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1、EmperorJones中英文对照版Emperor Jones BY Eugene Oneil 屠珍 译CHARACTERS人 物BRUTUS JONES, Emperor布鲁斯特琼斯: 皇帝HENRY SMITHERS, a Cockney Trader亨利斯密泽斯: 一个伦敦佬气派的商人AN OLD NATIVE WOMAN一个土著老太婆LEM, a Native Chief兰姆: 一个土著部落的头头SOLDIERS, adherents of Lem士兵们: 兰姆的拥护者The Little Formless Fears; Jeff; The Negro Convicts; The Pr

2、ison Guard; The Planters; The Auctioneer; The Slaves; The Congo Witch-Doctor; The Crocodile God没模样的小恐惧、杰夫、黑人犯罪、狱卒、种植园主、拍卖商、奴隶、刚果巫医、鳄鱼神The action of the play takes place on an island in the West Indies as yet not self-determined by White Marines. The form of native government is, for the time being,

3、an Empire.本剧发生在西印度群岛一个尚未由白人海员主持民族自决的海岛上。当地政府的形式暂时为皇朝。SCENES场 次Scene IIn the palace of the Emperor Jones. Afternoon.第一场: 在琼斯王的宫殿内。下午。Scene IIThe edge of the Great Forest. Dusk.第二场: 在大森林的边缘。黄昏。Scene IIIIn the Forest. Night.第三场: 在森林内。夜晚。Scene IVIn the Forest. Night.第四场: 在森林内。夜晚。Scene VIn the Forest. Ni

4、ght.第五场: 在森林内。夜晚。Scene VIIn the Forest. Night.第六场: 在森林内。夜晚。Scene VIIIn the Forest. Night.第七场: 在森林内。夜晚。Scene VIIISame as Scene Twothe edge of the Great Forest. Dawn. 第八场: 与第二场同在大森林的边缘。黎明。SCENE ONE The audience chamber in the palace of the Emperora spacious, high-ceilinged room with bare, whitewashed

5、walls. The floor is of white tiles. In the rear, to the left of center, a wide archway giving out on a portico with white pillars. The palace is evidently situated on high ground for beyond the portico nothing can be seen but a vista of distant hills, their summits crowned with thick groves of palm

6、trees. In the right wall, center, a smaller arched doorway leading to the living quarters of the palace. The room is bare of furniture with the exception of one huge chair made of uncut wood which stands at center, its back to rear. This is very apparently the Emperors throne. It is painted a dazzli

7、ng, eye-smiting scarlet. There is a brilliant orange cushion on the seat and another smaller one is placed on the floor to serve as a footstool. Strips of matting, dyed scarlet, lead from the foot of the throne to the two entrances. It is late afternoon but the sunlight still blazes yellowly beyond

8、the portico and there is an oppressive burden of exhausting heat in the air. As the curtain rises, a native negro woman sneaks in cautiously from the entrance on the right. She is very old, dressed in cheap calico, bare-footed, a red bandana handkerchief covering all but a few stray wisps of white h

9、air. A bundle bound in colored cloth is carried over her shoulder on a stick. She hesitates beside the doorway, peering back as if in extreme dread of being discovered. Then she begins to glide noiselessly, a step at a time, toward the doorway in the rear. At this moment, Smithers appears beneath th

10、e portico. Smithers is a tall, stoop-shouldered man about forty. His bald head, perched on a long neck with an enormous Adams apple, looks like an egg. The tropics have tanned his naturally pasty face with its small, sharp features to a sickly yellow, and native rum has painted his pointed nose to a

11、 startling red. His little, washy-blue eyes are red-rimmed and dart about him like a ferrets. His expression is one of unscrupulous meanness, cowardly and dangerous. He is dressed in a worn riding suit of dirty white drill, puttees, spurs, and wears a white cork helmet. A cartridge belt with an auto

12、matic revolver is around his waist. He carries a riding whip in his hand. He sees the woman and stops to watch her suspiciously. Then, making up his mind, he steps quickly on tiptoe into the room. The woman, looking back over her shoulder continually, does not see him until it is too late. When she

13、does Smithers springs forward and grabs her firmly by the shoulder. She struggles to get away, fiercely but silently. SMITHERS(tightening his grasproughly) Easy! None o that, me birdie. You cant wriggle out now I got me ooks on yer. WOMAN(seeing the uselessness of struggling, gives way to frantic te

14、rror, and sinks to the ground, embracing his knees supplicatingly) No tell him! No tell him, Mister! SMITHERS(with great curiosity) Tell im? (then scornfully) Oh, you mean is bloomin Majesty. Whats the gaime, any ow? What you sneakin away for? Been stealin a bit, I spose. (He taps her bundle with hi

15、s riding whip significantly.) WOMAN(shaking her head vehemently) No, me no steal. SMITHERSBloody liar! But tell me whats up. Theres somethin funny goin on. I smelled it in the air first thing I got up this mornin. You blacks are up to some devilment. This palace of is is like a bleedin tomb. Wheres

