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1、吉林省长春宽城区中考模拟测试英语试题word版2019-4 初三质量测查试卷英语考生注意:按照答题卡上的要求在答题卡的指定区域内答题。一、听力部分(共25分)听句子,选择最佳答语。读三遍。(5分) .听简短对话和对话后的问题,选择最佳答案。读三遍。(5分)1.A.Sounds good. B.No,I dont. C.Yes,you can.2.A.Its my pleasure. B.I dont know. C.It doesnt matter.3.A.Lets have lunch first. B.I need enough sleep. C.My teacher will be an

2、gry.4.A.Youre welcome. B.Thats right. C.Good luck.5.A.Sure,Id love to. B.You are kidding. C.So am I.6.A.On the train. B.On the bus. C.On the subway.7.A.Interested. B.Pleased. C.Worried.8.A.For five years、 B.Six years ago. C.Seven years ago.9.A. She was reading a book.B. She was doing the housework.C

3、. She was doing her homework-10.A. Windy. B. Rainy, C. Cloudy.听描述,选出与其相符的图片。其中有一幅图片是多余的。读三遍。(5分)11._ 12. 13. 14. 15. II. 听较长对话,选择最佳答案。读三遍。(5分)听第一段对话,作答第16至17小题。16. Which phone sells best these days?A. Vivo. B. Huawei- C. Apple17. How much is the mobile phone?A- 300 dollars. B. 400 dollars. C. 500 do

4、llars.听第二段对话,作答第18至20小题。初三英语试卷第1页丨共8页18. Why did Emily feel so good?Because she passed the Chinese exam.B. Because she was praised by her teacherC. Because she made progress in English and got an19. What is easy for Emily now?A.Reading. B. Grammar. C. Listening.20. What was the boy doing at nine ocl

5、ock last night?A.He was singing B.He was doing his homework.C.He was watching the movie Amazing China.v听短文选择最佳答案。读三遍。(5分) 21 How old is Cindy?A. 18. B. 19. C. 2022. Why did Cindy wait for the owner of the car?A.Because she didnt know what to do,#B.Because she had no time to run away.C.Because she wa

6、nted to say sorry for her mistake.23.How long did Cindy wait in the hot sun? A.Half an hour. B.One hour. C.Two hours.24.How much did Cindy pay for the broken car? A.100 dollars. B.500 dollars. C.Nothing.25.Who praised Mike?A.Cindy. B.Bob. C.John.二、基础知识(共25分)VI. 在下列各句的空白处填入一个适当的词,使句子意思完整、语法正确。(5分J26

7、If you have any other questions please free to ask me.27. Peter depends on his parents even he is already in his 30s.28 Mario wants to kick me so that he can be the star on the team.29- Alice enjoyed at the party with her friends They sang and danced happily-30- Many people in the world are thirsty

8、peaceful life so we should value our life-VII. 用括号内所给单词的适当形式填丨5分)31. Sometimes pandas are (danger) animals, please be careful with them.32. As a final-year middle school student,I am busy (prepare) for the exams.33. Carlos began to realize his son was special when he was in the (three) grade.34. Chi

9、na (successful) landed the Chang1 e 4 spaceship on the far side of the moon.35. Some visitors used 5G WiFi L (serve) at Changchun subway station on March 28, 2019.单项选择。(15分)从每小题所给的四个选项中,选出一个最佳答案。36.Lei Feng was bom in Changsha in 1940 and died in accident at the age of 22.A. a B. an C. the D. /37. J

10、immy is a volunteer and often does a lot of work for some people-A. able B. unable C. disable D. disabled38. a lot of rain in Thailand in summer every year. You ?d better not choose summer totravel there.A. There is B. There are There was D. There were39. me an e-mail before you come to Changchun. I

11、ll meet you at the airport.A- Send B. Sends C- Sending D. To send40. Three Little Pigs is one of stories among children around the worldsA. popular B. more popular C. most popular D. the most popular41. -You talk to your teacher like that again, Joe. Its not polite.-Im sorry,Mum. I wont do that late

12、r. A. couldnt B. neednt C. dont have to R mustnt 、42. Chinese dragons are a symbol of China, and they . to bring good luck to people-A. is believed are believed C. was believed D. will be believed43. My parents encouraged me my heart, so they agreed with my decisions.A. follow B. following C. to fol

13、low 7 D- followed44. Liu Cixin is a Chinese writer won the Hugo A ward(雨果奖)ill 2015. He wrote TheWandering Earth (流浪地球) A. who B.which C. what D. where45. The teacher requires us to some unnecessary words in the articles when we read.A. go out B. leave out C. sell out D. blow out46. In the past 20 y

14、ears,QQ an important tool for people to connect with each other.A. become B. becomes C. became D. has become47. The noise of the street didnt stop it was midnight. I didnt sleep well.A. as soon as B. since C. until D. once 48. -Have you seen the film uGreen Book”? _ humorous movie it is!-Yeah, I hea

15、rd it was from a true story and won Best Picture.A. How B. How a C. What D. What a49. -Can you tell me ?一Sure,its in Tokyo, Japan.A. when the 2020 Olympic Games is heldB. when is the 2020 Olympic Games heldC. where the 2020 Olympic Games will be heldD. where will the 2020 Olympic Games be held50, -I

