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1、18学年高中英语Unit2TheuniversallanguageSectionGrammarUnit 2 The universal language Section Grammar & Writing 语法图解 探究发现In the story, a girl named Zhu Yingtai is stubborn and wants to go to school, but cant (go to school) because only boys are admitted. If he says hell come, he will (come). but the perf

2、ormance (that) I saw was the first time Turandot was staged inside the Forbidden City.This is the book (which) you were looking for yesterday.I asked him to see the film, but he didnt want to (see the film)However, although he would like to (break his promise), he cannot break his promise and must a

3、llow Turandot to do as she wishes.Though (he is) young, he knows a lot.Once (the plan is) carried out, the plan cant be changed.We shall start at eight, if (it is) convenient.If (it is) necessary, please call me up.He told me (that) he had two sons and that they both had gone to college.The boy said

4、 (that) you were too young to understand the matter and that he was asked not to tell you.我的发现(1)第组例句属于承前省略。(2)第组例句为关系代词的省略。当关系代词在限制性定语从句中作宾语时,可以省略。(3)第组为不定式的省略。有时可用不定式符号“to”来替代上文中出现的不定式。(4)第组例句为状语从句的省略。当状语从句的主语和主句的主语指的是同一人或物,且由人称代词的主格担当,而从句谓语中含有be动词时,可以把从句的主语和be动词一起省略。(5)第组例句为状语从句的省略。当状语从句的主语为it,谓语

5、为is/was时,可以将it_is/was省略。(6)第组体现的是当及物动词之后跟两个或两个以上的由连词that连接的宾语从句时,只可省略第一个连词that的情况。在英语中,有时为了避免结构上或内容上的重复,并使上下文紧密连接;有时因为语法的客观要求,句子中的一个或几个成分不需要表达出来,这种现象称为省略。省略有词法上的省略,也有句法上的省略,还有一种替代省略。在此,我们只研究句法的省略和替代省略。一、省略在简单句中的应用1祈使句的省略。在祈使句中通常省略主语。(You) Do be careful of such things in the future.今后一定要小心此类事情。(You)

6、Speak a little slower. I cant follow you.你讲慢一点,我听不清楚。2在一些口语中可以省略某些句子成分。(Is there) Anything else?(还有)其他东西吗?3疑问句的答语省略。为避免重复而省略疑问句的答语,这也是常见的一种句式省略。Are you a student?Yes, I am (a student)你是一名学生吗?是的,我是(一名学生)。4感叹句的省略。目的是突出感叹的部分。What a beautiful girl (she is)!(她是)多漂亮的一个女孩呀!即时演练1(1)单句语法填空(天津高考改编)Marys been

7、offered a job in a university, but she doesnt want to take it.But why? Its a very good chance.I went to an exhibition this morning.With whom (who)?(2)写出下列句子的省略部分(Are_there) Any questions?Are you tired?Yes, I am (tired)What a hot day (it_is)!二、省略在并列句中的应用在并列句中,如果后面的分句与前面的分句有相同的部分,后一部分则常被省略掉,以免重复。He te

8、aches English and his brother (teaches) maths.他教英语,他弟弟教数学。Your advice made me happy, but (your advice made) Tom angry.你的建议使我高兴但使汤姆生气。即时演练2(1)单句语法填空(全国卷改编)Jane wont join us for dinner tonight and Tom wont either.She could have applied for that job, but she didnt (not)(2)合并句子My shirt is white. His shi

9、rt is blue.My_shirt_is_white_and_his_blue.Tom turned on the radio. Tom listened to English.Tom_turned_on_the_radio_and_listened_to_English.三、主从复合句中的省略1宾语从句中,连词that常省略,但当有多个并列宾语从句时,只能省略第一个that。I know (that) she is a teacher and that she is an excellent writer.我知道她是一个老师,也是一个优秀的作家。2在一些状语从句中,如果谓语动词含有be,

10、从句的主语又和主句的主语一致,或者从句的主语是it,常常可以把从句中的主语和be一起省略掉。这种省略现象通常出现在以when, while, as, until, once, whether, if, unless, though, even if, where等连词连接的时间、条件、让步、地点等状语从句中。He fell in love with the girl while (he was) on a visit to New York.他是在游览纽约时爱上那位姑娘的。He will not go to the party even if (he is) invited.即使受到邀请,他也

11、不去参加晚会。即时演练3句型转换When you are listening to your teacher, you must be careful.When listeningto your teacher, you must be careful.You shouldnt come to his party unless you are invited.You shouldnt come to his party unless invited.3定语从句中的省略。若引导限制性定语从句的关系代词在从句中作宾语,该关系代词一般可省略。The car (which/that) his fath

12、er gave him as a birthday present was stolen.他父亲送给他的作为生日礼物的那辆汽车被盗了。即时演练4句型转换I bought two books in the bookstore and they are very interesting.The two books Ibought in the bookstore are very interesting.四、不定式的省略1并列的不定式可以省略后面的不定式符号to。但若两个不定式之间表示对比关系时,不能省略to。The book is intended to be read and not (to)

