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1、语言基础知识一一、语言基础知识及应用(词汇部分)1. 您能举例讲一讲介词beyond的用法吗?答:beyond一词是近年介词考查的热点。看看下面几个例句:a. Beyond the mountains was the border territory. (beyond 在另一边;越过)b. The disco went on beyond midnight. (beyond迟于; 过了以后)c. Inflation has now risen beyond the level of 5%.(beyond超出的范围; 非所及)d.Algebra was always beyond me.(be

2、beyond sb. 对某人来说太难)2._I havent had any success. _, Ill keep trying.A. By far; However B. So far; But C. As far; However D. So far; However答: 选D. so far迄今为止, 到目前为止. but是连词, however是副词. 这里要用表示转折意义的副词.3. -I usually go there by train.-Why not _by boat for a change?A. to try going B. trying to go C. to t

3、ry and go D. try going答: 选D. why not后接动词原形, try doing sth.意思是: “试着做”, try to do sth.意思是: “努力/尽力做”4. Some people would rather ride bikes as bike riding has _of the trouble of taking buses.A. nothing B. none C. some D. neither答: 选B, none= not any (of)5. The _ look on her face suggested she was disappo

4、inted at it.A. disappointing B. disappointed His look was _, so no one dared to get close to him.A. frightened B. frightening为什么这两题答案都是B? 请老师翻译一下这两个句子.答: 弄清两个形容词意义的区别就不难理解了, interesting和interested是我们最熟悉的: interesting是指事物本身 “有趣的”; 而interested是指人对事物 :感兴趣的”. 同样的. disappointing是指事物本身让人 “失望的”; disappoint

5、ed是指人对事物 “感到失望的”. frightening和frightened的区别也一样:frightening是指事物 “令人害怕的”,frightened是指人对事物 “感到害怕、恐惧”。.这两个句子可翻译成:(1) 她脸上失望的表情表明她对这件事感到失望。(2) 他的表情令人害怕, 没人敢靠近他。6_new factories _been set up in my hometownA. A great deal of; have B. A good many hasC. Many a ; has D. great many ;have为什么不能选C?答:本题考查两个知识点:(1)“许

6、多”的英语表达及修辞关系;(2)主谓一致。 C项不对, 因为many a +单数可数名词。7. He had to jump over the _ wall to fetch the ball.A. six foots high B. six feet high C. six-foot-high D. six-feet-high为什么不能选D?答: 复合名词作定语, 类似的表达: a five-year-old boy (一个五岁的男孩), 复合名词中的 year不能用years.8. It is important to employ a word or phrase to the _ in

7、 language studies.A. situation B. expression C. condition D. translation为什么不能用translation?答: 本题考查名词意义的区别. 题意是: 在语言学习中找到适合情景的词语或短语非常重要.9. Be able to 和can的区别是什么?答: can是情态动词, 有 “能、会”的意思 be able to是动词短语, 意思是 “能,能够” 有时候这两个词可互换, 但be able to更强调能力10. -Are you a basketball player? - _.A. Yes. Im B. Yes I was

8、 C. Oh, I used to be D. Oh, I would be答案是C. would be也可以表示过去常常. D为什么不可以呢?答: 这里没有 “过去常常”的意思, 它隐含的意思是: “过去(曾经)是篮球队员, 但现在不是了”, 表示 “过去一度,曾经”用used to: 而would多用来表示过去习惯的动作.11. They reduced the costs _30%.A. as much as B. with as much as C. by as much as D. by as many as这里C和D有何区别呢?答: 答案是C. much和many有区别. 句义是指

9、降低成本的幅度达到30%, 修饰程度、幅度用much, 不用many。12The twins are so much _that it is difficult to tell one from another.A. like B. alike C. same D. similar答案是B。 D为什么不行呢?答: alike相同的,同样的; similar近似的,类似的 说两个双胞胎非常像, 用alike更准确。13 In some fewer-developed countries, farmers are forced to plant cash crops in order to pay

10、 off the countrys debts.(单句改错)该题如何改?为什么?答: fewer-developed改为less-developed(意即 “欠发达的”).14. How fun it is to see my classmate running fastest in the race! 错在哪?答: What fun!因为fun是名词.15. Never mind是否等于It doesnt matter/Thats OK? 上次我遇到一选择题, 选与Never mind相同的项, 同时有这两个选项, 该选谁?答: Never mind在口语中有两个主要意义: 一是 “别担心”

