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1、天津市届高三毕业班联考英语试题一含答案2017年天津市十二重点中学高三毕业班联考(一)英语试卷本试卷共分为第I卷(选择题)和第n卷(非选择题) ,满分130分;考试时间为100分钟。第I卷1至8页,第n卷9至10页。考试结束后,将第II卷和答题卡一并交回。第I卷选择题(共95分)注意事项:1答第I卷前,考生务必将自己的姓名、准考证号用铅笔涂写在答题卡上。2选出答案后,用铅笔把答题卡上对应的题目的答案标号涂黑,如需改动,用橡皮擦干净后,再填涂其它答案,不能答在试卷上。第一部分:英语知识运用(共两节; 满分45分) 第一节:单项填空(共 15小题;每小题1分,满分15 分)1.- Peter, y

2、ou seem in high spirits.I have bee n offered a part-time job in the KFC.2.- Can I go now, sir?3.5.Healthcare workers are at the risk of getting infectious diseases because of their topatie nts.A.exposure B. discrim in ati on C. guida nee D. resp onse6.The old couple, country life, were un willi ng t

3、o move to the city to live with his son.7.The Chinese people are hopeful for 2017 will bring for their families and the country.8.You look very beautiful in this dress and there is only one of this kind left here. I wonder if youwould buy B. it C. some D. any9.-Why do you look very upset ?-Th

4、e electricity was cut off sudde nly and my essay unfini shed since.A. was left B. has left C. had bee n left D. has bee n left10.The no ise from my n eighbors sitt ing room can be clearly heardajnantime nt, which what they should return them whe n they are old.makes me distracted from readi ng.A. is

5、 decoratedB. being decoratedC. decoratedD. to be decorated11. - So you missed the football match held yesterday.I got there 15 minu tes before the end of it.A. Not likelyB.Not a littleC. Not at allD. Not exactly12.What you saiddoesn t whatthe police have toldus, so we have to find moreevide nee.A. a

6、gree withB.make upC. con tribute toD. show off13.They will fly to Chicago, they pla n to stay in for two or three days.15.-Why didn t you call me16.-Oh, my cell-ph one ran out of power, otherwise I you.处的最佳选项并在答题卡上将其涂黑。A serious defeat I suffered when I was only 10 years old helped me win the 1968 O

7、lympic ice skat ing champi on ship. It also gave me a deadly 16 - the other Peggy Flem ing. Just before that, I had bee n roller-skat ing, play ing basketball, and could climb 17 a tree as well as any boy. So Dad 18 me to take skati ng less ons. And soon I 19 several local figure-skati ng (花样滑冰)awar

8、ds. The n came the Pacific Coast Champi on ship in Los An geles.I, a very con fide nt young girl, proud of the 20 of friends and n ewspapers, walked into the stadium 21 to add another laurel (桂冠)to my recent success. Out on the ice, I 22_ enjoyed myself, flying through all kinds of figures I knew so

9、 well. But when the _23 were posted, I was 24 - out of the 12 competitors I had fini shed last! The 25 bur nedas bright as my skate knives: You didn skate your best! I knew that only one person had _26 me that day - myself, my own 27 .When I trained for Olympics, I would 28 the same 69 figures over

10、and over, eight hours a day. A skater must do five figures for the Olympics, but you aren told 29 the last minute which figures these will be. So you must be very 30 with the 69 figures. Often in the middle of practici ng a figure, the other Peggy Flem ing would whisper, Good eno ugh - why 31_ yours

11、elf so hard? ” And the n I would 32 my less on in Los An geles.Now I skate professi on ally. 33 I still face this competitor, myself. I firmly believe thateach of us has bee n give n a special 34 . And if we bury our tale nt in our own self-satisfact ion,simply do n ot want to make the effort or fea

12、r trying, we will 35 completely.16. A. followerB.leaderC. injuryD. competitor17. A. upB.overC. offD. dow n18. A. promisedB.orderedC. en couragedD. chose19. A. lostB.wonC. issuedD. don ated20. A. helpB.praiseC. i nstructio nD. expla nati on21. A. expect ingB.agree ingC. hat ingD. prete nding22. A. ex

13、actlyB. graduallyC. freque ntlyD. totally23. A. resultsB.lettersC. bagsD. advertiseme nts24. A. ann oyedB.embarrassedC.shockedD. excited25. A. comme ntB.lessonC. visitD. example26. A. surprisedB.honoredC. blamedD. beate n27. A. self-defe nseB.self-destructi onC. self-satisfact ionD. self-care28. A.l

14、ear nB.researchC. practiceD. photograph29. A.inB.afterC. atD.un til30. gryC. carefulD. disappo in ted31. A.criticizeB.forceC. hitD.ignore32. A.rememberB.startC. missD. pla n33. A.SoB.ButC. Si neeD.Or34. A. requireme ntB. kno wledgeC. tale ntD.educatio n35. A.lieB.surviveC.recoverD.fai

