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1、高考英语完形填空专项练习题含答案高考英语完形填空专项练习题(含答案)Piano lessons arent just about giving kids an opportunity for musical training. Learning to play the piano has a great 1 on the brain, providing children with a lot of benefits that last a lifetime. 2 education can actually give kids an increased chance of success i

2、n life. Kids who 3 music education and training gain major emotional development advantages. Playing the piano is an outlet (发泄) for kids and 4 themselves. Any type of music 5 the spirits. Being able to play a song on an instrument, whether performing 6 or for other people, also builds confidence in

3、 kids.The many hours spent 7 playing the piano create and increase neural (神经的) connections in the brain that last a lifetime. These physical changes in the 8 provide great gains that last well into adulthood, including protecting against cognitive decline (认知能力下降) and memory 9 . Piano lessons also

4、have been shown to 10 affect verbal working memory, hearing and communication.Children get 11 just as often as adults. Feelings of nervousness and worry 12 a physical response in the body, in which the heart rate and blood pressure 13 and breathing gets faster. Playing the piano can 14 that kind of

5、response, providing a sense of relaxation. This 15 can be felt by kids immediately on sitting at the piano and trying to play, 16 the activity can reduce worry regardless of a persons skill or ability. Music lessons, 17 , provide the greatest benefit, as studies have shown that playing an instrument

6、 for an hour per week for at least six weeks is most 18 for reducing the bodys nervous response. 19 all the benefits of music training, its not 20 that more and more parents want their kids to learn to play an instrument.1Adepth Binfluence Ccontrol Dcircle2AMusic BMath CEarly DProper3Areceive Bshow

7、Clove Dgive4Avalue Baccept Cexpress Dknow5Aholds Blifts Ccarries Dadds6Aloudly Bforever Csoon Dalone7Atrying Bstanding Cpracticing Dlistening8Abrain Beyes Cnose Dears9Atest Banalysis Cresponse Dloss10Aquickly Bnegatively Cshortly Dpositively11Aexcited Bnervous Chappy Dconfused12Areduce Bbreak Ccause

8、 Dlead13Arise Bdisappear Cremove Dfly14Ashut down Bturn out Cput on Dget off15Aopinion Badvantage Clight Dincrease16Aafter Buntil Cas Dif17Aanyhow Btherefore Chowever Dbesides18Ausual Bcommon Crapid Deffective19AWith BBefore CIn DUnder20Apuzzling Bworrying Cexpecting Dsurprising Dana is a 10-year-ol

9、d girl, who found her friend was sick with a rare and life-threatening disease. 21 , she began her mission to find a way to help her friend and other 22 children by funding research to discover lifesaving cures.Danas first idea was to 23 lemonade (柠檬水) but it would be limited to the summer season. S

10、he had to 24 an alternative concept. Dana and her mother had a fun habit of baking together, and it 25 to her that she could bake cookies. She knew that most people love cookies and like eating them all 26 long. She called her newly created 27 Cookies4Cures.Dana started her 28 mission when she was o

11、nly seven years old. She and her mother 29 spent two days a week baking the cookies at home. Dana would then 30 the streets every weekend attempting to sell the cookies door to door to the local 31 . Her first goal was to make $1,000 in sales.“It was so 32 and took us three months, Dana recalled her

12、 first tiring yet rewarding sales attempt.Dana soon decided to move her Cookies4Cures campaign 33 and that was when sales really started to 34 . At the end of the year, she raised $ 56, 000. The concept was simple: she baked the cookies and then 35 others to donate online to fund research for rare d

13、iseases in exchange for her 36 cookies.Cookies4Cures is now 37 on raising awareness for the rare diseases for children. Without a cure, it is scientific 38 that provides hope to children and their families that one day one will be discovered. It is this 39 that motivates Dana to keep 40 baking for c

14、auses dear to her heart.21AInstead BHowever CThus DBesides22Asuffering Bchallenging Cpromising Dexciting23Amake Bsell Cdrink Dbuy24Acome up with Bget along with Cteam up with Dcome out of25Aappeared Bexplained Cseemed Doccurred26Aday Byear Cmonth Dweek27Acompany Bproject Cmedicine Dcampaign28Aannoyi

15、ng Btroublesome Ccaring Dmean29Atypically Bsecretly Ccautiously Dsimply30Abuild Brun Cclean Dhit31Aschool Bcommunity Cgovernment Dradio32Aeager Bboring Chard Dbad33Aoverseas Bahead Cabroad Donline34Atake off Bpull out Cset about Dput aside35Aordered Ballowed Cinvited Dwarned36Alife-changing Bheartbr

16、eaking Ceasy-going Dmouthwatering37Abased Bfocused Cinsisted Ddepended38AcommunicationBdata Cresearch Dreport39Ahope Bdoubt Cshade Dproof40Ahealthy Bbusy Ccalm Dcool An old man lived on a farm with his young grandson. Each morning , Grandpa was up early ,reading his worn-out book. His grandson, who

