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1、青少版新概念3B期末试题青少版新概念3B期末试题第一部分 听力1听录音,选出你听到的内容。(5分)( )1. A. draw B. door C. drop( )2. A. while B. well C. will( ). sail B. sale C. sell( ). 地图 B. 帐篷 C. 灯( ). 在小溪边大喊 B. 在小溪里游泳 C. 从小溪上的桥走过2. 听录音,根据你所听到的内溶选择适当的问句或答句。(5分)( )1. A. No, I didnt. B. No, I dont. C. No, I hadnt.( )2. A. I went shopping on Sunda

2、y. B. I forgot to go shopping on Sunday. C. I didnt go shopping on Sunday.( ). Where can I smoke B. Where is the park C. Where can I park( ). Im keen on playing tennis. B. I keep silent while listening to music. C. I dont like shopping.( ). Is the movie interesting B. How about this movie C. The mov

3、ie was so slow.3. 听录音,根据你听到的内容选择正确的答案。(5分)第一节( )1. When did the man go to bedA.Eleven oclock in the morning.B.Twelve oclock in the morning.C.Two oclock in the morning.( )2. What happened to the man A. He was ill. B. He was tired. C. He was scolded.第二节( )3. What is the relationship between the two sp

4、eakers A. Customer and salesman B. Waiter and customer C. Husband and wife( )4. What doesnt the woman buy A. apple B. grape C. orange( )5. How much should the woman pay for the fruit A. dollars B. dollars C. 5 dollars4. 听对话,记录关键信息。(5分)Who visits Mr. Smith: _What Mr. Smith is doing: _What time is it

5、now:_When the two men with will meet: _What the man will drink:_第二部分 笔试一按要求写出相应形式(10分)(过去分词)_(现在分词)_(反身代词)_(过去分词)_(第三人称单数)_(同义词)_(反义词)_(现在分词)_(反身代词)_(副词)_二.英汉互译:(16分)1.睡着_2.游泳池_3.户外活动_4. back country_5. walktoschool_exercises_7.流行音乐_ 8.玩游戏_ activity_ 10.过去常常_11.使发笑_ 12. according to_ business_ 14.照顾

6、_15. make sense_ usual_三.选择填空(30分)( )give_ yourpen._penisnthere.A.I,My B. me,I C. me,Mine D. me,My( )2. CanyouseethatgirlShes _.A. mymotherfriend B. friendsofmymotherC. afriendtomymother D. afriendofmymothers( )3. Damingisplaying_flute,butSimonisplaying_tabletennis.A./,the B. a,a C. the,/ D. the,the

7、( )stalking_thestudents,_theyretalkingaboutveryloudly.A.with,and B. to,but C. of,but D. on,and( ),on B. in,in C. on,in D. on,on( )_playfootball.A.our B. us C. we D. ours( )youlike_OK!A.somemoretea B. twocupsofteas C. apieceoftea D. twoglassoftea( )sverycold,_yourcoat

8、,please,Kate.A.put B.puton C.putson D.putin( )anEnglishclassnow.A.arehaving B. arehaving C.having D. ishaving( )youlateforschoolImsorry.A.When B.What C.How D.Why( )we_homeA.go B. going C. goes D. went( )Itakea_withyouA.door B. picture D. book( )_thebirthdaycardyesterday.A.ismaking B. makes C. made D

9、. making( )_thebirthdaycardnow.A.ismaking B. makes C. made D. making( )birthdayparty.A.arehaving B. ishave C. ishaving D. having( )wantstoinvitehertothecinema,butheis_shewillsayno.A. sorry B.afraid C.sad D.surprised( )17. He looks _ in the mirror. A. his B. him C. himself D. herself ( )tous.Wecanfin

