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1、很经典的英语背诵文章很经典的英语背诵文章(2Let Your Mind WonderUntil recently daydreaming was generally considered either a waste of time or a symptom of neurotic tendencies, and habitual daydreaming was regarded as evidence of maladjustment or an escape from lifes realities and responsibilities. It was believed that ha

2、bitual daydreaming would eventually distance people from society and reduce their effectiveness in coping with real problems. At its best, daydreaming was considered a compensatory substitute for the real things in life.As with anything carried to excess, daydreaming can be harmful. There are always

3、 those who would substitute fantasy lives for the rewards of real activity. But such extremes are relatively rare, and there is a growing body of evidence to support the fact that most people suffer from a lack of daydreaming rather than an excess of it. We are now beginning to learn how valuable it

4、 really is and that when individuals are completely prevented from daydreaming, their emotional balance can be disturbed. Not only are they less able to deal with the pressures of day-to-day existence, but also their self-control and self-direction become endangered.Recent research indicates that da

5、ydreaming is part of daily life and that a certain amount each day is essential for maintaining equilibrium. Daydreaming, science has discovered, is an effective relaxation technique. But its beneficial effects go beyond this. Experiments show that daydreaming significantly contributes to intellectu

6、al growth, powers of concentration, and the ability to interact and communicate with others.直到最近白日做梦通常被认为不是浪费时间就是要患精神病的征兆。习惯性白日做梦被看做精神失调的证据或是对现实生活和责任的逃避。人们相信,习惯性白日做梦会使人远离社会,降低其处理现实问题的效率。最好的情况来讲,白日做梦被认为是代替生活现实的补偿品。任何事情做得过分都可能有害,白日做梦也是一样。总有那么一些人,他们用想入非非的生活来代替实际活动得到的好处。但是这一类极端的情况极为罕见,愈来愈多的资料都能证明这样一种看法:

7、大多数人的白日梦做的太少了,而不是太多了。现在我们才开始了解到它确实是多么有价值。当一个人被禁止做白日梦时,他们的感情平衡就可以被搅乱。不仅使他们更难以对付日常的生活压力,而且他们的自我控制和自我定向变得岌岌可危。最近的研究表明,白日做梦是日常生活的一部分,每天做一定数量的白日梦多保持平衡是必不可少的。科学已经发现白日梦是一种有效的消遣技巧。但它的有利影响不只这一点,实验表明,白日梦特别有助于智力的发展,有助于全神贯注的能力和与人交往、交流的能力。10.PensSmall as it is, the pen has changed the course of history, shaped t

8、he destiny of nations, facilitated the commerce of peoples, imprisoned the elusive thoughts of man, recorded events, carried news, and done more work for mankind than all other tools or weapons. Progress without it would have been almost impossible. The invention of the wheel and screw, the introduc

9、tion of steam-power, the use of electricity, all these have changed the lives of millions; but the pen has done more. It has removed mountains. It has prepared the way for all advancement. Whatever plans have been drawn up, whatever laws formulated, have come from the pen.笔笔虽很小,却已经改变了历史的进程,决定了民族的兴衰,

10、推进了民间的贸易, 钳制了难以捉摸的不良思想,记录事件,传播消息,为人类做了比任何其他工具或武器更多的工作。没有它,进步几乎是不可能的。车轮和螺丝的发明,蒸汽机的问世,电力的使用,所有这些都曾改变了亿万人的生活;然而,笔却做得更多。他创造了奇迹。他为所有的前进铺平了道路。任何计划的拟订,任何法律的制定,无一不出自于笔。11. The Abdication Speech of Edward VIII December 11,1936At long last I am able to say a few words of my own. I have never wanted to withhol

11、d anything, but until now it has not been constitutionally possible for me to speak.A few hours ago I discharged my last duty as King and Emperor, and now that I have been succeeded by my brother, the Duke of York, my first words must be to declare my allegiance to him. This I do with all my heart.Y

12、ou all know the reasons which have impelled me to renounce the throne. But I want you to understand that in making up my mind I did not forget the country or the empire, which, as Prince of Wales and lately as King, I have for twenty-five years tried to serve.But you must believe me when I tell you

13、that I have found it impossible to carry the heavy burden of responsibility and to discharge my duties as King as I would wish to do without the help and support of the woman I love.And I want you to know that the decision I have made has been mine and mine alone. This was a thing I had to judge ent

14、irely for myself. The other person most nearly concerned has tried up to the last to persuade me to take a different course.I have made this, the most serious decision of my life, only upon the single thought of what would, in the end, be best for all.This decision has been made less difficult to me

15、 by the sure knowledge that my brother with his long training in the public affairs of this country and with his fine qualities, will be able to take my place forthwith without interruption or injury to the life and progress of the empire. And he has one matchless blessing, enjoyed by so many of you

16、, and not bestowed on mea happy home with his wife and children.During these hard days I have been comforted by her majesty my mother and by my family. The ministers of the crown, and in particular, Mr. Baldwin, the Prime Minister, have always treated me with full consideration. There has never been any constitutional difference between me and them, and be

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