16、all the ands? (The woman keeps sullenly silent. Smithers raises his whip threateningly.) Ow, yer wont, wont yer? Ill show yer whats what. WOMAN(coweringly) I tell, Mister. You no hit. They goall go. (She makes a sweeping gesture toward the hills in the distance.) SMITHERSRun away to the ills? WOMANY

17、es, Mister. Him Emperorgreat Father. (She touches her forehead to the floor with a quick mechanical jerk.) Him sleep after eat. Then they goall go. Me old woman. Me left only. Now me go too. SMITHERS(his astonishment giving way to an immense, mean satisfaction) Ow! So thats the ticket! Well, I know

18、bloody well wots in the airwhen they runs orf to the ills. The tom-tomll be thumping out there bloomin soon. (with extreme vindictiveness) And Im bloody glad of it, for one! Serve im right! Puttin on airs, the stinkin nigger! Is Majesty! Gawd blimey! I only opes Im there when they takes im out to sh

19、oot im. (suddenly) Es still ere all right, aint e? WOMANYes. Him sleep. SMITHERSEs bound to find out soon as wakes up. Es cunnin enough to know when is times come. (He goes to the doorway on right and whistles shrilly with his fingers in his mouth. The old woman springs to her feet and runs out of t

20、he doorway, rear. Smithers goes after her, reaching for his revolver.) Stop or Ill shoot! (then stoppingindifferently) Pop orf then, if yer like, yer black cow. (He stands in the doorway, looking after her.) (Jones enters from the right. He is a tall, powerfully-built, full-blooded negro of middle a

21、ge. His features are typically negroid, yet there is something decidedly distinctive about his facean underlying strength of will, a hardy, self-reliant confidence in himself that inspires respect. His eyes are alive with a keen, cunning intelligence. In manner he is shrewd, suspicious, evasive. He

22、wears a light blue uniform coat, sprayed with brass buttons, heavy gold chevrons on his shoulders, gold braid on the collar, cuffs, etc. His pants are bright red with a light blue stripe down the side. Patent leather laced boots with brass spurs, and a belt with a long-barreled, pearl-handled revolv

23、er in a holster complete his makeup. Yet there is something not altogether ridiculous about his grandeur. He has a way of carrying it off.) JONES(not seeing anyonegreatly irritated and blinking sleepilyshouts) Who dare whistle dat way in my palace? Who dare wake up de Emperor? Ill git de hide frayle

24、d off some o you niggers sho! SMITHERS(showing himselfin a manner half-afraid and half-defiant) It was me whistled to yer. (as Jones frowns angrily) I got news for yer. JONES(putting on his suavest manner, which fails to cover up his contempt for the white man) Oh, its you, Mister Smithers. (He sits

25、 down on his throne with easy dignity.) What news you got to tell me? SMITHERS(coming close to enjoy his discomfiture) Dont yer notice nothin funny today? JONES(coldly) Funny? No. I aint perceived nothin of de kind! SMITHERSThen yer aint so foxy as I thought yer was. Wheres all your court? (sarcasti

26、cally) The Generals and the Cabinet Ministers and all? JONES(imperturbably) where dey mostly runs to minute I closes my eyesdrinkin rum and talkin big down in de town. (sarcastically) How come you dont know dat? Aint you sousin with em most everyday? SMITHERS(stung but pretending indifferencewith a

27、wink) Thats part of the days work. I got teraint Iin my business? JONES(contemptuously) Yo business! SMITHERS(imprudently enraged) Gawd blimey, you was glad enough for me ter take yer in on it when you landed here first. You didn ave no igh and mighty airs in them days! JONES(his hand going to his r

28、evolver like a flashmenacingly) Talk polite, white man! Talk polite, you heah me! Im boss heah now, is you fergettin? (The Cockney seems about to challenge this last statement with the facts but something in the others eyes holds and cowes him.) SMITHERS(in a cowardly whine) No arm meant, old top. J

29、ONES(condescendingly) I accepts yo apology. (lets his hand fall from his revolver) No usen you rakin up ole times. What I was den is one thing. What I is now s another. You didnt let me in on yo crooked work out o no kind feelins dat time. I done de dirty work fo youand most o de brain work, too, fo

30、 dat matterand I was wuth money to you, dats de reason. SMITHERSWell, blimey, I give yer a start, didnt Iwhen no one else would. I wasnt afraid to ire yer like the rest wascount of the story about your breakin jail back in the States. JONESNo, you didnt have no scuse to look down on me fo dat. You b

31、een in jail youself moren once. SMITHERS(furiously) Its a lie! (then trying to pass it off by an attempt at scorn) Garn! Who told yer that fairy tale? JONESDeys some tings I aint got to be tole. I kin see em in folks eyes. (then after a pausemeditatively) Yes, you sho give me a start. And it didnt t

32、ake long from dat time to git dese fool, woods niggers right where I wanted dem. (with pride) From stowaway to Emperor in two years! Dats goin some! SMITHERS(with curiosity) And I bet you got yer pile o money id safe some place. JONES(with satisfaction) I sho has! And its in a foreign bank where no

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