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1、山东省枣庄市中考真题英语及中考答案doc2017年山东省枣庄市中考真题英语完形填空16. (1()分)People once went hungry A rich man who made bread and cakes sent for twenty ofthe (16) children in the town, and told them to take a loaf (条)of bread from a (17) every day till the hard days passed.The hungry children came together (18) , and argued

2、 for the bread, because eachwished to have the largest one. Finally they went away without even thanking the good gentleman.But Gretchen, a poorly - dressed little girL did not argue or (19) with the rest, butremained standi ng quietly far away from them. (20) the bad - mannered girls left, she took

3、the smallest bread, which alone was left in the basket, kissed the gentlemans hand, and went home.The next day the children were as bad - mannered as before, and poor, shy Gretchen (21) loaf hardly the size of the one she got the first day. When she came home, her mother cut the loaf open. Many new

4、shining pieces of (22) fell out of itHer mother was very surprised and worried, and said, MTake the money back to the good gentleman at once, for it must have got into the dough (生血团)(23) mistake. Be quick,Gretchen! Be quick!MBut when the little girl gave the rich man her mothers (24) , he said, No,

5、 no,my child, it was no mistake I had the silver pieces put into the smallest loaf to give you. Always be as satisfied, quiet, and (25) as you now are. Go home now, and tell your mother thatmoney is your own. ”16.A. KindestB. SmartestC. poorestD. thinnest解析:考查形容词。A表示最友善的;B表示最聪明的;C表示最穷的;D表示最瘦的。由 a po

6、orly - dressed little girl可知此处表示的是给二十个最穷的孩子,选C.答案:C17.A. bowlB. basketC. kitchenD. fridge解析:考查名词。A表示碗;B表示篮子;C表示厨房;D表示冰箱。由which alone was left in the basket nJ知此处表示告诉他们从篮子里拿走一条面包,选B.答案:B18.A. luckilyB. proudlyC. silentlyD. excitedly解析:考查副词。A表示幸运地;B表示自豪地;C表示沉默地;D表示激动地。饥饿的孩 子们可以得到面包心情应该是激动的,所以此处表示这些饥饿的

7、孩子激动地聚在一起,选 D.答案:D19.A. fightB. playC. talkD. jump解析:考查动词。A表示打架;B表示玩;C表示谈话;D表示跳。由but remained standing quietly far away from them可知此处表示不与其他人争吵或打架,选A.答案:A20.A. IfB. WhenC. BecauseD. Unless解析:考查连词。A表示如果;B表示当时;C表示因为;D表示除非。结合语境可知此 处表示当这些没有礼貌的女孩们离开了,她拿走了最小的一条面包,选B.答案:B21.A. broughtB. tastedC. receivedD.

8、noticed解析:考查动词。A表示拿来;B表示尝;C表示接受;D表示注意。由对Gretchen的修饰 词poor, shy可推测此处表示她得到的那条还没有她第一天得到的那一条大,选C.答案:C22.A. silverB. breadC. goldD. glass解析:考查名词。A表示银子;B表示面包;C表示金子;D表示草。由I had the silver pieces put into the smallest loaf to give you可知此处表示许多新的闪耀着的碎银从里面掉了出来,选A.答案:A23.A. inB. onC. withD. by解析:考查介词与固定搭配。by mi

9、stake表示失误,此处表示它一定失误地掉进生面团里 了,选 D.答案:D24.A. thanksB. messageC. walletD. praise解析:考查名词。A表示感谢;B表示信息;C表示钱包;D表示表扬.由No, no, my child, it was no mistake可知此处表示小孩子给有钱人说的是上文妈妈说的话,指带给了他妈妈(话 中的)信息,选B.答案:B25.A. thankfulB. friendlyC. livelyD. lovely.解析:考查形容词。A表示感恩的;B表示友好的;C表示活泼的;D表示可爱的.rfl kissed the gentlemans h

10、and可知小女孩是一个懂得感恩的人,选A.答案:A阅读理解26. (10 分)Last year, I went to Beijing Qizhi Special Education School for community service (社区服务)Before we took the bus, my friend asked me a question: Why are you here? HI didnot know how to answer the questionThe school was not far from my schooL but it looked like it

11、 was in a different world. A group of children were waiting for us, A boy walked toward me. He held my hands and pulled me to the ground. I kissed the earth and tasted natureI could not understand what he was doing at firsts then I was very angry. Though I was very angry, I controlled my anger.A tea

12、cher stopped this awkward (尴尬的)silence when she shouted at the boy. What are you doing right here, right now? she said. MYou will never ace your mom again if you keep doing this. Now say sorry!HHSorry nhe cried fearfully and nervously I said notings but I realized something about this child. After l

13、unch I asked the teacher for information about the childs parents.She said that the child was very different from other students because of an illness. His family could not afford to treat to treat him. He needed the kindness of his family, but they had abandoned him. So he depended on the support f

14、rom the teachers and community service workers like us.I suddenly realized I could answer the question my friend asked me at the beginning of the dayComm unity service workers help others and make everyone feel better. There are so many people in the world that need help Playing with lonely children

15、 may not make a big difference But in can light a comer in the childrens hearts, making them know they are loved by people26. How did the writer reach Beijing Qizhi Special Education School? A. By trainB. By carC. By busD. By taxi解析:细节理解题。根据第一段第一句 Before we took the bus, my friend asked me a questio

16、n: 在我们坐公共汽车之前,我的朋友问了我一个问题。可知,应该是乘公交车。选C.答案:C27. Why did the writer get angry? A. Because a boy held the writers handsB. Because the writer did not like to taste natureC. Because a boy pushed the writer to the ground.D. Because a boy was impolite to the write匚解析:细节理解题。根据第二段第三句 He held my hands and pu

