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1、启德河景观概念设计 景观桥 景观桥 河口望至维多尼亚港方向 河口望至维多尼亚港方向 沿河高架景观桥 沿河高架景观桥设计公司:SED Landscape Architects co.LTD. SED新西林景观国际主要设计师:黄剑锋Huang Jiangfeng、 Matthew Charles Long、 古婕莹Gu Jieying设计时间:2014年12月设计说明在蜿蜒曲折的线条设计中,启德河道在连接周边商业和人群中扮演一个重要和关键的角色。凭借其林中步道和纪念公园,启德成为了娱乐和重建的曲线形生态项目。从钻石山到启德河口都是整个重建设计策略的一部分,旨在提升河畔的生态系统。DEVELOPME

2、NT/DESIGN STATEMENTIn the form of a continuous meandering line, the Kai Tak Nullah serves an ever expanding role and key resource that connects and reconnects neighborhoods, businesses, and people. With its rich woodland walks and memorable parks, the Kai Tak Nullah becomes a meandering ecological s

3、pine dedicated to connection, recreation, and regeneration. All components of the system from the headwaters at Diamond Hill to the Estuary at Kai Tak Approach are part of an overall restorative design strategy to improve the Healthy Riverside way of life.目标与挑战目标:线性公园的设计目的是创造一个健康的河畔生活系统。河岸绿廊连接活动区,普及

4、绿色科技知识,将独特的启德空间融入到整个社区环境当中。挑战:首个挑战是将启德沿岸不断恶化的环境改造并重建为一个安全舒适的公共空间。目前启德水道狭窄荒废。而此地河流更是受到了严重污染。对于市民游泳或者水生生命来说都是不安全的。第二个挑战是修建一个由钻石山综合开发区(DHCDA)至启德河口的自行车车道。第三个挑战是目前现场有许多车行高架,沉沙问题和其他基础设施改进工作。OBJECTIVES AND CHALLENGESObjectives: The objective of the linear park design was to create Healthy Riverside Living

5、through a Green River Corridor, accommodating connection and recreational activities, educating the public about green technologies, and transforming a unique space to make the Kai Tak River an integral part of the community.Challenges: The first challenge is restoring and transforming the degraded

6、environment along the Kai Tak Nullah into a safe and pleasant public space. The shoulders of the Nullah are currently narrow and inhospitable to pedestrian travel. The water of Kai Tak River is highly polluted with a national water quality ranking of Lower Grade V, the lowest grade on a scale of IV

7、and is considered unsafe for swimming and recreation and devoid of aquatic life. The second challenge is to create a contiguous pedestrian cum cyclist trail system that extends from the planned Diamond Hill Comprehensive Development Area (DHCDA) to the Estuary Promenade at the Kai Tak ApproachChanne

8、l (KTAC). The third challenge was the site itself with many vehicle bridges, flyovers, desilting compounds, and other infrastructure improvements.社会环境:水态都市主义启德河畔绿廊及河口的修建为周围空间的连接提供了一个极佳的机会。熙攘繁荣的启德区有着众多的文化艺术群体。各区块由环保型轻轨站相连。我们希望启德河将会成为一处静谧,绿色的自然美景。沿着蜿蜒曲折的河道,众多项目重启其活动场地。主要车行人行道从钻石山曲折延伸至河口。而次级道路将周边的人们相互连

9、接起来。这种道路网络系统确保了公园到周边人流高峰的无缝连接。这种愉悦舒适的公共公园体验也得到了保障。众多梯田和调高平台提供给人们休闲,观景的空间。而社区间高差不等的梯田和园路安全的将人们同水滨区联系起来。SOCIAL ENVIRONMENT: WATER URBANISMThe creation of the Kai Tak Green River Corridor and Estuary provides an indelible opportunity to reconnect neighbors and neighborhoods. In the busy and bustling Ka

10、i Tak development where art and culture will be rich and larger crowds dispersed at the environmentally friendly light rail station, we envision the area along the Kai Tak River to be tranquil, green, and a splendor of natural beauty. Along this meandering river course, a variety of programs are off

11、ered to reinvigorate activity and connection. A primary pathway for both cycle and pedestrian meanders through the park systemfrom Headwater to Estuary and serves as the primary route of travel and connection to the surrounding city. Secondary pathways are utilized to integrate and pull people in fr

12、om surrounding neighborhoods to circulate throughout the park. This network ensures seamless connections between the park and its surroundings, accommodates peak pedestrian flows, and ensures a pleasant and accessible public park experience at the human scale. A variety of terraces and raised platfo

13、rms provide viewing, relaxing, and socializing options. Terraces and pathways with an elevation difference between the community and the river, safely reconnect people to the waters edge.设计策略大自然是最有活力的自我再生系统。启德居民区内有许多溪流是流入大海的。当水流流过一个物体是,受自然力影响会形成一个编织状的几何形。本项目将会采用这种河流形态作为其循环网络,将东南西北连接起来。再通过这种设计将住宅区连接起

