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1、天津九年级下册英语单词词汇.单词1.飞机(n.) airpla ne2.香烟 cigarette3.步骤 step4.眼泪 tear5 .交通方式 transport6.出发 departure7.等候室 lounge8.候机厅 departure lounge9.长途客车 coach10.点头( v.)nod11.朝方向towards二.词组1.动身 set off2.下车 get off3.不能做某事 be unable to do sth.4.仍有许多事要做 have a long way to go5.因为 because of sth./doing sth.6. 坐船去 take a

2、 boat to /by boat7.去观光 go sightseeing / do some sightseeing/take a tour to8.充足的 (可数 /不可数名词 )plenty of9.最好不要做某事 had better(not) do sth.10.去远足 ,去散步 go for a (long) walk11.装满的 be full of/be filled with12.把装满fill with.13.过得很愉快 have a great(good)time/have fun/enjoy oneself14.发生 (无被动 )take place15.盼望 look

3、 forward to sth./doing sth.16.返回,飞回 get back to , fly back to 17.最后 in the end/at last18. 到 末为止by the end of.19.在末尾at the end of .20.梦想做某事 dream about/of sth./doing sth.21.大声/小声 be in a loud/low voice22.把推开pushaway23.就 as soon as24.在 的前面 in fro nt of25.在 的前部 in the front of26.即使 even if/though27.抓住某

4、人的胳膊 hold one s arm28.眼里含着泪 with tears in his eyes.29.在 的开始 at the start/beginning of30.数字,数量(动词跟单数) the number of31.很多(动词跟复数) a number of32.对负责 be responsible for33.对有伤害do harm to34.飞机起飞,脱下, take offModule21.或者 或者 .either or既不 也不 .neither nor两者都 both and2.对担心 be worried about/worry about3.一些有

5、趣的事情 something interesting4.别的地方 somewhere else5.看一眼 have a look(at)6.与一样大 as big as7.我确定,我打赌 I bet8.对 很吃惊 be surprised at sth. - 让某人感到吃惊的是 to one s surprise9 .参加考试 take/have exams10.通过考试 pass the exam11.中学 secondary school/high school12.小学 primary/elementary school13.在出勤 be present14.缺勤 be absent15

6、.作演讲 make a speech/give a talk16.休息一下 have a break/rest17.代表 stand for18.也,与.样好as well as19.卷入,牵涉到 be involved in20.课外活动 after-school activities21.例如 such as/for example22.家长会 parents meeting23.独自,靠自己 on one s own/by oneself24.把收好put away25.帮助某人做某事 help sb.(to )do sth.a)help sb.with sth.忍不住做某事 cant

7、help doing dinning hall27.整理,打扫 tidy up/clean up28.另外,并且 in addition(to)/as well as29.代替,而不是 instead of sth./doing sth.30.据估计 It is estimated that 据说 It is said that据报道 It is reported that .31.从 中受益 benefit from32.以自己的速度 at one s own pace33.互助组 support groups34.聚在一起 get together35.以便于 ,目的是

8、 so that36.与交友,交往 socialize withModule 3一单词1.辩论 n. debate2.医学 n.medicine3.疾病 n.disease/illness4.夫妻 n.couple5.日常饮食 n.diet二.词组 6.防止;预防 v.prevent7.猜想 v.suppose8.放松的 adj.relaxed9.年龄最大的;年长的 adj. eldest/oldest1.(从)跌落 fall off/fall down from .2.与结婚 get married to sb结婚多久be married fo叶一段时间3.过一种幸福的生活 lead a h

9、appy life4.完成了的 be finished with5.谈到,说到 speaking of/talking of6.与不一样 not as/so as7.在某人的业余时间in one s free/spare time8.阻止某人做某事 keep/prevent/stop sb from doing sth9.在过去 in the past10.一生 all one s life11.一份全职工作 a full-time job 一份兼职工作 a part-time job12.记得去什么 remember to do sth 记得做过什么 remember doing sth 帮

10、助某人做某事.help with sth./(to)do sth.13.听说 hear of/hear about14.结果是 as a result15.感兴趣做某事be interested in sth./doing interested to do sth16.几个 a couple of17.专心 focus on18.总之 in conclusion19.照顾 care foModule 4一.单词1.连衣裙 n.dress2手套 n.glove3.外套; 大衣 n. overcoat4.围巾; 头巾 n.scarf,scarfs或 scarves5.尺码;号 n.s

