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1、PMP项目管理之沟通管理练习题沟通章节练习题1.公司决定外包其技术支持中心。在一个概念项目验证后,许多用户抱怨沟通不畅,因此公司终止该项目并外包支持中心。这项决定的驱动因素是什么?A.验收测试B.产品审查C.阈值控制界限D.客户反馈2.In a virtual organization, what should be done to manage the flow of project information during the planning stage?A. Develop a structured communications management planB. Establish

2、a formal channel for communicationsC. Assemble a team of people that work in the same time zone.D. Review lessons learned form previous virtual project2.在一个虚拟组织中,应事先完成下列哪一项来管理规划阶段的项目信息流?A.制定结构化的沟通管理计划。B.制定正式的沟通渠道。C.组建一支在相同时区工作的人员团队。D.审查过往虚拟项目的经验教训。 3.A project by ineffective weekly team meetings. So

3、me more vocal team members are turning the meetings into lengthy discussions of areas they view as problematic.To improve the meetings effectiveness, what should the project manager do?A.Increase the length of the meetings.B.Exclude the more vocal team members from the meetings.C.Ensure that no team

4、 members feelings are hurt.D.Set clear agendas with specific time limits for each item.3.项目经理对无效率的团队周会感到失望。一些发言更为积极的团队成员都将会议转向他们认 为有问题的领域进入长时间的讨论。若要提高会议的效率,项目经理应该怎么做?A.增加会议时间。B不让发言更为积极的团队成员参加会议。C.确保没有团队成员感觉受到伤害。D.设定明确的议程,为每个事项限制具体的时间。4.A consultant informs the project manager that an internal custom

5、er resource is working on the project and wants to be informed of project status. What document should be updated?A.Organization chartB.Procurement contractC.Communications management planD.Meeting minutes4.一位顾问告知项目经理,一名内部客户资源正在为项目工作,并希望获知项目状态。哪份文件应更新?A.组织图B.采购合同C.沟通管理计划D.会议记录5.A company must develo

6、p a project management culture to survive in a changing environment. In the past, the organizations vision was driven by the supply department. However, the supply departments vice president (VP), who is a key project stakeholder, refuses to adopt the new culture.How can alignment with this new cult

7、ure be obtained?A.Invite the VP to project meetings.B.Speak with the VP to determine the issue s root cause.C.Conduct coaching sessions with the VP.D.Ask management to schedule a strategic meeting with all project stakeholders.5.为了在不断变化的环境中生存下来,公司必须制定项目管理文化。过去,该组织的愿景主要受供应部门驱动。然而,作为关键项目相关方的供应部门副总裁却拒绝

8、采用新文化.如何能够获得对这种新文化的一致认可?A.邀请供应部门副总裁参加项目会议B.与供应部门副总裁谈话,确定问题的根本原因C.给供应部门副总裁开辅导课D.让管理层安排一次所有项目相关方参与的战略会议6.A team member is inconsistent with the delivery of tasks and has been late for the last three project status meetings. This impacts the projects critical path.What should the project manager do?A.S

9、peak privately with the team member.B.Remove the team member from critical-path tasks.C.Address the issue during the next project status meeting.D.Ignore the issue.6.一名团队成员不遵守任务交付时间,过去三次项目状态会议都迟到。这影响到项目关键路径。项目经理应该怎么做?A.与该团队成员私下谈谈B.将该团队成员从关键路径任务上移除C.在下一次项目状态会议上解决该问题D.忽视该问题7.A project manager will com

10、municate with three community members and three internal customers. How many communication channels will the project have?A.10 B.15 C.21 D.367.项目经理将与三名社区成员和三名内部客户沟通。项目将有多少个沟通渠道? A.10 B.15 C.21 D.368.A project manager invites a customer to monthly meetings, but the but the customer does not always at

11、tend. What should the project manage do?A.Continue to invite the customer.B.Update the risk register. .C.Escalate the issue to the project sponsor.D.Review and update the communications management plan.8.项目经理邀请客户参加月会,但客户不常参加。项目经理应该怎么做?A.继续邀请客户B.更新风险登记册C.将该问题上报给项目发起人D.审查并更新沟通管理计划9.A new project inclu

