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1、牛津模块6牛津英语模六Unit 1(1)一、Reading1. stand up for sth: 支持,维护 We should strive to stand up for our right.2. stage: n. 舞台,阶段,时期 be on the stage: 在舞台上;当演员,登台表演 go on the stage: 上舞台,当演员 on stage: 在舞台上 at a early stage: 在早期 One minute on the stage and ten years of practice off the stage. She wanted to go on t

2、he stage from an early age. 他从小就相当演员。 We watched them from afar, and admired them only on screen and on stage. 我们远远的注视他们,只能通过荧屏或舞台钦慕他们的风采。 The babies develop quickly at an early stage.3. variety: n. (1) 变化,多样性U a life lacking variety.(2) 种类,各种各样各种各样的 a variety of sth: varieties of sth: He left for a

3、 variety of reasons. In the green grocers there are varieties of greens. 菜市场里有各种各样的蔬菜。 The varieties of goods in this supermarket are rich.4. behave well / badly: 行为表现好坏 behave oneself: 行为表现好 He behaves badly all the time. Children, please behave yourself.5. tease sb / make fun of sb: 取笑,嘲弄 Dont tak

4、e what he said seriously, she is just teasing you. 别拿他的话当真,他只是在取笑你。6. trip over sth: 被绊倒 trip sth (up): 绊倒 She tripped over a cat and fell down. He tried to trip me but in vain.7. get ones start: 挣得第一桶金 howl with laughter: 哈哈大笑 He got his start in the business and howled with laughter.8. have affect

5、ion for sth: 喜爱,钟爱 He has great affection for his work.9. later on: 后来,过些时候10. such: adj. 那样的,这样的,如此的 such与数词或不定代词any,some,all,no等连用时放在它们之后;与不定冠词连用时,放在不定代词之前。例如: There is no such thing as a free lunch. You gave me such a flight.11. live: adj. & adv. 现场直播的地 a live program. The concert was broadcast l

6、ive on TV. 12. well: adv. (1) 充分地,彻底地; (2) 相当地,远远地,颇,很 The pan must be dried well before you put it away. He looks well over 40. 他看上去远远地超过40岁。二、Word power有关笑的谚语1. laugh ones head off: 大笑不止2. smile on sb: 有利于,垂青,带来好运3. have the last laugh / He who laughs last laughs best: 笑到最后,笑得最好4. no laughing matt

7、er: 严肃的事,不是闹着玩的5. laughing stock: 笑柄6. laugh in ones face: 当面嘲笑某人7. be all smiles: 满脸堆笑三、Grammar1. participate in sth: 参加,参与 participation: pa:tisipein n. U参加,参与 (in) participant: pa:tisipnt n. 参加者,参与者 The whole class are participating the discussion. We want more participation in the decision-makin

8、g process.2. drive sb away: 赶跑 drive (sb) off: 驾车离开;赶走击退 drive sth up: 迫使上涨 Your anger will drive him away. After the accident, the other car drove off. We keep dogs in the yard to drop off the intruders(非法闯入者). The oil shortage drove gas prices up by 20 cents a gallon.3. guarantee: (1) vt. 担保,保证;保修

9、,包换 guarantee sth: 保证,担保 guarantee to do sth: 保证做. guarantee that: 保证. guarantee sb sth: 保证某人 guarantee your safety / your debt. 保证你的安全担保你的债务 We guarantee to deliver the package within one week. These days getting a degree(学位) will guarantee you a good job. The radio is guaranteed for a year. 收音机保修一

10、年。 (2) n. 保修单期;保证;担保(物) there is no guarantee that: 无法保证不一定 There is no guarantee that it will be a nice weather tomorrow.4. instruct: vt. 命令,指示;传授,告知 instruction: n. 命令,指示;传授,使用说明 instructive: adj. 有教育意义的,启发性的 instruct sb to do sth: 命令指示某人做 instruct sb in sth: 传授某人 instruct (sb) that: 告知某人 I have i

11、nstructed him to keep the door locked. All our staff have been instructed in sign language. 我们所有的员工都被教授了手语。 We are instructed by our client that you owe them 300. 我们的委托人通知我们说你欠他们300英镑。5. take on sb / sth: 雇佣;呈现;承担 take on some staff. 雇佣一些员工 take on a puzzled look. 呈现困惑的神色 take on a challenging task.

