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1、初中英语语法知识点必备初中英语语法知识点必备引子语法 词法 句法词类1、名词(n.):表示人、事物、地点或抽象概念的名称。如:pen,morning,bag,ball,class,orange. 2、代词(pron.):主要用来代替名词。如:who,she,you,it,he,.,their 3、形容词(adj.):表示人或事物的性质或特征。如:good,right,white,orange.4、数词(num.):表示数目或事物的顺序。如:one,two,three,first,second,third,fourth.5、动词(v.):表示动作或状态。如:am,is,are,have,see.

2、 6、副词(adv.):修饰动词、形容词或其他副词,说明时间、地点、程度等。如:now,here,very,often,slowly. 7、冠词(art.):用在名词前,帮助说明名词。如:a,an,the. 8、介词(prep.):表示它后面的名词或代词与其他句子成分的关系。如in,on,from,above,behind. 9、连词(conj.):用来连接词、短语或句子。如and,but,before. 10、感叹词(interj.)表示喜、怒、哀、乐等感情。如:oh,wow,hi,hello八大句子成分主语:句子说明的人或事物谓语:说明主语的动作、状态和特征宾语:动作的对象或承受者及物动词

3、或介词的宾语 动宾 介宾 直宾 间宾定语:修饰、限制或说明名词或代词的品质和特征状语:说明地点、时间、原因、目的、结果、条件、方向、程度、方式和伴随状况等。宾补:补充说明宾语的身份和状态以补充其意义不足,同位语:位于名词或代词后面,解释前者,两者语法功能相同。 表语:连系动词,其后面的成分叫作表语。五大基本句型1. 主+谓2. 主+谓+宾3. 主+系+表4. 主+谓+宾+宾5. 主+谓+宾+补句子分类按用途分类 陈述句 疑问句 一般疑问句 特殊疑问句 选择疑问句 反义疑问句 (附加疑问句) 祈使句 命令,要求,请求,劝告 感叹句 惊奇,愤怒,赞赏,喜悦按结构分类 简单句 只有一套主谓的句子。

4、并列句 并列量词把两个以上的简单句连接起来,各句之间意义同等重要,没有从属关系。 复合句 主句完整,可以独立存在;从句不完整,只是一个句子成分,不可独立存在。一、名词1. 名词变复数 class classes box boxes watch watches brush brushesstory stories baby babies city cities country countrieswife wives knife knives wolf wolves leafleaves scarf scarfs / scarveshero heroes tomato tomatoes potat

5、o potatoes mango mangoes / mangoschild children tooth teeth foot feet mouse mice sheep sheep deer deer fish fish (fishes种类) Chinese Chinese Japanese Japanese Englishman Englishmen Frenchman Frenchmen policeman policemen GermanGermans man doctor men doctors woman teacher women teachers girl student g

6、irl students boy friend boy friends shoe shop shoe shops 2. 复数名词 people police 谓语动词用复数3. 集体名词 family, class, group, team 个体-单数;整体-复数 4. 人民币没有复数形式,外国货币有复数。100 yuan, 5 dollars(cents, pounds, pence, )5. two teas /colas / coffees 表示“几杯”、“几份”6. one of + 名词复数7. 名词所有格 分别拥有As and Bs 共同拥有 A and Bs 店铺或某人的家 th

7、e doctors (office) the bakers (shop) my uncles (home) 距离 an hours drive ten minutes walk 双重所有格 a friend of Marys mothers a book of mine 节日 Womens Day Mothers Day Teachers Day April Fools Day8. 数量短语修饰可数名词 many, (a)few, several, a great number of, a good many, many a(单数名词),修饰不可数名词 much (a)little a gre

8、at deal of a great amount of 既可修饰可数又可修饰不可数 some, any, a lot of, lots of, plenty of, a quantity of, quantities of二、冠词1. a/an 以辅音音标开头的单词前用a a usual day a useful book a European 以元音音标开头的单词前用an an unusual day an honest boy an hour 2. the+adj 类指 谓语动词用复数3. 乐器前用the,球类棋牌前不用任何冠词。4. the+姓氏复数 表示“一家人”或夫妇5. 不用冠词

9、的情况 专有名词(人名,地名,国名,季节,月份,星期) 含有普通名词的专有名词(街道,广场,公园,车站,机场,大学,含有Day节日) 三餐球类运动6. 国家前不用冠词,但全称用the7. 在一些短语中,用the 表示具体概念, 不用表示抽象概念 at the table 在桌旁 at table在吃饭 in the hospital在医院里 in hospital 住院by the sea 在海边 by sea 乘船 in the prison 在监狱里 in prison 坐牢in the class 在班里 in class 在上课 go to the church 去教堂 go to c

