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本文(上海标志性建筑外滩城隍庙等中英文导游词word资料10页.docx)为本站会员(b****2)主动上传,冰豆网仅提供信息存储空间,仅对用户上传内容的表现方式做保护处理,对上载内容本身不做任何修改或编辑。 若此文所含内容侵犯了您的版权或隐私,请立即通知冰豆网(发送邮件至service@bdocx.com或直接QQ联系客服),我们立即给予删除!


1、上海标志性建筑外滩城隍庙等中英文导游词word资料10页上海新外滩导游词朋友们: 下午好!现在我们来到上海黄浦江畔的外滩,首先,我对各位的参观游览外滩表示欢迎,并预祝各位旅游愉快。 新外滩共有五条旅游路线,在您的左手边是被誉为“万国建筑博览”的壮观建筑群和宽敞的中山路,您的右手边是波光粼粼的黄浦江以及前程似锦的浦东陆家点缀金融贸易区,眼前为新颖独特的观光游览区。这建筑群、中山路、观光区、黄浦江、陆家嘴仿佛乐谱中的五线谱,勤劳上海人民则好似串串间符,正组成最新最华美的乐章,欢迎着各位来宾的光临。 地粉才能叫外滩呢?简单的说,它过去曾是上海老城厢外的一块芦苇丛生的荒滩地。 1840年第一次鸦片战争

2、以后,紧锁的国门被殖民者洋炮轰开了,上海也被迫辟为商埠。从那时起,各式各样的西洋式建筑随着殖民者的“抢滩”而纷纷耸立,至本世纪30年代初,上海已从海滨小邑一跃成为远东最大的都市。 眼前这些具有欧洲文艺复兴时期风格的建筑,虽然不是出自同一个设计之手,也不是建造于一个年代,但它们的建筑格调是那么的和谐统一,宛然天成。从金陵东路外滩到外白渡桥长仅1.5公里的弧线上,高低错落,鳞次栉比地矗立着52幢风格各异的建筑,有英国式的、法国式的、古希腊式的等等。当年许多外国银行、总会、领事馆等云集于此,有东方“华尔街”之称,形成旧上海半殖民地半封建社会的一个历史缩影。 各位请看,新外滩2号东风饭店,过去曾是十分

3、闻名的英国总会,它是一座典型的英国古典式建筑。楼高有6层(连地下室),楼顶南北两端各设瞭望亭一座,内部装饰极为华丽。一层楼酒吧间当年曾因拥有110.7英尺的东方最长的酒吧柜而骄傲一时,如今美国的肯德基快餐厅设在里面。 新外滩12号以前是大名鼎鼎的“汇丰银行”,该建筑建于1923年,属仿古希腊式的圆顶建筑。大楼为接近正方形的矩形建筑,高5层,加上顶部一半球形层顶菜有7层,钢框架结构。楼内装饰十分讲究,设有美、英、法、俄、日等国各种接待室。这座建筑英国人曾自诩为“从苏伊士运河到远东白令海峡”的一座最为讲究的建筑。 紧邻汇丰银行旁边的那幢建筑是上海海关大楼,为19世纪复古主义的建筑,建于1927年,

4、为当今世界所罕凶。大楼上面的大钟四周均可看到走时,每隔15分钟奏响一段短曲,钟声悠扬深沉,声闻10里。 汇丰银行大楼和海关大楼都出于英国设计家威尔逊之后,上海亲切地称它们为“姐妹楼”,目前仍是上海的重要标志之一。 南京东路口的两幢大楼均称为和平饭店。坐南朝北的这幢楼建于1906年,当时称汇中饭店,是上海现存最早的一个饭店。它可作为一座历史建筑,属英国文世复兴式。该楼的最大特点是立面彩红砖做腰线,白墙砖做贴面,远远望去既庄重典雅,又别具风格,实属一座难得的佳作。 外滩的这些建筑,都是中国劳动人民勤劳智慧的结晶,同时也反映了西方殖民者对上海的掠夺和侵略。如今为了让人们了解这些建筑的历史,每幢大楼门

5、前均挂有中英文对照的铭牌。 对于外滩,上海人给她的称呼也随着时间的流逝而改变。上海人把解放前的外滩叫旧外滩,解放后称作外滩,现在人们赞她为新外滩。历史上发生过多次抢占外滩的情景,但每次都有着完全不同的历史意义。自党的十一届三中全会以来,中国改革开放的战略重心也由南而北,浦东的开发和振兴使上海走到了全国改革开放的最前沿。春风吹醒了沉睡多年的上海外滩,中外金融机构也纷纷抢占外滩。上海作出了“清巢引凤”的重大举措,将外滩金融街房屋大置换,吸引海内外的“老顾客”重新前来落户,再显远东“华尔街”的风采。 外滩是上海的象征,也是中外游客必到之处。但在以前由于道路狭窄、行人车辆拥挤不堪,严重影响了外滩整体形

