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7、在游泳池atthelibrary在图书馆studyfor为、考试而准备boatraces船赛waitforsb./sth.等候某人或某物。eatout在外面吃whattime=when询问时间usethecomputer使用电脑listentotheCD|music听音乐makesoup|dinner做汤|饭onSundays在每个周日inthemornings在每个早上gotothemovies=seeamovie看电影film|movie电影1. watch TV 看电视2. watch, see, look, read这四个词的区别: 1)watch 意为“观看、注视”。指长时间看某一活

8、动的场面,如:看电视、比赛、表演、赏月等。 He likes watching TV. 他喜欢看电视。2)look 强调发出看的动作,不注重结果。是一个不及物动词,带宾语时加at。如: Look. There is a boy under the tree. 看,树下有一个男孩。3)see 强调“看”的结果。指看见还是没看见。也指看电影(see a comedy)、看病(see a doctor)如:I can see some birds in the tree. 我能看见树上有一些鸟。 4)read 意为“看、读”。其宾语常是有文字的“书、报、杂志”等。如:He is reading a

9、book. 他正在看书。体会下边的话:看,大卫正在看黑板。他能看见一位女孩在看书,她没有看电视。Look. David is looking at the blackboard. He can see a girl. She is reading books. She isnt watching TV.3. clean 1) 形容词。“干净的”如:The desk is clean. 桌子很干净。 2)动词。“扫除、清除”。如:He is cleaning his room.他正在打扫房间 4. eat dinner 吃晚饭5. talk on the phone. 在电话上交谈。注意用介词o

10、n. 6. want to do sth 想要做某事。 7. go to the movies 去看电影。8. That sounds good. 那听起来不错。 9. TV show 电视节目。 10. write a letter 写信。Write a letter to sb. = write to sb. 给某人写信。 I often write a letter to my friend.= I often write to my friend. 我经常给朋友写信。 11. Sure. 当然。用来同意对方的请求或建议。如:-May I have a look? sure.12. Le

11、ts + 动词原形。 表“建议”。意为“让我们做?”如:Lets see the tigers first. 让我们先看老虎吧。 13. read a book 看书。也可说“read books” 14. wait等;等候。不及物动词。带宾词时加for.即:wait for sb/ sth. 等候某人或某物。如: He is waiting for a bus. 他正在等一辆公共汽车。 to sb 对某人说话。Talk with sb. 和某人交谈。双方平等。 Talk about sth. 谈论某事。如:He is talking with his mother about

12、 his study. 他正和他妈妈谈论他的学习情况。16. all 全部;全都。指三者及三者以上。通常放助动词后,实义动词前。如:We are all students. 我们全都是学生。They all work hard. 他们全都努力学习。17. at the mall 在购物商场。注意用“at”。 又如:at the library在图书馆 at the pool在游泳池 18. at school 在学校。 19. thanks for 因?而感谢。如:Thanks for your pen. Thank sb for + 名词/代词/V-ing. 因?而感谢某人。如:Thank

13、you for your help. 谢谢你的帮助。 =Thank you for helping me.20. photo 照片。复数加-s。以o结尾的名词只有tomato 和potato的复数加-es。其余的加-s。 21. Here is /are ?这儿有?。is后接单数;are后接复数。如:Here is your book. 这是你的书。 Here are your books. 这是你们的书。 22. some of? “?中的一些”。后接可数复数或不可数。如:Some of meat is bad. 有些肉坏了。 Some of us are teachers. 我们中有一些是

14、老师。 I like some of these books. 我喜欢其中的一些书。 23. in the first photo. 在照片上。用介词“in”。 24. family 家;家庭。强调“整体”,是单数;强调“成员”时,是复数。如:His family has a shower. 他们家有一个淋浴。 His family are watching TV. 他全家在看电视。 25. at home 在家26. a photo of my family 一张我的全家照基础练习A写出下列动词现在分词形式。)1. clean_2. work_ 3. watch_ 4. eat_ 5. re

15、ad_ 6. wait_ 7. talk_ 8. go_ 9. play_ 10. study_11. take_ 12. have_ 13. dance_14. write_ e_ 16. make_ 17. get_ 18. run_ 19. swim_ 20. sit_ 21. shop_ 22. stop_ 选择填空1 Some boys are playing _ basketball over there. A / B the C a 2 Thanks _ your great help. A for B from C with 3 Look, Jim is _ TV.A seei

16、ng B watching C watch 4 Jack and Tom often do _ at school.Ahis homeworkBtheir homeworksCtheir homework 5 My mother always goes _ on Sundays. A shops B shopping C shop7 He is standing at the bus stop. He is _ the bus. A talking to B listening to C waiting for 8 Mike is the first one to come here. Dav

