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1、世界名人演讲稿世界名人演讲稿 罗斯福:国会珍珠XX演讲 Mr.Vice President,Mr.Speker,Members of the Sente,nd of the House of Representtives:Yesterdy,December 7th,1941- dte which will live in infmy-the United Sttes of meric ws suddenly nd delibertely ttcked by nvl nd ir forces of the Empire of Jpn. The United Sttes ws t pece wit

2、h tht ntion nd,t the solicittion of Jpn,ws still in converstion with its government nd its emperor looking towrd the mintennce of pece in the Pcific.Indeed,one hour fter Jpnese ir squdrons hd commenced bombing in the mericn islnd of Ohu,the Jpnese mbssdor to the United Sttes nd his collegue delivere

3、d to our Secretry of Stte forml reply to recent mericn messge.nd while this reply stted tht it seemed useless to continue the existing diplomtic negotitions,it contined no thret or hint of wr or of rmed ttck. It will be recorded tht the distnce of Hwii from Jpn mkes it obvious tht the ttck ws delibe

4、rtely plnned mny dys or even weeks go.During the intervening time,the Jpnese government hs delibertely sought to deceive the United Sttes by flse sttements nd expressions of hope for continued pece. The ttck yesterdy on the Hwiin islnds hs cused severe dmge to mericn nvl nd militry forces.I regret t

5、o tell you tht very mny mericn lives hve been lost.In ddition,mericn ships hve been reported torpedoed on the high ses between Sn Frncis co nd Honolulu Yesterdy,the Jpnese government lso lunched n ttck ginst Mly. Lst night,Jpnese forces ttcked Hong Kong. Lst night,Jpnese forces ttcked Gum. Lst night

6、,Jpnese forces ttcked the Philippine Islnds. Lst night,the Jpnese ttcked Wke Islnd. nd thi-orning,the Jpnese ttcked Midwy Islnd. Jpn hs,therefore,undertken surprise offensive extending throughout the Pcific re.The fcts of yesterdy nd tody spek for themselves.The people of the United Sttes hve lredy

7、formed their opinions nd well understnd the implictions to the very life nd sfety of our ntion. s commnder in chief of the rmy nd Nvy,I hve directed tht ll mesures be tken for our defense.But lwys will our whole ntion remember the chrcter of the onslught ginst us. No mtter how long it my tke us to o

8、vercome this premeditted invsion,the mericn people in their righteou-ight will win through to bsolute victory. I believe tht Iinterpret the will of the Congress nd of the people when Issert tht we will not only defend ourselves to the uttermost,but will mke it very certin tht this form of trechery s

9、hll never gin endnger us. Hostilities exist.There is no blinking t the fct tht our people,our territory,nd our interests re in grve dnger. With confidence in our rmed forces,with the unbounding determintion of our people,we will gin the inevitble triumph-so help us God. I sk tht the Congress declre

10、tht since the unprovoked nd dstrdly ttck by Jpn on Sundy,December 7th,1941, stte of wr hs existed between the United Sttes nd the Jpnese empire. 副总统先生、议长先生、参众两院各位议员: 昨天,1941年12月7日一个遗臭万年的日期美利坚合众国遭到了日本帝国海空军蓄谋已久的进攻。 合众国当时同日本处于和平状态,并且,根据日本的请求,当时仍在同该国政府和天皇进行会谈,以期维护太平洋和平。实际上,就在日本空军中队已经开始轰炸美国瓦湖岛之后的一小时,日本驻合

11、众国大使还向我们的国务卿提交了对合众国最近致日方信函的正式答复。虽然复函声称继续现行外交谈判似已无用,但并未包含有关战争或武装进攻的威胁或暗示。历史将会证明,夏威夷距日本这么遥远,表明这次进攻是经过许多天或甚至许多个星期精心策划的。在此期间,日本政府蓄意以虚伪的声明和表示继续维护和平的愿望来欺骗美国。 昨天对夏威夷岛的进攻给美国海陆军部队造成了严峻的损害。我遗憾地告诉各位,很多美国人丧失了生命,此外,据报,美国船只在旧金山和火奴XXXX(檀香山)之间的公海上也遭到了鱼雷突击。 昨天,日本政府已发动了对马来亚的进击。 昨夜,日本军队突击了香XX。 昨夜,日本军队突击了关岛。 昨夜,日本军队突击了