12、 承担挑战性的任务6. move on to (doing) sth: 开始做;换话题 Can we move on to a new topic?7. polish: n. (1)上光剂,鞋油 (2) 优雅 (3) 磨光,擦亮C You should use wax polish on wooden furniture. 你应该在木制家具上打上蜡。 Four years of college gave her considerable polish. 四年的大学给了她更多的优雅。 Give your shoes a polish. 把你的鞋子擦一下。 vt. polish sth (up)

13、: 磨光,擦亮 polish sth up: 改善提高 polish sth off: 迅速做完 polish (up) the table. Will you polish up this article a bit before we send it to the printer? 在这篇文章付印以前,请把它修改一下好吗? We can polish the job off with the help of the new computer.四、Project1. as if从句省略如果as if引导的从句和主句的主语一致,同时从句中含有be的适当形式,可以省略从句的主语和be动词。剩余部

14、分为名词、形容词、介词短语、分词或不定式等。as if引导的从句是否为虚拟语气,要根据上下文判断。例如: He behaved as if (he was) a fool. The old man lay there as if (he was) dead. Ruby(鲁比) glanced about as if (she was) in search of something. John paused as if (he was ) expecting Mary to speak. They opened their eyes wide as (they were) shocked by

15、the sudden appearance of the lost boy. The man we followed suddenly stopped and looked as if _ whether he was going in the right direction. (2003,北京春) A. seeing B. having seen C. to have seen D. to see 答案为D。2. (Page 14, Line 21) mind if I sit down? 这是个省略句,完整的句子为would you mind if I sit down?3. please

16、 do: 好吧,请吧。Would you mind my opening the door? _. A. Yes, open itB. No, you wouldnt C. No, go ahead D. Yes, please do (答案为C)4. make room for sth: 为腾出地方 Please put away these books and make room for the piano.5. dash: vi. 急奔,猛冲 n. 急奔,猛冲;短跑;破折号 dash sth off: 匆忙完成 An ambulance dashed to the scene of th

17、e accident. 救护车风驰电掣地赶往事故现场。 She dashed off a letter to her mother. 她给母亲匆匆写了一封信。 He made a dash for the bus. 他猛冲过去追赶汽车。 He finished first in the 100-meter dash. 他在100米短跑中得了第一名。 6. tear: (tore, torn) vt. 撕,扯把撕成碎片 tear sth to pieces: tear sth apart: tear sth open: 撕拆开 The contract(合同) lay on the ground

18、, torn to pieces. He torn the letter open and found a bill of 50 yuan.7. burst: (burst, burst) (1) vi. 猛冲;突然出现;爆裂 burst in: 突然闯入突然起来 burst into sth: burst out doing: burst into tears / burst out crying: 突然大哭起来 burst into laughter / burst out laughing: 突然大笑起来 burst into flames: 突然起火 (2) n. 突发,迸发;爆炸;裂

19、口 a burst in the water pipe a sudden burst of danger: 怒火的迸发牛津英语模六Unit 1 (2)【考点释析】1. response n. 回应,反应;回答 respond vi 回应,反应 (P 2) make responses to 对做出答复 in response to 答复, 对.作出反应 respond to with 用对做出反应 I offered to help him, but he didnt respond (= he made no response).我主动给他提供帮助,但他没有回应。 He responded

20、to my advice with a smile. 他对我的建议报以一笑。 . = He smiled in response to my advice.2. queue up 排队(等候) (P 2) queue up for 为而排队等候 queue up to do 排队做某事 jump the queue 未轮到而抢先,插队 a queue of 一长列(车等)Children queued up for tickets. 孩子们排队等候买票。 Theyre queuing up to see a film. 他们排队看电影。 We shouldnt jump the queue a

21、t any place. 在任何地方我们都不应该插队。 There is a queue of cars at the traffic lights. 交通灯前有一长列汽车。3. award vt. 奖励,授予; n. C 奖品,奖状,奖金 (P 2) award sb. sth. / sth. to sb. 把某物颁发给某人A prize was awarded to her for her contributions. 她因作出贡献而获奖。We have seen the award ceremony. 我们已经看了颁奖典礼。 4. live adj. 活的 (修饰动物) adj./adv

