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1、英语知识点总结英语知识点总结Unit 1重点词组:1. go to summer camp 去夏令营2. stay at home待在家3. go on vacation去度假4. long time no see好久不见5. go to the mountains去爬山6. in the past 在过去7. take photos照相8. keep a diary写日记9. quite a few相当多10. most of the time大部分时间11. go shopping购物12. of course当然13. have a good time玩得开心14. because of

2、 因为15. go on 继续16. wait for等待17. find out 发现18. in excitement 兴奋19. walk around四处走20. jump up and down跳来跳去重点句型1、Where did you go on vacation? 你到哪里去度假了?2、I went to New York City. 我去了纽约城3、Did you go out with anyone? 你和人一起出去的吗? 4、No, No one was here. Everyone was on vacation.不,没有人在。大家都去度假了。5、Did you bu

3、y anything special? 你买了什么特别的东西吗? 6、Yes, I bought something for my father. 对,我给父亲买了一些东西。7、How was the food? 食物怎么样? 8、Everything tasted really good. 每一样东西真的都好吃。9、Did everyone have a good time? 大家玩的开心吗? 10、Oh, yes. Everything was excellent. 对,一切都很精彩。Unit2重点词组1.on weekends 在周末2.go to the movies 去看电影3.he

4、lp with 帮助 least 至少5.swing dance 摇摆舞6.less than 少于7.go camping 去露营 sports 运动 9.junk food 垃圾食物 good for 对.有好处 11.go to the dentist 看牙医12.such as 例如13.hardly ever 几乎不 14.more than 超过 15.go online 上网16.stay up late 熬夜17.have piano lessons 上钢琴课 18.the answer to .的答案19.use/surf the Inte

5、rnet 上网 20. how often多久一次重点句型1. What do you usually do on weekends? 你周末通常做什么? 2. I always exercise. 我总是锻炼身体。3. What do they do on weekends? 他们周末干什么? 4. They often help with housework. 他们经常帮助干家活。5. What does she do on weekends? 她周末干什么? 6. She sometimes goes shopping. 她有时购物。7. How often do you go to t

6、he movies? 你多久看电影一次? 8. I go to the movies maybe once a month. 我可能一个月看一次。9. How often does he watch TV? 他多久看电视一次?10. He hardly ever watches TV. 他几乎不看电视。11. Do you go shopping? 你购物吗? 12. No, I never go shopping. 不,我从来就不购物。Unit3重点词组 the drums 打鼓 2.singing competition 歌唱比赛 long as 只要 di

7、fferent from 与.不同5.bring out 带来 abut 关心 fact 事实上8.Both.and.两者都9.the same as 与.一样 good at 擅长 11.make friends 交朋友12.primary school 小学 与.一样14.share sth with sb 与某人分享某事15.bring out best in sb 把最好的 good with 与友好 about 谈论 class 在课上19.get good grades 获得好的成绩 sim

8、ilar to 与相同重点句型:1. Is Tom smarter than Sam? 汤姆比山姆更聪明吗?2. No, he isnt. Sam is smarter than Tom. 不,他不是。山姆比汤姆更聪明。3. Is Tara more outgoing than Tina? 塔拉比提拉更外向吗? 4. No, she isnt. Tina is more outgoing than Tara.不,她不是。提拉比塔拉更外向。5. Are you as friendly as your sister? 你和你姐姐一样友好吗? 6. No, Im not. Im friendlier

9、.不。我更友好。7. Does Tara work as hard as Tina? 塔拉和提拉工作一样努力吗? 8. Whos more hard-working at school? 在学校谁更努力? 9. Tina thinks she works harder than me.提拉认为她比我工作更努力。10. I think I am taller now than I was two years ago. 我认为我比我两年前更高了。Unit 41. play a role 扮演角色 2. thank for 因感谢3. and so on 等等 4. all kinds of 各种各

10、样5. so far 到目前为止6. be up to 由决定7. common 与共同之处 8. for example 例如 9. take.seriously 严肃对待10. look for 寻找11. in town 在城里12. close to 接近13. no problem 没问题 14. come true 实现15. make up 编造16. play a role in 在中起作用17. all 一点也不 18. around the world 世界各地19. talent show 才艺节目20. pretty bad 相当差重点句型

