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1、中考英语复习重点知识小结定语从句中:只用that而不用which的五种情况引导定语从句的关系代词有:that(指人或物),which(指物),who (指人)。指人时可用that或who ;指物时可用that 或which ;但有时只能用that,不能用which。常见的情况有下列五种:1) 当先行词是:all , any , anything , everything , nothing the one, much, few, little或被它们修饰时。例如:Is there anything that I can do for you ? 有什么可以为你做的吗?All that can

2、be done must be done .凡是能做的都必须做。2)当先行词被形容词的最高级或序数词修饰时。例如:That is one of the most interesting books that are sold in the bookshop .那是这家书店出售的最有趣的书之一。The first thing that we should do is to get some food .我们该做的第一件事是弄点吃的。3)当先行词有:the only , the very , the same , the last 等修饰时。例如:My necklace is not the on

3、ly thing thats missing .我的项链不仅是丢掉的东西。4)当主句以who或which开头时,定语从句中引导词用that ,不用which 或 who 。以避免重复。例如:Who is the girl that is wearing a red coat ?正穿一件红色外套的女孩子是谁?5)当先行词既有人又有物时,用that 。例如:The writer and his novel that you have just talked about are really well known .你刚才谈起的那位作家以及他的小说确实很著名。中考英语语法介词考点【介词命题趋势】1、

4、表示时间的介词2、表示方位和运动方向的介词3、常用介词用法辨析4、介词与其它词类的搭配1)形容词与介词的搭配2)动词与介词的搭配3)名词与介词的搭配一、考查简单介词的用法【考例】-When did Hong Kong return to our motherland?一_July 1st,1997福州市A On B In C At D For A本题的四个选项都可以放在表示时间的单词(组)前面,in,on,at往往在时间点的前面,for往往引导一个时间段。1997年7月1日是一个具体的时间,在具体到某一天,用介词on。Id like a cup of coffee _some sugar an

5、d milk. 广东省A. in B. to C. of D. withDA选项介词in,表示“在里面”;B选项介词to表方向,意为“到,向”;C项of表“所属关系”,意为“的”;D项介词with作“带有;用_力口”等讲。由句意“我想要一杯加糖和牛奶的咖啡。”可知,选项D正确。-Oh, so many people in the amusement park!- Nobody likes to stay at home _ Sunday morning. 太原市A. in B. on C. atB此题考查介词的用法。三个选择都可以用来表示时间,at多用于具体时间点前,在上、下午及晚上常用介词i

6、n,但具体到某一天的上、下午要用介词on。二、考查介词之间的辨析【考例】The moon light is coming in _ the window and the room seems quiet and beautiful. 成都市A, across B. through C. overB across表示横过,从一边到另一边,through从内部穿过,over表示从物体表面通过。“月光透过窗子射进来”故不能选A。Be careful when you come _ the street, because the traffic is very busy at the moment.

7、(年山东济宁) A. across B. behind C. between D. over 【剖析】 答案为A。本题考察方位介词的用法。“过马路”一般为表面横穿,因此要用across。-Look, a blind man is in the middle of the street, Its too dangerous.-Lets go and help him _the road. 河南省A. through B. along C. across D. overC横穿马路要用across表示“从一边到另一边”而不用through,through用于穿过森林等。三、考查成语介词与介词固定搭配

8、【考例】You must always be careful _ electricityIts dangerous沈阳市A to B at C for DwithDbe careful with(ofabout)对注意(警惕),句意为“你必须时刻注意用电,那很危险。”Boys and girls, wish you to do well in the English exam _ a light heart. Good luck to every-one! 哈尔滨市A. on B. with C. withoutB考查介词用法。with a light heart以一种轻松的心态(with表伴

9、随)。with是中考的重要考点,有如下几种用法:有,带着表方式或工具,write with a pen用钢笔书写表伴随a house with a big garden带有大花园的房子。Mary bought a house _a small garden. She will move in next week. 昆明市A. from B. with C. for D. ofB本题由句意人手破解,玛丽买了一处“带有”花园的房子,这儿可用介词with,意为“具有;带有”,所以B项正确。一I hear you have got a ticket _the 0pening Ceremony of t

10、he Beijing Olympics一YesI got it _my uncle黄冈市A of;from B toby C to;from Dfor;toC考查介词的用法。本题易错选项为A的答案钥匙票,都要用to,而不能用of。故不能选A。It was a great day but We did not enjoy it_ the beginning苏州Aon Bfor Cwith Dat答案:D解析:此处考查固定短语“在开始时”,用介词at,故选D。It is important _us students to make a plan _our studies before a new

