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1、C语言与程序设计实验报告28C语言程序设计 实验报告专业 计算机科学与技术学院 班级 日期 2013/12/12 成绩 实验组别 第6次实验 指导教师 学生姓名 学号 同组人姓名 实验名称 指针实验 1、实验目的(1)熟练掌握指针的说明、赋值、使用。(2)掌握用指针引用数组的元素,熟悉指向数组的指针的使用。(3)熟练掌握字符数组与字符串的使用,掌握指针数组及字符指针数组的用法。(4)掌握指针函数与函数指针的用法。(5)掌握带有参数的main函数的用法。2、实验内容及要求1.源程序改错下面的源程序中是否存在错误?如果存在,原因是什么?如果存在错误,要求在计算机上对这个源程序进行调试修改,使之能够

2、正确执行。源程序:#include int main(void) float * p; scanf(%f, p); printf(%fn, *p); return 0;2.源程序完善、修改、替换(1)下面源程序的功能是,通过函数指针和菜单选择来调用字符串拷贝函数或字符串连接函数。请在程序中的下划线处填写合适的表达式、语句或代码片段来完善该程序。源程序:#include #include int main(void) _ char a80, b80, c160, *result=c; int choice, i; do printf(tt1 copy string.n); printf(tt2

3、connect string.n); printf(tt3 exit.n); printf(ttinput a number(1-3)please! n); scanf(%d, &choice); while (choice5); switch (choice) case 1: p=strcpy; break; case 2: p=strcat; break; case 3: goto down; getchar(); printf(input the first string please! n); i=0; _ printf(input the second string please!

4、n); i=0; _ result=_(a,b); printf(the result is %sn, result); down: ; return 0;(2)请上机运行第(1)题程序,使之能按下面要求输出结果(注:(输入)表示该行数据是键盘输入数据):1 copy string.2 connect string.3 exit.input a number(1-3)please!2(输入)input the first string please!the more you learn,(输入)input the second string please!the more you get,(输

5、入)the result is the more you learn,the more you get.3.跟踪调试源程序请按下面的要求对所给源程序进行操作,并回答问题和排除错误。(1)单步执行源程序。进入strcpy时,watches窗口中s为何值?返回main时,watches窗口中s为何值?(2)排除源程序中的错误,使程序输出结果为:there is a boat on the lake.源程序:#include char * strcpy(char *, char *);int main(void) char a20, b60=there is a boat on the lake.;

6、 printf(%sn, strcpy(a,b); return 0;char * strcpy(char *s, char *t) while (*s+ = *t+) ; return (s);4.程序设计编写并上机调试运行能实现以下功能的程序的函数:(1)已知一长整型变量占4个字节,其中每个字节又分成高4位和低4位。试编写一个程序,从该长整型变量的高字节开始,依次取出每个字节的高4位和低4位并以数字字符的形式进行显示。(2)利用大小为n的指针数组指向用gets函数输入的n行,每行不超过80个字符。试编写一个函数,它将每一行中连续的多个空格字符压缩为一个空格字符。在调用函数中输出压缩空格后的


8、上(含90分)的人数。在调用函数中输出上面各函数的计算结果。(要求都用指针操作,不得使用下标操作。)5.选做题编写并上机调试运行能执行以下功能的程序:(1)设有N位整数和M位小数(N=20,M=10)的两个数据a,b。编程计算a+b并输出结果。如:12345678912345678912.1234567891+98765432109876543210.0123456789(2)编写一个使用复杂声明“char * ( * p2)(const char *, const char *);”的程序。提示:p中元素可为strcmp、strstr等函数名。3、实验步骤及结果1.没有对指针p进行指向就对其

9、赋值,可能导致的结果是,改写内存中不该改写的内容,从而运行出错。应该首先定义一个float变量,先使指针指向这个变量,再对其进行赋值。最终源程序:#include int main(void) float f,*p=&f; scanf(%f, p); printf(%fn, *p); return 0;2.(1)该程序需要定义一个函数指针,用于指向strcpy和strcat,并在后面输入a,b两个字符串。最终的源代码:#include #include int main(void) char *(*p)(char *, const char *); char a80, b80, c160, *

10、result=c; int choice, i; do printf(tt1 copy string.n); printf(tt2 connect string.n); printf(tt3 exit.n); printf(ttinput a number(1-3)please! n); scanf(%d, &choice); while (choice5); switch (choice) case 1: p=strcpy; break; case 2: p=strcat; break; case 3: goto down; getchar(); printf(input the first

11、 string please! n); i=0; while (ai+=getchar()!=n) ; ai-1=0; printf(input the second string please! n); i=0; while (bi+=getchar()!=n) ; bi-1=0; result=p(a,b); printf(the result is %sn, result); down: ; return 0;(2)运行结果: 1 copy string. 2 connect string. 3 exit. input a number(1-3)please!2input the fir