10、hurch 做礼拜三、代词1. 人称代词、物主代词、反身代词 (附表格)2. 复合不定代词 (-one -body -thing) 单数 修饰语后置 3. every one 每一个(人/物) everyone=everybody 每个人,人人(整体) anyone 任何人 强调个体4. some, any5. both, all6. neither, either7. none, no one8. every, each9. Who-询问身份 What-询问职业 What -没有选择范围 Which-在具体范围内选择10. It 做虚主语、形式主语、形式宾语、强调句11. it -指代同一个

11、事物 Look at the bird. It often comes to my window. one -泛指同名异物 I havent got a pen. Can you please lend me one? that -特指同名异物 =the one (复数用those,=the ones) 四、数词1. 确定数量 two thousand several thousand two thousand of the students (学生中的2000人)2. 模糊数量 hundreds of thousands of many thousands of dozens of scor

12、es of 3. 序数词 fifth twelfth eighth ninth nineteenth ninetieth 4. 分数词 基(1) a half (1/2) a quarter(1/4) one fifth three-fifths 序(s)5. 几个半 two and a half hours (=two hours and a half)6. 复合形容词 只做定语不做表语 a two-month holiday an 8-year-old girl 7. 时刻 past (30分钟内) to(超过30分钟) 8. 编号 Lesson 1 (the first Lesson),

13、 Room 302 9. 年龄 in ones fifties at the age of 20 10. 世纪年代 in the 1980s =in the 1980s五、介词 at 时间点;短暂时间;节日 时间 in 较长时间 (世纪,年月季,泛指早午晚) on 特定、具体日子 (星期,具体日期,含Day节日,有限定语修饰的时间) in 范围内 地理 on 相邻方位 to 相隔 through 内部穿过 through the tunnel 穿过 across 表面横穿 across the street past 从旁边经过 past me over 上方越过 over the the P

14、acific Ocean with 用工具或身体部位 in 用语言、材料等表达方式用 by 用交通工具等方式手段 on 用通讯工具(TV, radio, telephone, Internet) through 通过某种方式 besides 除外还有 除外 except / but 除外没有 except for 用于句首代替except 美中不足 被排除的与主体不同类 except that 后接从句常用介词 (熟记短语,固定搭配)at (时间) (地点)在. 目标、方向 引起情绪的原因 以.价格、速度、数量about 关于 大约=around some against 反对,不支持 对抗

15、play against 撞击 在.映衬下 by (时间) 到.为止 (地点) 在旁边;经过 (方法手段)用,靠,通过 (数量增减幅度)相差 被,由 for (目的) 为了 (原因)由于 (对象) 对于 赞成,拥护,支持 代替,代表from (起点)自,从 (来源)从.来,来自. (原因)由于 离开,除去,免掉,逃避,阻止in (时间)在.期间 (地点)在. 在.里面 (方式)用 在.方面 穿戴on (时间)在具体日子 (方位)在.上 在.旁,靠近 有关,关于 通过.方式(通讯)to (方向,目的)到. (时间) 到.止 对于 对待别人态度with (陪伴)和.一起 对待别人 (方式)用 伴随

16、 具有,带有六、形容词副词1. 分词形容词: -ing(物) / -ed(人) 2. 表语形容词:ill, well, afraid, awake, asleep, alone, alive, alike, aware3. 形容词作宾补 keep the room clean 4. 形容词排序: “县官行令宴国才”5. 形容词变副词(派生副词): 直接加 元e 去e加 辅y 变y为i加 -le结尾改e为y6. 形副同形 enough, fast, early, late, high, deep, hard, wide, near, short, 7. 频度副词 never, seldom, h

17、ardly, rarely, sometimes(=once in a while, from time to time, occasionally, at times, at whiles)8. 程度副词 enough to The house is big enough for us to live in. the box is too heavy to carry. so big a city= such a big city so many /much/ few/little quite a quiet evening9. open the closed window c

18、lose the open window10. 比较级和最高级的变化规则 more / most slowly quickly(开放性副词) easily(多音节) tired(分词形容词) 11. 同级比较 as +原级+ as(肯定) not as (so) +原级+ as(否定)难点:She has as sweet a voice as her mother. Miss Green isnt so/as strict a teacher as Mr White. 劣势比较:less.than.12. the +比较级of the two “(二者中)比较.的那一个”13. 双重比较:比