11、1. Whats the best movie theater to go to? 什么是最好的电影院?2. Its the closest to home. 它离家最近。3. You can buy tickets the most quickly there。你可以最快买到票。4. Which is the worst clothes store in town? 在城镇里最差的服装店是哪家?5. Its worse than Blue Moon.蓝月亮是最差的。6. It has the worst service.它有最差的服务。7. I think 970 AM is pretty

12、bad. It has the worst music.我认为970AM十分差。它有最差的音乐。8. How far is it from your home?它离你家有多远?9. How much is meal?一餐饭多少钱?10. My cousin Li Jing is the funniest person I know.我堂兄李静是我认识的人里最有趣的。Unit 51.soap opera 肥皂剧2.learn.from 从学习3.find out 发现4.have a discussion about 讨论 famous for 因出名6.plan to do 打算7.t

13、ry ones best 尽最大努力8.action movie 动作片 9.scary movie 恐怖片10.expect to do 期待11.dress up 装扮 ready to 准备 e out 出现14.take ones place 代替 a good job 做的好 a role 扮演 love for 喜欢18.think of 想起19.face danger 面临危险20.go to the cinema 去看电影重点句型1. What do you think of talk shows? 你觉得脱口秀节目怎么样?2.

14、 I dont mind them. 我不介意他们。3. What do you want to watch? 你想看什么电视?4. She plans to watch Days of our past tonight.她打算今晚看我们过去的日子。5. I hope to find out whats going on around the world.我希望发现在世界正在发生什么。6. Do you plan to watch the news?你打算看新闻吗?7. Why do you like watching the news? 为什么你喜欢看新闻?8. I cant stand t

15、hem.我不能忍受他们。9. I dont mind them. 我不介意他们。10. What can you expect to learn from sitcoms?你期望从情景喜剧中学到什么?Unit 6重点词组:1. keep on doing sth.坚持不懈 2. be sure about/of 对有把握3. make sure 确保4. try ones best 尽力5. send sth. to sb. 把.寄/送给某人6. make the soccer team 组建足球队7. take lessons 上课8. write down 写下9. tell sb. ab

16、out sth.告诉某人关于某事10. have in common有共同的11. make a promise (to sb) 向许诺12. make a resolution 下决心,制定计划13. take up 开始从事,占据(时间,空间)14. make oneself a better person 使自己更优秀15. for this reason 由于这个原因16. ones own personal improvement 某人自我提高17. improve ones relationship with 改善与的关系18. dont have to 不必19. finish

17、high school 高中毕业20. forget about 忘记重点句型1. 你长大后打算做什么?What do you want to be when you grow up?2. 我打算成为一名计算机程序设计员。Im going to be a computer programmer.3. 你打算怎么去做呢?How are you going to do that?4. 我打算学习计算机科学。Im going to study computer science.5. 我知道为什么你如此擅长写故事。I know why youre so good at writing stories.

18、6. 不是每个人都知道他们想做什么。Not everyone knows what they want to be .7. 你将在哪里工作呢?Where are you going to work?8. 你将在何时开始?When are you going to start?9. 在年初我们下决心的时候,我们希望能提高我们的生活。When we make resolutions at the beginning of the year, we hope that we are going to improve our lives.10. 由于这个原因,一些人说最好的决心是没有决心。For th

19、is reason, some people say the best resolution is to have no resolutions.Unit 7重点词组1. on computer 在电脑上,通过电脑2. in 100 years在一百年之后3. live to be 200 years old 活到200岁4. be in great danger处于巨大危险之中5. play a role in doing sth. 在某事中起作用6. live in 居住在7. space station 太空站8. help with 帮助9. over and over again 反

20、复地10. look like 看起来像11. in the future 在将来12. wake up 醒来13. disagree with 不同意14. fall down 倒下15. look for 寻找16. as a reporter作为记者17. take a holiday 度假18. when possible 可能的时候19. fly up into the sky 飞往天空20. in life 在生活中重点句型1. 你认为人们家里将会有机器人吗?Do you think there will be robots in peoples homes?2. 在百年之后,人们

