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1、历年英语高考动词时态和语态真题及答案历年英语高考动词时态和语态真题及答案高二动词时态和语态高考真题练习1. -Look! Somebody the sofa.-Well, in加油t wasnt me. I didnt do it.Ain加油s cleaning Bwas cleaning Chn加油as cleaned Dhad cleaned2n加油. Dont worrry. The hard work that youn加油 do now _ later in life.A. will n加油be repaid B. was being repaidn加油 C. has been re

2、paid D. was repaid3n加油. Food supplies in the flood-sn加油tricken area _.We must actn加油 immediately before theres left.An加油. have run out B. are running n加油out C. have been run out n加油D. are being run out4. -ken加油vin,you look worried. Anythn加油ing wrong?-Well, I_ a ten加油st and Im waiting for the result.

3、n加油A. will take B. took n加油C. had taken D.n加油 take5. Mum, I was wondering n加油if you could lend me n加油a few dollars until I n加油 on Friday.A. get paid B. n加油got paid C. have pn加油aid D. had been paid6. Jack n加油is a great talker. Its hin加油gh time that he n加油 something instead n加油of just talking.A. will

4、do n加油 B. has done n加油 C. do D. did7.n加油 I feel so excited . At this time tomon加油rrow morning I _ to Shanghai.A. wiln加油l be flying B.will fly C. hn加油ave been flying D. have flown8.Did n加油you catch what I said?Son加油rry. I _ a text message jn加油ust now.9.They are living with then加油ir parents for the mo

5、ment because thn加油eir own house _.A. is being rebn加油uilt B. has been ren加油built C. is rebuilt n加油 D. has rebuilt10.n加油Can I call you back at tn加油wo oclock this afternoon?Im sorryn加油, but by then I_ n加油to Beijing. How about five?A. flyn加油 B. will fly C. win加油ll be flying D. am flying11. Geon加油rge sai

6、d that he would come to school n加油to see me the next dan加油y, but he _. A .won加油uldnt B. didnt C. n加油hasnt D. hadnt12. -Hn加油ave you heard about that fn加油ire in the maeket - Yes, fon加油rtunately no one _.A. hurt n加油B. was hurt C. has hurt D. had been加油n hurt13. Our friendship _n加油_ quickly over the wee

7、ks tn加油hat followed.A. had developed B. n加油was developing C. would develop n加油D. developed14. The manager _ thn加油e workers how to improve tn加油he program since 9 am. A. has ton加油ld B. is telling C. has been tn加油elling D. will have told15. n加油-Did you ask Sophia for help?-n加油-I _ need to I manan加油ged

8、perfectly well on myn加油 own.A. wouldnt B. dont C. didn加油nt D. wont16. Then加油 three of us _around Europe for n加油about a month last summer. A. travellen加油d B. have travelled C. had travellen加油d D. travel17. The letters for the bon加油ss_ on his desk but hen加油 didnt read them until three latern加油. Awere

9、put B. was put Cn加油. put D. has put18. I had been won加油rking on math for the whole afternoonn加油 and the numbers before my eyen加油s.A. swim B. swun加油m C. swam D. hadn加油 swum19. Life is like n加油walking in the snow,n加油 Granny used to say, becausn加油e every step ”A. has shownn加油 B. is showing C. shows D.

10、showen加油d20. The manager was concerned to n加油hear that two of his trusted worken加油rs _. A. will ln加油eave B. are leaving C. have left D.n加油 were leaving21. After Jack han加油d sent some e-mails, n加油he _ working on加油n his project. A. han加油d started B. has started C. n加油started D. starts22.一 When did the

11、 con加油mputer crash?一 This morningn加油, while I _the reading mn加油aterials downloaded from some websitesn加油.A. have sorted B. was sorting C. am sn加油orting D. had sorted23. Alvin, n加油are you coming with n加油us? Id love to, but sometn加油hing unexpected .A. has come n加油up B. was coming up C. hadn加油 come up

12、D. would come upn加油24. Peter had intended to takn加油e a job in business, but _that pln加油an after the unpleasant experin加油ence in Canada in 2019.An加油. had abandoned B. abandon加油ned C. abandon D. will abandon25. n加油The president hopes that the peopn加油le will be better off whenn加油 he quits than when he_

13、.A. hn加油as started B. starts C. n加油started D. will startn加油26. The manager is said to have arriven加油d back from Paris where hen加油 _ some European partners. n加油A. would meet B. is meeting C. meets n加油D. had met27. After school we went ton加油 the reading room to dn加油o some reading, only tn加油o be told t

14、hat it .A. was den加油corated B. had dn加油ecorated C. had been den加油corating D. was bein加油ng decorated28. Walmarn加油t, which is one of the largesn加油t American supermarket chains, n加油 _some of its sn加油tores open 24 hours on Mondn加油ays through Saturdays.A. kn加油eeps B. keep n加油 C. have kept D. had n加油kept2

15、9. In order to fn加油ind the missing childn加油 , villagers all they can over thn加油e past five hours.A. did B. don加油 C. had done Dn加油. have been doing3n加油0. -I remember you n加油were a talented pianist at collen加油ge. Can you play the piano n加油for me -Sorry , I _ the n加油piano for years.A.dont play Bn加油.was

16、nt playing C havent played D han加油dnt played31. “The moment _ son加油on”, he thought to himseln加油f , waiting nervously.A. came B .has n加油come C. was coming n加油D. is coming32. Close the n加油door of fear behind you ,n加油 and you _ the door of faith openn加油 before you. A. saw B .n加油have seen C. will see D.

