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1、疯狂原始人中英文字幕1太阳升起,又是新的一天With every sun comes a new day.2一个崭新的开始A new beginning.3人们总是希望今天比昨天强A hope that things will be better today than they were yesterday.4对我来说无所谓,我是伊普But not for me. My names Eep.5这是我的家族:克鲁德一家And this is my family. The Croods.6注意到没 从我们穿的兽皮If you werent clued already, by animal skin

2、7和倾斜的前额,就能猜出我们是原始人。and sloping forehead, we are cavemen.8大多时候,我们呆在Most days we spend in our cave,9黑暗的洞穴里in the dark.10日复一日,夜复一夜Night after night, day after day.11多可爱的家啊Yep. Home sweet home.12我们出去的时候,为了寻找食物而奔波在When we did go out, we struggled to find food13这个严酷而又冷漠的世界上。in a harsh and hostile world.14

3、而我,还得拼命忍受我的家人。And I struggled to survive my family.15我们是周围最后的遗民We were the last ones around.16之前是有邻居的There used to be neighbors.17格拉家族,长毛象踩死了The Gorts, smashed by a mammoth.18霍克家族,沙蛇吞吃了The Horks, swallowed by a sand snake.19尔夫家族,蚊子叮死了The Erfs, mosquito bite.20施洛克家族,得感冒死了The Throgs, common cold.21克鲁德

4、家族.就是我们啦!And the Croods. Thats us.22克鲁德家族能够生存下来,多亏我父亲The Croods made it, because of my dad.23他很强大,而且遵守规则He was strong, and he followed the rules,24在我家的穴墙上刻着一条训语:the ones painted on our cave walls:25新鲜无好货,好奇害死猫Anything new is bad. Curiosity is bad.26晚上莫出门Going out at night is bad.27基本上,任何有趣的事物碰不得Basi

5、cally, anything fun is bad.28欢迎来到我们的世界里Welcome to my world.29而我要给大家讲述的是:这一切都在瞬间被改变了。But this is a story about how all that changed in an instant.30因为我们不知道这个世界Because what we didnt know was that our world31最终会带领我们去向何方was about to come to an end.32我们家的穴墙上也没有刻写And there were no rules on our cave walls3

6、3如何应对瞬息万变的世界to prepare us for that.34伊普,你应当等我的信号再出来Youre supposed to wait for my signal, Eep.35伊普Eep.36我感觉呆在这个洞里快一辈子了Weve been in that cave forever.37才三天而已,不算很长Three days is not forever.38和家人在一起就算长了It is with this family.39伊普,你能不能下来会Eep, will you come down here40你这么说太.戏剧化了Youre being so. so dramatic

7、.41不,不,不,珊迪,回到这儿No, no, no, Sandy, come back here!42记住信号,等信号的才是好女孩Remember the signal. Good girls wait for the signal.43尤格!我抓回珊迪,就到洞里,你就能发信号了Ugga! -As soon as I get Sandy, Ill go back in, and you can give the signal.44不行,你不是已经在外面了吗No. But youre already out now.45爸爸,我在等信号呢!I am waiting for the signal

8、, Dad!46不要紧,桑克,只管走出来Never mind, Thunk. Just come out.47但是你不给我信号,我怎么知道你是我父亲呢But if you dont give me the signal, how do I know youre my dad48信号并不是意味着那个是我,而是表明我没有被怪物吃掉。The signal isnt so you know its me. Its so you know I wasnt eaten by an animal.49那为什么信号是怪物的声音Then why is the signal an animal noise50我是

9、说,这会让人搞不明白I mean, doesnt that just confuse things51我还是等你的信号再出来Im still waiting for the signal.52妈妈,我们准备离开了!Mom, were ready to leave!53妈妈Mom54还活着!Still alive!55天很早呢Its still early.56你还是那么胖And youre still fat.57排成早餐队列!Breakfast formation!58见识下穴居人真正的风采I want to see some real caveman action out there!59

10、要干就干得迅速点、响亮点We do this fast. We do this loud,60像一家人那样齐心协力we do this as a family,61永远不要害怕and never not be afraid!62疯狂原始人THE CROODS63Translated by owenleeSubtitles by Bambula64耶.早餐.Yay. breakfast.65Okay, whos up Well flip for it.好,谁在上面我们翻个筋斗Okay, whos up Well flip for it.66在空中联络她,我的头!Call her in the a