21、会使用钱吗?Will people use money in 100 years?3. 将来人们会活到200岁吗?Will people live to be 200 years old?4. 未来将会是什么样子? What will the future be like?5. 城市将会有更多的污染。Cities will be more polluted.6. 孩子们将会在家用电脑学习。Kids will study at home on computer.7. 在将来更少的人会做那样的工作,因为它们很无聊,但是机器人将永远不会疲惫。Fewer people will do such job

22、s in the future because they are boring, but robots will never get bored.8. 我认为学生将来不需要词典因为机器人会告诉他们单词的意思。I think students wont need dictionaries because a robot will tell the meanings of words.9. 今天已经有机器人在工厂工作了。 Today, there are already robots working in factories.10. 二十年前这是不可能的,但是在一百年前,电脑和火箭也是不可能的。T

23、his was not possible 20 years ago, but computers and rockets also seemed impossible 100 years ago.Unit 8重点词组:1. turn on 打开2. cut up 切碎3. milk shake 奶昔4. pour into 倒入5. another 10 minutes再加十分钟6. a cup of 一杯7. take out 取出8. give thanks for sth.对表示感谢9. in the autumn 在秋天10. at this time 在这个时候11. these d

24、ay 目前,如今12. the main dish 主菜13. fillwith用装满14. coverwith 用盖15. serve to sb 用招待16. the reason for 的理由17. one by one 一个一个地18. its time to do sth是时候做某事19. in a high temperature在高温下20. by doing sth. 通过做某事重点句型1. 把牛奶倒进食物搅拌器里。Pour the milk into the blender. 2. 我们来做香蕉奶昔吧。Lets make a banana milk shake.3. 你知道

25、如何植树吗?Do you know how to plant a tree?4. 你想再来杯茶吗?Would you like another cup of tea?5. 你需要多少香蕉?How many bananas do you need?6. 我们需要多少酸奶? How much yogurt do we need?7. 你是如何制作香蕉奶昔的? How do you make a banana milk shake?8. 现在是时候享受米线的时候了。 Its time to enjoy the rice noodles.9. 当它好了时,把火鸡放在一个大盘子里并且用肉汁盖浇。When

26、 it is ready, place the turkey on a large plate and cove it with gravy.10. 今天,大多数的美国仍然以在家与家人一起吃大餐的方式来庆祝这个感恩的想法。 These days, most Americans still celebrate this idea of giving thanks by having a big meal at home with their family.Unit 9重点词组:1. prepare for an exam 为考试做准备2. go to the doctor去看医生3. have

27、a flu患感冒4. last fall去年秋天5. hang out 闲逛6. catch you on Monday周一见7. study for a test为考试学习8. the day before yesterday前天9. the day after tomorrow后天10. haveclass上课11. look after照顾12. accept an invitation接受邀请13. make a invitation 发出邀请14. turn down a invitation 拒绝邀请15. have a surprise party 举行惊喜派对16. look

28、forward to 期待17. if so如果是这样18. make it能成功19. by Wednesday 在星期三以前20. reply in 回复重点句型:1. 你能在星期六下午参加我的派对吗? Can you come to my party on Saturday afternoon?2. 你呢,特德?How about you, Ted?3. 当然,我愿意。Sure, Id love to.4. 不好意思,我必须为考试复习。Sorry, I must study for a math test.5. 你可以明天晚上去看电影吗?Can you go to the movies

29、tomorrow night?6. 恐怕不行,我感冒了。Im afraid not. I have the flu.7. 不行, 她没空。No, she is not available.8. 放学后,你打算做什么? What are you going to do after school?9. 你将和谁一起去看电影? Who are you going to the movies with?10. 你周六有空来我的地方吗? Are you free to come to my place on Saturday?Unit 10重点词组:1. take a taxi坐出租车2. give s

30、b. some advice给某人一些建议3. make friends交朋友4. make money赚钱5. order food from a restaurant从餐馆订购食物6. travel around the world环游世界7. get an education收到教育8. go to college上大学9. have problem with在 方面有问题10. the worst thing is to do nothing最糟糕的事是什么也不做11. in the end最后12. make careless mistakes犯粗心的错误13. advice sb. about建议14. talk to 与某人谈话15. run away from逃离16. solve a problem解决问题17. cutin half劈成两半18. worry about 担心19. say sorry to给某人道歉20. get into a fight with和某人吵架/打架重点句型:1. 如果你去参加派对,你会玩得很开心。If you go to the party youll have a great time.

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