11、ize6.店员 n. shop assistant7.标志;商标 n.logo8.广告 n.advertising9.设计师n.&由著名设计师设计的(衣服)adj.designer10.美元 n.dollar二.词组 11.个性;性格 n.personality12.合适,合身 v.fit13.成功;做到 v.succeedn.success14.厚的,浓密的 adj.thick15.xx 的;酷的 adj.cool16.流行,xx,时尚 fashion流行的;时髦的;时尚的 adj. fashionable17.put on众所周知的;著名的adj.well-knownl.穿上(表动作) 穿

12、上(表状态) have on/get dressed化妆 dress up2.在左 /右边 on the left/right3.吸引某人的注意catch/draw one s attention4.最重要的是 above all5 .炫耀,显示 show off6.建议做某事 suggest sb.doing sth.advise sb. to do sth.7.拒绝做某事 refuse to do sth.8.计划做某事 plan to do sth.9.盼望做某事 look forward to sth.look forward to doing sth.10.决定去做 decide t

13、o do sth.11.看一眼 take/have a look at .12.改变主意 change one s shop for .14.喜欢,支持 go for15.品牌服装 designer clothes16.成功做某事 succeed in (doing )sth. have success in (doing) sth.Module5一、单词1.规则,制度 rules2.建议 suggestionsadvice3.绳子 rope4.xx,溪流 stream5.山谷vally6场所site7.手势 gesture8.枝条 stick9.树林 woods10.xx

14、hillside11.血 blood12.努力 effort13.顺序 order14.主任,导演 director15.xx 清楚的 clear16.饥饿难忍的 starving17.平静的 peaceful二、词组 18.静止不动的 still19.突然的 sudden突然地 suddenly20.损坏 damage21.原因,造成 cause22.第五 fifthUnit 11.注意听 listen up2.单独离开 go off on one s own3.沿着这条小道走 keep to the path4.领路 lead the way5.去攀岩 go rock climbingUn

15、it 26.整理干净 tidy up/clean up7.伸手去够 reach out8.我们中的三个 the three of us9.我们三个 three of us10.入睡 fall asleepa) 困乏的 be sleepyb) 去睡觉 go to sleep/go to bed11.纹丝不动地站着 stand still12.变坏 go bada)变冷 go coldUnit 313.小心使用 be careful witha)当心某物 look out for/watch out for/be careful of14.登记,签到 sign in/check ina)填表 fi

16、ll in the form15.致使 去做causeto do.16.做出很大努力make a huge effort to do .17.牵涉到,卷入 be /get involved in18.扮演角色,起着作用 play one s part in sth/in doing sth. play one s role in sth/in doing sth.19.把传递给passonto.20.让灯亮着keepon21.为了,目的是 in order to22.养成好习惯 develop good habits23. 对负责 be responsible for .24.点明火 make

17、 open firesModule 6一、单词1.发烧 n.fever2.流感 n.flu3.膝盖 n.knee4.伤口 n.wound5.改善,改进 n.improvement6.xx 发 n.couch7.专家 n.expert8.数量 n.amount9.重量 n.weight10.影响 n.effect11.厨灶 n.cooker12.电击 n.shock13.不在 v.miss14.绊倒 v.trip15.需要 v.require16.击打 v.hit17.呼吸 v.breathe呼吸 n.breath18.修理 v.fix/repaire/mend19.迎面而来的 adj.onco

18、ming20.健康的高兴的 adj.glad/pleased二、词组1.照顾自己 look after oneselfa)take care of oneself2.赶上某人 catch up( with sb.)3.打电话呼救call for help on the phone4.最好做某事 had better do sth.a)最好做某事 had better do sth.5.发烧 have /got a fever6.出事故 have an accident7.运动量 amount of exercise8.把看作 seeas/regard as

19、9.体力 physical effort10.吸毒 take drugs11.医疗保健 health care12.在起作用have an effect on .13.增重 put on weighta)减肥 lose weight14.偶尔,不时地 now and then15.多亏,由于 thanks to/because of/with the help of16.换句话说 in other words17.结果是 as a result18.创立,设立 set upModule7一、单词1为端上,服务(v.)serve2.举办,控制 (v.)hold-held-held3.叉子 (n.