17、id is the _ one and Kate is the third one. A last B second C two9 After dinner, my father often _ newspapers. A looks B sees C reads10 Those children _ going to the school library. A all are B are all C all do 11 Mike is swimming in the _. A pool B mall C home12 Is Ben there? No, _. He is playing fo

18、otball in the park.A there isnt B he isnt C it isnt 13 _ do we go shopping?Lets go at half past seven. A When B Where C Who 14 Is Tom writing a letter? Yes, _. A he does B he is C he can 1. The boy isnt _ the teacher.A. listen B. listening C. listening to D. listen to ( ) 2. Listen! She _ in the cla

19、ssroom. A. sing B. sings C. singing D. is singing ( ) 3. My parents often _ TV in the evening. A. watch B. see C. look D. look at ( ) 4. There _ some tea in the cup. A. are B. is C. isnt D. arent ( ) 5. Where is my bag? I cant _ it. A. watch B. look C. find D. want ( ) 6. Im writing _ my friend. A.

20、to B. for C. at D. on( ) 7. Were talking _ the English exam. A. with B. to C. about D. of ( ) 8. Its time _ have dinner.A. for B. with C. at D. to ( ) 9. Let _ help _.A. they, you B. us, his C. me, them D. we, you ( ) 10. My father _ young.A. is looking B. look C. looks D. looking ( ) 11. Lets _ Kat

21、es home.A. go B. go to C. going D. going to ( ) 12Wang Bin is _a book. Li Tao is _the blackboard. A. reading; looking B. reading; looking at C. seeing; looking at D. watching, looking for ( ) 13_are they doing?Theyre _. A. What; run B. Who; running C. What; running D. Where; running sunbath.(日光浴). K

22、itty _(9)_ to swim now, but I ( ) 14_they_ football? cant _(10)_ her. I hope she is OK.With best wishes. A. Are;play B. Are;playingChristina C. Is;playing D. Do;playing 1 A are having B enjoying C have ( ) 15Bobs singing _song. Its2 A is writing B am reading C am writing _American song. 3 A on B to

23、C with4 A lot B lots C many A. a;a B. a;an C. an;a5 A Some B Any C One D. an;the 6 A are going B are speaking C are playing 用单词的适当形式填空1 Tom and his father _(swim) now. 7 A are singing B is singing C sing 2 Look! They _(run) along the street. 8 A is taking B are taking C are bringing 3 We _(practice)

24、 hard these days because 9 A is learning B learns C is knowing we will have a big match next month. 10 A watching B look C see 4 _ you _(study) English? Yes, I am. Unit5自测题B .根据句意和首字母完成句中所缺单词(5分)1.1.There are many books in our school l . 2.Look! The children are swimming at the for my wallet. There

25、is something important in it. p 3.Lets p 8 Please be quiet. The students _(have) an exam. 4. The girl is c her room now. 5 Lets go out. It _(not rain) now. 6 Hurry up! Everybody _(wait) for you. 7 What _(you/ look) for? I _(look)变换句型。6.Look!There is a b in the tree. 1 Look! He is dancing to music.(变

26、一般疑问句)7.Here is a photo of my f .There are fivepeople in it. 2 The teachers are having a meeting.(变否定句)8.What is the girl doing? a letter.9.What are the boys doing? 划线部分提问) dinner now. 画线部分提问).用所给动词的适当形式填空(每题0.5分,共5分)(eat)a big apple now. 5 The singer is singing some famous songs.(否定句)13. he (watch)

27、TV? 6 I am studying English.(否定句)对画线部分提问) No, he isnt. 14.She (not do)her homework. Shes reading.15.Its seven in the morning. Mr Black 对画线部分breakfast. 提问)16.Lily very much. verywell.She can English songs. 完形填空Dear Lily, Listen! She (sing)now.17.My brother Gold Coast(海岸) is really great! We _(1)_ a g

28、oodtime now. 18. Bob (swim) now? I _(2)_ this letter _(3)_ you at the swimming 19.What the children ?(do)They are reading. club on the beach(沙滩). There are _(4)_ ofpeople on the Gold Coast now. _(5)_ of them 20.What is Mike doing? He (run). _(6)_ volleyball and some are swimming in the sea. apartment, pool, camera,shop,bird Some people _(7)_ and some people _(8)_ a .句型转换(每题1分,共10分)46. They often draw pictures in the evening.(用now改写句子) They pictures now. 47.Linda is writing a letter to her parents.(改否定句) a letter to her parents. 48.Is she eating an ora

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