22、. 现场直播的(地) (P 2) The cat is playing with a live mouse. 这只猫正在和一只活老鼠玩耍.The football match will be broadcast live tonight. 那场足球赛将在今晚现场直播。辨析:alive living live livelyalive: 表语形容词,既可指人又可指物,作表语、后置定语、补足语。living: 作前置定语、表语。the living意为“活着的人们”。 live: 作定语,通常修饰动物lively:“活泼的,充满生机的,活跃的”, 作定语或表语,既可指人,也可指物。5. make u

23、p 编造,化装,打扮,组成,弥补,言归于好 (P 3) He made up a wonderful story to explain his absence. The actors were making up when we arrived.What are the qualities that make up her character? Betty and John quarreled, but made up after a while. Because you were ill, you will have to make up the final exam. 链接:be made

24、 up of = consist of 由构成 The USA is a country made up of (= consisting of) fifty states. (注意分词的形式)6. appropriate adj. 正确的,适当的 be appropriate for 对适合 (P 3) It be appropriate for sb to do sth. It be appropriate thatHis casual clothes were not appropriate for such a formal occasion. 他的便服不适宜这样正式场合。 inapp

25、ropriate adj. 不合适的7. Whatever the reason, research shows that in the end, English saying “Laughter is the best medicine” may be true after all. (P 3) 句中whatever the reason有所省略,完整的句子是whatever the reason is。 We have made up our minds that we will finish the job whatever the cost (is). He always wears

26、a suit whatever the season (is).8. Writing is a tough work, but I hope it will all be worthwhile. (P 9) worthwhile adj. 值得的;值得花时间、金钱、精力的;可以做定语、表语 常用句型:It be worth while to do / doing sth. It be worth ones while to do sth. Personally, teaching is a worthwhile career. 在我个人看来,教书是值得做的职业。 Reading the boo

27、k is worthwhile. = It is worthwhile to read / reading the book.9. I must have forgotten to tell you. 我一定忘记告诉你了。 (P 14) must have done 一定做了什么,只用于肯定句中表示对过去的推测 It must have rained last night for the ground is wet. 昨晚一定下雨了因为地湿了。【总结】表示推测可以用以下形式 Sb. must / may / might do/be (肯定句中推测现在) Sb. must / may / mig

28、ht have done/been (肯定句中推测过去)Can / Could sb. do / be? (疑问句中推测现在) Can / Could sb. have done / been? (疑问句中推测过去) Sb. cannot / couldnt do / be (否定句中推测现在)Sb. cannot / couldnt have done/been (否定句中推测过去)【注意】(1) 以上结构中情态动词的过去式并不表示句子的时态,而表示推测把握性更小。 (2) can 用于肯定句表示推测时,指偶尔的可能性。【比较】以下结构表示虚拟 Sb. could / would / sho

29、uld / ought to / need / might + have done sth. 某人本能够 / 要(会) / 应该 / 需要 / 可能做某事,实际相反。 Sb. couldnt / wouldnt / shouldnt / oughtnt to / neednt / might not + have done sth. 某人本不能够 / 要(会) / 应该 / 需要 / 可能做某事,实际相反。10. tear (tore; torn) vt. / vi. 撕;扯 (使)分裂 (P 15) This material tears easily. 这种料子很容易撕破。 I tore

30、my coat this morning. 今天早上我把上衣撕破了。 tear oneself away 勉强离开,忍痛离开 tear sth. down = pull down 拆卸;拆毁(尤指建筑物) tear sth. open 撕开 tear n. 眼泪,常用复数11. burst in 闯入;打断;突然出现 (P 15) The police burst in and arrested the person. 警察突然闯进去逮捕了那个人。 “I dont see why I must not go,” he burst in angrily. 他气愤地插嘴说:我不明白为什么我不能去。 burst into 闯入里; 突然出现; burst out laughing / shouting / crying / cheering 突然笑 / 叫喊 / 哭 / 欢呼起来 burst into laughter / tears / cheers

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