20、)fork4柠檬饮料 lem on ade5 薄饼 pan cake6.勺 spoon7.xx 面包 roll8.xxRome9罗马人 Roman-Romans复数)10谚语 saying11.干杯 cheers12.解释expla in( v.) -expla nati on(n.)13.感觉官能 sense二、词组1.加热 heat up2.准备传统菜prepare a traditional dish3.布置会场 decorate the hall4.事实上 In fact5.手抓饭 finger food6.宴会邀请函 party invitation7.允许做某事 allow doi

21、ng sth. 允许某人做某事 allow sb. to do sth.8.复习 go over=review9. 往往,有 的趋势tend to do .10.对某人要求严格 be strict with sb.a)在某方面要求严格 be strict in sth.11.随便用点 help on eself to sth.12.对很生气be cross with angry with sb.13.期望去做 expect sb. to do sth.14.多呆时间长一些 stay long15.化妆 dress up16.即使 even though/even if17.例如做某

22、事 such as (doing)sth14味道 taste15.主人 owner16.蜜蜂 bee17.官员 officer18.一道菜 courseModule8一、单词1.对话 dialogue2.台词;对话; xxline3.保姆;护士 nurse4.背诵 recite5.角色 role6.(剧院,电影院等的)一排 row7.仆人 servant8.(事物的)一部分 bit9.扮演某角色 play the role of10.极佳的 superb超级的 super二、词组1) 因 而出名 be /become famous forbe /become well-known for2)

23、为.骄傲be proud of/take pride in3)在 18世纪 in the 18thcentury4)因为because of+.n./dinogsth.Because接句子5) 去旅游 take a tour6) 以 来命名name after7) 乐意做某事 be pleased to do pleased with sth.8) 杀了某人 take one s life9) 不幸的 star-crossed10) 扮演的角色play the role/part of 印象深刻的 impressed留下印象 impress印象 impression12.前面的

24、front13.夜生活 nightlife14.音乐剧;音乐电影 musical15.露天的 in the open air16.日本的;日语;日本人 Japanese17.工业 industry18.贸易 trade在 .x扮演角色 play the role/part in 11)与某人结婚 marry somebody 结婚 get/be married结婚多久 have been married for+段时间12)把某人嫁给某人marry sb. to sb.13) 各种类型 all types/kinds of14) 所指的是 refer to15) 在户外,露天 in the o

25、pen airModule9一、单词完成 achieve聪明的 bright书法 handwriting水平 level某些 certain不管多么 however相当地 fairly无论 no matter无论在哪儿 wherever拥有 own每天的 everyday极其重要的 essential二、词组1.付出努力 make an effort to do sth.2.在某方取得进步 make progress in/with sth.3.无论怎样 no matter how=however4.为 而自豪 be proud of/take pride in5在方面擅长/较好/最好旅游业t

26、ourism四分之一 quarter 工业的 industrial 进来的 recent阿拉伯语 Arabicxxtyphoon 重要性 importance 代替 in place of 印度人 Indian 演讲者 speaker 阶段 ,时期 period 表达 express be good/better/best at do well/better/best in6.继续做某事 continue to do sth./doing sth.7.代替 in place of/take the place of/replace instead of(doing)sth.rather tha

27、n do sth.8.被用来 be used for(doing) sth. 被用来去做 be used to do sth.习惯于 be /get used to doing sth.被用来作为be used as. 被用be used by.9.再者,另外 what s more/in addition to/besides10.至少 at least11.或者 或者 either or.12.即使 even though/even if13.在十八世纪 in the 18thcentury14.在的业余时间in one s spare time/in one s free time15.

28、毕竟 after all16.以为基础base on.17.展望未来 look into the future Module10一、单词1.(音乐的)强节奏 beat2.天花板 ceiling3.(去)拿来 fetch4.请再说一遍 pardon5.举起(后接宾语 )raise6.xxforgive7珍爱,财宝(v.&n.) treasure8.归功于 owe9.体贴 kindness10.耐心 patience耐心的 patient耐心的 impatient11.xxgift12.公平的 fair 不公平的 unfair13.模范 model14.楷模 role model二、词组1.保持联

29、系keep/stay in touch with sb.i .与某人取得联系 get in touch with sb.2.对而感到自豪 be proud of/take pride in3.与一起分享 share sth.with sb.4.一直 all the time5.对某人要求严格 be strict with sb. a)在某方面要求严格 be strict in sth.6.祝你成功 wish/make you successi.希望某人做某事 wish do sth.ii.希望是(虚拟语气)I wish that Iwerea bird.7.归功于oweto.8.偿还 pay back9.诚挚地,衷心地from the bottom of one s heart10.打算做某事 intend to do sth.11.作演讲 make/give a speech12.返回 go back to=return to 而13 .与 交朋友 make friends with a)create friendship with 而14.申请 apply for15.作决定 make a decision16.有可能的 be likely to do sth.15价值 value有价值的 valuable16.决定(n.

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