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本文(高考英语一轮复习专题01《LivingwithTechnology》精品学案牛津译林版.docx)为本站会员(b****4)主动上传,冰豆网仅提供信息存储空间,仅对用户上传内容的表现方式做保护处理,对上载内容本身不做任何修改或编辑。 若此文所含内容侵犯了您的版权或隐私,请立即通知冰豆网(发送邮件至service@bdocx.com或直接QQ联系客服),我们立即给予删除!


1、高考英语一轮复习专题01LivingwithTechnology精品学案牛津译林版2013年高考英语一轮复习精品学案 专题01 Living with Technology(牛津译林版)核心词汇一、根据句意及中文提示写出所缺单词的完全形式1.The place is _(可到达的)to the public.2. She is o_(反对)to our plan.3.The young scientist is applying for a _(专利的)on his recent invention.4.Newton discovered many of the important _ (原理

2、)of physics. 5. When Darwin first put forward his theory of e_(进化), many people doubted it. 二、译出下列短语17. 在电力公司上班 18. 面对面 19. 有一个合理的观点 20. 也 21. 专注于 22. 拨错号码 23. 因某种原因 24. 浪费你宝贵的时间 25. 短信 26. 心理更健康 27. 重视和平生活 28. 额外 29. 使我们摆脱新技术 30回到更为简单的时代 重点句式根据中文提示完成下列句子 3.同时,电子元器最终变得很小。到六十年代后期,便携式录音机被研制了出来。电视台使用的录

3、相机也随之出现。Meanwhile, electrical components eventually became so small that, by the late 1960s, portable cassette players were developed, along with video recorders _ were used by TV stations.(P3)4.当你在做某项研究时,你可能想要尽快地得到一些特定的信息。You may want to obtain some specific information _ when you are doing researc

4、h. (P3) 5.例如:无论在什么情况下,当电话铃声响起时,为了能接电话,一切都要停下来。For example, _ the circumstances, when the phone rings, everything stops so that the call can be answered. (P14)重要知识详解一、重要词汇(单词+词组) (1) delay 词性 _ 意为_词性 _ 意为_(2) 推迟做某事 _(3) 毫不耽搁地,立即 _【即时巩固1】根据汉语提示,完成句子(1)耽搁多时之后,调查结果终于公布了。After much _, the results of the

5、survey were published. (2)我很抱歉拖了这么久。Im sorry that Ive _ so long. (3)我们必须立刻离开。We must leave _.词汇-2. construct【教材原句】John Logie Baird constructed the first color TV in 1928,but it was not until 1938 that the first color TV programme was broadcast. (P2)【即时巩固2】根据汉语提示,完成句子(1)他们用了两年时间建这座桥。 It took them two

6、 years to _ the bridge. (2)这是木质结构的建筑。The building is a _ of wood. 词汇-3. distribute【教材原句】They also make TV accessible to people who live far away from cities, and satellite dishes can often be seen distributed throughout the countryside and remote areas.(P2)【即时巩固3】根据汉语提示,完成句子(1)这种蝴蝶在我国分布很广。This speci

7、es of butterfly is widely _ over our country.(2)已经向难民分发了衣服和毯子。Clothes and blankets have been _ among the refugees.词汇-4. wind【教材原句】The first record players had to be wound up by hand and only played a record that were two minutes long. (P3)【例句研读】翻译句中划线部分(1) The nurse wound a bandage around my finger

8、so that bleeding could be stopped. (2) Remember to wind the clock every night before you go to bed if you do not want it to stop. (3) The Great Wall winds its way across north China like a dragon. (4) The weather was hot, without a breath of wind. 词汇-5. foresee【教材原句】Who can foresee what the future w

9、ill bring?(P3)【例句研读】翻译句中划线部分(1) It is hard to foresee what will happen. (2) Nobody could foresee his running away. (3) We should have foreseen the trouble months ago. (4) There is a possibility of severe water shortages in the foreseeable future. 词汇-6. assume【教材原句】Many people assume that the Amish m

