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1、INCOTERMS2000年国际贸易术语解释通则英文版图片: INCOTERMS 2000 Entry into force 1st JAN2000 EXWEX WORKS (. named place)“Ex works means that the seller delivers when he places the goods at the disposal of the buyer at the seller s premises or another named place ( i. e. wa&s, factory, warehouse, etc. ) not cleared fo

2、r export and not loaded on any collecting vehicle. This term thus represents the minimum obligation for the seller, and tile buyer has to bear all costs and risks involved m taking the goods from the sellers premises.However, if the parties wish the seller to be responsible for the loading of the go

3、ods on departure and to bear the risks and all the costs of such loading, this should be made clear by adding explicit wording to this effect in the contract of sale1 . This term should not be used when the buyer cannot carry out the export formalities directly or indirectly. In such circumstances,

4、the FCA term should be used, provided the seller agrees that he will load at his cost and risk.THE SELLERS OBLIGATIONSTHE BUYERS OBLIGATIONSA1 Provision of goods in conformity with the contractThe seller must provide the goods and the commercial invoice, or its equivalent electronic message, in conf

5、ormity with the contract of sale and any other evidence of conformity which may be required by the contract.B1 Payment of the priceThe buyer must pay the price as provided in the contract of sale.A2 Licences, authorisations and formalitiesThe seller must render the buyer, at the latters request, ris

6、k and expense, every, assistance in obtaining, where applicable2 , any export licence or other official authorisation necessary for the export of the goods.B2 Licences, authorisations and formalitiesThe buyer must obtain at his own risk and expense any export and import licence or other official aut

7、horisation and carry out,where applicable3 all customs formalities for die export of the goods.A3 Contracts of carriage and insurancea) Contract of carriage No obligation4.b) Contract of insurance No obligation5. B3 Contracts Of carriage and insurancea) Contract of carriage No obligation6. b) Contra

8、ct of insurance No obligation7. A4 DeliveryThe seller must place the goods at the disposal of the buyer at the named place of delivery, not loaded on any collecting vehicle, on the date or within the period agreed or, if no such time is agreed, at the usual tiny, for delivery of such goods. If no sp

9、ecific point has been agreed within the named place, and if there are several points available, the seller may select the point at the place of delivery which best suits his purpose.B4 Taking deliveryThe buyer must take delivery of the goods where they have been delivered in accordance. with A4 and

10、A7/B7.A5 Transfer of risksThe seller must, subject to the provisions of B5, bear all risks of loss of or damage to the goods until such time as they have been delivered in accordance with A4.B5 Transfer of risksbuyer must bear all risks of loss of or damage to the goodsfrom the time, they have been

11、delivered in accordance with A4; and from the agreed date or the expiry date of any period fixed for taking delivery which arise because he fails to give notice in accordance with B7, provided, however, that the goods has been duly appropriated to the contract, that is to say, clearly set aside or o

12、therwise identified as the contract goods. A6 Division of costsThe seller must, subject to the provisions of B6, pay all costs relating to the goods until such time as they have been delivered in accordance with A4.B6 Division of costsThe buyer must payall costs relating to the goods from the time t

13、hey have been delivered m accordance with A4; andany additional costs incurred by failing either to take delivery of the goods when they have been placed at his disposal, or to give appropriate notice in accordance with B7 provided, however, that the goods have been duly appropriated to the contract

14、, that is to say, clearly set aside or otherwise identified as the contract goods; andwhere applicable8 , all duties, taxes and other charges as well as the costs of can out customs formalities payable upon export.The buyer must reimburse all costs and charges incurred by the seller in rendering ass

15、istance in accordance with A2.A7 Notice to the buyerThe seller must give the buyer sufficient notice as to when and where the goods will be placed at his disposal.B7 Notice to the sellerThe buyer must, whenever he is entitled to determine the time within an agreed period and/or the place of taking d

