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外研版九年级上英语第9讲Unit 5词汇学生篇.docx

1、外研版九年级上英语第9讲Unit 5词汇学生篇第9讲 Unit 5词汇篇_Module 5短语归纳1. on the second floor 在二楼 2. be against the rule 违反规定3. in trouble 处于困境 4. No entry. 禁止入内。5. Thats no good. 那不行。 6. Take a photo /photos / pictures 拍照7. No photos. 禁止拍照。 8. No wonder. 难怪。9. be rude 粗鲁的 10. go upstairs/downstairs上楼/下楼11. punish sb. fo

2、r (doing) sth. 因(做)某事而惩罚某人 He punished his son for copying homework. Tom was punished for fighting.12. There is no shouting and no running. 禁止喧哗和跑。13. be different from 与不同 14. talk about sb. /sth. 谈论某人/某事15. the answer to the question 那个问题的答案 the key to the door 门的钥匙16. dig coal 挖煤 17. physics expe

3、riments 物理实验18. as well as 不仅而且 19. fill with 把装满 =be full of20. find out 查明 21. compare.with 把和相比较22. people of all ages 各个年龄段的人 23. have a wonderful time 玩得很开心24. be free 免费的 25. allow sb. to do sth. 允许某人做某事 allow doing sth. 允许做某事26. make a noise 发出噪音 27. On the ground floor 在一楼28. take a boat tri

4、p乘船旅行 29.have a high fever发高烧 30. send an email发送电子邮件 32.write down写下33. get into trouble陷入麻烦 34.break the rule破坏规则35. keep quiet保持安静 36. make sure确保;务必 37. in the whole world在全世界 38. Take the lift 乘电梯39. between. and.在.和.之间 40. drop in顺便拜访 drop in on sb. 顺便拜访某人 drop in at sp. 参观某地41. pay attention

5、to 注意 pay attention to (doing) sth. 注意(做)某事42. look forward to (doing) sth. 盼望(做)某事用法集萃1.What a/an+形容词+名词单数!多么.一个.!2. Whats the matter (with sb.)?(某人)怎么了?3. pay attention to (doing)sth.注意(做)某事4. look forward to doing sth.期待做某事5. without doing sth.没有做某事1.Shark is getting old and cant jump as_ as he d

6、id. A.high B.higher C.highest D.much higher2.Her mother doesnt allow her_earrings. A. to wear B. wearing C. wear 3. _a player, Im looking forward _Olympic Games. A.For;at B.As;to C.With;for D.Of;to4.You can_ at the museum when you stay in London.A. drop in B. fill with C. look forward to D. visit5.

7、Either you or he _ the chance to give your speech at the meeting. A. have B. has D.are基础演练I.词汇练习A根据句意和首字母提示补全单词。1. Look at the sign “No e_”, so we mustnt go there. 2. Jackie Chan is a f_ film star from Hong Kong to us.3. We students should give our full a_ to what we are learning.4. There are t

8、wo g_ at the gate of our school to watch over(看护) us. 5. Maybe e_ of the twin sisters is coming.6. Chemistry is my favourite subject because I can do many interesting e_. 7. P_ is a new subject for the students in Grade Two.8. Which runs fastest, a car, a t_or a bus?9. Jim got there very early so th

9、at he could get a good _(位置) to see the match. 10. Most of us know Yao Ming is playing for Houston _(火箭) in America.B用所给单词的适当形式填空。1. No _(shout)! All the pupils are having a rest. 2. Look! The sculpture over there looks very _(really). 3. The Grand Canyon is one of the greatest wonders of the _(natu

10、re) world. 4.The children had an _( usual) experience when climbing Mount Tai. 5. When did you begin to ride a bike without training _( wheel)? II.句型转换1. What were they doing? I dont know. (合并为一个句子)I dont know what _ _ doing.2. There isnt any water in the glass. (改为同义句)_ _ water in the glass.3. His

11、brother is not only a singer, but also an actor. (改为同义句)His brother is a singer _ _ as an actor.4. You mustnt tell it to anyone. (改为祈使句)Please _ _ it to anyone.5. You can stay in the museum for two hours. (对画线部分提问)_ _ can we stay in the museum?巩固提高I.用方框中所给短语填空Aas well as well as comparewith looking

12、forward to make sure pay attention toWell, here we are at the Science Museum. Today we will be looking at ancient and modern technology. You can learn about history (1)_ technology. Thats because changes in technology have changed the world. Please (2)_ some machines or tools invented in ancient Chi

13、na. They are very important in history and have changed the world forever. When you write your reports later, (3)_ that you (4)_ ancient technology _ modern technology. You might include some information about life in ancient and modern times (5)_ . Im (6)_ reading the reports of your visit.Bat betw