16、 ate too much food last night. So I have a stomachache now.- -You shouldnt eat too much next time, lie down and rest right nowA. Thats too bad. B. Youre right.C. Thats fantastic. D, Its really boring.三、交际运用(共5分)IX.根据对话内容及方框中所给的句子补全对话。.其中有一项是多余的。(5分)Clara: Do you like reading comic(漫脚)books,Mark?Mark

17、: Yeah, I used to have lots of comic books, and still have a few now. 51Clara: So you know them well. Mark: Really! 52 Clara: OK. How did Spider Man get his powers?Mark: He was bitten by a spider.Clara: 53Mark: Superman comes from the Planet Krypton(氪星球) In theearly stories, he could only do things

18、like running faster and jumping really high.Clara: Ive seen a few of the movies. Theyre pretty exciting.Mark: 54 Actually,when I was a teenager,there werent so many good superhero films. Clara: But now there are too many to count.Mark: Thats for sure. Tm thinking about Stan Lee. We should thank him

19、for so many goodfilms.Clara: 55Mark: Teah,he came up with lots of superheroes,like Spicier Man and Iron Man.Clara: Heroes come and go, but legend(传奇)never die. Stan Lee is a living legend.A. Hes ihe creator of Marvel(漫威)Comics, right?B.I agree with you-C. Who was the actor?D.What about Superman? E.F

20、or the longest time, comic books and superheroes were full of my mind. F.Ask me anything, I could probably tell you. 四、阅读理k(共45分)X.完型填空。(15分) I had the strangest dream last night. I was walking down a dirty road. The road seemed to go on forever. I was all 56 . I couldn,t see another person anywhere

21、.57 I saw someone walking towards me.As this person got closer and closer, I realized that it was me. It was me 58 many years ago strong and young. I could see in his 59 ail the dreams and hopes that he had too. After all, they had once been my own. I was 60 . I had so many things I wanted to say to

22、 this 61 person. I wanted to spare him the pain I had suffered (遭受),and the mistakes I had made. I wanted to share 62 him all that I had learned over the long years of my life. I wanted to show him 63 his life would become so much differently thanwhat he had thought. I wanted him not to 64 so many y

23、ears on the things that he thought wereso important. But instead to realize that love was the most important thing in this life. I opened my 65 to say all of these things but couldn t. I realized at that moment 66 I told him he wouldn t believe me. He would have to walk the road I had walked, learn

24、the things I had 67, and go through all I had gone through. I let him walk on by and watched as he disappeared on the road. Then I turned to continue on my own way and then 68 up.In this life there are no shortcuts (捷径). We all have to walk the road. We all have to travel through sadness and joy. We

25、 all have to learn to 69 others and ourselves- We all have to grow into who we were meant to be. It takes our whole 70 . Yet, it is a journey worth making.56. A. lazyB. cleanC. aloneD. sweet57. A. SuddenlyB. UsuallyC. GenerallyD- Recently58. A. withoutB. fromC. behindunder59. A. throatB. backhandD.

26、mind60. A. tiredB. excitedC relaxedD. bored61. A. youngerB, olderCL funnierD. richer62. A- aboutB. onC. byD. with63. A. whomB. howC. whoD. which64. A. wasteB. pushC. tarnD. catch65. A. earsB. heartC. noseD. mouth66. A. althoughB. butC. becauseD. so67. A. wishedB. trustedC. startedD- learned68. A. pi

27、ckedB. calledC. wokeD. took69. A- hateB. giveC. loveD. play70. A, recordsB. lives ;C. piecesD. waysXI阅读理解。(30分(A)TODAS WEATHER. , 9一 - -ww _“ _ - -East England Northeast England: Mostly rather cloudy at first, but it will be dry soon- Bright or sunny time is expected in many places by the afternoon.

28、 Light west to southwest winds. Northwest Scotland, Northern Ireland: A lot of cloud is expected Western coast will also see some light rain at times. Light southwest winds.South Wales, West Scotland: Cloudy at first but bright or sunny time should develop, near western coasts, by the afternoon. Lig

29、ht west winds.Edinburgh, Northeast Scotland: A dry day with some warm sunshine by the afternoon, especially around Edinburgh Light west or southwest winds-Outlook (展望): Dry,bright and warm once again in central and eastern parts. Western coasts will be still rather cloudy with the chance of a little

30、 rain,FOUR- DAY FORECAST(预报)CITYTodayTomorrowFridaySaturdayGlasgow21C cloudy20C rainy18 C cloudy25C fineNewcastle21C fine21C cloudy20C cloudy22C cloudyLiverpool20C cloudy 22C cloudy20C cloudy24C rainyLondon26C cloudy25C fine26C cloudy27C sunnyBirmingham25C fine23C cloudy21C cloudy24C fine根据文中信息,选择最佳

31、答案。(5分)71. What day is it today according to the forecast?A. Sunday. B. Wednesday. C, Tuesday. D. Monday.72. There are southwest winds in some parts of Britain EXCEPT .A. East England B。 Northwest ScotlandCSouth Wales D. Edinburgh73. It will be dry, bright and warm in central and parts later on.A, eastern

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