12、st string please!the more you learn,input the second string please!the more you get.the result is the more you learn,the more you get.3.(1)在进入strcpy时,watches窗口中s的值是一些乱码。在返回main时,watches窗口中s的值是空字符串。(2)通过调试发现,a的字符数组长度不够,于是扩充为60,以避免没有足够的空间保存字符串。并且,不能直接输出strcpy(a,b)的结果,而且最终会改变a的值,于是,在printf中输出a即可。最终的源代码

13、:#include char * strcpy(char *, char *);int main(void) char a60, b60=there is a boat on the lake.; strcpy(a,b); printf(%sn, a); return 0;char * strcpy(char *s, char *t) while (*s+ = *t+) ; return (s);4.(1)#include int main(void) long a=4294967295; char *p=&a; int i=0; while (i4)&0x0f, (*p)&0x0f); i+

14、; p+; return 0;(2)#include #define MAXN 100void readlines_and_print(char (*)81, int);int main(void) char aMAXN81,(*p)81=a; int n; printf(Input n:); scanf(%d, &n); getchar(); readlines_and_print(p,n); return 0;void readlines_and_print(char (*p)81, int n) int i=0,j=0,k,flag=0,nonspace=0; while (in) ge

15、ts(*(p+i),i+; i=0; while (in) k=0; nonspace=0; while (k81) if (*(*(p+i)+k) = 0) break; if (!(*(*(p+i)+k) = | (*(*(p+i)+k) = t) nonspace=1; k+; if (!nonspace) i+; continue; j=0; flag=0; while (j81) if (*(*(p+i)+j) = 0) break; if (*(*(p+i)+j) = | (*(*(p+i)+j) = t) if (!flag) putchar( ); flag+; else fl

16、ag+; else flag=0; putchar(*(*(p+i)+j); j+; putchar(n); i+; (3)#include #include #define MAXN 100void deal(int *, int);int flag=1;int main(int argc, char *argv) int i,n,aMAXN; void (*p)(int *, int); printf(Input n:); scanf(%d, &n); for (i=0; i1) if (!strcmp(argv1,-d) flag=0; p=deal; p(a,n); return 0;

17、void deal(int *a, int n) int i,j,m,mn,t; for (i=0; in-1; i+) m=ai,mn=i; for (j=i+1; jn; j+) if (flag) if (maj) m=aj,mn=j; t=ai,ai=amn,amn=t; for (i=0; in; i+) printf(%dt, ai);(4)#include #define N 2#define M 2void individual_average(float (*)M);void entire_average(float (*)M);void below_average_num(

18、float (*)M);void failing_outstanding_num(float (*)M);void initial(float (*)M);int main(void) void (*deal)(float (*)M); int n; float aNM,(*p)M=a; initial(p); printf(Please choose the function:n); printf(t1.Calculate and print each students average scores of each course.n); printf(t2.Calculate and pri

19、nt entire average scores of each course of the class.n); printf(t3.Calculate and print the number of students below each courses average score.n); printf(t4.Calculate and print the number of students below 60 and above 90.n); printf(t5.Print the table.n); printf(t6.Exit.n); iNput: scanf(%d, &n); swi

20、tch (n) case 1: deal=individual_average; break; case 2: deal=entire_average; break; case 3: deal=below_average_num; break; case 4: deal=failing_outstanding_num; break; case 5: return 0; break; default: printf(Input illegal!n); return -1; deal(p); goto iNput; return 0;void initial(float (*p)M) int i,

21、j; printf(Input the scores individualy (Use TAB between scores):n); printf(tCourset); for (i=0; iM; i+) printf(%dt, i+1); putchar(n); for (i=0; iN; i+) printf(Student %dt,i+1); for (j=0; jM; j+) scanf(%f, *(p+i)+j); void individual_average(float (*a)M) float averageN,*p=average; int i,j; for (i=0; i

22、N; i+) *(p+i)=0.0; for (j=0; jM; j+) *(p+i)+=*(*(a+i)+j); *(p+i)/=M; for (i=0; iN; i+) printf(Average score of student %d is %f.n, i+1, *(p+i);void entire_average(float (*a)M) float averageM,*p=average; int i,j; for (i=0; iM; i+) *(p+i)=0.0; for (j=0; jN; j+) *(p+i)+=*(*(a+j)+i); *(p+i)/=N; printf(A

23、verage score of course %d is %f.n, i+1, *(p+i); void below_average_num(float (*a)M) float averageM,*p=average; int i,j,belowM,*b=below; for (i=0; iM; i+) *(p+i)=0.0; for (j=0; jN; j+) *(p+i)+=*(*(a+j)+i); *(p+i)/=N; for (i=0; iM; i+) *(b+i)=0; for (j=0; jN; j+) if (*(*(a+j)+i)*(p+i) (*(b+i)+; printf

24、(The number of students below the average score of course %d is %d.n, i+1, *(b+i); void failing_outstanding_num(float (*a)M) int failingM,outstandingM,*f=failing,*o=outstanding,i,j; for (i=0; iM; i+) *(f+i)=*(o+i)=0; for (j=0; jN; j+) if (*(*(a+j)+i) = 90) (*(o+i)+; printf(The numbers of students failing and outstanding of course %d are %d and %d.n, i+1, *(f+i), *(o+i);

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