14、een inside into next to on2. Ask the students to read through the sentences in Activity 6. 1) The Science and Technology Room is _ the third floor.2) Take the lift to the third floor. It is over there, _ the stairs.3) There is a garden _ the back of the building.21教育名师原创作品4) You are not allowed to g

15、o _ the museum without paying.5) The shop is _ the ticket office and the main door.6) There must be another way _ the room.II.根据汉语意思,完成下列句子,每空一词 1.注意听!我有重要的事情要告诉大家。_ _! I have something important to tell everyone.2. 汤姆的各科成绩都好,尤其是英语。Tom does well in all his subjects, and _ _ in English.3.你不可以一个人离开,因为

16、琳达会生气的。 You mustnt _ _ on your own because Linda will be angry.4. 不要害怕尝试不同的方法。Dont be afraid to _ _ different ways.5. 我自己算出了一道非常难的数学题,真开心。Im so happy to _ _ a very difficult maths problem by myself.I.单项选择1. His parents always like to compare him _ his classmates.A. to B. withC. for D. on2. The maths

17、 problem was so difficult that none of us could _. A. try it out B. work it out C. look it up D. work on it3. As students, _, we should study hard to be well prepared for the future. A. at all B. in all C. after all D. above all4. The boy _ so much time on the computer games that he didnt have enoug

18、h time to study. A. cost B. spent C. paid D. took5. There are lots of mistakes in my homework because I didnt pay attention to_ the teacher. A. listen B. listening to C. listening D. listen to6. This is a big class, and of the students are girls.A. two; third B. second; three C. two; thirds D. two;

19、three7. You _ swim here. It is said that sharks have been seen.A. can B. may C. mustnt D. neednt8. Teenagers shouldnt go on holiday _.A. lonely B. by oneself C. alone D. on ones own9. The little boy looked forward to_ the British Museum.A. visiting B. visit C. visited D. a visit10. Do you believe so

20、me special dogs can do things _man can?A. as good as B. as well as C. as better as D. as careful as11.Bill was _ tired after a whole days work. A. a kind of B. kind of C. bit of D. a bit ofII.完形填空 Do you want to experience the rich tradition of our city? Visit the major (主要的) museums here. Remember,

21、 they are very 1 , so you have to know lots of other visitors will rush to these places. Before you visit the museums, you 2 do the following things. 3 , try to get a museum pass. A museum pass will make life easier for you. With a museum pass, you will not have to wait in long lines, just to get a

22、ticket to 4 the museum.Second, get a map of the city. As soon as you arrive at the 5 , make sure to get a map of the city. A map can help you easily find the major museums here.Third, go to museums early. If you want to 6 the crowd in museums, then you need to get up early, so you can visit the majo

23、r museums in the morning. 7 , if you want to meet new friends and enjoy the company(陪同) of other museum visitors, you can visit major museums in the city in the afternoon or 8 closing time.Finally, dont forget 9 to go first. There are more than 20 major museums in the city. So it is important to car

24、efully make a 10 of your museum tour. You can certainly have a good time here.1. A. ordinary B. popular C. expensive D. different2. A. neednt B. cant C. should D. must 3. A. In fact B. Right now C. At last D. Above all 4. A. enter B. leave C. visit D. build 5. A. museum B. school C. airport D. hospi

25、tal6. A. accept B. avoid C. drop D. face 7. A. Because B. Although C. Instead D. However8. A. before B. after C. below D. during 9. A. what B. where C. when D. how 10. A. trip B. way C. plan D. advice _I.单项填空(1-5)重庆2017-2016上学期月考)1. If you want to improve your English, you should _ to the teacher ca

26、refully in calss.A. pay attention to listen B. pay attention to listening C. pay attention of listening D. pay attention for listening2. We should learn how to ask for help _. A. polite B. impolite C. politely D. impolitely3. Can you see a dog _ under the tree? A. lays B. lies C. laying D. lying4. I

27、m not good at English, can you tell me the secret _ it. A. to learn it B. of learn it C. to learning D. for learning 5. - Do we have to plant more trees in our country? - Yes, _ trees we plant, _ the environment will become.A. more, better B. the most, the best C. more, most D. the more, the better6

28、. Did Lucy get first prize in the maths competition? Yeah. Nobody knew the answer _ the last question except her. A. in B. with C. to D. for 7. Timmy was so hungry that he ate the _ cake in two minutes. A. all B. rest C. whole D. following 8. Jackie didnt get good grades in the final exam, so his dad _ him by not allowing him to go out at the weekend. A. punished B. interviewed C. trusted D. encouraged 9. It was difficult for Lucy to _

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