11、term starts连云港)Afor;for Bof:for Cto;of Dwith:on答案:A解析:此题考查介词for的用法,第一空It is important for sbto do sth;第二空for our studies为我们的学习,表目的。Its necessary for us to take one hours exercise every day. I agree _you. 吉林省A. at B. to C. on D. withD agree with sb同意某人的观点。注意agree with与agree to的区别。agree with +sb“同意某人的

12、观点”;agree to+动词原形“同意干某事”。一How are you going to the Summer Palace?一Were going there _bike北京市A for B at C of Dby D考查短语by bike骑自行车”。要注意区分:take a bike to+某地一go to+某地+by bike。 连云港This _woman has devoted all her life_ caring for the poorAmodest;with Bkind; to Cselfish;for Dunfair;at答案:B解析:第一空意为“这位善良的妇女”,故

13、选kind,第二空,devoteto指献身于,to后跟动名词或名词,故本题选B。【语法回顾】1. 介词的功能介词是一种虚词,用来表示名词或相当于名词的其它词语句中其它词的关系,不能单独使用。介词可与名词或相当于名词的其它词构成介词短语。介词短语可在句中作定语,状语,表语和宾语补足语。例如:The boy over there is Johns brother. 在那儿的那个男孩是约翰的弟弟。(定语)The girl will be back in two hours. 这位姑娘过两个小时回来。 (状语)Our English teacher is from Australia.我们的英语老师来

14、自澳大利亚。 (表语)Help yourself to some fish. 请吃些鱼。 (宾语补足语)2. 常用介词的用法辨析(1)表时间的介词1)at, in on表示时间点用at。例如:at six oclock, at noon, at midnight。表示在某个世纪,某年,某月,某个季节以及早晨,上午,下午,晚上时,用in。例如:in the nineteenth century, in 2002, in may, in winter, in the morning, in the afternoon等。表示具体的某一天和某一天的上午,下午,晚上时,用on。例如:on Monday

15、, on July 1st, on Sunday morning等。2) since, after由since和after 引导的词组都可表示从过去某一点开始的时段,但since词组表示的时段一直延续到说话的时刻,因而往往要与现在完成时连用。而after词组所表示的时段纯系过去,因而要与一般过去时连用。例如:I havent heard from him since last summer.自从去年夏天,我再也没有收到他的信。After five days the boy came back.五天后,这男孩返回来。3) in, afterin与将来时态连用时,表示“过多长时间以后”的意思,后面

16、跟表示一段时间的词语。After与将来时态连用时,后面只能跟表示时间点的词语。After与过去时态连用时,后面才能跟表示一段时间的词语。例如:He will be back in two months.他在两个月后回来。He will arrive after four oclock四点钟后,他到达。He returned after a month.一个月后,他回来了。(2)表示地点的介词at, in, onat一般指小地方;in一般指大地方或某个范围之内;on往往表示“在某个物体的表面”。例如:He arrived in Shanghai yesterday.他昨他天到达上海。They a

17、rrived at a small village before dark.他们在天黑前到达一个小村庄。There is a big hole in the wall.墙上有一个大洞。The teacher put up a picture on the wall.老师把一幅画挂在墙上。over, above, onover, on和above都可表示“在上面”,但具体含义不同。Over表示位置高于某物,在某物的正上方,其反义词是under。 above也表示位置高于某物,但不一定在正上方,其反义词是below。On指两个物体表面接触,一个在另一的上面。例如:There is a bridge

18、 over the river.河上有一架桥。We flew above the clouds.我们飞越云层。They put some flowers on the teachers desk.他们把一些花放在讲桌上。across, throughacross和through均可表示“从这一边到另一边”,但用法不同。Across的含义与on有关,表示动作在某一物体的表面进行。Throgh的含义与in有关,表示动作是在三维空间进行。例如:The dog ran across the grass.狗跑过草地。The boy swam across the river.那男孩游过河。They wa

19、lked through the forest.他们穿过森林。4) in front of, in the front ofin front of 表示“在某人或某物的前面”,在某个范围以外;in the front of 表示“在的前部”,在某个范围以内。例如:There are some tall trees in front of the building.在大楼前有一些高树。The teacher is sitting in the front of the classroom.老师坐在教室前面3. 介词的固定搭配 介词往往同其他词类形成了固定搭配关系。记住这种固定搭配关系,才能正确使