17、 arn加油e seeing33. Planning so far an加油head _ no senseso many things wiln加油l have changed by next year.n加油A. made B. is making C. n加油makes D. has made34.I wasnt suren加油 if he was really inten加油rested or if he _ politn加油e.A. was just being n加油 B. will just be C. had just n加油been D. would just be35. Wh

18、en Alicen加油 came to, she did not know how lon加油ng she _ there.A. had been lyingn加油 B. has been lying C. wn加油as lying D. has lain36.Experin加油ments of this kind _n加油_ in both the U.S. and Europe wn加油ell before the Second World War.An加油. have conducted B. n加油have been conductedC. hn加油ad conducted D. ha

19、d ben加油en conducted37.Tom _n加油_ in the library evern加油y night over the last thn加油ree monthsA. works B. worked n加油C. has been working D. had been workin加油ng38. Bob has gone to California. n加油Oh, can you tell me whenn加油 he _A. has left n加油B. left C. is leaving D.n加油 would leaving39. That must have bn加

20、油een a long trip. Yean加油h, it _ us a whole weekn加油 to get there.A. takes B. has tan加油ken C. took D. was taking40. Aftn加油er getting lost in a storm, a memben加油r of the navy team _ four days lan加油ter.A. rescued B. wasn加油 rescued C. has rescued D.n加油 had been rescued41.Did you predicn加油t that many stud

21、ents _n加油_ up for the dance competition?A. wn加油ould sign B. signed C. have signed n加油D. had signed42.When I gon加油t on the bus, I _ I had left my wn加油allet at home.A. wasn加油 realizing B. realized C. han加油ve realized D. would realize43. Shen加油 was surprised to find the fridge emptyn加油; the child _ eve

22、n加油rything!A. had been n加油eating B. had eaten C.n加油 have eaten D. have beenn加油 eating44.We arrived at work in the mn加油orning and found that somebodyn加油 _ into the office during the nn加油ight.A. broke B. had broken Cn加油. has broken D. was breakinn加油g45.I hear you _ in a n加油pub. Whats it like?n加油Well,

23、its very hard work and Im alwn加油ays tired, but I dont mn加油ind.A. are working n加油 B. will work C. were working n加油D. will be working46. The fact thn加油at so many people still smoken加油 in public places _ tn加油hat we may need a nationwidn加油e campaign to raise awareness of the n加油risks of smoking.A. sugge

24、st B. sun加油ggests C. suggested D. suggn加油esting47. Tommy is plannin加油ng to buy a car.I know. n加油By next month, he _enough for a n加油used one.A. saves B. san加油ved C. will save D. will have san加油ved48.I didnt ask for thn加油e name list. Why _on my desk?n加油I put it there just nown加油 in case you needed it.

25、A. doesn加油 it land B. has it landedn加油 C. will it land D. had it landed49.n加油 The manager was worried an加油bout the press conferencn加油e his assistant _ in his place n加油but, luckily, everything n加油was going on smoothly.A. gavn加油e B. gives C. was givinn加油g D. had given50.Lan加油st month, the Japanese n加油

26、government expressed then加油ir thanks for the aid they_ fron加油m China.A. receive B. are rn加油eceiving C. have n加油received D. had recn加油eived19(2019四川卷)9. All visn加油itors to this village_ with kin加油ndness.A. treat B.n加油 are treated C. are trn加油eating D. had been treated20(2019四川卷)n加油19. What a mistake!

27、n加油Yes. I_ his doing it anon加油ther way, but without success.An加油. was suggesting B. will suggest C.n加油 would suggest D. had suggen加油sted21(2019辽宁卷)28. In加油ll go to the library as son加油on as I finish what I _n加油_.A. was doing n加油 B. am doing C.n加油 have done D. had been doing22(2n加油019辽宁卷)34. By the t

28、ime Jack returned hn加油ome from England, his son_ from con加油llege.A. graduated B.n加油 has graduated C. n加油had been D. had graduated23(2n加油019天津卷)3.In the last n加油few years thousands of films _n加油_ all over the worn加油d.A. have produced B. have been加油n produced C. are producing Dn加油. are being produced2

29、4(2n加油019天津卷)4.On the next birthday. Annn加油 _married for twenty years.An加油. is B. has been C.n加油 will be D. will haven加油 been25(2019陕西卷)12.His first n加油novel _ good reviews sn加油ince it came out last mn加油onth.A. receives B. isn加油 receiving C. will receive n加油D. has received26(201n加油9重庆卷)21. That piec

30、e of music son加油unds quite familiar. Who _tn加油he piano upstairs?A.n加油 has played B. pn加油layed C. playsn加油 D. is playing27(2019重庆n加油卷)31.Look at the pride on Tomsn加油 face. He_ to han加油ve been praised by the manager n加油just now.A. seemed n加油B. seems C. had seemed n加油 D. is seeming28(2019湖南卷)22. John,

31、wn加油hat _in your hand?Look, Itn加油s a birthday gift forn加油 my grandma.A. had you held n加油 B. are you holding C. n加油do you hold D. will you hold29(n加油2019湖南卷)27. In 1942, Columbun加油s_ on one of the Bahama Islands, bun加油t he mistook it for an island ofn加油f India.A. lands B. lann加油ded C. has landed D.n加油.had landed30(2019湖南卷)30. In加油t is the most ins

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