12、菲律宾群岛。 昨夜,日本人突击了威克岛。 今晨,日本人突击了中途岛。 因此,日本在整个太平洋地区采取了突然地攻势。发生在昨天和今天的事证实了这一点。美国的RM已经形成了自己的见解,并且十分清楚这关系到我们GJ的安全和生存的本身。 作为三军总司令,我已指示,采取一切措施保卫我们的GJ。 我们整个GJ都将永远记住此次对我们进攻的性质。不论要用多长的时间才能战胜此次蓄谋已久的入侵,美国RM以自己的正义力量一定要赢得绝对的胜利。 我现在预言,我们不仅要做出最大的努力来保卫我们自己,我们还将确保这种形式的背信弃义永远不会再危及我们。我这样说,相信是表达了国会和RM的意志。战争已经开始,无庸讳言,我国RM

13、、我国领土和我国利益都处于严峻危险之中。 相信我们的武装部队依靠我国RM的坚定决心我们将取得必定的胜利,愿上帝保佑我们!我要求国会宣布:自1941年12月7日星期日日本发动无端的、卑鄙的进攻时起,合众国和日本帝国之间已处于战争状态。 林肯:葛底斯堡演讲 Four score nd seven yers go our fthers brought forth on this continent, new ntion,conceived in Liberty,nd dedicted to the proposition tht ll men re creted equl. Now we re en

14、gged in gret civil wr,testing whether tht ntion,or ny ntion so conceived nd so dedicted,cn long endure.We re met on gret bttle-field of tht wr.We hve come to dedicte portion of tht field,s finl resting plce for those who here gve their lives tht tht ntion might live.It is ltogether fitting nd proper

15、 tht we should do this. But,in lrger sense,we cn not dedicte-we cn not consecrte-we cn not hllow-this ground.The brve men,living nd ded,who struggled here,hve consecrted it,fr bove our poor power to dd or detrct.The world will little note,nor long remember wht we sy here,but it cn never forget wht t

16、hey did here.It is for us the living,rther,to be dedicted here to the unfinished work which they who fought here hve thus fr so nobly dvnced.It is rther for us to be here dedicted to the gret tsk remining before us-tht from these honored ded we tke incresed devotion to tht cuse for which they gve th

17、e lst full mesure of devotion-tht we here highly resolve tht these ded shll not hve died in vin-tht this ntion,under God,shll hve new birth of freedom-nd tht government of the people,by the people,for the people,shll not perish from the erth. 八十七年之前,我们的祖先在这大陆上建立了一个GJ,它孕育于自由,并且投身给一种理念,即所有人都是小时候起平等的。

18、时下,我们正在从事一次伟大的内战,我们在磨练,究竟这个GJ,或任何一个有这种主张和这种信仰的GJ,是否能长久存在。我们在那次战争的一个伟大的战场上集会。我们来到这里,奉献阿谁战场上的一部分土地,作为在此地为阿谁GJ的保存而牺牲了自己生命的人的永世眠息之所。我们这样做,是十分合情合理的。 可是,就更深一层意义而言,我们是无从奉献这片土地的-无从使它成为圣地-也不克不及把它变为许多人景仰之所。那些在这里战斗的猛士,活着的和死去的,已使这块土地神圣化了,远非我们的菲薄能力所能左右。世人会半大注意,更不会长久想的起来我们在此地所说的话,然而他们将永远忘不了这些人在这里所做的事。相反,我们活 着的人应该

19、投身于那些曾在此作战的许多人所英勇推动而尚未完成的事情。我们应该在此投身于我们面前所留存的伟大事情-由于他们的庆幸牺牲,我们要更坚定地致力于他们曾作最后全数贡献的阿谁事业-我们在此立志宣誓,不克不及让他们白白死去-要使这个GJ在天主的保佑之下,获患上新生的自由-要使那民有、民治、民享的政府不致从地球上消逝。 林肯第二次就职演讲 Fellow-Countrymen: t this second ppering to tke the oth of the presidentil office there s less occsion for n extended ddress thn there

20、ws t the first.Then sttement somewht in detil of course to be pursued seemed fitting nd proper.Now,t the expirtion of four yers,during which public declrtions hve been constntly clled forth on every point nd phse of his gret contest which still bsorbs the ttention nd engrosses the energies of the nt

21、ion,little tht is new could be presented.The progress of our rms,upon which ll else chiefly depends,is s well known to the public s to myself,nd it is,I trust,resonbly stisfctory nd encourging to ll.With high hope for the future,no prediction in regrd to it is ventured. On the occsion corresponding

