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1、剑桥少儿英语等级考试二级备考讲义Unit1 Animals-2 Unit2 The body and face-4Unit3 Family and friends-7Unit4 Food and drink-8Unit5 Places-10Unit6 School-13Unit7 Time-14Unit8 Sports and leisure-16 Unit9 Weather-18Unit10 Health-20附录1-234剑桥等级考试二级 考前辅导教学纲要单 元语 言 知 识 重 点 完 成 内 容Unit 1 话题Animals词汇Bat, bear, cage, dolphin, fl

2、y, kangaroo, kitten, lion, panda, parrot, pet, puppy, rabbit, shark, whale.句式与时态1. 一般过去时:Where did you go yesterday I went the zoo.2. 掌握规则动词的词尾发音,掌握不规则动词的拼写3. 掌握一般过去时的陈述句(肯定,否定)及特殊疑问句的用法4. 情态动词have to, could和should的用法5. Lets invite our beautiful rabbit to sing us a song.6. 掌握lets句型的用法5. 掌握本话题相关短语:l

3、climbed a hill, I played with some kangaroos. I painted a mask.I fished in the pond. I bought a big ice cream I saw a big sharkI gave a banana to a monkey I rode on a horseI spoke to a parrot I saw a movie I took many photos.阅读篇章及对话阅读一- Hi, where did you go yesterday- I went to the zoo. Why Did you

4、call me- Yes, I did. I wanted you to go to see a film with me.- Thats too bad. But I had a good time at the zoo.- Did you see a lot of animals- Yes, I did.- Thats wonderful. Next time we can go there together.- Sure. We can go there together.- Ok, see you.- See you later.阅读二This hippo is very naught

5、y. He often plays by himself and never takes a walk with his friends. One day he saw a big tree trunk on the road. He tried to move it. But he couldnt because the tree trunk was too big and too long. He didnt know what to do. Just then, an elephant and a cow came and waved to the hippo. Then, they h

6、elped move the tree trunk away. The hippo was very happy and he quickly make friends with them。能力测试:阅读短文回答问题AThe red kangaroo moves very quickly by jumping. Each jump can be as far as 10 meters. The kangaroo can stand very tall on its strong back legs. It has small front legs that are used like arms

7、. It is usually a reddish color, but it can be grey, and has a small head with large ears. The baby kangaroo is called a joey and lives in a pouch on the front of its mother. The joey lives there for about 8 months. Kangaroo eat grass.Question:1) A baby kangaroo is called_2) A kangaroo can jump as f

8、ar as _ meters.3) Kangaroos eat _BThree bears lived in a house in a wood. A little girl called Goldilocks went inside. She ate three bowls of porridge. Goldilocks sat in a very small chair. It broke. She slept in a very small bed. 1) Who lived in the house2) What did Goldilocks eat3) What did Goldil

9、ocks break单 元语 言 知 识 重 点 完 成 内 容Unit 2 话题The body and face词汇Back, beard, blond(e), curly, fair, moustache, neck, shoulder, stomach, straight, tooth/teeth, short, small, old, thin, long, big, young, fat, slow, strong, quick, happy, quiet, weak.句式与时态1. 情态动词can2. I can walk with my legs.3. What can the

10、 elephants nose do4. 形容词,副词的比较级与最高级5. Fred is fatter than John.6. Paul is the tallest of the three.7. 掌握形容词与副词比较级的用法和词性变化。(单音节)阅读篇章及对话阅读一Each part of our body does a different thing. Our arms and hands help us to get things. Our legs and feet help us to walk and run. Other animals have got arms and

11、legs, too. They use them in many different ways.This animal uses its arms and legs to climb the trees.This animal moves without any arms or legs.This animal has got five arms. This animal has got special arms to help it swim. This animal uses its legs to catch food.阅读二Some things are easier when you

12、 are very tall. You can easily reach things which are high up. You can help a cat off the tree without using a ladder. You can easily see football matches or you can pick apples from apple trees. But some things can be very difficult. You cant buy the right shoes, clothes or even the right bed. You

13、cant stand on a bus or sit in a taxiYou cant choose your father or your mother. But you can choose to be tall or short, fat or thin, strong or weak. Food and exercise are good ways to make you grow tall and strong.You can choose what to eat, when to eat and how much to eat. You can choose when and h

14、ow to exercise your body. You can choose the living way you like.能力测试一、 造句回答问题What can you do with the following body partse.g. I can walk with my legs.I can smell with my nose.Head leg hand nose mouth ears eyes 二:选词填空,补全句子e.g. as tall as a treeA: green big black small white red cold quiet happyB: a

