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19911995 考研英语真题及解析.docx

1、19911995 考研英语真题及解析 全国硕士研究生入学统一考试英语试题Section Use of EnglishDirections: For each numbered blank in the following passage there are four choices labelled A, B, C and D. Choose the best one and put your choice in the ANSWER SHEET. (15 points)When television first began to expand, very few of the people

2、who had become famous as radio commentators were able to be equally effective on television. Some of the difficulties they experienced when they were trying to _1_ themselves to the new medium were technical. When working _2_ radio, for example, they had become _3_ to seeing on behalf of the listene

3、r. This _4_ of seeing for others means that the commentator has to be very good at talking. _5_ all, he has to be able to _6_ a continuous sequence of visual images which _7_ meaning to the sounds which the listener hears. In the _8_ of television, however, the commentator sees everything with the v

4、iewer. His role, therefore, is _9_ different. He is there to make _10_ that the viewer does not miss some point of interest, to help him _11_ on particular things, and to _12_ the images on the television screen. _13_ his radio colleague, he must know the _14_ of silence and how to use it at those m

5、oments _15_ the pictures speak for themselves.1.A turn B adapt C alter D modify解析本题考核知识点:动词的搭配本题空格处的动词须能够搭配成“oneself to + 名词”的形式,选项中只有B可以。Adapt oneself to意为to gradually change ones behavior and attitudes so that one get used to a new situation and can deal with it successfully“(使)适应,(使)适合(新情况)”。代入ad

6、apt之后,空格所在句大意为:他们(收音机评论员)努力去适应(电视机)这种新媒体的时候,遇到了一些技术方面的困难。B符合文义。A turn to sb/sth意为ask help from“求助于”,如:I tried to stand on my own rather than turned to my parents.我设法自立而不求助于我的父母。CAlter意为cause to change; make different; cause a transformation 改变,如:He altered one of the rooms into a bedroom. 他把一间屋子改建成了

7、卧室。D Modify 意为to make small changes to sth in order to improve it and make it more suitable or effective “(略微地)修改,更改,改进”,如:Furthermore, humans have the ability to modify the environment in which they live, thus subjecting all other life forms to their own peculiar ideas and fancies. 而且,人类还有能力改变自己的生存

8、环境,从而让所有其它形态的生命服从于人类自己独特的观念和想象。2. A on B at C with D behind解析本题考核知识点:介词辨析AOn可意为by means of sth, using sth通过,使用,借助于,如:on TV/the internet在电视/互联网上。代入文中,on radio指收音机评论员通过收音机工作,作状语修饰work., 既符合文义,又能构成搭配。Bat、C with、 D behind构不成搭配。3. A experienced 有经验的 B determined 有决心的C established 已经确立的,获确认的 D accustomed

9、习惯于解析本题考核知识点:固定搭配四个选项中,只有accustomed 可以形成 be /become accustomed to doing sth的形式。如, My eyes slowly grew accustomed to the dark.我的眼睛慢慢适应了黑暗。而且,空格所在句大意为“在广播电台工作时,评论员已经习惯了代表公众看实况”,Daccustomed 既符合内容要求又符合语法结构的要求。Experienced 后面介词一般用in. 如,He is very experienced in looking after animals. 他对于照看动物很有经验。Determine

10、d后面跟动词不定式。如,I am determined to succeed.我决心要获得成功。Established“已确立的,已获确认的”,一般放在名词前做定语,如they are an established company with good reputation.他们是一家地位稳固,信誉良好的公司。4. A efficiency B technology C art D performance解析 本题考核知识点:上下文语义+ 名词意思辨析。本句和下一句共同说明,评论员代替听众观看是一门技巧、本事。即,评论员必须擅长表达,同时还必须能够通过语言在观众脑海中生成一系列的图像。art意为

11、“技艺,技巧,本领”,符合文义。所以,D为正确选项。Technology多指工业技术。 Efficiency指“效率”。Performance“演出,表现”。这三个词都和原文的意思不符。5. A Of B For CAbove D In解析本题考核知识点:固定用法。四个选项中,B、C、D都可以和all 搭配,但意义不同。above all意为“above and beyond all other consideration首先,尤其是”,如:What a child should do, above all, is to do well in his studies.小孩子该做的最重要的事是学

12、好功课。for all意为 “尽管,虽然”,如:He never stopped trying for all his failures. 尽管失败, 但他从没放弃努力。In all 意为 “总共,总计”,如:He visited, in all, ten hospitals in China. 他在中国共参观了10家医院。空格处填入的短语应体现空格所在句子与上文之间的逻辑关系。由于本句空格较多,可以先做完第6和7题,再回来做5题。上文提到,代替听众观看要求评论员必须擅长表达。本句指出,评论员必须能够通过语言在观众脑海中生成一系列的图像。根据含义选择C。从泛泛的“擅长表达”到具体的“通过语言在