10、ust have religious reason, but this is not true.(P14)【例句研读】翻译句中划线部分(1) I assumed that he had gone for a walk. (2) He assumed a look of surprise. 【自主归纳】assume (1)词性 _ 译为_ (2)名词形式为:_【即时巩固6】事实证明她的设想是错的。The facts proved her _ wrong. 词汇-7. keep in touch with【教材原句】With mobile phones, we can keep in touch

11、with others wherever we are. (P1)【即时巩固7】根据汉语提示,完成句子(1) 我们已有很多年与玛丽没有联系了。 We have been _ _ _ _ Mary for many years.(2) 尽快与他取得联系。 _ _ _ _ him as soon as possible.(3) 有时老人好像与现代社会失去了联系。Old people sometimes seem to _ _ with the modern world.词汇-8. benefit from【教材原句】However, most people still benefit from s

12、atellite TV, as local TV companies broadcast the signals they get from satellite receivers to the population living nearby.(P2)【例句研读】翻译句中划线部分(1) Many children in the area benefit from the books he donated. (2) The sea air will benefit you. (3) The fresh air is beneficial to our body. (1) 据说瑜咖功对人体健康有

13、极大好处。It is said Yogo _ human health. (2) 我做这个是为了帮助他。I did it_. (3)植物得益于这场雨。 The plants _ the rain. (4) 我们得益于每天做操。 We _ daily exercises. 词汇-9. make.accessible to【教材原句】They also make TV accessible to people who live far away from cities, and satellite dishes can often be seen distributed throughout th

14、e countryside and remote areas.(P2) (1)只有少数几个人能看到有关该案全部事实的材料.Only a few people have _ to the full facts of the case. (2)图书馆假期里对学生开放。The library is _ to students in the vacation. (3)去洗手间要经过大厅。_ to the restrooms is through the hall.词汇-10. ridof【教材原句】Maybe we should rid ourselves of modern technology a

15、nd return to simpler times.(P15)【例句研读】 翻译句中划线部分(1) We want to help rid the team of this pressure. (2) As a student, I should rid myself of bad habits. (3) He cant get rid of the cold. 二、重点句型梳理(含重点语法):1. 【教材原句】 John Logie Baird constructed the first colour TV in 1928,but it was not until 1938 that th

16、e first colour TV programme was broadcast.(P2)It was not until the early 1950s that most tape recorders began using plastic tape as they do today. (P3)【句法分析】句中though意思为:然而。though放在句首意为:虽然,等于although; 放在句中或句末表示;然而;用于倒装句时表示;虽然,相当于as。as though意为:好象;even though意为:即使。【即时巩固12】根据汉语提示,完成句子(1)你去过北京吗? 没有,不过,我

17、想去。Have you ever been to Beijing? No,_.(2)虽然那时正在下雨,我们还是去了那里。_,we went there.(3)她闭上眼睛,好象很疲惫。She closed her eyes _.(4)尽管我反对他,我得说,他是一个诚实的人。He is an honest man, I must say, _.(5)虽然他是个孩子,但他懂得很多。Child _, he knows a lot.【即时巩固13】用适当的词,完成下面的句子(1) The desk the legs of_ are broken is being repaired now.(2) A p

18、erson _ e-mail account is full wont be able to send or receive any e-mails.(3) The foreign guests, most of _ were government officials, were warmly welcomed at the airport.4. 【教材原句】You may want to obtain some specific information as fast as possible when you are doing research. (P3) 【句法分析】as fast as

19、 possible 表示:尽快地。此句型还可以说成:as fast as sb can。注意:as as中间的那个词必须是形容词或副词的原形。还须注意,中间的这个词不可能是possible。5. 【教材原句】For example, no matter what the circumstances, when the phone rings, everything stops so that the call can be answered. (P14)【句法分析】句中no matter what引导让步状语从句。no matter what the circumstances后省去一个are

