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1、高二下学期第一次阶段考试数学2019-2020年高二下学期第一次阶段考试(数学)说明: 本试卷分卷、卷两部分,共 6 页. 时间:120分钟,满分:150分选择题答案涂在机读卡上,交卷时将答题卡、第卷一并交回.一、选择题(本题共12小题,每小题5分,共60分,在每小题给出的四个选项中,只有一项是符合题目要求的.)1已知直线m、n与平面、,下列条件中能推出的是 ( ) Am且m B且 Cm,n,mn Dm,n,m,n2. 已知长方体的表面积是,过同一顶点的三条棱长之和是,则它的对角线长是( )A. B. C. D. 3.给出下列命题:(1)三点确定一个平面;(2)在空间中,过直线外一点只能作一条

2、直线与该直线平行;(3)若平面上有不共线的三点到平面的距离相等,则;(4)若直线满足则.其中正确命题的个数是 ( )A个 B个 C个 D个 4.如图,直线PA垂直于圆所在的平面,内接于圆,且AB为圆的直径,点M为线段PB的中点现有以下命题:;点B到平面PAC的距离等于线段BC的长其中真命题的个数为 ( )A3 B2 C1 D0 5用一个平面去截正方体,所得截面不可能是 ( )A.平面六边形 B.菱形 C.梯形 D.直角三角形 6长方体ABCDA1B1C1D1中,AB=AA1=2,AD=1,E为CC1的中点,则异面直线BC1与AE所成角的余弦值为 ( ) A B C D 7已知直线与平面成45角

3、,直线,若直线在内的射影与直线也成45角,则与所成的角是 ( )A30 B45 C60 D90 8矩形ABCD的两边AB=3,AD=4,PA平面ABCD,且PA=,则二面角A-BD-P的度数为 ( )A30 B45 C60 D759.二面角为,A,B是棱上的两点,AC,BD分别在半平面内,且,则的长为 ( )A B C D 10.等边ABC的边长为1,BC上的高是AD,若沿AD折成直二面角,则A到BC的距离为( )A. B. C. D. 11如图,矩形ABCD中,AB3,BC4,沿对角线BD将ABD折起,使A点在平面BCD内的射影落在BC边上,若二面角CABD的平面角大小为,则sin的值为(

4、)A B C D12.已知正四面体ABCD,动点P在ABC内,且点P到平面BCD的距离与点P到点A的距离相等,则动点P的轨迹为 ( ) A椭圆的一部分 B双曲线的一部分C抛物线的一部分D一条线段第卷题 号一二三总 分得 分171819202122二、填空题(本大题共4小题,每小题5分,共20分,请把最简答案填在题后横线上)13过平面外一点P的斜线段是过这点垂线段的倍,则斜线与平面所成的角为 .14正方体ABCDA1B1C1D1的棱长为1,是A1B1的中点,则到平面AB C1D1的距离为 .15如图,在直二面角中,等腰直角三角形的斜边,一直角边,与所成角的正弦值为,则与所成的角是 . 16已知边

5、长为a的菱形ABCD,A =,将菱形ABCD沿对角线BD折成二面角,已知,则两条对角线AC和DB距离的最大值是 .三、解答题(本大题共小题,共70分,解答应写出必要的文字说明、证明过程或演算步骤)17. (10分)如图,在四面体ABCD中,ABADBD2,BCDC,二面角ABDC 的大小为30,求AC的长18.(12分)如图,在四棱锥中,底面为边长为1的菱形,, , ,为的中点,为的中点(1)证明:直线;(2)求异面直线AB与MD所成角的大小.19.(12分)如图,直三棱柱中,.(1)求点B到平面的距离;(2)求直线与平面所成角的正切值.20.(12分)如图,已知平行六面体的底面ABCD是边长

6、为1的菱形,且,点在底面ABCD的射影在直线BD上,求此平行六面体的体积和表面积.21.(12分)如图,正三棱柱的所有棱长都为4,D为CC1中点(1)求证:;(2)求二面角的大小22(12分)如图,已知四棱锥P-ABCD的底面ABCD为等腰梯形,ABDC,ACBD,AC与BD相交于点O,且顶点P在底面上的射影恰为O点,又BO=2,PO=,PBPD. ()求异面直线PD与BC所成角的余弦值;()求二面角PABC的大小;()(仅理科做)问是否在线段PC上存在点M,使PC平面BMD.若存在,求出点M的位置;若不存在,请说明理由. 保定一中xx高二第二学期第一次阶段考试 数学答案 审核:李茂生一、A