6、象。为了改变处滩的面貌,上海人民政府把外滩作为重点加以改造。眼前这条马路称中山一路,是为了纪念中国民主革命的先驱孙中山先生而命名的,也是外滩综合改造的一部分。该路全长826米,宽45米,设6至10个车道。这条宽阔的交通线不仅仅限于外滩一带,它伴随着改革开放的步伐不断延伸,北起江湾五角场,南抵南浦大桥。到下个世纪初,这条南北走廊长达15公里,将成为上海旅游观光的标志性景观。 我们现在走的这条滨江大道颇有特色。它不但集文化、绿化于一体,而且早晨是人们习文练武的好地方,白天是国内外旅游者观光游览的天地,晚上则是对情侣谈情说爱的理想场所,听说有许多外国朋友都慕名前来体验生活呢。 各位来宾,漫步在新外滩

7、观光区,您是否感觉到,新外滩不仅面貌焕然一新,而且在热闹繁华中透出浓郁的艺术气息。大家请看:在延安东路外滩设置主题为“为了明天”的艺术景观,以6根圆柱相拥抱,与具有80多年历史的气象信号台相组合成为一组对景。海关大楼与电子瀑布钟也是颇有新意的对景。电子瀑布钟呈阶梯式,长27米,高3.5米,设10全台阶。整个操作过程均由电脑控制,约有1000多个喷头水柱组成各种颜色的阿拉伯数字,使世界各地既是那么的遥远,双是多么的亲近。观光区名副其实地成了一条容纳百川,兼容并蓄的海派特色文化的风景线。 漫步外滩,我们不知不觉已进入了黄浦公园。提到这个公园,每个中国人都忘不了昔日外国列强挂在公园门口那块“华人与狗

8、不得入内”的牌子,那块臭名昭著的牌子,让当时的中国人民蒙受了极大的耻辱!如今,看眼前那60米高的上海人民英俊纪念塔,矗立在面临水之处。威武壮观的三柱黄岗岩塔体仿佛在告诉人们,民永远缅怀从鸦片战争、五四运动和解放战争以来,为洗刷民族耻辱,为上海的革命事业而献身的英雄们。 黄浦公园面对的就是闻名海内外的黄浦江。“月上黄龙浦水黄”,十分生动地描绘了黄浦江水的颜色。改善浦江是上海的母亲河,它发源于无锡太湖,是上海境内最长、最宽、最深的一条河流,全长114公里;平均宽度400米,深7至9米。它的原名叫东江,又有春申江,黄歇江等别称。相传在2000多年以前,上海当时属楚,那时楚国有位大将叫黄歇,他很有治国

9、才能,被楚王任命为宰相,并封为“奉申君”,管辖上海这块土地。由于当时东江上游淤塞,他就带领上海人民进行疏浚,并且修正了航道,使上海的水上交通和农业得到很大的发展,后人为了纪念黄歇的功绩,就把东江改称为“春申江”和“黄歇浦”,直到南宋时期才正式定名为“黄浦江”。 黄浦江有两个“孩子”,一个叫浦东,另一个叫浦西。新中国诞生以前,她们一家子深受三座大山压迫,母亲河身上停泊着的尽是外的军舰和商船,“两个孩子”也是被压得喘不过气来。“跳黄浦”我句上海人的口头禅,就是指旧社会实在无法活下去的老百姓,到这儿来投江自尽。 远眺对岸,浦东陆家嘴金融贸易区与浦西外滩遥遥相望,其功能为金融、贸易和对外服务,它将是新

10、上海的核心与象征。“东外滩”滨江大道,总长2500米,集旅游、观光和娱乐等为一体,沿道设有6个颇具特色的广场。虽然现在只闻到隆隆的打桩声,但声声入耳,是五线谱上最华丽的乐章,预报着外滩更美好的未来。 Yuyuan (Yu Gardens) is a classical oasisalbeit a generally crowded onein Shanghais relentlessly modernizing cityscape. The gardens, completed in 1577 by the aristocratic Ming Dynasty Pan family, retai

11、n their original grace and elegance even in the face of throngs of tourists and the commercial hubbub of Yu Bazaar just on the other side of the garden walls.Situated in the midst of the Old City near the City Gods Temple, the gardens make an excellent and restful stop in a walking tour of the area.

12、 The famous Mid-Lake Pavilion Teahouse sits right next to the gardens main entrance, reached by way of the zigzag bridge across a large carp pond. An excellent example of Ming-era garden design, Yuyuans paths, corridors, rock formations and carefully arranged greenery lead visitors through a space t

13、hat is much smaller than it appears, past limpid carp ponds, up atop cleverly scaled mountains, into shady pavilions and through miniature groves of bamboo, ornamental pines, willows, cherry trees and gingko.Seasonal changes in flora are a delight to track for return visitors, with various flowers b

14、looming from early spring well into the fall. Todays garden is actually a recreation of the original Ming-era garden; the British and Taiping rebels did great damage to the grounds during the first Opium War and Taiping Rebellion, respectively. Be sure to spend some time viewing the Exquisite Jadest

