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1、初三英语期末考试模拟试卷及答案详解(二)友情提示:1本试题分第卷和第卷两部分考试时间90分钟,满分120分 2考生将第卷的答案,填入第卷中相应的表格内,只上交第卷第卷一、听力测试(25分) (一)根据录音内容,选择与图片内容一致的选项(录音内容将读两遍)1ABC2ABC3ABC4ABC5ABC(二)听录音,选择正确的答语。(录音内容将读两遍)6AHave a coldBI dont like itCIt is a ball7AI visited my friendBI was talking with my father at home CI did my homework8AThe teac

2、her said he was wellBThe teacher said it was well CThe teacher said I was hardworking9AYes,I wouldBSorry,Ill do it at onceCCertainly10AA bookBA policemanCIts boring(三)根据对话及问题,选择正确答案(录音内容将读两遍)11ATVBRobotsCHomes12ATo talk with the parentsBTo talk with the friendsCTo go out13AIn l9688BIn l988CIn l98714

3、ATaking a showerBTalking with her friends CGetting out of the bathroom15AIts difficult to take care of BIts good for a child CIt s difficult for a child(四)听一段对话,回答所提问的问题(录音内容将读两遍)16What are they going to do?AHave a class meetingBHave a Class partyCHave a birthday party17When are they going to have i

4、t?AToday after classBTomorrow COn Saturday afternoon18What are they going to do at it? AWatch a videoBSing and danceCPlay party games19When will they have a test? ATodayBTomorrowCOn Saturday afternoon20Who will make food? AMarkBAndreaCBetty(五)听录音,根据录音内容,完成句子。(录音内容将读两遍)(听力结束后,再填到第卷中相应的位置) Some Inform

5、ation About Mike Age Mike is 21_years old Hobby Mike likes playing 22_Events(事件)Mike was wet in the rain,and he didnt feel 23_This morning he felt 24_and had to see a doctor Advice The doctor told him to 25_and stay in bed二、选择填空:(15分) 26一What did he tell youJim? 一He didnt tell me _Asomething importa

6、nt Banything important Cimportant something Dimportant anything 27一What should I do? 一Youd better_ him about it Anot to tell Bto not tell Cnot tell Dto tell 28一I dont know how to answer the question 一Why _ your teacher for help Anot ask Bto ask Cnot to ask Dask29一Dont forget to bring your school thi

7、ngs here tomorrow 一_ AI dont BI will CI havent DI wont 30一Can you finish the work on time? 一NoI think we still need _ minutes Aten more Bmore ten Cten other Dother ten 31一What did he say? 一He said he _ a telephone call to his relatives at that time: Amade Bmakes Cis making Dwas making 32It is really

8、 _ unusual experience,and Ill never forget_ Aa;it Ban;it Ca;one Dan;one33一When will you finish your final exams? 一_ AA week BBefore a week CIn a week DAfter a week 34The girl followed the dog to see_ Awhere it was going Bwhere was it going Cit was going where Dwhere going it was 35Not all events in

9、history are as _ as this Athe most terrible BterribleCmore terrible Dterribly 36His story is so _ that we all got_ Abore,boring Bbored,boring Cboring,bored Dboring,boring 37He told me he _ me the next day Awill call Bcalled Cwould call Dis calling 38I met my English teacher _ I was walking across th

10、e bridge Auntil Bwhile Cafter Dbefore 39They are discussing _ Lin Tao _ this afternoon Aif;comes Bif:will come Cwhether;comes Dwhen will,come 40Dont go into the classroomThey _ it yet Ahave cleaned Bhavent cleaned Chadnt cleaned Dwere cleaning三、完型填空:(10分) Have you ever heard of a girl of l5who set u

11、p a company of her own? Wendy Wong is the girlShe started her business two years agoShe has already 41 several successful computer gamesThey are so 42 that over half a million games are sold out every year. Now all the family work in her business,and she is 43 at school She gets up early in the morn

12、ing,and then has talks with her family about the 44 over breakfastEvery day during the weekdays,she goes to school in her own car with a 45 ,for she is not old enough She enjoys her school,but some of the work is too easy for her to feel 46 She usually gets “A” grades in all her 47,so the other students often ask her for 48 She finishes her homework in half an hour after her driver takes her homeAfter dinner,she goes to her office and 49 working on her computer,writing games until 2 amShe doesnt usually need so much 50 as other children 41Aworked Bplayed Cwritten

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