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1、电池规格书模板Specification Approval Sheet产品规格承认书Customer 客户名称:域拓Model 产品型号:4LType 产品类型:Li-ion batterySpecification产品规格:3.7V/1400mAH signed by client客户签名Confirmed确认:Checked 审核:Approved 批准:signed by manufacturer生产商签名Prepared 制定:肖泽建Checked 审核:Approved 批准:丁明谊AMENDMENT RECORDSModification TimeDescriptionIssued

2、 DateApproved By0New release2015-06-26Catalogue 目 录 1 .Battery type and scope电池型号和适用范围 This Specification Approval Sheet is for rechargeable Li-polymer battery provided by Shirui Battery Co., LTD.This product is according with the national standard of PRC. GB/T18287-2000. General specification of li

3、thium-ion battery for cellular phone.本规格书为时瑞电池有限公司提供的可充电式锂离子电池规格。此产品符合中华人民共和国国家标准GB/T18287-2000蜂窝电话用锂离子电池总规范。1 . :model产品型号:4L2 . Basic character and compose of battery电池的基本特性及组成2 . 1: fundamental performance parameter of battery电池基本性能参数:S/N序号Details内 容parameters参 数remarks备 注1Rated voltage额定电压3.7V2R

4、ated capacity额定容量1400mAHdischarge with 0.2C to 2.75V after Complete charge within 1h, measuring the discharge power完全充电后1小时内,用0.2C放电至2.75V,测量其放电电量。截止电压2.9-3.1V3Limited charge voltage充电限制电压4.25V4internal resistance内 阻150m5charge mode充电方式C.C/C.V.恒流/恒压方式恒流/恒压6Charge time充电时间6HStandard charging 0.2C 280

5、mA标准充电0.2C(280mA)2.5H1C(280mA)7Max Charge Current最大充电电流1400mA9Max discharge current最大放电电流Lasting 持 续:1400mATransient peak瞬间峰值: 2800mA10Working temperature工作温度charging充电时045discharging放电时-206011Storage temperature贮存温度1 Month一个月-2060Charge to 40%50% of capacity when storage贮存时应充电至容量的40%50%6 months六个月-

6、203012Storage humidity贮存湿度Relative humidity65 20%RHrelative humidity相对湿度13weight重 量约32g14Self-discharging自放电When the battery pack is without load, certain operational current is consumed since the cell protects the circuit, thus leading to the bringing down of pack voltage. For long storing time, pl

7、ease supplement the charging and note the “seventh. Special notice”Pack before shipping出贷标准Charged with about 25-35% power and the voltage is 3.8-3.95 V being shipping.15Identify resistanceID识别电阻68KTo ground16Cycle life循环寿命300 times300循环次capacity60容量60If you need the battery protection parameters, p

8、lease refer to PAGE 11.如需参考电池保护参数,请参阅第11页。2 . 2:Main components and parts主要零部件 Materials 材料 材料model型号规格quantity数 量related technical parameters相关技术参数manufacturer厂商li-ion battery cell锂离子电池芯484461AR1PCSPlease refer to the battery cell specification请参照电芯规格书/protection board保 护 板XHY-FHLN-4L1PCS/ 2 . 3:Re

9、gular performance and unfailing performance产品常规性能和可靠性能S/N序号inspection item检验项目Standard标 准Testing Method测试方法1high temperature property高温性能discharge with 0.5C5A not less than 100mins under 55 + 2 ,the appearance without distortion and crack.电池在552,用0.5C5A放电时间不少于102min,电池外观无变形、无爆裂.set the battery 2h in

10、 the environment with 552 after Complete charge, then discharge with 0.5C5A完全充电后置于552,2h用0.5C5A放电2Low temperature property低温性能discharge with 0.2C5A not less than 3h under -202,the appearance without distortion and crack.电池在-202,用0.2C5A放电时间不少于3h,电池外观无变形、无爆裂.set the battery 16-24h in the environment w

