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1、控制柜标签打印1100t/d HLM型双梁式气烧石灰窑1100t/d HLM Type Double-beam Vertical Shaft Kiln(天然气Natural Gas)技术文件Technical Document石家庄市新华工业炉有限公司Shijiazhuang Xinhua Industrial Furnace CO.,LTD2012年3月9日9th March 2012双梁式竖窑投标文件- 2 -目 录 1.总论General introduction32.生产规模及产品方案Scale of construction and product solution102.1生产规模

2、Scale of construction10 2.2产品方案Product solution10 2.3外部条件External condition 10 3.工艺部分Production technology part17 3.1工艺流程图Process flow chart17 3.2工艺流程简述Description of the production process21 3.3主要技术经济指标Main technical and economic target32 4.热工部分Thermotechnical part344.1生产规模Scale of construction34 4

3、.2热工流程简述Brief description of thermotechnical process34 4.3热工设备的规格和技术参数Specifications of thermal equipment35 4.4窑体结构组成Structure of kiln body35 4.5竖窑管道参数Parameter of pipelines38 5.电仪及控制系统Instructment and control system39 5.1概述Overview39 5.2传动及其控制Transmission and control395.3电气控制室Electrical control roo

4、m39 5.4控制仪表Control instrument40 5.5 控制系统Control system44 5.6 控制系统描述Discription of control system526.给排水Water supply and drainage64 6.1循环水Circulating water646.2 生活水Domestic water65 6.3排水Drainage65 7.土建Civil Engineering66 8.总图运输Layout for Road and Transportation72 8.1总平面图布置General layout72双梁式竖窑投标文件- 3

5、 -8.2运输Transportation72 8.3总图运输技术经济指General transportation technological and economic indicator 73 9.环保、劳动安全卫生、消防Enviromental, labour safety and fire protection74 9.1环境保护和综合利用Environment Protection and comprehensive utilization74 9.2 劳动安全卫生 Labour safety and sanitation77 9.3 消防 Fire protection81 9.4

6、 节能措施 Energy saving83 9.5 绿化Virescence Rebuild84 9.6 除尘系统平衡表dust removal system balance sheet84 10.优化设计点Optimized design86 11.竖窑生产劳动定员表Quota of Staff for Shaft Kiln87 12. 工程设计 Engineering design88 13. 建设周期表 Construction Periodic Table89 14.设备表Equipment list90双梁式竖窑投标文件- 4 -1 总 论1.1 概述 本工程新建1座日产100吨双梁

7、式气烧石灰窑及配套工程,年产石灰约3.3万吨。原料采用优质石灰石,燃料使用天然气,生产高品质活性石灰。 It is a technical plan for a 1*100t/d lime kiln project and its matching construction, which has annual output of 33,000 tons. Fine quality limestone and natural gas will be used to produce high activity lime.石灰工程由1座日产100吨双梁式气烧石灰窑以及相关公辅设施组成,包括原料储运筛

8、分、双梁式气烧石灰竖窑(包括烟气净化)、原料除尘、成品储运系统等。 The project is composed of a 1*100t/d lime kiln and supporting facilities including from raw materials screening, two-beam gas-burn lime kiln (gas cleaning facilities included), dedusting to transportation and storage system for finished products. .设计依据Design basis

9、(1)国家相关的法律法规规定及技术规范。 (1) Based on all the national laws and regulations1.设计原则Design philosophy (1)双梁式气烧石灰窑生产线设计应充分体现“高效、清洁、环保、节能、安全”的设计思路,以实现清洁工厂、绿色工厂的目标;(2)在满足设计要求的前提下,力求操作简单、维护方便;(3)工艺和技术装备水平本着先进、实用、经济、可靠;(4)工程范围内的公辅设施,在满足生产的前提下,力求从简设计,严格控制基建投资。 (1)” Effectiveness, cleanness, eco-friendliness, ene

10、rgy-saving and safety” will be reflected in the design of double-beam gas-burn lime kiln production line, taking “Clean Factory” and ”Green Factory” as purpose.双梁式竖窑投标文件- 5 -(2)Under the premise of meeting the requirements of the design, easy operation and convenient maintenance is what we strive fo

11、r. (3)The process and technical equipment are advanced, practical, economical and reliable. (4)The design of infrastructure in the scope of project will be as simple as possible to lower the investment on infrastructure, under the premise of achieving the requirements for production activity.1. 设计说明

12、Designing description (1) 双梁式气烧石灰窑采用天然气作为燃料; (2) 双梁式气烧石灰窑每年生产3.3万吨活性石灰; (3) 本工程生产用氮气、压缩空气、蒸汽、工业水、生活水、净循环水、消防水及电源取自管网并接入各用户; (4) 双梁式气烧石灰窑装备采用先进、可靠的国产设备; (5) 电气、仪表采用同一种类控制器,实现三电一体化控制; (6) 在保证正常、安全、稳定生产的条件下,本工程要做到尽量节约投资、降低成本。 (7) 严格执行国家、地方的有关节能、环保、安全、工业卫生、消防和抗震等有关规定。 (1) Double-beam gas-burn lime kiln

13、takes natural gas as fuel; (2) Double-beam gas-burn lime kiln can produce 33,000 tons of active lime every year. (3) The nitrogen, compressed air, industrial water, living water, clean circulating water, fire-fighting water and power for this project will be taken all from pipe network and then sent to the users. (4) The equipment in double-beam gas-burn lime kiln are all of advanced and reliable national brand. (5) Power and meters are controlled by the controllers of the same kind to realized triple-electricity integration control; (6) The i

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