15、l第二部分:阅读理解(共 20小题;每小题2.5分,满分50分)阅读下列短文,从每题所给的 A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出最佳选项。AChicago museums rank among the best in the world. Below are the top four ones you n eed to visit.The Shedd Aquarium (水族馆)Location: the Museum Campus, just Northeast of Soldier Field, 1200 South Lake Shore Drive, Chicago, IL 60605Tel:

16、 (312)939-2438The Shedd is dedicated to (致力于)engaging, inspiring, entertaining and informing the public about the life in our oceans and waterways. They feature an Oceanarium , Wild Reef exhibit, Amazon River exhibit, and they pride themselves on their dedication to conservation and protectio n of w

17、ildlife habitats.The Art Institute of ChicagoLocation: Downtown Where Adams Street Meets Michigan Avenue, 111 South Michigan Avenue, Chicago, IL 60603Tel: (312)443-3600The Art Institute consistently ranks among Chicago most-visited museums. From French impressionist paintings to African masks to the

18、 new wing for Modern Art, the museum offers visitors a rich cultural experie nee.The Museum of Contemporary ArtLocati on: Michiga n Avenue, a Few Blocks East of the Old Water Tower, 220 East Chicago Avenue Chicago, IL 60611Tel: (312)280-2660Chicago con temporary art cen ter explores, exhibits, and c

19、ollects art created since 1945. They re dedicated to allowing the public to directly experience the work and ideas of living artists, and understand the historical , social, and cultural background of the art of our time.The Chicago History MuseumLocation: In Lincoln Park on Chicago North Side, 1601

20、N. Clark Street, Chicago, IL 60614 Tel: (312)642-4600The Chicago History Museum exhibits artifacts (史前文物)from the depth of their 22 million-item collection and from the city past history. From the famous basketball team - the Chicago Bulls to the Great Chicago Fire, the museum covers it all and offe

21、rs history information and exhibits to make Chicago history connect to our lives today.36.What does the Shedd think it does well in ?A.In spiri ng the public B. Educati ng the publicC.Wildlife habitat con servati on D. The collectio n of exhibits37.If an American is interested in some foreign exhibi

22、ts, he lvisit .A.the Shedd Aquarium B. the Art in stitute of ChicagoC. the Chicago History Museum D. the Museum of Con temporary Art38.I n the Museum of Con temporary Art, visitors can .A.find many famous ancient artworksB.enjoy com muni cat ing with living artistsC.know much more information about

23、the art of our timeD.have a rich cultural experience by enjoying paintings and masks39.Where will you probably go if you want to see artifacts ?A.1601 N. Clark Street B. The Museum CampusC. 220 East Chicago Ave nueD.111 South Michiga n Ave nue40.To know some information of Chicago basketball teams y

24、ou llcall .A.(312) 443-3600 B. (312) 280-2660C. (312) 939-2438 D. (312) 642-4600BA homeless man is fast becoming an Internet sensation (弓丨起轰动的人 )with his video blogof life on the street of Moscow, it s reported. Yevgeny Yakut moved to the Russian capital, hopingto live better, but soon found himself

25、 one of the many homeless people in the city known for itshousing shortage and high cost o f living. But he thinks he has found a way out. I was warmingmyself in a railway station when I saw a television report on bloggers earning money by making advertisements, he”ells the TV channel Moscow 360. A

26、young passe-by got chatting to himabout the idea, and agreed to be Mr. Yakut s cameraman, using a smart phone to record his friendhumorous stories of daily struggle to “ find food, a place to sleep, and keep out of the way of thepolice ” So viewers could see how he lives in cen tral Moscow without a

27、 home.They upload the regular videos to YouTube, where Mr Yakut is hop ing to attract eno ugh subscribers (订阅者)to interest advertisers in his channel. So far, the pair have attracted more than 18,000 subscribers-around half of those since Russia n media bega n report ing his story and more than 450,

28、000 video views.In one video Mr Yakut points out free shuttle bus (班车)serves that he, and others in hispositi on, can use to get around. He also shows viewers the best place he has found to wash and shave-a moder n shopp ing centre bathroom-a nd how to make use of the items other Muscovites have aba

29、ndoned in the city s bins.The popularity of the pair You Tube channel has impressed video-marketer KirillKalash nikov, who tells Moscow 360 that with some pro fessi onal help, “ this could be tur ned into amillio n subscribers with in a year ” .In the mean time, Mr Yakut says supporters can make don

30、 ati onsthrough a Moscow dra in pipe, where he hides his dollars in a deposit box made from a soft-dri nk bottle.41.How did Yevge ny Yakut find the method of livi ng in Moscow ?A.Through a TV report.B.Through surfi ng the Intern et.C.Through talks with passers-by.D.Through readi ng an econo mic book

31、.42.What does Yevge ny Yakut mai nly share with viewers ?A.His hard way to success.B.His belief of livi ng a better life.C.His positive attitude toward hard life.D.His daily struggle for living in Moscow.43.It can be in ferred that Russia n media .A.are helpful to achieve Yakut Ian s pB.supported Yakut s the homeless free at any time

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