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1、冀教版八年级英语下册导学案冀教版八年级英语下册导学案Unit 1 Lessons18 Spring Is Coming !一、学习目标1 掌握下列单词和短语:become, change, climb, come down, fact, herself, history, hold, hold on, kick, one by one, playground push, rather, rise, road, set, shall2 掌握下列句子 Here is todays weather report . Whatt the weather like today ? Its rather

2、cold/warm today . Whats the date today ? Its March 21st . What a cold day ! Its a nice day , isnt it ?3 .能够熟练朗读并复述文章内容。二、学习重点、难点 1 .掌握的语法:反义疑问句。2. 复述春天的天气以及在春天人们的户外活动的文章内容。三、学习过程(一)预习自评。经过预习后,你能顺利的写出这些单词或短语吗?试试看。1 单词:相当,宁可阵雨,淋浴 暴风雨 升起落下事实,真相 公路爬 将 棒球运动 踢 操场 抓住 推 按 他本身 她的 2 短语: 发出很大的声音 直到才 一个接一个 转身 抓

3、紧,抓住 摔下来 下来 全天 骑自行车 害怕(二) 翻译句子: 1 今天的天气怎么样? 2 气温是多少?3 今天天气很凉爽、暖和,是吧? 4 气温上升了! 5 3月21号这一天白天有几个小时? 6 这是我第一次照看小孩。四语法小结:反义疑问句由两部分组成:前一部分是一个陈述句,后一部分是一个简短的疑问句。若陈述部分肯定式,则疑问部分否定式,可记为前肯后否。 若陈述部分否定式,则疑问部分肯定式,可记为前否后肯 。掌握反义疑问句因注意下面几点:1 两部分的人称时态应保持一致。 They work hard, dont they? She was ill yesterday, wasnt she?

4、You didnt go, did you? He cant ride a bike, can he? He is a student,isnt he?2 当陈述部分有never , hardly , little , few , nothing , no , nobody , none等表示否定意义的词,疑问部分要用肯定式。The old men can hardly see anything , can he ?3 There be句型用be there来反问。There are many people in the supermarket , arent there ? 4 当陈述部分的

5、主语有this,that,everything,something,nothing等词时,疑问句部分的主语用it,如果主语部分有these,those, 要用they. That is nice, isnt it? These books are of great benefit, arent they?5 祈使句的疑问句用will you 。而Lets祈使句用shall we 。 Let us祈使句用will you 。Open the door please , will you ?Lets open the door , shall we .Let us open the door ,

6、willyou .Lesson 1:Whats the Weather Like?一、学习目标知识目标:1.Mastery words and expressions: Rather shower thunder storm sunrise sunset rise set weather report be scared of hot cool snowy 2. Goal languages: Whats the weather like? It will be snowy and hot today. Whats the temperature ? Its ten degrees . Its

7、 rather cool today ,isnt it ?3. Grammar:Compound Words 能力目标:learn about the use of compound words .情感目标:Through learning this lesson ,learn to talk about the weather . 二,教学重难点Important points: 1 How to talk about the weather by using the useful expressions . 2 Learn about the compound words . Diffic

8、ult points: 1 The use of compound words 2 The expressions about weather . 三,Learning Steps:(一) 课前预习 -导学I 预习课文完成下列各题1 词形转换 (1)snow (形容词) (2)cloud (形容词) (3)rain (形容词) (4)hot(反义词) (5) set (反义词)2 英汉互译(1)害怕 (2)天气预报 (3)thunder storm (4)sunrise II预习课文,查阅资料,掌握知识点。1 set 2 rise (二)自主学习Listen and answer the qu

9、estions :1 Whos on the radio ?2 Whats the weather today ?3 Whats the temperature ?4 How many people are there in the dialogue ?5 What does Jenny want to know about the sunset and sunrise?(三)合作探究Read and check the answers .(四)自我展示Divide the class into groups and choose one from each group to answer t

10、he questions . (五)拓展创新Come to “REPORT”, Ask them to write a radio report ,read it to the class . (六)当堂达标检测。Ask them to do Exercise and Exercise in Lesson 1 of the activity book .课堂学习反思 此方法使用后,学生自主学习的能力得到了一定的提高,学生表现更积极。Lesson 2 : Its getting Warmer!一、 学习目标 知识目标1 Mastery words and expressions :Dayligh

11、t, lightning ,fascinating, fact , melt , 2 goal languages:Whats the date today?The temperature goes up .What season comes before spring ?3 grammar points: compound words ,prepositions .能力目标:learn about the use of compound words and prepositions 情感目标:Through learning this lesson ,learn to talk about

12、the weather in spring. 二,教学重难点Important points: 1 how to describe the weather in spring . 2 learn to use conversions and derivations and prepositions . Difficult points: 1 The use of compound words ,conversions and derivations and prepositions .2 the useful sentences about weather and seasons三,Learn

13、ing Steps :(一)课前预习导学I 预习课文完成下列各题1 思考题When does spring begin ?When does the weather become warmer in your hometown ?Whats the weather like in spring ? What is the temperature of the air near lightning ?2 词形转换 daylight ; sunrise ; maybe ; build (名词) cloud (形容词) snow(形容词) II预习课文,查阅资料,掌握知识点。1 become 2 g

14、et (二)自主学习1 Whats the date today ? 2 How many hours of daylight are there on March 21st ?3 What is spring weather like?4 What is the temperature of the air near lightning ?(三)合作探究Read thetext and check the answers .(四)自我展示Divide the class into groups and choose one from each group to answer the questions . (五)拓展创新Come to “LETS DO IT”Discuss these questions in a sm

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