11、ith -202 after Complete charge, then discharge with 0.5C5A,then set the battery in 205, 2h later observe the battery appearance 完全充电后置于-202,16-24h用0.2CA放电,结束后将电池置于205条件下搁置2h,观察电池外观.discharge with 0.2C5A not less than 3.5h under -102,the appearance without distortion and crack在-102,用0.2C5A放电时间不少于3.5h

12、,电池外观无变形、无爆裂.set the battery 16-24h in the environment with -102 after Complete charge, then discharge with 0.5C5A,then set the battery in 205, 2h later observe the battery appearance完全充电后置于-102,16-24h用0.2C5A放电,结束后将电池置于205条件下搁置2h,观察电池外观.3Capability of keeping electricity荷电保持能力Discharge not less than

13、 4.25h放电时间不少于4.25hOpen circuit 28d under the environment with 205 after complete charge, then discharge with 0.2C5A完全充电后,在205条件下,将电开路搁置28d,再0.2C5A放电.4Constant damp and hot property恒定湿热性能Battery appearance should have no obvious deformation, rust, smoke or explosion, discharge time not less than 36mi

14、n电池外观应无明显变形、锈蚀、冒烟或爆炸,放电时间不低于36min.After complete charge, shelve the battery in the condition of 402 Relative humidity is 90% - 95% with constant temperature and humidity, 48h later, shelve it in 205 2h, then discharge with 1C5A完全充电后,在402,相对湿度为90%-95%的恒温恒湿条件下搁置48h后,再取出放在205条件下搁置2h 再以1C5A放电.5shake振动Ba

15、ttery appearance should have no obvious deformation, rust, smoke or explosion, voltage not less than 3.6V电池外观应无明显变形、冒烟或爆炸,电池电压不低于3.6V.After fully charged with 0.38 mm amplitude, make 10Hz 30Hz resonant frequency, batteries installed in vibration bench, set up X.Y.Z three direction from swept-frequen

16、cy rate for 1oct/min, circular sweep frequency vibration 30min完全充电后,以0.38mm振幅作谐振10Hz55Hz的频率,将电池安装在振动台上,设置好X.Y.Z三个方向上从扫频速率为1oct/min, 循还扫频振动30min6Free Drop Test自由跌落Battery appearance should have no leakage, no smoke or explosion, but allowed slight deformation 电池允许轻微变形,但应不漏液,不冒烟,不爆炸。After crash test,

17、the sample batteries are dropped on the 18-20mm hardwood of the concert floor from 1000mm height according to positive and negative 6 direction of X,Y,Z. Each direction should test one time.碰撞试验结束后,将样品电池从1000mm高处自由跌落于水泥地面上的18-20mm厚的硬木板上,从X,Y,Z正负六个方向每个方向1次.7Performance of overcharge protection过充电保护性能

18、Batteries should be no explosion, no fire, no smoke or leakage电池应不爆炸,不起火,不冒烟或漏液.After the battery is fully charged, the battery should be loaded 8h with constant current source. The constant current source sets to 2 times nominal voltage and current sets 2CA.电池完全充电结束后,用恒流恒压源给电池加载8h,恒流恒源设定为2倍标称电压,电流设

19、定为2C5A8Performance of over-discharge protection过放电保护性能Batteries should be no explosion, no fire, no smoke or leakage. 电池应不爆炸,不起火,不冒烟或漏液.Under the conditions of an ambient temperature 205,the battery discharge in the conditions of 0.2C5A until voltage is termination. And then, battery discharge 24h w

20、ith connecting a 30load resistance.电池在环境温度205的条件下,以0.2C5A放电至终止电压后,外接30负载电阻放电24h.9Performance of short-circuit protection短路保护性能Batteries should be no explosion, no fire, no smoke or leakage; batteries voltage is not less than N*3.6V after instantaneous charge.电池应不爆炸,不起火,不冒烟或漏液;瞬时充电后电池电压不低于N*3.6V.Afte