17、wanted to be just like him, tried to 41 him in any way he could.One day , the grandson asked,Grandpa, I try to 42 the book just like you but I dont understand it.What 43 does reading the book do to me?”The grandfather quietly turned from putting coal in the 44 and said,Take this coal basket down to

18、the river and bring back a basket of 45 The boy did as he was told,even though all the water 46 out of the basket before he got back to the house. The grandfather 47 and said, Youll have to 48 a little faster next time, and sent him back to the river with the basket to 49 again.This time the boy ran

19、 faster, but again the basket was 50 before he returned home. Out of 51 , he told his grandfather that it was impossible to carry water 52 a basket and he went to get a bucket instead.The old man said , I dont want a 53 of water; I want a basket of water.You can do this. You are just not trying hard

20、 enough.At this point, the boy knew it was 54 , but he wanted to show his grandfather that 55 he ran as fast as he could , the water would leak out of the basket before he got very far.The boy 56 the water and ran hard, but when he reached his grandfather the basket was again empty .Out of breath, h

21、e said, See, Grandpa, it is 57 !So you think it is useless?the old man said,Look at the 58 The boy looked at the basket and for the first time he realized that it looked 59 .Instead of a dirty old coal basket, it was 60 .Then the old man said,So that is what happens when you read the book.You may no

22、t understand or remember everything , but when you read it, it will change you from the inside out.”41Aplease Bimitate Chelp Dattract42Ahold Bmark Cread Dchoose43Agood Bskill Cuse Deffect44Ashelf Bash Cfire Dstove45Awater Bcoal Csoil Dwood46Agave Blooked Cmade Dleaked47Afrowned Blaughed Cangered Dlo

23、oked48Acompete Badvance Cmove Dslide49Atry Bperform Cact Dpractice50Asolid Bheavy Cdirty Dempty51Aenergy Bbreath Csight Ddanger52Ain Bby Cfor Don53Abasin Bcup Cbucket Dpool54Anecessary Bimportant Creasonable Dimpossible55Anow that Beven if Cin case Dever since56Agot Bdrank Cquitted Dpoured57Auseless

24、 Bmysterious Cfoolish Dobvious58Ariver Bbasket Cbook Dground59Awet Bnew Cfresh Ddifferent60Alight Bsoft Cclean Dbeautiful A man was driving his car when he saw an old lady with her car on the side of the road. He thought that she needed 61 . So he stopped his car near hers and 62 . He knew he did lo

25、ok 63 as his clothes were so ragged. He could see how frightened she was, so he tried to 64 her, “Im here to help you. Dont worry. My name is Bryan Anderson.”When the 65 job was done, the lady asked how much she would 66 him for the mend. Bryan smiled. He said, “If you really want to pay me back, th

26、e 67 time you see someone who needs help, 68 that person the needed help.”In the same evening, the lady stopped by a small 69 . There she saw a waitress, nearly eight months pregnant (怀孕的), 70 the table with care. The waitress had a sweet friendly 71 though she had been on her feet the whole day. Th

27、e lady had 72 her meal and then paid with a hundred dollar bill. The waitress went to get change. However, when she 73 , the lady had left the cafe. The lady 74 a note on the napkin(餐巾纸), “You dont own me anything. Somebody 75 helped me, just like now Im helping you. If you really want to pay me bac

28、k, do not let this chain of love end with you.” The waitress 76 four more one hundred bills under the napkin.That night the waitress came home earlier than before. She knew that her husband was 77 about money because the 78 would soon arrive. She was 79 to tell him the good news. Then she kissed him

29、 and 80 in his ear, “Now everything will be all right. I love you, Bryan Anderson.”61Aluck Bcomplaint Cselection Dassistance62Amoved off Bran away Cgot out Dbroke up63Ahandsome Bimpatient Cplain Dunsafe64Aask Bcalm Cpuzzle Drespect65Aresearch Bvacation Crepair Dvolunteer66Athank Bpay Clend Ddonate67

30、Anext Blocal Cregular Dlast68Atell Bgive Corganize Drefuse69Acafe Bhospital Cstudio Dchurch70Aremoving Bcleaning Crecycling Dpainting71Agift Baction Ceffect Dsmile72Adelivered Bthrown Cfinished Dshared73Aturned over Bgave in Cput down Dcame back74Aleft Bcollected Cdrew Dprocessed75Asometimes Bnearly Conce Dusually76Afound Blost Cfolded Ddamaged77Adisappointed Bconfused Cembarrassed Dworried78Alady Bbaby Cman Dcar79Aglad Bconfident Cgenerous Dselfless80Awept Bsighed Cwhispered Dapologized Raegan Lawrence is an 11-year-old student and

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