球组织国际货币基金组织:一个由185个国家组成的组织,旨在促进国际货币

21、合作,并且为成员国提供建议、贷款和技术援助。World Bank Group:a group of five closely associated institutions that provides financial and technical assistance to developing countries.Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD): an international economic organization that helps its 30 member countries achi

22、eve sustainable economic growth and employment.世界银行集团:一个由5家紧密相连的机构组成的集团,主要为全世界的发展中国家提供金融和技术援助经济发展与合作组织:一个旨在帮助其30个成员国实现可持续经济增长和就业的国际经济组织Multinational Corporation (MNC):a broad term that refers to any and all types of international companies that maintain operations in multiple countries.Multidomestic

23、 Corporation: an MNC that decentralizes management and other decisions to the local country.跨国公司:一个广泛的术语,指的是在多个国家开展业务的任何类型的国际公司多国化公司:指的是把管理权和其他决策权下放给东道国的跨国公司Global Company:an MNC that centralizes management and other decisions in the home country.Transnational or Borderless Organization : an MNC in

24、which artificial geographical barriers are eliminated.全球公司:指的是把管理权和其他决策权都集中在母国的跨国公司无国界公司:消除了人为地理界线的跨国公司Global Sourcing: purchasing materials or labor from around the world wherever it is cheapest.Exporting : making products domestically and selling them abroad.Importing : acquiring products made abr

25、oad and selling them domestically.Licensing : an organization gives another organization the right to make or sell its products using its technology or product specifications.全球采购:从全世界最廉价的地方采购原材料或劳动力出口:在国内制造产品并且把它们销往国外进口:采购国外制造的产品并且在国内销售许可证经营:一家组织授权另一家组织采用自己的技术或产品说明书来制造或销售自己的产品Franchising : an organ

26、ization gives another organization the right to use its name and operating methods. 特许经营:一家组织授权另一家组织采用自己的品牌和运营方式Strategic Alliance : a partnership between an organization and one or more foreign company partner(s) in which both share resources and knowledge in developing new products or building pro

27、duction facilities.Joint Venture : a specific type of strategic alliance in which the partners agree to form a separate, independent organization for some business purpose.战略联盟:一家组织与外国公司建立的一种伙伴关系,使双方在开发新产品或建设生产设施时可以共享资源和知识合资企业:一种特定类型的战略联盟,各合作方为了某个商业目的而共同组建一个自主经营的、独立的组织Foreign Subsidiary:directly inv

28、esting in a foreign country by setting up a separate and independent production facility or office.外国子公司:通过建立自主经营的、独立的生产机构或办事处而在某个海外国家直接投资Free Market Economy:an economic system in which resources are primarily owned and controlled by the private sector.Planned Economy : an economic system in which e

29、conomic decisions are planned by a central government.自由市场经济:一种主要由私营部门拥有和控制各种资源的经济体系计划经济:一种由一个中央政府来规划经济决策的经济体系National Culture : the values and attitudes shared by individuals from a specific country that shape their behavior and beliefs about what is important.Global Leadership and Organizational B

30、ehavior Effectiveness (GLOBE) program : a research program that studies cross-cultural leadership behaviors.民族文化:由一个特定国家的个体国民共享的价值观和态度,这些价值观和态度将塑造他们的行为和他们对什么是重要事项的看法全球领导和组织行为效力(GLOBE)研究计划:一项考察跨文化领导行为的研究计划Cultural Intelligence : cultural awareness and sensitivity skills.Global Mind-Set : attributes t

31、hat allow a leader to be effective in cross-cultural environments.文化智能:文化感悟和敏感性技能全球心智:使一位领导者能够在跨文化环境中实施有效管理的各种品质第五单元Social Obligation : the obligation of a business to meet its economic and legal responsibilities and nothing more.Social Responsiveness : when a firm engages in social actions in respo

32、nse to some popular social need.Social Responsibility : a businesss intention, beyond its legal and economic obligations, to do the right things and act in ways that are good for society.社会义务:一家公司有义务履行特定的经济和法律责任,除此之外则撒手不管社会响应:公司为应对某种普遍的社会需要而从事的社会活动社会责任:一家组织在其法律和经济义务之外愿意去做正确的事情并以有益于社会的方式行事的意向The Classical View: the view that managements only social responsibility is to maximize profitsThe Socioeconomic View: the vi

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