13、观众脑海里生成一系列图像”。6. A inspire 激起,鼓舞,激励 B create 产生,生成C cause 引起,导致 D perceive 注意到,领悟到解析 本题考核知识点:动词词义辨析。空格处填入动词,其主语是he(the commentator),宾语是visual images,所在句子的大意为:评论员必须能够一系列连续的图片。Ainspire 意为to make sb have a particular feeling or react in a particular way“使(某人)产生(某种感情或反应);激起”,如:Gandhis quiet dignity insp

14、ired respect even among his enemies.甘地沉静威严的气质使他的敌人都肃然起敬。Bcreate意为“bring into existence造成,形成,生成”,如,This decision creates a dangerous precedent. 这个决定开创了一个危险的先例。Ccause意为 “make sth happen引起,导致”,如:deaths caused by dangerous driving危险驾驶造成的死亡。Dperceive意为“to notice something that is difficult to notice察觉,注意

15、到,发觉”,如:I perceived a change in his behaviour. 我发觉他的行为有些变化。或“to understand or think of something in a particular way(以某种方式)理解,领悟”。如,People now perceive that green issues are important to our future.人们现在认识到环境问题对我们未来的重要性。宾语“视觉图像”不是“感情或反应”,排除inspire;主语和宾语之间不存在因果关系,排除cause;评论员通过语言让听众产生图像,而不是自己发现,排除perce

16、ive;只有Bcreate符合文义,表示“评论员在观众脑海中生成一系列的图像”。7. A add 添加 B apply 应用 C affect 影响 Dreflect反映解析本题考核知识点:动词和介词的搭配Addto“给添加”是固定搭配。如,A new wing was added to the building。这栋大楼新添了一座配楼。而且,空格所在句大意为:(评论员的描绘所生成的图像)为听众听到的声音增添了意思”。Aadd填入空格处既结构合理,又符合文义。其他三项都不能接sth to sth的结构,Bapply直接加to,意为“适用于”如,The questions on this par

17、t of the form only apply to married men.表格中这部分问题只适用于已婚男士。Caffect意为“影响”,直接加宾语,如:The climate affected his health气候影响了他的健康。Dreflect 意为“反射,反映”,直接加宾语,如:The low value of the dollar reflects growing concern about the US economy.美元币值低反映出人们对美国经济的忧虑日益增加。8. A occasion B event C fact D case解析本题考核知识点:固定结构上文是关于收音

18、机评论员的工作,从这句开始,话锋一转,提到电视评论员的工作方式。 In the case of 意为“至于,就来说”,表示由一种情况或话题转入另一种情况或话题。符合文义。所以,D为正确选项。Aoccasion 指“(发生特殊事情)的情况”,与 on 连用。如,on the occasion of her 50th birthday 在她50岁生日之际。Bevent 意为“事件”,常用搭配为in the event of ,意为“假如发生”。如,In the event of rain, the party will be held indoors加入下雨,晚会就在室内举行。CFact 指“事实

19、,已经发生的事”,词组in fact意为“实际上”,没有冠词,也不与of 连用。 9. A equally 同样的 B completely 完全的C initially起始地 D hardly几乎不解析本题考核知识点:副词词义辨析。本句是对电视节评论员和收音机评论员工作性质的对比。从上下文来看,特别是前句的however表明,这两种工作是完全不同的,因而completely 为正确选项。Equally 意为“同样的”,equally different 用于说明两个对比组之间的差异大小相同,Different species of trees thrive in equally differ

20、ent habitats.不同种类的树在同样不同的栖息地很好地生长。而本文中只存在一组对比(电视节评论员和收音机评论员)。Initially different意为 “开始时不同”,暗含后来相同的可能。Hardly意为“几乎不”,同文中意思相反。10. A definite 确定的 B possible可能的 C sure确实的 D clear 清楚的,明白的解析 本题考核知识点:形容词词义辨析及搭配。空格所在句子提到,电视评论员的作用是:确保观众不错过某些有趣之处,make sure that是习惯用法,意为“确保”如,Make sure that you put down every wo

21、rd she says. 确保记下她说的每一个字。 所以,C 为正确选项。Adefinite不用在make definite that结构中。Bpossible,C clear和make只能形成make it possible/clear that 的形式,如,His diligence made it possible that he could win the game.他的勤奋使得他比赛获胜成为可能。She makes it clear to us that she wants to be master in her own house.她使我们很清楚地了解到,她要自主处理自己的事情。1