20、用介词。(1)介词与动词的搭配listen to , laugh at, get to, look for wait for, hear from, turn on, turn off, worry about, think of, look after, spendon, 等。(2)介词与名词的搭配on time, in time, by bus, on foot, with pleasure, on ones way to, in trouble, at breakfast, at the end of, in the end等。(3)介词与形容词的搭配be late for, be af

21、raid of, be good at, be interested in, be angry with, be full of, be sorry for等。【语法过关】1.China lies_ the east of Asia and_ the north of Australia, A. to; to B. in; to C to; in D. in; on 2.His son suddenly returned_ a cold rainy night. A. on B. at C. in D. for 3.Timmy goes to school _ every day . Its

22、5 minutes walk from his home to school. A. in a bus B. by plane C. on foot D. by boat 4. Last month , students had to have their lessons by Internet _ because of SARS. A. on the playground B. at home C. in the street D. near the hospital 5.Today some newly-produced mobile phones can take pictures _

23、a camera. A. as B. for C. like D. of6. Some shops open_ 10:00 a. m. and 3 : 30 p. m, during the Spring Festival holidays. A. at B. between C. from D. about 7. - How are you going to the train station to meet your aunt? - Im going there _ my car. A. by B. in C. to D. on 8Luckily, the bullet narrowly

24、missed the captain _an inch. A. by B. at C. to D. from9The home improvements have taken what little there is _my spare time. A. from B. in C. of D. at10They had a pleasant chat _a cup of coffee.(北京)A. for B. with C. during D. over【参考答案】1.B 表示在一个大的范围内用in,范围之外用to。 2.A 具体到某一天的时间用on。3.C 5 minutes walk决定

25、去学校的方式是on foot。 4.B 语境中by Internet和 because of SARS决定了have their lessons - at home 。5.C like在这里意思是像-。 6. B between 后接两个并列的成分,意思是在两者之间。 7. B in my car = by car。8 A。与数量连用可表示尺寸、距离等。依句意:幸运的是,子弹在距离上尉一英寸的地方与他擦肩而过,没有射中他。故应选A。9 C。what引导的从句作谓语have taken的宾语,而从句中的基本结构为 “there is little of”, 表示“有很少”what 修饰littl

26、e提到了从句句首。正确答案为C。10D用作介词表示时间时,可作“在(做)时(while doing, eating, etc)”。故正确答案为。其句意为:他们在喝咖啡时进行了一次愉快的谈话。知识点3、4:形容词 副词1. 形容词的位置:1) 形容词作定语通常前置,但在下列情况后置:1 修饰some, any, every, no和body, thing, one等构成的复合不定代词时 nobody absent, everything possible2 以-able, -ible结尾的形容词可置于有最高级或only修饰的名词之后 ,修饰副词enough 时放后面。big enough the

27、 best book available, the only solution possible3 alive, alike, awake, asleep等可以后置 the only person awake4 形容词短语一般后置,后置定语,可以转成定语从句。 a man difficult to get on with2) 复合形容词的构成:1 形容词+名词+ed kind-hearted 6 名词+形容词 world-famous2 形容词+形容词 dark-blue 7 名词+现在分词 peace-loving3 形容词+现在分词 ordinary-looking 8 名词+过去分词 s

28、now-covered4 副词+现在分词 hard-working 9 数词+名词+ed three-egged5 副词+过去分词 newly-built 10 数词+名词 twenty-yearII. 副词的分类:1 时间副词 soon, now, early, finally, once, recently 5 频度副词 always, often, frequently, seldom, never2 地点副词 here, nearby, outside, upstairs, above 6 疑问副词 how, where, when, why3 方式副词 hard, well, fas

29、t, slowly, excitedly, really 7 连接副词 how, when, where, why, whether, however, meanwhile4 程度副词 almost, nearly, very, fairly, quite, rather 8 关系副词 when, where, whyIII. 形容词和副词比较等级:动词后多用副词修饰,但如果是系动词或是感官动词,用形容词修饰,有练习。形容词和副词的比较等级分为原级,比较级和最高级。比较级和最高级的构成一般是在形容词和副词后加-er和-est,多音和一些双音节词前加more 和most。不规则要记住 多、少、好

30、、坏、远 五个。1. 同级比较时常常用 asas以及not so(as)as如:I am not so good a player as you are.2. 可以修饰比较级的词有:much, many, a lot, even, far, a bit, a little, still, yet, by far, any, 3. 表示一方随另一方变化时用“the morethe more”句型。如:The harder you work, the more progress you will make.4. 用比较级来表达最高级的意思。如:I have never spent a more worrying day.5. 表示倍数的比较级有如下几种句型:Our school is three times larger than yours./Our school is four times as large as yours/Our school is four times the size of you

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