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1、学年高中英语Unit4FilmsandfilmeventsSectionLanguagePointsWelcometotheunitSection Language Points () (Welcome to the unit & Reading).单词拼写根据汉语或首字母提示,写出下列单词1He does not resemble (看起来像) his brother in any way.2Your actions contradict (与相矛盾) your principles.3We put the product under a boycott (抵制)4He is modest

2、(谦虚的) about his achievements.5The bank is sponsoring (赞助) a sports day for children in the area.6Nothing but water can be seen on the broad ocean.7People who work in banks know about finance8The clerk must have overlooked your name,because he said you werent there.9Dont expose your personal informat

3、ion to the strangers.10Success in making money is not always a good criterion of success in life.拓展词汇根据词性和汉语提示,写出下列单词1represent vt.代表representative n代表2restrict vt.限制,约束restriction n限制,约束3enter vt.进入entry n参赛作品;进入,加入;条目,词条4contradict v相矛盾contradiction n矛盾,对立contradictory adj.相互矛盾的5prefer vt.更喜欢prefe

4、rence n偏爱,偏好6deliberate adj.故意的deliberately adv.故意地v.ionn.adj.lyadv.action n行动association n联系,社团attraction n吸引力certainly adv.当然,是的;一定,无疑clearly adv.清楚地deliberately adv.蓄意地.补全短语根据提示补全下列短语1view as 视为,看作2that is 即,也就是3in defence of 为辩护;防卫4as/so long as 只要5regardless of 不管,不顾,不考虑6point out 指出7have no ac

5、cess to 没有的机会/权利8meet the standard 达到标准9give out 分发;发出;公布,宣布10in a/the minority 占少数.选词填空选用上述短语的适当形式填空1Regardless of danger,he climbed the tower.2In India almost half of the population have no access to electricity.3Children with single parents at my school were in a/the minority4He didnt go;that is,

6、it is not recorded that he did.5The news of the event was given out over the radio.inn. of介词短语inthen.介词短语in advance of 在的前面;超过in case of 假如,万一in charge of 主管,掌管,照管in the way 挡道的,妨碍人的in the air 在空中;未定in the open 在户外;在露天背教材原句记句式结构仿写促落实1.Joining us in the studio are Isabel Rose from the Cannes Film Fes

7、tival,Hanz Muller from the Berlin International Film Festival,.在演播室和我们一起的嘉宾有:来自戛纳电影节的伊莎贝尔罗斯,来自柏林国际电影节的汉茨穆勒,表语部分置于句首的倒装句。Leading to the park is a very delightful road.通向公园去的是一条非常宜人的路。2.Maria,do tell us a little about the Venice Film Festival.玛丽亚,给我们谈谈威尼斯电影节吧。do型强调结构。He did come but soon went back.他的确

8、来过,但很快就回去了。3.Nowadays,if a film wins an award at Sundance,there is a good chance it will become famous!现在,如果一部电影在圣丹斯电影节上获奖,那么它就很有可能出名!There is a (good) chance同位语从句。There is a good chance (that) you will catch up with your classmates.你很有可能赶上你的同班同学。把视为(教材P50)We view film as a particular type

9、of contemporary art.我们认为电影是当代艺术的一种特殊形式。view n 看法;意见;视野;景色;风景in ones view 在某人看来in view 在视野中in view of 鉴于;考虑到on view 在展出;陈列着;上映中at first view 初看;一见(就)In my view,what you need is careful consideration.我认为,你所需要的是仔细的考虑。In view of the weather,now the match will be held indoors.由于天气的缘故,比赛现在将在室内进行。Translati

10、on is viewed as a bridge linking two cultures. 翻译被视为联系两种文化的桥梁。At first view,the problem seemed easy.初看,这个问题似乎是容易的。 in defence of为辩护;防卫(教材P50)Kathy,I dont like to argue,but in defence of the Venice Film Festival,I have to point out that we dont just have Hollywood films.凯西,我不想争论,但是我得为威尼斯电影节说句话,我得指出我们