10、doutifshesgoingtohaveaparyornotA.Let B.Make C.Leave D.Do( )tthereanyoneathome _thedoorbellagainA.Open B.Call C.Answer D.Ring( )itagoodfilm_Sorry, Idontknow. I_asleep!A.did B.went C.fell D.became( )21.“Wheredidyou_thecar”“canyouremember”ofcourse, B.keep C.have D.park( )isgoingt

11、obeabigfamilyevent,wemustaskAlanto_ahomemovieforus.A.photograph B.make C.have )waitedforagesoutside,butnoone_thedoor.A.came B.answered C.called D.was( )24.Imsopleased!Ivejustgotanewjob! _!A.oh,dear B.Imsorry C.Oh,no D.Congratulations( )25.Ourneighborisanurse,sheworksinthe_intownA.supermarket B

12、.hairdressers )26.JimandJanearegoingto_marriednextyearA.get B.become C.fall D.want( ) B.hotel C.thing )28.Howcanyoueatthatstuffyoumusthaveaniron_!A.body B.stomach D.appetite( )29.Shesaid“youllfailthatexam” The

13、_thingis, shewasright!A.sorry B.sad C.other D.something( ) B.on D.at四根据句意或首字母提示补全句子:(12分)1. Sheise_breakfast,b_thephoneissinging.2. Jackisplayingb_,buthecantcatchtheball.3. Theapplesaref_downthestairs.4. WhatsshedoingShestryingtog_offthebus.5. Thesuniss_,butam

14、aniswearingar_.6. Weregoingtom_Jacksbirthdaycard.五.被动语态(10分)1.Theymakemachinesinthatfactory._2. Everybodylikedthissong._3.I have already washed these curtains ._4.HeoftenhelpsTomwhenTomisintrouble._5. He will mend this radio later._六根据中文完成句子。(12分)1. I didnt want to learn to play the violin._(我也不想)2.

15、Why did you stay at home yesterdayMy mother asked _alone.(不要出去)3.What was Tom doing_(你进房间的时候)4.There was a football match last night. He_(一定看了)5.I_ before I went to New York.(在北京生活过)6.I like swimming every day, but I _in the morning.(过去常常跑步)七.阅读理解,回答问题:(9分)(一)Iamveryhappy.ImgoingtovisitHainanIslandw

16、ithmyaunt.Wearegoingtostaythereforaweek.Wewillgotherebyplane.Wewillseethebeaches,treesandthesea.Wecanswimandvisitalotofbeautifulplaces.1.Wherearetheygoingtogo_2. Howlongwilltheystay_3. Whatwilltheysee_4. Howwilltheygothere_(二)The students were having their chemistry(化学)class. Miss Li was telling the

17、 children what water was like. After that, she asked her students, “Whats water”No one spoke for a few minutesMiss Li asked again,“Why dont you answer my questionDidnt I tell you what water is like”Just then a boy put up his hand and said,“Miss Li,you told us that water has no color and no smellBut

18、where to find such kind of waterThe water in the river behind my house is always black and it has a bad smell”Most of the children agreed With him“Im sorry,children”said the teacher,“Our water is getting dirtier and dirtierThats a problem1The students were having their _ classAEnglish BChinese Cchem

19、istry Dmaths2Miss Li was telling the children what _ was likeAwater Bair Cearth Dweather3A boy said,“The water in the river behind my house is always _”Awhite Bblack Cclean Dclear4Most of the children _ the boyAagreed with Bwrote to Cheard from Dsent for5The water in the river has color and smell because it is getting _Amore and more Bless and less Ccleaner and cleaner Ddirtier and dirtier八作文。(11分)假设你叫莉莉,你的假期马上就要开始了。你现在来世做一份假期计划,计划如下:1.想要学习瑜伽,经常去远足,锻炼身体。2.学习弹吉他,每周至少上两次课,每天都要练习弹。3.还要在饭店做一份兼职做服务员,进行社会体验。要求:语句连贯,语意完整,不能逐句翻译,字数80左右。_. 精心搜集整理,只为你的需要

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