12、des stakeholders from various countries with different expectations. What should the project manager do to ensure that all stakeholders will be informed about the project status?A.Develop a communications management plan.B.Develop a project charter.C.Develop a stakeholder register.D.Develop a stakeh

13、older management plan.9.新项目包括来自不同国家、带有不同期望的相关方。若要确保所有相关方都能获得项目状态的通知,项目经理应该怎么做?A.制定沟通管理计划B.制定项目章程C.制定相关方登记册D.制定相关方管理计划10.During a projects implementation phase, the project manager must communicate a scope change and obtain approval from multinational key stakeholders. Which of the following communic

14、ation methods should the project manager use?A.Push communicationB.Interactive communicationC.Stakeholder communicationD.Pull communication10.在项目实施阶段,项目经理必须沟通范围变更,并获得跨国关键相关方的批准。项目经理应采用下列哪一种沟通方法?A.推式沟通B.交互式沟通C.相关方沟通D.拉式沟通11.Due to an internal organizational. Restructure. The deliverables of key strat

15、egic projects are substantially delayed. The organizations CEO is surprised to learn this.What should the project manager have done to avoid this?A. Reprioritized impacted projects B. Defined a communications management planC. Complied with performance reportingD. Defined a stakeholder management pl

16、an11.由于内部组织结构调整,重点战略项目的可交付成果被严重推迟。该组织的首席执行官听到此消息感到十分惊讶若要避免这个问题,项目经理应该事先做什么?A. 未受影响的项目重新排列优先顺序B. 制定一份沟通管理计划C. 尊从绩效报告D. 制定一份相关方管理计划12.A project manager communicates with different project stakeholder at various levels, sharing different types of project information at any given time. The project manag

17、er now needs to send a data report to a specific group of project stakeholders.What communication method should the project manager us?A. InteractiveB. PushC. IndividualD. Pull12.项目经理与不同层次的不同项目相关方沟通,在任何给定时间分享不同类型的项目信息。项目经理现在需要向某一特定项目相关方组别发一份数据报告。项目经理应该使用什么沟通方法?A 交互式沟通B 推式沟通C. 个体沟通D. 拉式沟通13.A new pro

18、ject manager joins a team midway through a project. The project has five influential stakeholders and 30 project team members. The project manager wants to update the team on the project status.What should the project manager use?A. Communications management planB. Shared workspaceC. Informal status

19、 meetingsD. Stakeholder management plan13.新项目经理在项目中途参加团队。项目有五位有影响的相关方和 30 名项目团队成员。项目经理希望向团队更新项目状态。项目经理应该怎么做?A. 沟通管理计划B. 共享的工作空间C. 非正式状态会议D. 相关方管理计划14.The portfolio manager and the project director complain that they are missing essential project information required for decision making. The project

20、manager knows that this information is available in the project reports and that both stakeholders have been identified to receive them.What should the project manager do to resolve this?A. Review and update the project reports.B. Review and update the stakeholder register.C. Send both, stakeholders

21、 an email with the latest project report.D. Review and update the communications management plan.14.项目组合经理和项目总监抱怨说他们缺少制定决策所需的基本项目信息。项目经理了解到这些信息在项目报告中的提供,而且这两名项目相关方均已被识别接收这些报告。 若要解决这个问题,项目经理应该怎么做?A. 审查和更新项目报告。B. 审查并更新相关方登记册。C. 向两名项目相关方发送一封电子邮件,附上最新项目报告。D. 审查并更新沟通管理计划。15.Project stakeholders are dissa

22、tisfied with the type information provided in the project managers monthly report. What caused this?A. Stakeholders were not invited to the projects kick-off meeting.B. The project requirements document is inaccurate.C. The stakeholder communication strategy is ineffective.D. The responsible, accoun

23、table, consult, and inform (RACI) matrix is improperly defined.15.项目相关方对项目经理月报中提供的类型信息不满意。这是什么原因造成的?A. 未邀请项目相关方参加项目启动大会。B. 项目需求文件不准确。C. 相关方沟通策略无效。D. 执行、负责、咨询和知情(RACI)矩阵未正确定义。16.A customer disagrees with the development manager on project cost estimates. The project manager meets with the customer, a