11、有的不只是好莱坞电影。(1)in ones defencein defence of sb. 为某人辩护(2)defend vt. 保卫,防卫,辩解,辩护defend oneself 自卫defend sb./sth.from/against sb./sth. 保护某人/某物免受某人/某物的伤害They tried to defend themselves against the enemy with all their might.他们竭尽全力抵御敌人以自卫。I must say in her defence that she works very hard.我必须为她说句话,她工作十分努力

12、。I can find nothing to say in defence(defend) of his action.我找不到任何言语为他的行为辩护。The country relied on a large navy to defend itself from/against invasion.这个国家依靠一支庞大的海军来抵御侵略。名师点津由“inn.of”构成的短语常见的还有:in need of 需要 in favour of 赞同,支持in honor of 纪念 in praise of 赞美,表扬in search of 寻找,搜寻 in charge of 负责,主管in ca

13、se of 以防,万一 in face of 面临,面对 regardless of不顾;不管(教材P50)Our policy is to include highquality films,regardless of who makes them.我们的政策是选择高质量的影片,而不管是谁制作了它们。(1) 把看作;认为as regards 关于,至于in/with regard to 关于,至于(2)regarding prep. 关于(3)regardless adv. 不顾;不加理会We all regarded him as a hero.我们都把他看作英雄。I

14、have nothing to say in regard to your complaints.对于你的抱怨我无话可说。Regardless of your choice of course,youll develop your language ability both quickly and effectively.无论你选择什么课程,你都将快速有效地发展你的语言能力。Regarding(regard) the punishment,what would you advise? 关于处罚,你有何意见? deliberately adv.故意地;小心翼翼地(教材P50)The Sundan

15、ce Film Festival deliberately boycotts all Hollywood films,and we dont foresee ever including them.圣丹斯电影节一贯刻意抵制所有的好莱坞电影,我们预期今后也不会让它们参展。(1)deliberate adj.故意的;蓄意的;不慌不忙的;小心翼翼的vi. 仔细考虑,反复思考(常与about,on连用)(2)deliberation n. 细想;考虑;审慎(3)on purposeby design 故意地He knocked the chair down deliberately/on purpos

16、e/by design.他故意把椅子撞倒了。I deliberated with him on/about his future course of conduct.我和他一起讨论他将来的行动方针。She signed her name with great deliberation (deliberate)她非常审慎地签上了自己的名字。Shes been deliberately(deliberate) ignoring him all day.她故意整天都不理他。 expose vt.使接触,使体验,使面临;暴露,显露,揭露(教材P50)Redford has acted in and d

17、irected many big Hollywood films,but wanted to expose the public to films made outside of the Hollywood system that ordinary people might have no access to otherwise.雷德福曾出演并执导过许多好莱坞大片,但是他希望让大众接触好莱坞之外的影片,否则一般人可能无从看到这些影片。(1)expose sb./oneself to使某人/自己暴露于;使某人/自己接触expose sb./sth. 揭露、揭发某人/事be exposed to.

18、 暴露于(2)exposed adj. 暴露于危险(风雨、阳光等)的;无遮蔽的(3)exposure n. 暴露,显露;揭发The public should expose evil deeds and people fearlessly.公众应大胆地揭露坏人坏事。To travel abroad can expose children to different languages and cultures.去国外旅行能使孩子们接触到不同的语言和文化。As a policeman,he is exposed(expose) to many dangers.作为一名警察,他置身于各种危险之中。E

19、xposure(expose) of the body to strong sunlight can be harmful.身体受烈日曝晒会造成损伤。 contradict vt.& vi.反驳,驳斥;与相矛盾,相反(教材P51)I hate to contradict you,but in recent years,the Cannes Film Festival has shown special favour to American films.我并不想反驳你,但是近几年,戛纳电影节对美国影片情有独钟。(1)contradict oneself 自相矛盾contradict with s

20、th. 与某事相矛盾(2)contradictory adj. 相互矛盾的,对立的;不一致的be contradictory to 与相矛盾(3)contradiction n. 矛盾;否认,反驳He contradicts himself sometimes in the same sentence.有时在同一个句子中他会自相矛盾。His remark is contradictory to the truth.他的陈述与事实相矛盾。His statement contradicts with the facts.We have to find more evidence.他所说的话与事实矛