21、r battery is fully charge, positive and negative electrode should be circuit 1h with 0.1.And,battery should be charged 5S instantaneous with 1C5A after positive and negative electrode are cut off.电池完全充电后,将正负极用0.1电阻短路1h,将正负极断开后,电池以1C5A电流瞬时充电5S.10Short-circuit Test短路No fire, No explosionThe outside te

22、mperature ofbattery is not higher 150.不起火,不爆炸,电池外部温度不高于150.Keep the connected electric couple battery in a fume hood and make positive and negative short circuit(the total resistance should be less than 50m). Tester should monitor temperature changes. If the temperature of battery drops to about 10

23、lower than the max temperature, test is finished.本项试验将接有电热偶的电池置于通风橱中,短路其正负极(线路总电阻不大于50m),监视温度变化,当电池温度下降到比峰值低约10时,试验结束.11Cycle life循环寿命Charging life cycle is over 300 times循环寿命不低于300次容量大于60%.After 300 cycle,Capacity 60%The battery used for testing of cycle life should be charged with constant 0.5CA a

24、t constant temperature of 205.The battery is charged with constant voltage till 20mA when it is charged to the limited voltage. Then discharge it with constant 0.5C5A till the end voltage after stop charging for 0.5-1h, repeat the next cycle. It means the discharging time less than 36min of two cons

25、ecutive cycles while reaching its end of the life.电池循环寿命试验应在205,以0.5CA充电,当电池端电压达到充电限制电压时,改为恒压充电,直到充电电流小于或等于20mA,停止充电搁置0.5h-1h,然后以0.5C5A电流放电至终止电压,放电结束后,搁置0.5-1h,再进行下一个循环,直至连续两次放电时间小于36min.则认为寿命终止.12Storage贮存Fullychargethebattery,whichisnewmanufacturedshorterthan3months,with0.2C,thendischargetimesless

26、then4hours .电池贮存3个月,经完全充电后,0.2C5A,放电时间不小于4h.The storage test of battery should be selected a battery which is less than 3 month from production date to the date of experiment. Before storage, battery capacity should be full charged 40%50% capacity, the ambient temperature is 205 and relative humidit

27、y is 45%-75%.After the storage expiration of battery, battery should be charged and discharged according to fully charged and discharged.进行贮存试验的电池应选自生产日期到试验日期不足3个月的电池,电池贮存前应按完全充电的40%50%的容量,在环境温度205,相对湿度45%-75%的环境中贮存,贮存期满后,电池按完全充放电制进行充放电. 2 . 4:Contour Dimension of the Battery电池外形尺 2.5 Label(Not to s

28、cale)标贴3 . Specifications of Parts零部件规格3 . 1: fender DW01-P,8205A保护板DW01-P,8205A3 . 2:general electric and protection characters一般电气与保护特征Model of Protection IC : DW01-P 保护IC的型号:DW01-PItems项 目Specification规 格Remarks备 注Over-charging Protection Voltage过充电保护电压4.28V0.05VOver-charging Return Voltage过充回复电压

29、4.08V0.10VOver-discharge Protection Voltage过放电保护电压2.4V0.10VOver-discharge Return Voltage过放回复电压3.0V0.10VOver-current Protection过电流保护2-5ADetection Delay Time of Over-charging Protection过充电保护侦测延时时间200msDetection Delay Time of Over-discharging Protection过放电保护侦测延时时间120mSDetection Delay Time of Over-current Protection过电流保护侦测延时时间20mSDetection Delay Time of Output short-circuit Protection输出短路保护侦测延时时间320US(Typical)Internal Resistance of Proper Functioning正常工作内阻60mConsume Current消耗电流6.0uA3 . 2 electric schematic diagram of battery电池电路原理图: 3.3 PCB layout 电路布局图

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