22、1. A focus 集中,聚集 B attend 参加,注意,照料C follow 跟随,遵循 D insist 坚持解析本题考核知识点:动词和介词的搭配。空格处填入的动词应与on 搭配。focus on 意为“将注意力集中于”,如,I cant focus on my work when Im tired. 我累了就无法集中精力工作。空格所在句大意为:电视评论员的作用是帮助观众将注意力集中在某些内容上。focus on切合题意。A为正确选项。BAttend需要与to 连用,意为“留意,专心于”。如,She didnt attend to what I was saying. 她没有注意我所

23、说的话。C Follow on 意为“继续下去”,但后面不能接宾语,如:He followed on after. 他在后面跟着。DInsist on意为“坚持”,如:I insist on your taking/insist that you take immediate action to put this right. 我坚决要求你立刻采取行动把事情处理好。该选项与文义不符。12. A exhibit 展示,陈列 B demonstrate 演示,说明C expose 暴露,揭示 D interpret解释解析本题考核知识点:动词词义辨析。本题空格处填入动词,其宾语是the image

24、s,主语是上文he,因此该部分的含义是:电视评论员电视屏幕上的图像,所以,D interpret最符合文义,表示“解释电视屏幕上的图像”。13. A Like像 B Unlike不像,和.不同C As作为 D For为了 解析本题考核知识点:介词的用法+上下文的理解。先做14题再来解答13题。空格所在句大意为,收音机评论员,电视评论员必须知道沉默的价值。根据常识及上文可知,收音机评论员绝大部分时间都在说。因此二者截然不同,B unlike为最合适选项。14. A purpose 目的B goal 目标 C value 价值D intention 意图 解析本题考核知识点:名词词义辨析。空格所在

25、部分指出,电视评论员他们必须知道沉默的;下文给出了线索:即在电视图像一目了然的时候如何利用沉默。所以,Cvalue最符合文义。15. A if B when C which D as解析本题考核知识点:连词、关系代词、关系副词的运用。从选项来看,空格处填入连词,和后面的部分构成状语从句。根据句意,这里应该是一个时间状语从句,即:电视评论员必须知道在电视图像一目了然的时候如何保持沉默。when是引导时间状语从句的常用连词,符合上下文意。as也可以引导时间状语从句,但它指while sth else is happening,一般用于指一个动作伴随着另一个动作发生,如:He sat watchin

26、g her as she got ready.他一直坐着看她准备停当。因此本题最佳答案为Bwhen。which是关系代词,在从句中做主语或宾语,而此处的宾语从句不缺主语或宾语,所以显然不合适。if 引导条件状语从句。全文翻译电视刚刚普及时,那些已经成名的收音机评论员,鲜有能够在电视上同样出色的。当他们努力去适应这种新媒体的时候,他们遇到的一些困难是技术方面的。比如,通过收音机进行播音时,他们早已习惯于代表观众去看。这种替别人看实况的技能意味着评论员必须擅长“说”。最重要的是,他必须能够通过语言在观众脑海里生成一系列图像。这些图像使听众听到的声音具有更多的意义。然而,电视评论员和观众一起观看(图

27、像),因此,他的作用迥然不同。他要确保观众不错过有趣的地方,并帮助观众将注意力放在某些值得注意的地方,还要解释电视屏幕上的图像。和收音机评论员不同的是,他必须知道沉默的作用,知道在电视图像一目了然的时候如何保持沉默。Section Reading ComprehensionPart ADirections:Each of the passages below is followed by some questions. For each question four answers are given.Read the passages carefully and choose the best

28、 answer to each of the questions. Put your choice in the ANSWER SHEET.(30 points)Passage 1A wise man once said that the only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing. So, as a police officer, I have some urgent things to say to good people. Day after day my men and I str

29、uggle to hold back a tidal wave of crime. Something has gone terribly wrong with our once proud American way of life. It has happened in the area of values. A key ingredient is disappearing, and I think I know what it is: accountability.Accountability isnt hard to define. It means that every person

30、is responsible for his or her actions and liable for their consequences.Of the many values that hold civilization togetherhonesty, kindness, and so onaccountability may be the most important of all. Without it, there can be no respect, no trust, no lawand, ultimately, no society. My job as a police

31、officer is to impose accountability on people who refuse, or have never learned, to impose it on themselves. But as every policeman knows, external controls on peoples behavior are far less effective than internal restraints such as guilt, shame and embarrassment. Fortunately there are still communitiessmaller towns, usuallywhere schools maintain discipline and where parents hold up standards that proclaim: “In this family certain things are not toleratedthey simply are not done! ”Yet

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