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1、全国用版高考英语大一轮复习Unit5Firstaid教师用书必Unit 5First aid话题词汇1victim n受害者2bleeding n流血3slippery adj.滑的4first aid skills急救技能 5turn/go white变白6rescue breathing人工呼吸7be under treatment在治疗中8stick to粘住9out of place不适当10check for a pulse检查脉搏话题佳作假如你是李华,是你校英语校报的小记者,近期校报开设了“急救知识”专栏,请你根据以下要点写一篇英语新闻稿,介绍被动物咬伤后如何进行急救。1先在流动的

2、冷水下冲洗伤口若干分钟;2冲洗之后用酒精(alcohol)继续擦洗伤口;3伤口不宜包扎,尽量暴露伤口;4立即去医院注射狂犬疫苗(rabies vaccine)。佳作欣赏Knowing a knowledge of first aid makes a difference to ones life.If youre bitten by an animal,here are some ways for you to deal with the wound.First,you should wash the wound with cold running water for several minu

3、tes as soon as possible.After that,you should continue scrubbing the wound using alcohol to prevent it from being infected with bacteria.Whats more,youd better not bandage the wound,leaving it exposed to the air as much as possible.The most important thing to do is go to a hospital immediately to in

4、ject rabies vaccine.Remember these tips and maybe you will save others lives some day.名师点睛此类说明文多用到祈使句,但本文在表达的过程中尽量使用了一些复杂句代替,这是一个非常好的做法。其时态、语态均使用准确。而且非谓语动词也能运用自如,如using alcohol to prevent it from being infected with bacteria及leaving it exposed to the air as much as possible等;同时擅长运用句型、连接词来增加文章表达的多样性和

5、连贯性,如first,after that,whats more,the most important thing.等的使用。A写作必记单词1aid n& vt.帮助;援助;资助(1)in aid of作为的帮助;为了with the aid of在帮助下come/go to sb.s aid来(去)帮助某人(2)I aided him to manage(manage) the factory.2poison n毒药;毒害;vt.毒害;使中毒poisonous adj.有毒的3variety n变化;多样(化);多变(性)vary v变化various adj.各种各样的用法点拨a vari

6、ety of各种各样的,后接名词作主语时,谓语动词原则上与它所修饰的名词的数保持一致;the variety of的种类,后接名词作主语时,谓语动词用单数。A variety of animals survive there.那里存留下来许多品种的动物。There was a variety of fruit in the shop.商店里有各种各样的水果。The variety of goods in this shop is rich.这家商店的货物品种丰富。4tight adj.牢的;紧的;紧密的5firm adj.(动作)稳定有力的;坚定的firmly adv.坚固地;稳定地6cere

7、mony n典礼;仪式;礼节7bravery n勇敢;勇气brave adj.勇敢的8treat vt.& vi.治疗;对待;款待;n.款待;招待(1)把看作(2)Now,electric shock training and medical treatment (treat) are helping to rescue these big birds.(2016北京)(3)My friend treated me to a birthday dinner.(填介词)9apply vt.涂;敷;应用;运用;vi.申请;请求;使用;有效(1)apply to sb.for.向某

8、人申请apply oneself to专心于;专注apply to适用于,应用于(2)Ive finished the application(apply) form and personal resume.(2016全国)(3)The book doesnt apply to beginners.(填介词)(4)She applied herself to learning(learn) English.10pressure n压力;挤压;压迫(感)press v(被)压,按B阅读识记单词11temporary adj.暂时的;临时的12injury n损伤;伤害injure v损伤;伤害i

9、njured adj.受伤的13bleed vi.& vt.流血bleeding n流血14choke vt.& vi.(使)噎住;(使)窒息15barrier n屏障;障碍(物)The two countries are going to meet to break down some barriers to trade between them.(填介词)(2014天津)16complex adj.复杂的17mild adj.轻微的;温和的;温柔的18heal vt.& vi.(使)康复;(使)化解19scissors n剪刀20unbearable adj.难以忍受的;不能容忍的21ba

10、sin n盆;盆地22vital adj.至关重要的;生死攸关的It is vital that schools (should) teach(teach) students to use computer technology.23symptom n症状;征兆24wrist n手腕25damp adj.潮湿的26throat n咽喉;喉咙27ambulance n救护车1fall ill生病2electric shock触电;电休克3squeeze out榨出;挤出4over and over again反复;多次5in place在适当的位置;适当(1)out of place不合适的;不

11、恰当的(2)Firstly I collected all the books,newspapers and other things scattered in the rooms and put them in place.首先,我把散落在这个房间里所有的书、报纸和其他东西都收集起来,并把它们放在适当的位置。6a number of若干;许多the number of 的数量7put ones hands on找到8make a difference起(重要)作用;有影响;区别对待(1)It makes no difference to me whether he comes here or

12、 not.(填代词)(2)Your age shouldnt make any difference to whether you get the job or not.(填介词)1The functions of your skin are also very complex:it keeps you warm or cool;it prevents your body from losing too much water;it is where you feel cold,heat or pain and it gives you your sense of touch.皮肤的功能十分复杂

13、。皮肤可以保暖或御寒,保持体内水分;正是皮肤使你感到冷热、疼痛,它还使你有触觉。2Remove clothing using scissors if necessary unless it is stuck to the burn.除非衣服粘贴在烧伤面上,否则都要把它脱掉。如果需要的话,可以使用剪刀。用法点拨(1)unless除非;如果不,引导一个肯定的条件状语从句,从句有时可与if.not引导的否定状语从句互换。(2)unless引导的条件状语从句常用一般现在时表示将来意义,主句多用一般将来时。(3)在unless引导的条件状语从句中,主语和部分谓语有时可以省略。It is so cold

14、that you cant go outside unless fully covered(cover) in thick clothes.(2015江苏)3If burns are on arms or legs,keep them higher than the heart,if possible.如果烧伤的部位在臂部或腿部,尽可能把手臂或腿抬到高于心脏的位置。4John was studying in his room when he heard screaming.约翰正在房里学习,突然听到一声尖叫。用法点拨when作并列连词,意为“此时;这时”,用于下列句型中:(1)be doing

15、.when.正在做这时(2)be about to do.when.正要做此时(3)had just done.when.刚做了这时(4)be on the point of doing.when.正要做这时(1)We were swimming in the lake when suddenly the storm started.我们正在湖里游泳这时突然暴风雨来了。(2)She had just finished her homework when her mother asked her to practise playing the piano yesterday.昨天她刚刚完成作业这时母亲叫她练习弹钢琴。5There is no doubt that Johns quick thinking and the first aid skills he learn

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