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1、外研版选修六复习 复习学案 Module 1 Book 6词句背诵1. Would you love to go to a party and _ (自信地交谈)to every guest?2. Do you want to make more friends but _(缺乏自信) to talk to people you dont know?3. And are you _ (对 感到紧张) the idea of being at a social event in another country?4. It helps if you _(提前计划)。5. Remember also

2、 that in some countries, you _(禁止)take flowers _(某种颜色的)。6. But she was also the most_(口无遮掩的)human being in the world.7. Every time I open my mouth, I _(说错话)。8. It was no _(巧合)either that she wasnt a very woman.9. Esther _(从来不在意)other peoples feelings.10. No, I guess they chose you to _(不赞成)spending

3、your whole career with you.11. We are _(划分、界定) by our jobs and were usually happy to talk about them, unless youre a spy.12. Some people say that Americans talk about their feelings more than Asians, but _(对 遮掩) factual matters.13. But its best to avoid _, _ (政治,宗教和其它敏感问题)。14. But while few American

4、s will worry about the questions you may ask, particularly if you clearly show you _(知道,了解) cultural differences, they may _(迟疑) before they ask you similar questions.15. _(据估计) that 80% of all conversation in English is small talk.16. Because they used this very useful social technique, they found

5、something they have _(共同的) at last.句型复习:1. smell, look, taste, sound 等用作系动词,后面可跟形容词或like介词短语作表语。注意不要用被动语态。这故事听起来很有趣。_This dish tastes very delicious. _With a pen in his pocket and wearing glasses, he looks quite like a professor._The children sang and danced at the evening, _. A. to look very happy

6、B. looking very happy C. looked very happy D. to be looked very happy2. avoid sth./ doing sth. 他的工作帮助一些人避免了交通事故。_ He didnt tell the truth, in order to avoid _(punish).3. This lesson involves a lot of work. All the children were involved in the school play. Dont involve other people in your trouble.4

7、. Imagine a situation where two strangers are talking to each other Situation, case, circumstance 后的定语从句常用 where 或 in which 引导。Occasion 后常用when 或on which/ at which引导。Is there a case where a mother refused to feed her child?For the audience the Academy Award ceremony is an occasion when we can watch

8、those creatures of our fantasies, film stars, behave like real human beings.短语翻译:1.take the lead _ 2.恭维、赞美 _3. 炫耀 _ 4.私人或个人事务 _ 5.ethnic background _ 6.put ones foot in ones mouth _ 7.结果_8. 遗漏 _ 9. cheer sb. up _ 10. 社交规则_ 11. go to a reception _12. put on weight _ 13. 经历(困难)_ 语法聚焦:1. Tom, you _ lea

9、ve all your clothes on the floor like this! A. wouldnt B. mustnt C. neednt D. may not 2. - Must I type this letter again? - No. You _. A. neednt B. dont have to C. mustnt D. A or B 3. I got to the party at 6 p.m. but there was no one there. So I _ so early. A. didnt need to arrive B. neednt have arr

10、ived C. mustnt have arrived D. couldnt arrive 4. - Need we water the trees? - Yes, you _. A. need B. must C. dont have to D. do 5. The office had already opened when we arrived so we _ wait outside in the street. A. didnt need to B. neednt C. didnt have to D. A or C学以致用: 闲聊是人们在社交场合关于不重要事情所进行的一种轻松、友好

11、的非正式谈话。谈论的话题包括工作、天气、体育和音乐等。但是,私人问题、宗教信仰应该避免。一些人不善闲聊,他们一想到在别的国家参加社交就忐忑不安。他们想交朋友但缺乏与人交谈的信心。如果你事先做些计划,将会有所帮助。你可以准备几句不太会出错的开场白。另外,交流是移双向的过程,它涉及说和听两方面。要尽量使自己成为一名好的听者。比如,保持得体的目光接触、使用积极肯定的体态语言、询问更多的信息表示你的兴趣。不要打哈欠、叹气、叹气、岔开话题或替人把话说完。_Book 6 Module 2 Fantasy LiteratureI. Words & Phrases1.Lyras scientist fathe

12、r _(使.成为可能) to enter other worlds.2.The children have many _(不同寻常的)adventures in these different words, and _(扮演重要角色)a war that could destroy the universe.3.Will _(放下)his shopping bag and _(伸出)his hand, and the cat _(朝.走过来) rub her hand against his knuckles, just as moxie did.4.Eventually the cat _(

