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本文(江苏省徐州市学年高二下学期期末考试英语试题图片版.docx)为本站会员(b****4)主动上传,冰豆网仅提供信息存储空间,仅对用户上传内容的表现方式做保护处理,对上载内容本身不做任何修改或编辑。 若此文所含内容侵犯了您的版权或隐私,请立即通知冰豆网(发送邮件至service@bdocx.com或直接QQ联系客服),我们立即给予删除!


1、江苏省徐州市学年高二下学期期末考试英语试题图片版20152016学年度第二学期期末抽测高二年级英语答案一、听力:1-5 ACACB 6-10 CBACC 11-15 AABBA 16-20 BCACB二、单项选择:21-25 BCBCD 26-30 CDDCB 31-35 ABCDA三、完形填空:36-40 CADDB 41-45BCDDA 46-50DDDBA 51-55 AACAB四、阅读理解:56-57AD 58-61DABB 62-65 BACA 66-70 BDADC五、任务型阅读:71. harm/damage 72. disturbs / breaks / damages / d

2、estroys 73. aspects/levels 74. dependent 75. disappearance/extinction 76. threatened/affected 77. fail 78. resulting 79. expensive 80. counts/matters六、书面表达One possible version:Apps for helping students with homework have been gaining popularity among students of different ages, which, on the other h

3、and, has causedintensedissatisfaction andobjection among an increasing number of parents. (32)Frankly speaking, such apps are not only convenient but also practical to us students because they helps us accomplish our assignments efficiently and thus relieve us of our burden of too much homework. How

4、ever, there is no denying that such apps may also have negative effects on us. To begin with, relying too much on them for answers may do great harm to the development/cultivation of our abilities to think and solve problems independently. While doing homework, we may spend less time thinking on our

5、 own and give in easily, which in the long term will sure affect our future development. Besides, such kind of app deprives us of opportunities of learning from mistakes that we make. Whats worse, our teachers will find it hard to get a clear picture of our daily academic performance, thus affecting

6、 their teaching efficiency in class.In conclusion, wed better think twice as to whether to use such apps or not. (157)听力原稿Text 1W: I dont know how to start my iPhone. Did I break it? Why is the screen all black? M: You just press these two buttons at the same time. There, see? Now its working again.

7、 (1)Text 2M: I was thinking we could take a picnic to the lake this afternoon. Do we have any food to take, or should we go to the store?W: I think we have some bread and meat to make some sandwiches, but we could still stop at the store to buy some chips. (2)Text 3W: I want to sell this old refrige

8、rator. How much do you think I can get for it? I bought it for $800 five years ago. (3) It works really well, except for the broken shelf.M: If the shelf werent broken, Id say you could get $300. But youll probably only get about $150. Text 4M: My wife and I are planning on driving from California t

9、o Canada for a few weeks. (4) W: Thats exciting. My husband and I took a car trip from New York to Canada a few years ago. It was a lot of fun.Text 5W: All the plants in my garden died! I dont know what happened. I watered them a lot and fed them plant food. What did I do wrong?M: Maybe the garden w

10、asnt in enough sun. You did plant it on the side of the house that gets the most shade. (5)Text 6M: Today in class, we learned all about Christopher Columbus. (7)W: Oh, yeah? What did you learn about him, sweetheart? (7)M: That he discovered America, except the Native Americans were there firstso re

11、ally, they were the ones that discovered America. (6)W: When I was your age, I learned a song in school about Columbus. (7) It starts like this: “In 1492, Columbus sailed the ocean blue. He had three ships that left from Spain; he sailed through sunshine, wind, and rain.” Theres more, but I forget t

12、he rest. M: I like that song. Text 7 W: Im feeling very shaky this morning. (8)M: Try drinking some water or having something to eat.W: I already ate a cake, but Im still feeling strange. (8)M: Are you sure youre not sick or something?W: I could be. M: Yeah, you dont look very good. Maybe you should

13、 skip the meeting this afternoon. Im sure everyone will understand. W: OK. I think I might just go home now. Do you mind telling the boss for me? (9) Ill finish my project when I come back tomorrow, if Im feeling better.M: Sure. (9) Are you okay to drive?W: I think so. Ill just drive slowly. Text 8W

14、: Excuse me, sir. Do you intend to pay for that cookie you just ate?M: What cookie?W: I just saw you grab a cookie from the counter and put it in your mouth. (10)M: I didnt do that. W: Yes, you did. I just saw you, and you have some chocolate on your face. (10) You need to pay.M: Id pay for the cook

15、ie if I ate it, but I didnt. (11)W: Sir, we have video cameras in the store. Would you like to come into the back with me? I can show you the tape.M: I dont see any cameras. W: Look right there. See it? And we have another one right over there.M: Okay, fine. I ate the cookie. How much will it be? (1

16、2)W: $2. M: $2? The cookie wasnt even that good. Here, take the money. (12)W: Next time, please pay before you eat something. Otherwise, its considered stealing, and I could call the police. Text 9M: Jennie and Matt got lucky this weekend. The weather is perfect for an outdoor wedding. (13)W: Yeah,

17、it really is. M: Do you think there will be a lot of dancing at the celebration tonight? W: I hope so! Im also really hungry. When is the food going to be served? (14)M: Soon, I hope. Did you see those small pieces of cheese they had over at the table in the front? I ate a bunch of those when we fir

18、st arrived. (15) W: No, I didnt see those! I missed out. Cheese sounds really good right now.M: Matt told me theyre serving fish tonight. And rice.W: Im looking forward to the cake for dessert. M: I think Jennie looked really beautiful this afternoon. (16)W: She really did. That dress must have cost

19、 a lot of money. (16) M: I liked the flowers in her hair. That was a nice detail. The color of the flowers matched Matts tie!W: Oh, look! The food is coming out! Lets head over there. Text 10 Attention, beauty salon employees! We have an exciting announcement. It is time to give out our awards. Ever

20、y year, we give three awards to our best employees at Elegant Salon. This year, the Best Customer Service award goes to Jen. Jen always smiles when customers walk in the door. Shes friendly, funny, and always makes customers feel calm and happy. (17) Jen started working at Elegant Salon two years ag

21、o. When she first started, she didnt know anything about answering phones or making appointments. Today, she is one of our best employees! The Best Hairdresser award goes to Luisa. (18) Luisa does a fantastic job cutting peoples hair. Every day, a new customer calls asking for Luisa. Luisa is one of

22、 our newest employees, but in the last three months, she has already become one of our most valuable workers! Finally, our Employee of the Year award goes to Dina. Dina has worked for this salon for seven years and has changed it for the better. (19) While Dina has always been a great employee, this year, she taught four new employees how to do their jobs. Sometimes Dina can be strict, but its because she loves this salon. Jen, Luisa, and Dina will all get $300 and two extra vacation days. (20) If you didnt win an award this year, you can always try again next year!

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