11、相当于dont worry; 另一个是: “没关系, 不要紧”相当于it doesnt matter (about). 所以对表示歉意的回复, 可以说Never mind! Thats all right. It doesnt matter. Thats OK!16. Many graduates in China do best to go broad to seek their _.A. luck B. chance D. fortune D. fate答案是C. A和B从句意上也能讲通呀?答: “to seek ones fortune” means “to try to find su

12、ccess in the world” “寻出路、去闯天下”的意思; “luck”和动词 “try”搭配构成 “try ones luck”(碰运气); “chance”这个词的词义里含有 “(具有某种偶然性的)机会”的意义17. as和like有什么区别吗?答: 作 “象一样”讲, as是连词, like是介词. as也可用作介词, 其意义是 “相同; 作为”.18. _ you can succeed in mastering a foreign language _how hard you work at it.A. That: lies in B. Whether: depends o

13、nC. Whether; is decided by D. If; connected with答案是B. 选C是不是也行呢?答: 选C不行. 选C是受汉语习惯影响而产生的CHINGLISH, 正中命题圈套. 事实上: decide的英文解释中含有make a choice的意思19. 这句话如何翻译Man is born free yet everywhere he is in chains.答: 人生来是自由的然而现在却无处不戴着锁链.20. You cant imagine what great trouble they have _ the problem _.A. to solve;

14、 being discussed B. solving; being talked about答: B. solving; being talked about前一空是固定短语: have great trouble/ difficulty (in) doing sth . 后一空是-ing短语作定语.21. He was wandering in the park, _ his time watching the children playing.A. sparing B. killing答: B. kill ones time 固定短语, “消磨时间”的意思.22. I wont pay

15、200 dollars for the coat: its not worth _.A. that much all B. that all much C. all that much D. much all that请问老师该题选什么? 为什么?答: 选C. all that much. all作副词修饰 that much.23. The problem of over fishing is spreading. Since _ can fish, _ people do.A. anyone, many B. no one, some C. someone most D. anyone,

16、any答: 答案A.since引导的是原因状语从句, 主句中do是代动词-代替前面的动词fish. 句意是: 由于任何人都会捕鱼, 所以很多人捕鱼24. Read more poem slowly, with a slight _ at the end of each line.A. rest B. stop C. pause D. space 该题答案是C, 我不明白, 麻烦老师解释一下!答: 题干中 “略作停顿”的意思, 答案:pause, pause有 “暂停(以后会继续)”的意义;stop 是 “停止”的意思25. We _ several houses but havent boug

17、ht one yet.A. looked into B. looked through C. went over D. went through答: 答案: went over go over 有 “察看” 的意思, 用英文解释: to visit and examine 其他几个短语没有这个意义.26. -Im sorry to keep you waiting. Ill make shorter work of this. - _ Im not in a hurry.A. Take it easy B. Take your timeC. Not at all D. Do as you pl

18、ease答案是B. 选A行吗?答: 题干中信息句Ill make shorter work of this的意思是: 我会尽快做完这件事.Take it easy是 “别紧张、放松点”的意思.Take your time是 “别着急、慢慢来”的意思.显然这个语境中只能用Take your time.27. They had a pleasant chat-a cup of tea.A. for B. with C. during D. over该题答案是D. 请问选C为什么不可以?答: 这里用到over这个介词的比喻意义-“在的时候”, over a cup of tea=while havi

19、ng a cup of tea: 而during不能表达这个意思.类似的用法: to hold a meeting over dinner吃饭时开会;relaxing over a glass of wine一边喝酒一边休息.28._she was afraid at that time, she would have said no to the plan.A. But for B. If C. But that D. When 请问该题选什么? 为什么? 该句如何解释?答: But for “要不是”, 表示与过去或现在事实相反的条件(虚拟条件), 全句翻译为: 要不是他当时害怕, 他就不

20、会同意那个计划.29. Then I stopped _ at a shop in order to get some fresh fruit.A. off B. away C. over D. here答: stop off (非正式) 中途停留, 中途下车eg: Lets stop off for a drink.stop over中途停留, 它强调的是 “较长旅途中的停留”30. 请问wood和wooden有什么区别?答: wood和wooden有区别:wood-n.木材, 木料, 木头, 木柴woodenadj “made of wood”木制的31. _Did the boss tr