22、to this four yers go ll thoughts were nxiously directed to n impending civil wr.ll dreded it;ll sought to vert it.While the inugurl ddress ws being delivered from this plce,devoted ltogether to sving teing delivered from thisurgent gents were in the city seeking to destroy it without wr-seeking to d

23、issolve the Union nd divide effects by negotition.Both prties deprected wr,but one of them would mke wr rther thn let the ntion survive,nd the other would ccept wr rther thn let it perish,nd the wr Cme. One-eighth of the whole popultion were colored slves,not distributed generlly over the Union,but

24、loclized in the southern prt of it.Their slves constituted peculir nd powerful interest.ll knew tht this interest ws somehow the cuse of the wr.To strengthen,perpetute,nd extend this interest ws the object for which the insurgents would rend the Union even by wr,while the Government climed no right

25、to do more thn to restrict the territoril enlrgement of it.Neither prty expected for the wr the mgnitude or the durtion,which it hs lred yttined.Neither nticipted tht the cuse of the conflict might cese with or even before the conflict itself should cese.Ech looked for n esier triumph,nd result less

26、 fundmentl nd stounding.Both red the sme Bible nd pry to the sme God,nd ech invokes His id ginst the other.It my seem strnge tht ny men should dre to sk just Gods ssistnce in wringing their bred from the swet of other mens fces,but let us judge not,tht we be not judged.Tht of neither hs been nswered

27、 fully. The lmighty hs His own purposes.Woe unto the world becuse of offenses;for it must need be tht offenses come,but woe to tht mn by whom the offense comet.If we shll suppose tht mericn slvery is one of those offenses which,in the providence of God,must needs come,but which,hving continued throu

28、gh His ppointed time,He now wills to remove,nd tht He gives to both North nd South this terrible wr s the woe due to those by whom the offense cme,shll we discern there in ny deprture from those divine ttributes which the believers in living God lwys scribe to Him?Fondly do we hope,fervently do we p

29、ry tht thi-ighty scourge of wr my speedily pss wy?Yet,if God wills tht it continue until ll the welth piled by the bondsmns two hundred nd fifty yers of unrequited toil shll be sunk,nd until every drop of blood drwn with the lsh shll be pid by nother drwn with the sword,s ws sid three thousnd yers g

30、o so still it must be sidThe judgments of the Lord re true nd righteous ltogether. With mlice towrd none,with chrity for ll,with firmness in the right s God gives us to see the might,let us strive on to finish the work we re n,to bind up the ntions wounds,to cre for him who shll hve borne the bttle

31、nd for his widow nd his orphn,to do ll which my chieve nd cherish just nd lsting pece mong ourselves nd with ll ntions. 各位同胞: 在这第二次的宣誓就职典礼中,不像首届就职的时候那样需要揭晓长篇演讲。在阿谁时候,对于当时所要举行的事业几多作一具体的说明,似乎是适当的。现在四年任期已满,在最近战时的每个重要时刻和阶段中-这个战争至今仍为举国所关怀,还且占用了GJ大多力量-都时常公布文告,以是现在很少有什么新的进展可以奉告。我们的军事进展,是一切其他问题的要害所在,各界人士对此情

32、形是跟我一样熟悉的,而我相信进展的环境,可使我们全体RM在理由感应中意和鼓舞。既然可以对未来寄予泼天的但愿,那末我们也就不待在这一方面作什么预言了。 四年前在与此同一场合里,所有的人都焦虑地注意一场即未来临的内战。各人害怕它,想尽了要领去制止它。当时我正在这里作就职演讲,全力以赴想不消战争要领而能 保存联邦,然而本城的反叛分子的代理人却没法不消战争而破坏联邦-他们力求瓦解联邦,并以谈判的要领来支解联邦。双方都声称阻挡战争,可是有一方XX愿兵戈而不肯让GJ保存,另一方则XX肯接受这场战争,而不肯GJ死亡,于是战争就来临了。 我们全国人口的八分之一是黑奴,他们并不是遍布整个联邦,而是局部地漫衍于南方。这些奴隶构成了一种特别而重大的权益。各人懂患上这种权益可说是这场战争的原因。为了加强、连结及扩展这种权益,反叛分子会不惜以战争来分裂联邦,而政府只不外要限制这种权益所在地域的扩张。当初,任何一方都没有想到这场战争会进展到今朝那末大的范围,连续那末长的时间。也没有料到冲突的原因会随冲突本身的终止而终止,甚至会在冲突本身终止之前而终止。双方都在追求一个较轻易的胜利,都没有期望获致带根本性的

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