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学年高中英语牛津版选修六Unit 1 Laughter is good for youLanguage points学案.docx

1、学年高中英语牛津版选修六Unit 1 Laughter is good for youLanguage points学案Module 6 Unit 1 Laughter is good for you 1. stand up for 支持,维护 You must stand up for your rights. 你必须维护自己的权利。 【拓展】 stand up 站立,起立 stand up to sb. 抵抗,反对某人 stand up to sth 能承受,经受得住 stand aside 站在一边,让开 stand by 袖手旁观 stand for 代表; 支持,主张 2. prev

2、ious adj.先前的,以前的 adv.在前,在先 The author mentioned it in the paragraph.常见词组: previous to 在以前 the month to publication 出版前的那个月 练习 The building had _ been used as a hotel.A. previously B. predicted C. former D. pretty3. variety n. 不同种类;多种样式 various /varied adj. 不同的 种种原因 a variety of reasons = varieties o

3、f reasons = various/ varied reasons There is a wide variety of patterns to choose from. 有种类繁多的图案可供选择。 v. vary 相异;不同 vary between A and B/ vary from A to B 在A与B 之间变化4. come up with 想出;提出 (不用被动语态) 近义词组:put forward 提出 a good idea 【相关拓展】 come up 发芽;(太阳)升起; 被提及,被讨论;发生 come out (太阳,星星或月亮)出现,露出;开花;出版,发行(=

4、be published) come to 合计,总计;苏醒过来 come across (偶然)遇见,发现 1) The bill came to $30. 账单金额总计为30元。 2) She came across some old photos in a drawer. 她在抽屉里偶然发现了一些旧照片。 3) When is his new novel coming out? 他的新小说什么时候出版? 4) The subject came up in conversation. 谈话中提到了这个话题。 5) Im afraid something urgent has come up

5、. 恐怕有紧急事件发生了。 5. pass away 去世,亡故 His mother passed away last year.【拓展】 pass by 通过,经过 pass down 世代相传 pass on 转交,传给 pass through 经过,路过 pass into 融入,纳入 Pass the book on to me when you have finished reading it.6. strengthen v. the bridge 反义词:weaken n. strength 长处;实力C strengths and weaknesses 优势和薄弱之处 体力;

6、力量 U build up ones strength/body 锻炼身体【辨析】 strength, force, energy,power 这四个词都可以表示“力”的意思。1) strength 意为“力”,常指固有的潜在力量。就人说,着重指力气,就物说,着重指强度,潜力等;另外,还有优点,长处等,是可数名词。2)force 主要指自然界的力量,暴力,说服力,压制力等,总之,它是活动过程中的力量。3)energy 主要指“人的精力,自然界的能”。4)power 主要指做一件事所依靠的能力,功能及人或机器等的潜在的或所能发挥出来的力量、职能、权力等。 练习 1) He lifted the

7、stone with all his _. 2) Old as he is, he has so much _ that he can work 14 hours a day. 3) The police had to use _ when they took him to the police station. 4) Congress has the _ to make laws.7. participate vi. in= take part in 参加;参与 n. participation (in sth.) participate in the discussion n. parti

8、cipant 参与者 participate in sbs sufferings 分担某人的痛苦8. guarantee vt. 保证;担保 guarantee sth Nobody can great success. guarantee sb. sth. you free entry 保证你免费入场 guarantee that We cant that our flights will never be delayed. guarantee to do We to deliver your goods within one week. n. 保证;保修(期) under 在保修期内 a

9、years 一年的保修期 I give my that hell be here tomorrow. 我保证他明天会在这儿。固定搭配: be guaranteed to do 肯定会做;必定会做 If we try to keep it secret, she is guaranteed to find out. 练习 Working hard is not only a _ of great success, but is among the essential requirements. A. sign B. signal C. guarantee D supposition9. inst