21、eat you well?_His attitude to me was like _a friend.A. the one of B. that of答: that做代词, 表示特指概念, 既可指代单数可数名词, 也可指代不可数名词, 相当于 “the+名词”eg: Few pleasures can equal _ of a cool drink on a hot day.从题意分析, 代词指代的热天喝冷饮的 “快乐” 即the pleasure (of a cold drink), 为特指概念, 这儿应填that此处that替代的是 “the+可数名词单数(pleasure)”32. A

22、 book may be compared to the company you keep. If it is good, you cannot keep it _ long; it bad; you cannot get rid of it _early.A. too; very B. so; so C. too; too D. very; too答: 答案: A弄清so, very, too作副词用在意义上的区别, 是正确答题的关键:so-to such a (great) degree强调达到某种程度, “如此” “这么, 那么(以致)”的意思;very-especially; to a

23、 great degree用于加强语气, “很, 非常”not very-in no way; only slightly, to a small degree “决不”、“确实不”; “不大, 稍微”too-more than enough; to a higher degree than is necessary, right, or good. 带有一定的感情色彩, “太, 过分”题中第一空显然用too , “好的公司你不能呆太久”/ “好书你不能拥有太久” (隐含: “尽管主观上你想, 但客观上不能”) 第二空符合not very的第一个意思, 意即: 不好的公司你想尽早摆脱、不好的书

24、你想尽快放弃也决不能实现.33. _his parents are workers.A. Not both B. Not all C. Neither D. None of答: His parents指的是两个人, B D 两项不对; C项 neither作主语时谓语动词用单数.34. New reports say peace talks between the two countries -with no agreement reached.A. have broken down B. have broken outC. have broken in D. have broken up答案

25、是A. 我觉得应选D, 请老师解答一下!答: 弄清break所构成的几个短语在意义上的区别, 尤其是break down和break up的区别;break down用作不及物动词短语, 有 “挫折、失败” (to come to an unsuccessful end)的意思.break up用作及物或不及物动词短语, 也有 “结束、失败、破裂”的意思, 用英文解释为: to come or bring to an end, especially by separation. 理解这个解释, 也就会知道break up所造成的结果里含有 “分开、分离”的意义.再看看句子所表达的意义, 这里用

26、have broken down更恰当.35 turn out后面可接adv. 例如:Everything turned out well. turn out 后面还可接adj. 例如:The boy turned out successful after all.请问老师这两种说法不矛盾吗? 什么时候接adv什么时候接adj?答: 这两种说法不矛盾. 前句中副词well修饰动词短语turn out (here “turn out” means “come out”); 后句中turn out是 “结果(是)、原来(是)、证明(是)”, 作这个意义讲时, 其后可接名词、形容词、to beeg:

27、 The party turned out a success.His statement turned out to be false.36 Common, usual, ordinary有什么区别?答:ordinary强调 “平淡无奇” “很普通”, usual指所熟悉的常用的东西或常发生的事件, common有”习见习闻, 并不高贵”的意思.做做下面几道题:1) My _ chair has been moved from its _place.2) Smith is a _ name in England.3) As _, he arrived last.4) I have got a

28、n(a) _ car, nothing special.(KEY: 1. USUAL, UAUAL 2. COMMON 3. USUAL 4. ORDINARY)37. Could you tell me the difference between require and judge? Thank you!答: require-to need or make necessary 需要eg: This suggestion will require careful thought.-to demand by right 要求, 命令eg: All passengers are required

29、 to show their tickets.judge-判断, 审判, 评判eg: Try to judge the distance from here to the car.Who will judge the case?Experts were invited to judge the exhibits at the flower show.38. so as to和in order to的用法有何区别?答: so as to 和in order to后接动词表示目的, 相当于动词不定式表目的的用法, 他们不同的地方在于: in order to 短语可用在句首, 而so as to短语不能.eg: They are on a spending plan in order to make ends meet.In order to make ends meet, they have to go on a spending plan.第一句中in order to可以用so as to替换; 而第二句不能.39. 请说明convenient一词的用法.答: convenient adj 在句中常用做定语和表语.eg: a convenient hous

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