11、ir. - Heads!Call her in the air. - Heads!67跟上,桑克过来,各就各位!Tails. Thunks in. Positions!Tails. Thunks in. Positions!68好了,桑克去吧!Okay. Thunk, go!69桑克,加油!Come on, Thunk.70往那去!把它带到洞穴里!Way to go! Take it to the cave!71放下婴儿!Release the baby!72珊迪,去抓住他们!Get em, Sandy, go!73妈妈,抓住他们!Get them, Mom!74老太婆趴下了!Old lady

12、 down!75伊普,为我报仇!Eep, avenge me!76谢了Thanks.77伊普,注意了!Eep! - Heads up!78爸,我们现在可以吃了吗Hey, Dad, can we eat now79等回到家里再吃Just wait til we get home.80伊普,过来踩刹车!Eep, put on the brakes!81伊普!Eep!82谁饿了Whos hungry83爸,这个不错!Good one, Dad.84桑克,给你的,喝光它!Here you go, Thunk. Drink up.85对不起,老爸。看起来,今晚要吃快餐了!Sorry, dad. - Lo

13、oks like fast food tonight!86不打紧,我上周吃过了Thats all right. I ate last week.87警告你们,两指相交了!Two knuckle warning!88赶紧走吧Go, go, go.89快点跟上Come on, come on.90我们都知道黑暗笼罩着死亡的阴影Darkness brings death! We know this.91满月了,月光浴啊!The moon is full. Bath night.92赶紧逃命吧!妈妈,你也是!Run for your life! - You to, Mom.93我在后面保护I dont

14、 want to lose my protective layer.94妈妈,你有小蚁Mom, youve got ants.95看到没,珊迪都不激动See Sandy doesnt fuss.96她还在那儿 你知道她不喜欢洞穴,葛瓦格Is she still out there - You know she hates the cave, Grug.97请明天再回来吧Please come back tomorrow.98她怎么不喜欢洞穴里,那儿很舒服啊How can she not like the cave Its so cozy.99洞穴有点黑,不是吗It is a little da

15、rk, right100没你说得那么黑Its not that dark.101伊普!Eep!102快来吧,我得关掉洞穴了Come on, I gotta close the cave.103伊普!Eep!104好的!Okay! Okay!105快啊Come on.106伊普!快下来!Eep! Come down!107差点就没命了! - 我在看着呢,我很好.That was too close! - I was watching. I was fine.108伊普,你在那里干什么 - 我不知道. - 你到底在找什么 - 没什么What were you doing up there, Eep

16、 - I dont know. - What were you looking for - Nothing.109好吧,你为什么要到上面去呢- 我不知道 - 你干什么自己都不知道Well then, why did you go up there - I dont know! - Why dont you know110不要到处看东看西!Stop looking for things!111因为有恐惧我们才能活下来, 伊普.Fear keeps us alive, Eep.112千万不要什么都无所畏惧Never not be afraid.113这一切到底是怎么回事Whats the poin

17、t of all this114你说什么 - 我的意思是:我们来这里做什么What was that - I mean, why are we here115我们做这些到底有什么用What are we doing this for116没人说生存是件轻松的事No one said survival is fun.117没什么有趣的Nothing is fun.118你们能够下来这儿吗 - 葛瓦格 - 伊普Would you come down here - Grug - Eep119下来! - 可以,没问题. - 这就下来!Off! - Yes. Okay. - Off!120我只是搞不明白

18、她为何需要自己的壁架,就这些,没别的了I just dont see why she needs her own ledge. Thats all. Thats what this is about.121她需要自己的空间来应对一些事情Shes working through some things and needs some space.122什么事需要多久What things How long is this going to take123真的 她已经都不听我的话了! -嘿!Really She already doesnt listen to me. Hey!124看见没她正在听S

19、ee Shes listening.125如果她想要生存下去,就必须听从我们If she wants to survive, she has to follow our rules.126听个故事如何 伊普喜欢那些 - 好主意How about a story Eep loves those. - Thats a good idea.127那就讲个故事吧 - 来, 给我们讲个故事How about a story, huh - Yeah, tell us a story.128好吧. 我能借用个吗 谢谢Okay. Can I borrow that Thank you.129伊普! 你曾经的最