15、one, the Hall of Heralding Spring, the Chamber of Ten Thousand Flowers and theGrand Rockery, among other specific garden spots (maps in English are available upon admission).Classical ancient private garden. Worth a visit.When people mention Shanghais Nanjing Road, theyre probably talking about Nanj

16、ing Dong Lu (East Nanjing Road), a pedestrian shopping street running for blocks between the northeast corner of Peoples Square and the Bund. If you spend more than a couple days in Shanghai, youll likely end up pushing your way through the crowds beneath the neon signs and signature Shanghai mix of

17、 brand-new high rises and late colonial-period architecture. The shopping is varied and good, though lacking the upscale brand-name cachet of Huaihai Zhong Lu or Xintiandi on one hand or the bargain-basement prices of fakes markets like the one at the Shanghai Science and Technology Museum subway st

18、ation on the other.Though its a shopping street first and foremost, the real attraction is the parade of people: hustlers looking for easy tourist marks, Chinese families on holiday, foreign tour groups wandering past in matching outfits, kids playing, Shanghainese office workers, migrant kebab vend

19、ors, Chinese pixies pushing cosmeticsyoull see them all on Nanjing Dong Lu if you have a little patience. If youre not in a shopping mood, just grab a snack and a drink (the smaller streets to the north of the main drag offer the bestand cheapeststreet foods) and watch the world go by.This stretch o

20、f Nanjing Lu was the first modern commercial street in Shanghai, home to the citys first big department stores, including the No. 1 Department Store, which still sells a little bit of everything at the western end of the pedestrian zone. On weekends, holidays and in the evenings, the crowds spill ea

21、st onto the Bunds Huangpu River promenade and east onto Xizang Lu and into the Peoples Square metro station, which is home to its own underground commercial strip. Its a great area to spend part of a day getting a feel for the citys energy.After a few hours, however, many will be ready for a relaxin

22、g meal or drink in Peoples Square (try Barbarossa or Kathleens 5 if the weathers nice) or a Bund spot such as the Glamour Bar (expensive)or the Captains Bar (cheap) when youve had enough of the Shanghai shopping scrum. A number of historic buildings, including the Peace Hotel are scattered about the

23、 area.Note that the above reference to hustlers should be taken seriously, but not as a reason to avoid Nanjing Dong Lu. You should, of course, watch your valuables and refrain from accepting the first friendly invitation to buy a charming group of young Chinese students a round of tea, but the chan

24、ces of any aggressive or even violent behavior is exceedingly low.West of Xizang Lu, Nanjing Xi Lu (West Nanjing Road) picks up, heading into the heart of the old international concession and offering more shops, restaurants and fascinating side alleys full of life, commerce and sightsIf youre in th

25、e mood to fend off pushy vendors of watches, bags, DVDs and all kinds of other stuff (probably fake), Nanjing Dong Lu cant be beat. Its also a great place to watch little groups of kids try to scam foreigners, whether with a relatively innocent pitch to sell them overpriced art or a more sinister pl

26、oy to lure them into a teahouse where the hapless foreigner will be charged many times the price of the actual bill. Its also a good place to take care of your basic shopping, but it gets old fast. If you find yourself hating the pushy crowds, head over to Fuzhou Lu for a much chiller scene.For many

27、, the Bund (Waitan to the locals) is the face of Shanghai. Even as the city transforms itself, growing upwards and outwards at a tremendous rate, the Bunds Art Deco and Neoclassical facades appear much as they did during Shanghais previous heyday as Chinas most international city, way back in the 19

28、20s and 30s. Of course, the surroundings have changed radically since thenTheres no better place to take in the spectacular Lujiazui skyline on the east bank of the Huangpu River than from the Bunds river promenade or behind a picture window in one of a growing number of luxury bars, restaurants and

29、 clubs occupying the upper floors of classic Bund buildings. At the north end of the Bund, Nanjing Dong Lu cuts west, a neon-lit paradise for shoppers and gawkers, flanked by a mix of colonial-era edifices and contemporary high rises.The south end of the Bund terminates near Shanghais low-rise Old C

30、ity, encircled by growing ranks of luxury residential towers. In between is rich evidence of Shanghais role as Chinas key financial and business link to the West in the early 20th century: stately bank and embassy buildings, proud international hotels and business headquarters line Zhongshan Dong Yi

31、 Lu (East Zhongshan No. 1 Road).If youre serious about your architecture, youll want to pick up one of a number of guides that go into depth on the Bunds fascinating history; otherwise, you can get by with a general guide or simply by reading plaques and perhaps popping into the Bund Historical Muse

32、um at the north end of the Bund beneath the Monument to the Peoples Heroes in Huangpu Park. Buildings to note, running north to south, includeThe Astor House Hotel, originally opened in 1846, was the first of Shanghais international hotels. Its just across the Garden Bridge over Suzhou Creek.The former British Consulate at No. 33 Zhongshan Lu is one of the earliest Bund buildings, dating from 1847The Bank of China Building (1937) combines Chicago and China styles of architecture.The Peace Hotel (1929) is perhaps th

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