16、elivery, give the seller sufficient notice thereof.A8 Proof of delivery, transport document or equivalent electronic messagesNo obligation9B8 Proof of delivery, transport document or equivalent electronic messagesThe buyer must provide the seller with appropriate evidence of having taken delivery.A9

17、 Checking packingmarkingThe seller must pay the costs of those checking operations (such as checking quality, measuring, weighing, counting) which are necessary for the purpose of placing the goods at the buyers disposal.The seller must provide at his own expense packaging (unless it is usual for th

18、e particular trade to make the pods of the contract description available unpacked) which is required for the transport of the goods, to the extent that the circumstances relating to the transport (for example modalities, destination) are made known to the seller before the contract of sale is concl

19、uded. Packaging is to be marked appropriately.B9 Inspection of goodsThe buyer must pay the costs of any pre shipment inspection, including inspection mandated by the authorities of the country of export.A10 Other obligationsThe seller must render the buyer at the latters request, risk and expense, e

20、very assistance in obtaining any documents or equivalent electronic messages issued or transmitted in the country of delivery and/or of origin which the buyer may require for the export and/or import of the goods and, where necessary, for their transit through any country.The seller must provide the

21、 buyer, upon request, with the necessary information for procuring insurance.B10 Other obligationsThe buyer must pay all costs and char incurred m obtaining the documents or equivalent electronic messages mentioned in A10 and reimburse those incurred by the seller in rendering his assistance in acco

22、rdance therewith.1 Refer to Introduction Paragraph11(2 Refer to Introduction Paragraph14(3 Refer to Introduction Paragraph14(4 Refer to Introduction Paragraph10(5 Refer to Introduction Paragraph10(6 Refer to Introduction Paragraph10(7 Refer to Introduction Paragraph10(8 Refer to Introduction Paragra

23、ph14(9 Refer to Introduction Paragraph10(FCAFREE CARRIER (. named place)Free Carrier means that the seller delivers the goods, cleared for export, to the carrier nominated by the buyer at the named place. It should be noted that the chosen place of delivery has an impact on the obligations of loadin

24、g and unloading the goods at that place. If delivery occurs at the sellers premises, the seller is responsible for loading. If delivery occurs at any other place, the seller is not responsible for unloading.term may he used irrespective of the mode of transport, including multimodal transport.Carrie

25、r means any person who, in a contract of carriage, undertakes to perform orto procure the performance of transport by rail, road, air, sea, inland waterway or by a combination of such modes.If the buyer nominates a person other than a carrier to receive the goods, the seller is deemed to have fulfil

26、led his obligation to deliver the goods when they me delivered to that person.THE SELLERS OBLIGATIONSTHE BUYERS OBLIGATIONSA1 Provision of goods in conformity with the contractThe seller must provide the goods and the commercial invoice, or its equivalent electronic message, in conformity with the c

27、ontract of sale and any other evidence of conformity which may be required by the contract.B1 Payment of priceThe buyer must pay the price as provided m the contract of sale.A2 Licences, authorisations and formalitiesThe seller must obtain at his own risk and expense any export licence or other offi

28、cial authorisation and carry out, where applicable1, all customs formalities necessary for the export of the goods.B2 Licences, authorisations and formalitiesThe buyer must obtain at his own risk and expense any import licence or other official authorisation and carry out, where applicable2, all cus

29、toms formalities for the import of the goods and for their transit through any country.A3 Contracts of carriage and insurancea) Contract of carriageNo obligation3. However, if requested by the buyer or if it is Commercial practice and the buyer does not give an instruction to the contrary in due tim

30、e, the seller may contract for carriage on usual terms at the buyers risk and expense. In either case, the seller may decline to make the con tract and, if he does, shall Promptly notify the buyer accordingly.b) Contract of insuranceNo obligation4B3 Contracts of carriage and insurancea) Contract of carriageThe buyer must contract at his own expense for the carriage of the goods from the named place, except when the contract of carriage, is made by the seller as provided for in A3 a).b) Contract of insuranceNo obligation5.A4 Delivery

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