15、 pea snow ice a mouse an elephant grass a bird a sheep an apple1. She says a wrong word and her face is as red as an apple2. He gets a 100 on his English test. He is _3. She never talks in class. She is _4. He often wears a shirt. It is _5. She is afraid of snakes. When she sees one, her hands will

16、be_6. Nancy loves Peter very much. Her love for him is _7. The bread is over-cooked. It is _8. They paint the bottom part of the wall. It is _9. He draws a football. It is _-二、 根据英文描述选词填空Moustache a lift a balcony a shoulder a basement a coat1. This is the bottom floor of a house or an apartment. _2

17、. This is on the outside of a house and you can sit on it._3. This is the part of your body between your neck and arm. _4. It is black. It is between your nose and your mouth. _5. It is warm. You can wear it over your sweater. _6. You can stand in it and it can take you to any floor you want. _单 元语

18、言 知 识 重 点 完 成 内 容Unit 3 话题Family and friend词汇Aunt, daughter, granddaughter, grandparent, grandson, parent, son, uncle句式与时态1. like to do/doing句型2. I ve got 句型3. 选择疑问句: Is your friend a boy or girl阅读篇章及对话阅读Hello, my Chinese name is Zhou Changcheng. I like to the Great Wall. I like China. I like Chines

19、e food, too.My English name is Ann. Im six years old. I like singing and dancing. I like drawing, too.My English name is Jim. Im 7 years old. I like drawing. I like to play football.Hello, my Chinese name is Mei. I like flowers. I like to see Chinese gardens.Hello, my English name is May. I like to

20、play games. I like to watch TV.Hello, my Chinese name is Ai Hua. I like China. I like making more friends in China.单 元语 言 知 识 重 点 完 成 内 容Unit 4 话题Food and drink词汇Bottle, bowl, cheese, coffee, cup, glass of, hungry, pasta, picnic, salad, sandwich, soup, tea, thirsty, vegetable.句式与时态1.What would you l

21、ike, Sir How about a juice, Miss2. 量词与名词搭配A cup of tea/ coffee A glass of water A bottle of juice/ lemonadeA bowl of soup A bag of popcorn A box of toys3. There isnt any bread in the kitchen. 掌握there be 句型,会正确使用some, any.阅读篇章及对话阅读Kathy and her sister Sue like fishing. Every morning, they catch a fis

22、h and then to home. This morning, they went fishing again and wanted to get more fish. They fished and fished, but they couldnt catch anything but an old boot. A dolphin came out and said, “Please stop! There arent any fish here.” So Kathy and her sister Sue had to go home without any fish. But they

23、 were very happy because they had made a new friend.能力测试选择正确答案1. Which is not yellowa. the sun b. the weather c. butter2. Which is not a boy or a mana. an uncle b. an aunt c. a son.3. Which is not rounda. a bowl b. a ball c. a box4. Which is not whitea. snow b. milk c. rain5. Which is not an animala

24、. a cat b. a chair c. a bee6. Which is not in the housea. a cupboard b. a kitchen c. a balcony7. Which is not fooda. an apple b. a floor c. cheese8. Which is not a vegetablea. an onion b. carrot c. a coffee9. Which is not a toya. a clown b. a robot c. a doll10. Which is not a part of your facea. a m

25、outh b. a nose c. a leg单 元语 言 知 识 重 点 完 成 内 容Unit 5 话题Places词汇Above, bank, bus station, caf, cinema, farm, hospital, library, map, market, playground, road, square, straight, supermarket, swimming pool, zoo句式与时态1. Where are you going nowI am going to the zoo.2. Where would you like to go in the holi

26、day thenId like to go to the countryside.3. 一般过去时4. 一般现在时 (单三)5. 过去进行时(练习中)阅读篇章及对话阅读一Mother Teresa is a nun. She went to India to have her holiday. But when she got there, she was surprised to see many poor people, so she stayed there. She saw the life of these poor people was very hard. So she star

27、ted up new schools and hospitals for them. Her work with homeless and hungry people has made her a very famous person.阅读二Simon is a lovely mouse. He always lives in the country. He lives in a big house. Every day after 8, he comes out to play.One day Simon came out and saw a very big black cat sleep

28、ing on the sofa. Simon didnt like the cat. So he put a large bag over the cats head. He wanted to catch the big cat with the big bag.Suddenly, Simon shouted,” A big mouse!” and the cat quickly jumped up, but he jumped into the big bag. He wanted to get out, but he couldnt.Simon saw the cat was in the bag. He played in the house. He ate some cheese and drank a little juice. When it was dark, he went to bed still with a big piece of cheese in his hand.

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