17、lled me to the ground. I kissed the earth and tasted nature.他牵着我的手把我拉到地上,我亲吻了大地,尝到了大自然的味 道.可知,没有父母的孩子们很调皮,见面就把作者推倒了,很没有礼貌,选D.答案:D28. The boy acted differently from others because A. he was sickB. his parents didrft like himC. he was nervous and fearfulD. he always lived with teachers解析:细节理解题。根据倒数第三段

18、第一句She said that the child was very different from other students because of an illness.她说这个孩子因为生病和其他学生很不一样。可知,是因为疾 病,选A.答案:A29. The underline word abandoned1 most probably means A. hurtB. leftC. soldD. forgotten解析:词义猜测题。根据上句His family could not afford to treat to treat him.他的家庭负担不 起治疗他及下句 So he dep

19、ended on the support from the teachers and community service workers like us.因此,他依靠我们这样的教师和社区服务工作者的支持。可知,应该是“遗 弃“,选B.答案:B30. From the passage we can learn that the writer A. helped so many people in the worldB played with the lonely boy after lunchC. learned the meaning of community serviceD wasnt g

20、ood at answering the questions about community service.解析:细节理解题。根据最后一段第1句 Community service workers help others and make everyone feel better.社区服务人员帮助他人,让每个人感觉更好。及倒数第二段I suddenly realized I could answer the question my friend asked me at the beginning of the day. 我突然意识 到我能回答我朋友问在一开始问我的问题.可知,那个问题是“为什

21、么参加社区服务”,故 我们能了解到作者学会了社区服务的意义。答案是C.答案:C31. (10 分)The Silk Road is the name of different roads that long ago connected Europe, Africa and Asin. People reached these different places along these roads Scientists believe people began to travel the Silk Road about 3000 years ago. By the time the Chinese

22、 silk trade became important in the word, the Silk Road covered almost 6500 kilometres. It spread from Rome to China, which is from the West to the Far East.Traders traveling along the Silk Road earned silk, of course. They also carried and traded spices (香料),cloth, valuable stones and gold.There is

23、 a famous old story along the old road.It is said that Roman soldiers (d:兵)traveled through central Asin. They started to live somewhere near the ancient Chinese village of Liqian. Some of these Romans married local Chinese women and the story of blue eyed villages of China was startedDuring its bus

24、iest period, the Silk Rond allowed people from many different cultures and countries to meet each other and mix. The Silk Road allowed the sharing of valuable goods and new ideas- These included people and trading goods from the Mediterranean, Persian, Magyar, Armenian, Bactian, Indian and Chinese a

25、reas. All these peoples traveled the Silk Road, and they shared goods, stories, languages, and cultures.In modern times, the old Silk Roads routes (乍各线) are still used, but now they are crossed by trains instesd of camels and horses. There is even a Silk Route Museum in Jiuquan in China. It has over

26、 35, 000 objects from all along the Silk Road. In this way, China protects the of many countries and peoples.31 Hoe many kilometers did the Silk Road cover? A. About3000.B. Nearly6500.C. Almost 2000.D. Over35, 000解析:细节理解题。根据第一段第二行最后一句the Silk Road covered almost 6500 kilometres 丝绸之路差不多有6500公里长。可知,选B

27、.答案:B32. Traders carried all kinds of goods along the Silk Road. Which of the following is notmentioned in the passage ? A. Silk.B. Cloth.C. GoldD. Ten解析:细节理解题。根据第二段段意“商人沿着丝绸之路旅行,当然也携带丝绸,他们还携 带和交换香料、布匹、贵重的石头和黄金。”可知,丝绸、布匹、黄金提到了,只有“十” 没提到。选D.答案:D33. Who married ancient Chinese women in the story of bl

28、ue - eyed villages of China? A. Asian soldiers.B African soldiersC European soldiersD. American soldiers.解析:细节理解题。根据第三段 It is said that Roman soldiers (士兵)traveled through central Asin.Some of these Romans married local Chinese women 据说罗马士兵穿越中亚其中一 些罗马人娶了当地的中国妇女。可知,是欧洲的罗马士兵。选C.答案:c34. What can infer

29、(推断)from the passage? A. Valuable things could not be sold along the Silk RoadB The Silk Road allowed people from different countries to mix.C. Ancient Chinese along the Silk Road may be able to speak different languagesD. The objects in the museum in Jiuquan in China are from all along the Silk Roa

30、d解析:推理判断题。根据第四段第二行Chinese areas. All these peoples traveled the Silk Road, and they shared goods, stories, languages, and cultures.中国地区,所有这些人都走丝绸之 路,他们分享货物、故事、语言和文化。可知,C选项“丝绸之路上的古代中国人可能会说 不同的语言。”是正确的,选C.答案:C35. Which part of a magazine can this passage come from? A. History and GeographyB. Sports Wo

31、rldC. Man and AnimalsD. Popular Science解析:题材来源题。A历史和地理;B体育世界;C任何动物;D流行科学。短文主要讲 丝绸之路的历史,因此來源于历史和地理。选A.答案:A37. (10 分)We often face the following situations in our daily life:The woman next door plays her piano after 12o clock at nightThe family across the street never cleans up their yard. The rubbish blows into your yardThe man next door always parks his car in front of your driveHave things like this ever happened to you? If so, you may ask yourself nWho are these people? Why are they doing these things to me? HThese days, many people dont know their neighbors. Sometime

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