19、较级 and 比较级 “越来越.”14. 变化比较:The +比较级., the +比较级. “越.越.” 15. 拉丁比较16. 比较级表达最高级He is taller than any other boy in his class.He is taller than anyone else in his class.He is taller than the other boys in his class. He is taller than the others in his class. He is taller than any of the other boys in his c

20、lass. 17. “否定词+谓语+比较级” “否定词+so as.”相当于最高级。如: Ive never seen a nicer bird than this one. I have never heard a better voice. I have never seen so beautiful a girl as she.18. 倍数的表达This room is three times as large as that one.This room is twice larger than that one.19. 比较级修饰语 a little, a bit, rather; a

21、 lot / a great deal, much, still, yet, even, (by)far, no, any19. 注意:比较的对象是同类的 为避免重复,用名词所有格, 代词所有格或that/those 形容词最高级前用the, 当有限定词修饰时不用the; 副词最高级前the可省略。20. 最高级修饰语 序数词 much, (by) far, nearly, almost, quite 注:quite一般不修饰比较级,但I feel quite better. 七、情态动词1.能力can, could , be able to(用于各种时态)2.强制You must. (主观)

22、 You have to.(客观)3.应该 should, ought to4.建议 Will/Would you please.? 5.可能性 must(一定), cant(不可能) may(可能) , may not(可能不)6.许可 -May I /Can I / Could I put my bike here? -Yes, you may. (Yes, you can.) / -No, you cant. (No, you mustnt.) 7.必要性 -Must I /Need I finish the work today? -Yes, you must. / -No, you

23、neednt. (No, you dont have to. ) 8.禁止 mustnt 八、非谓语动词动名词enjoy, finish, practise, dislike, keep, miss, mind, suggest,imagine, consider, avoid, allow, advise, risk, admit, denylook forward to, pay attention to, be used to, stick to(坚持), lead to(导致), make a contribution to, on doing, give

24、 up doingfeel like doingcant help doingbe worth doingbe busy (in) doingspend / waste.(in) doinghave trouble/ difficulty/ problems/ fun (in) doing sth. need/ want/ require + doing=sth. need to be done 动词不定式1. 宾语 afford, agree, ask, decide, expect, fail, hope, intend, manage, offer, refuse, plan, prom

25、ise, pretend, want, would like, wish 2. 宾补 advise, allow, ask, encourage, tell, order, warn, promise, want,3. 使役动词 let / make /have sb. do (被动+to, let除外) have sth. done get sb. to do 4. 感官动词 see/watch/notice/hear sb. do (不是进行中;动作的全部) see/watch/notice/hear sb.doing (进行中;动作的部分)5. 疑问词+不定式 6. en

26、ough to. only to7. 既可接动名词又可接不定式forget to do remember to do stop to do try to do mean to do like to doforget doing remember doing stop doing try doing mean doing like doingprefer doing to doingprefer to do rather than do 宁可.也不.would rather do than do九、系动词状态系动词 be感官系动词 look sound smell taste feel 持续系动

27、词 keep stay remain stand lie rest变化系动词 become 好坏情况均可 He became a teacher 5 years ago. turn 变色 (turn green, turn pale) He turned teacher 5 years ago. get grow “逐渐变得”,强调成长发展中其变化过程。 go 变坏;变色 (go wrong, go bad, go mad) fall 由动态到静态(fall asleep, fall ill) come 向好的变化发展(come true, come right) run (dry, shor

28、t, wild)表象系动词 look 视觉印象 seem内心的判断,有一定依据 It seems that. seem (to be)appear 给别人的表面印象,实质上也许并非如此 终止系动词 prove turn out 证实, 证明是,结果是 辨异词1. arrive in/at, get to, reach2. spend, cost, pay, take, worth 3. dress, wear, put on4. win, beat, lose 5. borrow, lend 6. steal, rob7. receive, accept, take8. bring, take

29、, carry, fetch, get 9. invent, discover, find, find out 10. like, dislike, alike, likely11. live, lively, alive, living 12. talk, tell, say, speak13. in front of, in the front of14. continuously, continually 15. be famous for, be famous as 16. be strict with, be strict in 17. alone, lonely I often w

30、alk alone in the lonely mountain. Although Im along, I dont feel lonely.17. older, elder, elderly The elderly man is my elder brother. He is two years older than I. 18. lie躺 lay lain lyinglie谎 lied lied lyinglay放;下蛋 laid laid laying The woman lying on the grass lied that her hen laid two eggs every day. 19. 乘交通工具take + a/the +交通工具

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