21、盾。我们不得不寻找更多的证据。The boss will not tolerate any contradiction(contradict)老板不能容忍任何反驳。 (教材P51)At our festival,Hollywood films are in the minority,while films that are likely to be overlooked at other festivals,for example at Cannes,have a real chance of becoming champions.在我们的电影节上,好莱坞电影只占少数,而在其他电影节上(比如戛

22、纳电影节)可能被忽视的电影却大有夺魁的机会。(1)in the/a minority占少数;成为少数派(1)majority n 多数;大多数in the/a majority 占大多数major adj. 较大的;较多的;主要的vi. (in)主修(2)minority n. 少数;少数派minor adj. 较小的;较少的;较次要的vi. (in) 兼修He majored in finance in Peking University.他在北大主修金融专业。Only a small minority of students is/are(be) interested in politic

23、s these days.目前,只有极少数同学对政治感兴趣。Boys are in the/a minority at the dance class.在舞蹈班上男孩子占少数。名师点津minority作主语时,谓语动词用单、复数都可以。(2)overlook vt.忽略,未注意到;不予理会;俯视n.疏忽;眺望We shouldnt overlook the mental health of young people.我们不可忽视年轻人的心理健康。He has been overlooked(overlook) by his employers since he came here.自从来到这儿

24、他从未得到雇主的重视。明辨异同overlook/ignore/neglectoverlook指忽略了某事,但不是大错,可以原谅,也可指有意宽恕别人的缺点、过失。ignore语气强,指故意不理睬。neglect指有意或无意地忽略、忽视应做的事情,也可指冷落应给予关怀的人。 preference n偏爱,偏好(教材P53)At the Academy Awards,the preference is to reward topranking American films.在奥斯卡金像奖上,偏爱奖励一流的美国电影。(1)in preference to 优先于;比起来宁愿have a prefere

25、nce for. 偏爱;喜欢(2)prefer v. 更喜欢prefer (doing) (doing) sth. 喜欢(做)而不喜欢(做)prefer to do sth.rather than do sth. 宁愿做某事而不愿做某事Some people prefer camping to staying in hotels.有些人宁可野营也不要待在旅馆里。Having been exposed to abstract art too often,he gradually developed a preference for it.由于经常接触抽象艺术,他逐渐养成了对它的偏爱

26、。I usually choose Chinese food in preference(prefer) to Western food.与西餐相比,我通常选择中餐。Rather than go (go) straight on to university,I prefer to get some work experience first.我宁愿先获得一些工作经验而不愿直接上大学。(教材P50)Joining us in the studio are Isabel Rose from the Cannes Film Festival.and Xu Li from the Shanghai I

27、nternational Film Festival.在演播室和我们一起的嘉宾有:来自戛纳电影节的伊莎贝尔罗斯还有来自上海国际电影节的徐立。【要点提炼】 这是一个倒装句,正常的语序应该是:Isabel Rose.and Xu Li from the Shanghai International Film Festival are joining us in the studio。“表语be主语”是一种全倒装句式。作表语的可以是形容词、介词短语、分词等。Sitting with our headmaster is an American friend.与我们校长坐在一起的是一位美国朋友。Near

28、by was the house in which they had lived for more than twenty years.附近就是他们住了二十多年的那栋房子。Present at the dancing party were (be) the teachers in our school and some foreign friends.我们学校的老师和一些外国朋友参加了舞会。Gone are (be) the days when we used foreign oil.我们使用洋油的日子一去不复返了。(教材P51)Nowadays,if a film wins an award

29、 at Sundance,there is a good chance it will become famous!【分析】句中if引导条件状语从句;there is a good chance (that).为固定句式,意为“有的可能性”或“某事可能发生”,that引导同位语从句。【翻译】现在,如果一部电影在圣丹斯电影节上获奖,那么它就很有可能出名!.单句语法填空1He did (do) write to you last week.2The little girl has a strong preference for sweet food.3Being exposed (expose)

30、to nuclear radiation,even for a short time,may influence genes in human bodies.4Mr.Blacks actions obviously contradicted(contradict) with his publicly expressed opinion.5The government has made many laws in defence of peoples interests.6The diversity of students talents are overlooked (overlook) because schools typically focus on a narrow view of academic ability.7I couldnt be present myself,but I sent my representative (represent) to the meeting.8We must declare war against any form of terrorism,regardless of what a high pri

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