7、D B A D B C A A B A A二、13. 14. 15. 16. 三、17.AC=118:(1)证明:取OB中点E,连接ME,NE又 (2) 为异面直线与所成的角(或其补角) 作连接 , 所以 与所成角的大小为19.(1) ;(2) 20.答案:如图所示连接CA交BD于H连接H;因为所以在底面上的射影在直线CA上,又因为点在底面ABCD的射影在直线BD上,所以在底面上的射影为H即H为底面ABCD的垂线。则,因为CH=,所以H=,C=所以21.答案:()取BC中点O,连结AO为正三角形,分 连结,在正方形中,分别为的中点, 由正方形性质知,分又在正方形中,平面分()设AB1与A1B交

8、于点,在平面1BD中,作于,连结,由()得为二面角的平面角分在中,由等面积法可求得,分又,所以二面角的大小为分22. 平面, 又,由平面几何知识得: ()过做交于于,连结,则或其补角为异面直线与所成的角,四边形是等腰梯形, 又四边形是平行四边形。是的中点,且又,为直角三角形, 在中,由余弦定理得故异面直线PD与所成的角的余弦值为()连结,由()及三垂线定理知,为二面角的平面角,二面角的大小为()连结,平面平面,又在中,故时,平面2019-2020年高二下学期第七次周练 英语试题 含答案一、重点单词 201. 撕,扯vt. _ 2. 幽默n. _ 幽默的adj._3. 使愉快, 使高兴vt. _

9、 4. 娱乐n. _5. 杰出的,显著的 adj. _ 6. 值得的 adj. _7. 使不交叉 vt. _ 8. 至关重要的adj. _9. 看不见的 adj. _ 10. 拥挤的adj. _11. 重新进入 vt. _ 12. 出去 v. _13. 紧急情况 n. _ 14. 空手的adj._15. 舒适的,安逸的adj. _ 16. 恼怒的,气恼的adj. _17. 最初的,初始的adj. _ 18. 鲜为人知的 adj. _19. 视觉的 adj. _ _ 20. 热情的adj._ 热情n. _二、重点短语 201. 嘲笑 _ 2. 对某事做出反应 _3. 编造,杜撰 _ 4. 遵循某

10、人的足迹 _5. 排队 _ 6. 后来,过些时候 _7. 电视现场直播 _ 8. 怒目而视 _9. 被椅子绊倒 _ 10. 招收,雇用,呈现_11. 维持,保持,拿出 _ 12. 指向 _13. 突然闯入_ 14. 绞尽脑汁 _15. 减轻体重_ 16. 腾出地方,让出地方 _17. 撞到某人 _ 18. 每次,一次 _19. 照镜子 _ 20. 卫生纸 _三、完形填空 15(每空1.5分) Billy Crystal is a well-known American stand-up edian. He has been praised 1_ his ability to observe t

11、he people and events around him and make appropriate funny ments. Only a few edians bee famous and get jobs 2_ television and film actors later on in life. Billy Crystal first started doing stand-up edy in New York and 3_ in California in the 1970s. Soon after, he got a job in television. He made 4_

12、advertisement for Pepsi in the 1980s 5_ became very popular. Billy Crystal also acts in films. Other actors say that often he does not read the script. 6_, he will improvise and say something 7_. Somehow, the new things he thinks of are always funnier than 8_ he was supposed to say! Billy Crystal is

13、 also famous for 9_ the host of the Academy Awards. He enjoys this job, and every year 10_ many months preparing his jokes and thinking of funny things to say.四、单项选择151. The concert had so _ audience that the organizer could hardly make enough money to cover his cost. A. few B. little C. many D. muc

14、h 2. _ possibilities must be considered in a business negotiation. A. Such a B. Such many C. One such D. All such 3. _ you hate him, you should not beat him. A. However B. Whoever C. Whatever D. Wherever 4. Shall we _ lunch? We are not supposed to finish the job so early. A. stop having B. stop to h