13、走开).5. She reached out a paw to pat in the air in front of her, something quite _(对.看不见的)Will.6.It wasnt easy, because there is nothing to _(注视,凝视).7.But will knew _(深信不疑)that that patch of grass on the other side was in a different world.8.The hot night _(充满,装满) the scent of flowers and with the sa

14、lt smell of the sea.9.She went to teach English in Portugal, where she continued to _(润色) of the first Harry Potter story.10.But her name is forever _(与.相关的) Edinburgh in Scotland, where she lived and developed the format for the whole series of seven books.11.But what makes the books so important i

15、s that, because they _(对.有吸引力) readers of all ages, they created a special literary bond between parents and children.12.In an age of computer games and television programmes, it is also claimed they _(是.的原因,对.负责)a renewed interest in reading.13.And the Harry Potter effect is not just _(局限于) the Eng

16、lish-speaking world.14.She has thus _(获得)the status of being the first writer to become a billionaire.15._means Do you understand? (Everyday English)16._is used when it is late than you thought.(Everyday English)17.because she was too poor to own a typewriter, she wrote _(用手工的).18.Harry Potter has b

17、een become part of the school_(课程)much_(使.特别开心)the school children.19.She could still see the open doorway of the wardrobe and even _(瞥见)the empty room from which she had . (出发)20.Anyone who _(拥有)one of these rings has great power.II. Sentence Patterns1.Of course, every cat behaved like that, but al

18、l the same Will felt such a longing to turn for home that tears scalded hid eyes.2.It has been estimated that more than 250 million copies have been distributed around the world. 3.It was only in 1997 that she completed the first Harry Potter story, which, because the publishers in the USA requested

19、 an adjustment to the title, was also known as Harry Potter and the Sorcerers Stone.III. Grammar: 1.独立主格:名词后接介词短语、过去分词、现在分词等非谓语形式,相当于伴随状语。 Then she leapt backwards, back arched and fur on end, tail held out stiffly.2.V-ing表伴随1) But as he stood trying to clear his head, he saw a cat.2) Will, still wa

20、tching, saw the cat behave curiously. 3) As she stood looking at it, wondering why there was a lamppost in the middle of the wood, and wondering what to do next, she heard the pitter-patter of feet coming towards her.4) Sauron, realising that the Ring has been found, sends his creatures to get it ba

21、ck.3. close & closely 用法区别1)Then he stood still, close to the trunk of the nearest tree, as a truck came.2).but when he came to the place and cast about to look closely, he saw it. close adv. 多用于表示具体的距离、时间等“接近、不远” closely adv. 用于表示抽象意义上的“仔细地、严密地”等。Exercises:1.The best part _ to Peter, John was so di

22、sappointed that he felt unwilling to continue his taking part in the play. A.given give D.having given2.All flights _because of the snowstorm, many passengers could do nothing but wait. A.had been cancelled B.were cancelled C.have been cancelled D.having been cancelled3.You cant catch

23、me! Janet shouted, _away. B.running run D.ran4.Daddy didnt mind what we were doing, as long as we were together, _fun. A.had B.have have D.having5. Alice returned from the managers office_me that the boss wanted to see me at once. A.having told B.tells tell D. Telling6._ in the

24、fields on a March afternoon, he could feel the warmth of spring. A.To walk B.Walking C.Walked D.Having walked7.Dr. Kelly walked _to the window to watch_the short man shopping on the street. A.close;closely B. closely;close C.close;close D.closely;closelyIV. Learn for use 消失的猫是Philip Pullman 所写的著名的幻想故事之一。故事发生在一个与我们的世界相似的世界里。在这个夜间,Will看见一只猫朝他走过来。小猫向前迈一步,然后消失在了空气中的洞中。Will深信不疑,另一边的那块草地在一个不同的世界里。他把购物袋塞了过去,继而自己也由这个世界的洞进入了另一个世界。处于半梦半醒之间,他站起身来环顾四周寻找他的向导-那只猫。_Book6 Module3 复习学案Fill the blanks:1. It takes time to really _(逐渐认识/了解)someone and_(查明发现)what they are like.2. When he reached the final line,

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