20、爱哦!Eep! Your old favourite!130我不玩这套好多年了I havent played with that thing in years.131今天晚上我们就讲个关于克里斯熊的故事吧Tonight well hear the story of Krispy Bear.132很久以前,这只小熊还活着A long time ago, this little bear was alive.133她之所以活着,是因为她听爸爸的话She was alive because she listened to her father134在黑暗和恐惧中规规矩矩过日子and lived he

21、r life in routine and darkness and terror.135于是她过得很开心So she was happy.136但是克里斯有个很大的毛病But Krispy had one terrible problem.137她总是对什么事情She was filled with.138都感到好奇curiosity.139葛瓦格! - 是的, 没错Grug! - Yes, yes.140有一天,她爬到一棵树上。And one day, while she was in a tree,141好奇心驱使这只小熊想爬到树顶the curious little bear want

22、ed to climb to the top.142什么 - 不过,当她爬到树顶不久,看到一些新的事物What - And no sooner had she climbed to the top she saw something new and143之后就死了 - 就像这样died. - Just like that144是的! 最后死的那刻,脸上满是恐怖表情Yes! Her last moments of terror still frozen on her face.145每天都是一个结局Same ending as every day.146我明白,爸!我不会再做新奇和异样的事情了I

23、 get it, Dad. I will never do anything new or different.147桑克,好孩子 - 好了, 锃锃牙齿Good man, Thunk. - All right, everyone sharpen your teeth148大家围在一块睡觉吧and lets pile up.149呛死我了. - 你能说话Air. - You talk.150我跟你一样,也是人Im person, like you.151差不多跟你一样吧Sort of. like you.152好,好. 嘿, 嘿, 嘿, 嘿. 你能不能不要.Okay, okay. Hey, he

24、y, hey, hey. Could you. Could you mind not.153给我挠痒痒. 嘿, 嘿, 嘿, 嘿!That tickles. Hey, hey, hey. Hey!154安静! 我本不应该出来的Quiet! I am not supposed to be out here.155伊普走了 - 什么 葛瓦格!Eeps gone. - What Grug!156呆在洞穴里!Stay in the cave!157哇噢, 你真的很强健Wow, youre really strong.158不! 那是我的! - 不! 不要!No! Its mine! - Please.

25、- No! No!159它很快就会死掉(熄灭)! - 我生的火. - 我能搞定. 让我来吧.But it is dying! - I caught it. - I can fix it. Please.160我讨厌黑暗Please. I hate the dark.161快烧起来吧.Come on, come on.162它能够听你的话It does what you tell it163嗯, 是的, 有那么一点Well, yeah, sort of.164太阳 - 不,不,是火Sun - No, no. Fire.165喂, 阿火 - 它是没有生命的Hi, Fire. - Its not a

26、live.166但你说它快要死掉了But you said it was dying.167抱歉 - 它是跟你一块来的Sorry. - It comes from where you came from168不是, 我造的它 - 帮我也制造点No, I make it. - Make some for me.169好吧! 它不是我所具备的 - 是造出来的Okay! It doesnt come out of me. - Make.170造吧, 制造它!Make. Make it!171你太过份了You do this a lot.172你不会死掉了吧 如果你死了,我能用你的火吗Are you

27、dead Can I have your fire if youre dead173嘿, 那东西瓦凉瓦凉的! 你看呢 Listening shells, activate.Hey, those are cold! You think Listening shells, activate.174我赞同,虎妹, 我们得马上离开I concur. Tiger girl, we need to leave immediately.175我都不认识你I dont even know you.176我是盖. - 盖Im Guy. - Guy177它是贝特. 我的厨子、同聊兼向导,And this is B

28、elt. Cook, conversationalist, navigator,178而且还能帮我系裤带also keeps my pants up.179系裤带 - 你是谁What are pants up - Who are you180伊普. - 让我澄清下, 伊普. 世界已经走到尽头了!Eep. - Let me clarify, Eep. The world is ending.181什么 - 我称之为.终结。What - Im calling it.The End.182你是怎么知道的 - 我亲眼所见. 它正朝这边来了How do you know - Ive seen it. I

29、ts coming this way.183首先, 地面开始晃动. 然后裂开.First, the ground is gonna shake. Then it breaks open.184所有的一切都陷下去了Everything falls in.185大火,熔岩. 我并不是有意要添油加醋,但是.Fire. Lava. I dont mean to sound too dramatic, but.186相信我, 我们脚下的所有一切都会消失殆尽。Believe me, everything were standing on, all this right here, will be gone.187我们得出高点的地方. 我知道有座山,Weve got to get to high groun

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