15、ave C. not to stop to have D. stop not having5. Billions of dollars is meant to _ exploring Mars. A. paid B. cost C. take D. be spent6. Those soldiers preferred _ to betraying their motherland. A. being punished B. to be punished C. be punished D. punished 7. Next to Mars is Jupiter, the biggest pla

16、net in the solar system, _?. A. isnt there B. doesnt it C. hasnt that D. isnt it 8. Who do you suggest _ to do the work?A. send B. be sent C. sent D. sending9. Dont interrupt me. I _ letters all morning and have only finished five.A. write B. have written C. am writing D. have been writing10. Speaki

17、ng of all the songs he has written, I think this is probably his _ one.A. better-known B. well-known C. best-known D. most-known 11. There was a knock at the door. It was the second time that someone _ me that evening. A. to have interrupted B. would interrupt C. had interrupted D. has interrupted12

18、. We all _ to the eighty-year-old man, wishing him a happy birthday. A. raised the glass B. raised our glasses C. sent our glasses D. gave the glass13. Happy birthday, Alice! So you have _ twenty already! A. bee B. turned C. grown D. passed 14. The man we followed suddenly stopped and looked as if _

19、 whether he was going in the right direction. A. seeing B. to see C. having seen D. to have seen15. He is a strict but kind teacher, _ is always trying to make his classes _ and interesting.A. one; living B. one who; lively C. he; lovely D. he who; live 五、完成下列句子 301. 当你笑的时候,你的大脑就会向全身传递一种对身体有益的化学物质。

20、When you laugh, your brain sends chemicals around your body that _ _ _ you.2. 笑有助于保持身体健康,甚至能够帮助你战胜疼痛。 _ helps your body _ _ and can even help you _ _.3. 不管什么原因,研究表明,英语格言“笑是灵丹妙药”到头来也许是真的。 _ _ _, research shows that in the end, the English saying _ _ _ _ _ may be true after all.4. 我去看了那部喜剧,它让我把头都笑掉了。

21、I went to see the edy. It made me _ _ _ _.5. 那天好运降临了,我比赛得了第一名。 Luck _ _ _ _ that day as I _ _ _ in the petition.6. 谁笑到最后谁笑得最美。 He _ _ _ _ best.答案 一、重点单词 201. tear 2. humour; humorous3. amuse 4. entertainment5. outstanding 6. worthwhile7. uncross 8. vital9. invisible 10. crowded11. re-enter 12. exit1

22、3. emergency 14. empty-handed15. cozy 16. annoyed17. initial 18. little-known19. visual 20. enthusiastic; enthusiasm二、重点短语 201. make fun of / make jokes about / laugh at2. in response to 3. make up4. follow in the footsteps of sb. 5. queue up6. later on 7. be broadcast live on TV8. glare at 9. trip

23、over / on a chair10. take on 11. hold out12. point to 13. burst in / into14. beat ones brains 15. lose weight16. make room for 17. bump into18. at one / a time 19. look in / into the mirror20. toilet paper三、完形填空 (每空1.5分) 151. for 2. as 3. then 4. an 5. that 6. Instead 7. different 8. what 9. being 1

24、0 spends四、单项选择151-5 ADABD 6-10 ADBDC 11-15 CBBBB五、完成下列句子 301. 当你笑的时候,你的大脑就会向全身传递一种对身体有益的化学物质。 When you laugh, your brain sends chemicals around your body that are good for / do good to / are beneficial to you.2. 笑有助于保持身体健康,甚至能够帮助你战胜疼痛。 Laughing helps your body stay healthy and can even help you figh

25、t pain.3. 不管什么原因,研究表明,英语格言“笑是灵丹妙药”到头来也许是真的。 Whatever the reason, research shows that in the end the English saying Laughter is the best medicine may be true after all.4. 我去看了那部喜剧,它让我把头都笑掉了。 I went to see the edy. It made me laugh my head off.5. 那天好运降临了,我比赛得了第一名。 Luck was smiling on me that day as I won first place in the petition.6. 谁笑到最后谁笑得最美。 He who laughs last laughs best.

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