14、来。我们的设计以几何河床为灵感,创造出一种新的水态都市主义景观设计。这种设计为启德区住户提供一种更大社区的空间感受,同时通过启德河保持其景观语言的独特性。DESIGN STRATEGYNature is the most resilient system and has forms that are selfregenerating. Prior to the formation of the Kai Tak Bund residential district in the 1920s a number of streams wound through the Kai Tak region t

15、owards the sea. When water passes over the face of an object the natural forces form a braided geometry along its surface. This braided geometry of the river form is adapted in this project as a network of circulation, connecting north to south and east to west, with a system of secondaryconnectors

16、bringing people from the residential districts together in a common thread. Our design has taken the river bed geometry as our inspiration to create a New Water Urbanism Landscape that will provide the residents of Kai Tak a greater community experience, while retaining the singularity of the landsc

17、ape language throughout Kai Tak River.自然标志随着河口重建为一个自然栖息地和学习之地,它同时也为标志建筑元素提供了一个抓住公园设计想象力的机会。这里也成为启德水滨区的景点和香港永恒的天际线。我们的建筑以编织几何为形,在大的框架内超出海平面大约28至30米高。这一大框架可做水幕,投射光影展示香港的艺术和文化。这种框架代表着改变,希望和视野。同时,也是河口生态系统的一种标志性的象征。ICON IN NATUREAs the estuary is restored for natural habitats and a place of learning, it

18、also creates an opportunity for an iconic architectural element that captures the imagination of this park system, as well as affords a spectacular view towards Kai Tak waterfront, and the forever mesmerizing Hong Kong skyline. Our architecture takes shape from our braided geometry, rising approxima

19、tely 2830 meters from the Seas surface, in the form of a large frame. The frame becomes a water screen on occasion, adding to the vibrancy of the art and culture of Hong Kong to this distinctive district with a giant water wall and digital effects. This frame serves as a beacon for change, hope, and

20、 vision. And is truly alandmark symbol in the midst of a resilient ecological system of the Estuary.生态系统:重返自然体验通过增强人们对自然的意识,河畔绿廊项目可以有效的重建水滨区。公园河口生态系统应包括:风暴海水处理系统,湿地修建及水池。优化雨水质量在城市生态系统当中有着十分重要的作用。设计优良的列车系统可以最小程度的降低交通所带来的各种污染物。树林作为绿色屏障将沿路的空间逐一打破。而其他生态服务包括:食品生产,植被多样性最大化及野生栖息地的创造。LIVING SYSTEM: RETURN T

21、HE EXPERIENCE OF NATUREBy increasing awareness and connection to nature, this Green River Corridor project can begin to heal the riverfront. The ecological services of this park system in the environs of the Estuary shall include: stormwater/seawater treatment strategies in the form of salt marshes,

22、 constructed wetlands, and vernal ponds. Improving the quality of water from storm water runoff is essential to the improvement of urban ecosystems along the waterfront. Well designed treatment train systems can help minimize the generation, mobilization and transport of common storm water pollutant

23、s and watershedspecific pollutants. Groves of trees act as screens along the paths to break up spaces andprovide natural habitat. Other ecological services would include food production, plant selection to maximize biodiversity, and the creation of wildlife habitats.总结通过极具美学性的自然河道,我们的设计希望将启德河道重建为一个静

24、谧的可展现文化及综合生态服务的河畔社会环境。作为一个新的都市绿洲,这条绿廊将会成为综合健康都市策略的重要组成部分。都市策略第一步: 尊重由河道处理工程师提出的河道方案,不做改变。第二步: 适应其自然形态。本案中几何河床形成的两岸框架,至钻石山延伸到河口。第三步: 通过修建一系列的项目来激活河畔两岸。第四步: 连接现有的彩虹地产,钻石山周边项目及未来拟建的启德开发项目。一条从南到北不断延伸的步道连接周边区域。CONCLUSIONThrough an aesthetically natural river form, our design envisions a restorative trans

25、formation of the Kai Tak Nullah into a tranquil riverside social environment and living system that showcases cultural heritage and offers comprehensive ecological services. As a new Urban Oasis this corridor can become an integral part of a Healthy City strategy.URBAN STRATEGYStep1.To RESPECT the c

26、urrent river channel that is proposed by the Engineers for treating the water and not disturbs its performance.Step2.To ADAPT forms of nature, in this case the riverbed braided geometry to organize the framework of the two sides of river from diamond hill site down to the estuaryStep3.To ACTIVATE th

27、e two riverbank side by creating a series of programmes through manipulating the ground and provide an variety of experience of vistas and spacesThrough out, both along the riverside and creating pocketed spaces within the park.Step4.To CONNECT existing Choi Hung Estate, Diamond Hill neighborhoods and proposed.Future Kai Tak development area by providing a continuous pathway that runs north to south, and connection points to encourage access from adjacent neighborhoods

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