10、ruct vt. 教授;指导 instruct sb. in n. us in math 指示;命令 instruct sb. to do. the pupils to come into the gym 告知;通知 instruct (sb.) that We have been ed that a decision will not be made until next Monday. n. instruction U 讲授,教育 receive in skiing give in English C 命令,指令 follow s 服从指示 give sb. s to do sth. =

11、instruct sb. to do sth 指示某人做某事 n. instructor 教师;指导者 adj. instructive 有教育意义的10. take on 雇用;承担(工作,责任);呈现,显现;接纳(顾客),装载;变得风行,被大家接受 a new secretary a new look the responsibility The bus can take on more passengers. 这车可以载更多的人。 The fashion for long skirts didnt take on for a long time. 长裙的时尚已经很长时间没有风行了。 熟记

12、短语: take after(外貌)相像 take down 写下,记下;拆除 take A for B 把误认为 take in欺骗;吸收,吸纳;理解,领会;接纳,收留 take over 接收,接管 take off 起飞;脱下 ;事业腾飞;匆匆离开(take off for sp.) take up 开始从事,着手处理;占据(时间,空间);接着讲 take 3 days off 休假3天 take to (doing) 喜欢,开始从事 take it easy 别紧张 take your time 慢慢来1) Dont be taken in the advertisement. It

13、doesnt tell the truth. 不要被这个广告骗了。这个广告不真实。2) Her singing career took off after her TV appearance. 她在电视上亮相之后演唱事业迅速腾飞了。3) His son took over the family business after his death. 他死后他的儿子接管了他的家族企业。 4) She took up the story where Tim had left off. 她继续讲蒂姆未讲完的故事11. polish v./n. 磨光,擦亮 (常与up连用) your shoes = gi

14、ve your shoes a 提高,改进 (常与up连用) up your English before going abroad off = finish (sth., such as food, work, etc.) 很快做好/ 吃完12. tear n. 眼泪 (常用复数) move sb. to s 使感动得流下了眼泪 wipe away /dry ones s 擦干眼泪 in s 含泪,流着眼泪 burst into s 突然哭起来 hold/keep back ones s 忍住眼泪 tear v. ( tore , torn ) 撕裂,扯破 This paper tears

15、easily. 容易撕裂(不用被动) 熟记短语: tear down 扯下; 拆毁(建筑物)= pull/knock down tear into pieces 撕成碎片 tear in two=tear into halves 把撕成两半 tear off 扯掉 tear oneself away from 忍痛离开,依依不舍地离开He just couldnt tear himself away from the beautiful painting. 他被这幅漂亮的油画深深地吸引了。(他无法把自己从这幅画前拽走)13. burst (burst , burst ) v. 爆破,爆发,突然

16、起来,使突然起来 burst in 是不及物动词词组,意为“突然闯入”,“突然插嘴,插话”。同义词组: break in; burst into 是及物动词词组,后加宾语。同义词组:break into 1) The police burst in and arrested the thief. 警察突然闯入,逮捕了那个小偷。2) Tom burst into the room and made us shocked. 汤姆突然闯入房间,我们都很吃惊。【相关拓展】burst out crying/ laughing/singing = burst into tears /laughter /s

17、ongs 突然大哭/大笑/唱起来break into 也有类似的用法3) The audience burst into wild applause. 观众中突然响起了雷鸣般的掌声。4) I almost burst out laughing when I saw what she was wearing. 当我见到她的穿着时我几乎忍不住大笑起来。 burst n. a burst of laughter 一阵大笑14. hold out 拿出,伸出(手等),(食品,油,水等)持续,维持 The doctor didnt hold out much hope of the patients r

18、ecovery. Our food supplies wont hold out long. 熟记短语:hold on 坚持下去;不挂断 hold off (使)不接近; 拖延 hold on to 紧紧抓住,不放手;抓紧,不放开,保留(不卖/送) hold up阻碍; 拦截;举出; 承受 hold back 抑制;退缩;隐瞒 1) She just managed to hold back her anger. 她勉强压住了自己的怒火。2) I think he held back some very important information. 我认为他隐瞒了某些非常重要的信息。3) Th