20、。句中no matter what可以用whatever来替换。引导名词性从句时,只能用whatever, 不可用no matter what。【即时巩固15】用whatever, no matter what完成句子(1) _ the reason is, you shouldnt have turned down his proposal.(2) She would tell him _ news she got.【M7U1参考答案】核心词汇二、译出下列短语1. keep in touch with 2. contribute to the development of TV 3. mak

21、e important breakthroughs 4. in the late 1920s 5. allow TV to be broadcast live 6. at the same time 7. live far away 8. make TV accessible to people 9. benefit from 10. be wound up by hand 11. with the development of 12. over a long distance 13. send electrical signals 14. in truth 15. vote on 16. d

22、eal with strangers 17. work at the electric company 18. face to face 19. have a valid point 20. as well 21. be absorbed in 22. dial the wrong number 23. for some reason 24. waste your precious time 25. text messages 26. a higher degree of mental health 27. value living in peace 28. for good measure

23、29. rid ourselves of modern technology 30. return to simpler times 重点句式根据中文提示完成下列句子 1. it was not until; that 2. though 3. which 4. as fast as possible 5. no matter what重要知识详解词汇-2. construct 【例句研读】翻译句中划线部分 (1)建一个飞机模型。(2)在建设中。【自主归纳】(1) v 分发,分配: 分开, 把分类;散布 distribution(2) 在之间分配 (3) 把分成【即时巩固3】根据汉语提示,完成

24、句子(1)distributed (2)distributed 词汇-4. wind【例句研读】翻译句中划线部分。(1)缠绕 (2)上发条(3)蜿蜒而行(4)风【自主归纳】(1) n 风; 转动;弯曲,摇,一圈,一转(2) v 缠绕;上发条;蜿蜒;转动; 包,裹 (3) wound wound (4) wind ones way词汇-6. assume【例句研读】翻译句中划线部分。(1) (想当然的)认为(2)呈现 (2) 【自主归纳】(1) v 假定为,(想当然的)认为;呈现(2)assumption 【即时巩固6】assumption 词汇-8. benefit from【例句研读】翻译句

25、中划线部分(1)受益于(2)海对你有好处。 (3)对有好处。【自主归纳】(1)benefit from (2)benefit sb. (3) beneficial (4)do good to, be good for (5)do harm to, be harmful to 【即时巩固8】根据汉语提示,完成句子(1) is of great benefit to (2) for his benefit (3) benefited from (4) benefit from词汇-9. make.accessible to【例句研读】翻译句中划线部分(1)可得到的 (2)有接近的权利 (3)通道【

26、自主归纳】(1) adj. 可得到的,可利用的, 可接近的:易受影响的(2) n 入口,通道; 接近的机会/权利(3) be accessible to sb.(4) have access to sth.【即时巩固9】用适当的词完成下列各句(1)access (2)accessible (3)Access词汇-10. ridof【例句研读】 翻译句中划线部分(1)使这个团队摆脱压力。(2)改掉我的坏习惯。(3)摆脱【自主归纳】译出下列词组(1) v. 使摆脱, 使免除 rid rid(2) rid sb/ oneself of sth(3) be/ get rid of【即时巩固10】根据汉

27、语提示,完成句子(1) get rid of (2) get rid of (3)rid himself of二、重点句型梳理(含重点语法):单元知识综合练第一部分 基础知识训练(一)单词拼写1. One of the d_(缺陷)to living on a main road is the constant noise day and night.2. The machine broke down because one of its _ (部件) had gone wrong.3. The bridge is still under_ (建造), which will hopefully

28、 be completed before the end of this month.4. The system has been designed to give students quick and easy access to_ (数字化的) resources of the library.10. Your return ticket is_ (有效的) for two weeks. (二)单项填空1. .Frank put the medicine into a top drawer to make sure it would not be _ to the kids.A. accessible B. able C. available D. alternative2. Her mother had been worrying about her until she finally _. A. wound up B. took up C. turned up D. held up3. After g

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