24、nd the development manager to obtain alignment.What is the project manager using?A. Conflict managementB. Cost estimationC. Project governanceD. Project approval16.客户与开发经理对项目成本估算意见不一致。项目经理与客户和开发经理开会获得一致。项目经理使用的是什么?A. 冲突管理B. 成本估算C. 项目治理D. 客户批准17.After discovering that several external stakeholders we

25、re not properly identified, a project manager devises a method to better identify them. What should the project manager update to ensure that the issue and solution are communicated to the entire companys project management Community?A. Lessons learnedB. Stakeholder management planC. Communications

26、management planD. Project management office (PMO) documentation17.发现多个外部相关方未正确识别后,项目经理发明一种方法,以便更好的识别这些相关方。为确保将这个问题和解决方案与整个公司的项目管理群体沟通,项目经理应更新什么?A. 经验教训B. 相关方管理计划C. 沟通管理计划D. 项目管理办公室(PMO)文档18.Before the stakeholder meeting. What communication method should the project manager use to obtain key stakeho

27、lder approval of the project management plan?A. EmailB. InteractiveC. PullD. push18. 在相关方会议之前,项目经理应使用什么沟通方式获得相关方对项目管理计划的认可?A. 电子邮件B. 交互式沟通C. 拉式沟通D. 推式沟通19.A project manager assigns an activity to a team member. The team member performs the activity as the understood. However, the results do not meet

28、 the project managers expectationsTo avoid this situation, what tool should have been used?A. Interactive communicationB. Active listeningC. Encode and decodeD. Push communication19. 项目经理将一项活动分配给团队成员。团队成员按其理解执行活动。但是,执行结果未能满足项目经理的期望。为避免这种情况,项目经理应该事先使用什么工具?A. 交互式沟通B. 积极倾听C. 编码和解码D. 推式沟通20.Before proje

29、ct status meeting, the project manager uses electronic mail to report project progress and project performance reports. What communication method project manager used?A. Interactive communicationB. Push communicationC. Pull communicationD. Active communication20. 在状态会议前,项目经理采用电子邮件邮寄进度和绩效报告。这使用的是哪种类型

30、的沟通方法?A. 交互式沟通B. 推式沟通C. 拉式沟通D. 主动式沟通答案1.参考答案:D2.参考答案:A3.参考答案:D。解析:会议管理是采取步骤确保会议有效并高效地达到预期目标。规划会议时应采取以下步骤:准备并发布会议议程(其中包含会议目标);确保会议在规定的时间开始和结束; 确保适当参与者受邀并出席;切题;处理会议中的期望、问题和冲突;记录所有行动以及所分配的行动责任人。4.参考答案:C。解析:内部客户资源希望获知项目状态,这是相关方的沟通需求,要记录在沟通管理计划中。5.参考答案:B。解析:首先确定副总裁拒绝采用新文化的根本原因,然后再寻找解决方案。6.参考答案:A。解析:首先推荐非

31、正式口头沟通,与该名成员私下交流。7.参考答案:C。解析:1+3+3=7,7*6/2=218.参考答案:D。解析:沟通管理计划,里面有:相关方的沟通需求、需要沟通的信息、发布信息的原因 等。邀请了客户,却不常参加。需要先审查沟通管理计划,看看是否沟通的需求没有满足客户导致不常参加,并在之后对计划进行更新。9.参考答案:A。解析:确保相关方能够接收到信息,要制定沟通管理计划。10.参考答案:B。解析:范围变更,是涉及了基准的变更,需要使用交互式沟通,即交互沟通。11.参考答案:B。解析:对消息感到惊讶,说明没有保持及时的沟通。12.参考答案:B。解析:向某一特定项目相关方发一份数据报告,这是把信息发送出去,推式沟通。13.参考答案:A。解析:pm 希望传递信息,应该通过沟通管理计划。14.参考答案:D。解析:相关方被包含在接受报告的名单中,但还是抱怨缺少某些方面的信息,说明沟通方法,沟通渠道等还是有问题,应该更新沟通管理计划。15.参考答案:C。解析:提供的信息不满意,说明时传递信息产生了问题,这是沟通的问题。16.参考答案:A。解析:相关方意见不一致,这是有冲突,PM 与他们开会解决冲突。17.参考答案:C。解析:此问题和方案要和“整个公司的

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