19、ey managed to hold on until help arrived. 他们勉强坚持到救援到来。4) An accident is holding up traffic. 一场事故造成了交通阻塞。 Language focus1. Which of the events above do you think will be funniest? do you think 在此句中作插入语,类似的插入语还有:do you expect,do you believe, do you suppose等,它们多位于句中。基本语序:疑问词+插入语+陈述句语序- Who do you think

20、 will go there? 你认为谁会去那里? Where do you guess we can see him? 你猜我们在什么地方能看到他? When do you expect they will come back? 你期待他们什么时候会回来? When do you suggest they should attend the meeting? 你建议他们何时参加会议? 而do you know 没有这个用法。 Do you know when they will come back?2. One such person is Billy Crystal. Such 为形容词,

21、意为“那样的,这样的;如此的”。 与数词或不定代词any,some,many,all,no等连用时,常置于它们之后;但与不定代词连用时,则置于它们之前。 There is no such thing as a free lunch. 没有免费的午餐。 You gave me such a fright! 你吓了我一跳。 练习 A good teacher should be humorous,strict and helpful. _ will be popular with his/her students. A. Such one teacher B. One such teacher C

22、. One such teacher D. Such a one teacher3. Each time, he performs his stand-up routine in front of millions of people when the show is broadcast live on TV. 每次,当节目在电视上现场直播时他都是在上百万人面前表演他的单口喜剧节目。live 1)adv. 现场地;直播地 With all the news broadcast live, the pressure on the announcers is becoming heavier. 随

23、着新闻的直播,播音员的压力变得更大了。 2)adj. 现场的,直播的;有生命的,活的 (一般不指人) We are watching the live coverage of the Olympics. 我们正在观看奥运会实况报道。 a live snake 一条活蛇 【辨析】 live/ alive/ living/ lively live adj. “活着的”(与dead相对应), 只能做定语(指动物),另外还有“现场直播的”意思(反义词recorded “录制的,转播的”) alive adj. “活着的,健在的”,做表语;作定语需后置(一般用于人,有时也用于动物) living adj

24、. “活着的;有生命的”。既可以作定语,也可以作表语。“生物”只能译作living things lively adj. 生动的,活泼的 1) They are carrying out an experiment with a live monkey. 2) It was a live broadcast, not a recording. 3) Who is the greatest man alive/the greatest living man? 4) She tried many ways to make her classes lively. 4 Its hard work, b

25、ut its worth it, because you- worth 常用的结构是: be worth + n./ doing 【拓展】 1) worthy 值得的,应得的。常见的搭配有三种形式: be worthy of + n be worthy of + being done be worthy to be done 2) worthwhile 表示“值得(花时间或金钱等)的” It is worthwhile doing sth./to do sth Sb find /consider it worthwhile doing/to do sth5. Of course. (moves

26、 over as if to make room) 当然。(挪过去,好像是要腾出空间)as if =as though 好像 后可接 doing/done/to do/名词/形容词/介词例句: 1) From time to time Jason turned around as though (he was) searching for someone. Jason时不时地转身,好像要找某人。 2) The lad started, as if awakened from some dream. 这个小伙子开始表现得好像从梦中醒来。 3) He glanced about as if (he

27、 was) in search of something. 他环顾四周,好像在找东西。 4) He paused, as if to let the painful memories pass. 他停了下,好像要让痛苦的回忆过去。【相关拓展】如果as if/ as though 表示当前不太真实、不大可能或有疑问的事情时,所引导的从句中应使用虚拟语气。如果事情发生的可能性很大时,那时多用陈述句语序。 They met each other for the first time at the party, but they talked as if they had been old friends. 他们在晚会上刚认识,但他们交谈着好像已经是多年的朋友。

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