13、 be torn.这本书是供人阅读的而不是供人撕毁的。The purpose of new technologies is to make life easier, not to make it more difficult.新技术的目的是要让生活更轻松自在,而不是让生活更困难。2某些使役动词,如make, let, have等和感官动词,如see, watch, notice, observe等后面作宾补的不定式须省略to,但若这些动词用于被动语态,则to不能省略。My mother wouldnt let me go to see the film.我妈妈不会让我去看那部电影的。He wa

14、s noticed to leave the office.有人注意到他离开了办公室。3不定式to后面的内容也可承前省略,此时所省略的成分相当于do so,但一定要有上下文语境。但倘若承前省略的不定式含有作助动词用的have,be的任何形式,to后要保留原形have和be。After he came back from the war, he was a mere shadow of the man he used to be.从战场返回后,他就衰弱得不成样子。Have you told Ann about her failure in the test?Yes, but I oughtnt

15、to have (told her about it)你告诉安关于她考试不及格的事情了吗?是的。但是我本来不该告诉她。4介词but, except(除了)前有实义动词do的具体形式时,后面的不定式不带to。He could do nothing but give in to the robber.他什么也不能做只能屈服于劫匪了。即时演练5完成句子He will go to Beijing tomorrow if he is_allowed_to (被允许)Did you buy milk?No, I_meant_to (我本打算买的), but the shop was shut.The wo

16、rkers were made_to_overwork (被迫加班)We have nothing to do now but_wait (除了等)Im really puzzled how_to_think_and_say (怎么想,怎么说)五、替代性省略1在一些交际用语中,think, suppose, expect, believe, guess, hope等后常用so, not替代上文出现的内容。Do you believe he lied?I believe not/that he didnt lie.你相信他撒谎了吗?我不相信。2so, nor, neither常用于句首替代前面提

17、到的情况。If Joes wife wont go to the party, neither will he.如果乔的妻子不去参加晚会,那乔也不会去。3if so; if any中的so和any用来替代前面的情况。即时演练6完成句子Everyone believes the plan is practical. What about you?I_dont_think_so (我不这么认为)Do you think he will win the game?I_hope_not (我希望不)Bill wasnt happy about the delay of the report of Ja

18、son, and neither_was_I (我也不满意).单句语法填空1In the car accident the child was hurt, but the mother killed (kill)2What do you think made Mary so upset?Losing (lose) her bicycle.3The results of the medical checkup suggested that my father was in poor health, so the doctor suggested that he (should)_give (gi

19、ve) up smoking and take more exercise.4Why didnt you come to my birthday party yesterday evening? You promised to come!I would have,_but I had to look after my sister.5We will have a meeting next week, but we dont know where.6Would you like to go with us?Yes, Id like to.7Have you got any particular

20、plans for the coming winter vacation?Yes. If possible, Im going to visit my grandparents.8Though not rich, Guo Mingyi makes his effort to help those in poverty.9Had it not been for our teachers, wed never have been able to enter this university.10Girls used to take fewer advanced math courses than b

21、oys but now they are taking just as many.完成句子(使用恰当的省略结构完成下列句子)1It is said that you are still a leading chef in that fivestar hotel. Is that true?No, but _I_used_to_be (我以前是)2Students are not allowed to enter the principals office unless required_to/asked_to (被要求) have a talk with him.3While staring_

22、at_(盯着看) the colourful goldfish in the pond, he almost lost himself in the situation and everything around him even became silent.4It is said that house prices will continue to decline in the next few years.I_hope_so (我希望如此). The present prices are beyond the reach of most common people.5He wasnt pu

23、nished for his severe mistakes in the exam.Yes, but he_should_have_been (他本应该被惩罚的)6(2015北京高考改编)If accepted_for_the_job (你被录取做这个工作), youll be informed soon.7John spent three years studying the skills of playing chess. Even_so (即使如此), he still couldnt defeat his rival.8You can never imagine the diffic

24、ulty I had solving_the_problem (解决问题).短文改错When you take a test, you may feel shaky, sweaty, with your heart beat quickly. It means you get test anxiety. Actually, test anxiety is the type of performance anxiety. You feel worrying about how you can perform well and focus with some bad things that may

25、 happen. Test anxiety creates more pressure on you, that may prevent you doing your best. But test anxiety can overcome. The following method can help deal with test anxiety and let you to get a high score. First, make full preparations for the test and think positive. Then, learn some breathing exe

26、rcises to help calm you down.答案:第一句:beatbeating第三句:thea第四句:worryingworried; withon第五句:thatwhich第六句:在overcome前加be第七句:methodmethods; 去掉to第八句:positivepositively第九句:youyourself一、基本结构写人物传记时,应包括人物(who)、时间(when)、地点(where)、主要事件(what)等内容。写作时,要做到主题鲜明,内容清楚,并注意结构的完整性。1开头(1)直接开头法:这是最常见的一种开头方法。一般从人物的出生开始,按照时间先后顺序


28、根据上文叙述,加入作者对人物的看法和评价。(3)引用:引用其他人对该人物的评价来结束文章。二、增分佳句1He is honest and always ready to help others. Thats why we chose him monitor.他诚实而且总是乐于助人,这就是我们选他为班长的原因。2She is tall and slim with big dark eyes and black hair.她细长高挑,有一双大大的黑眼睛和一头黑发。3Her story tells us that we should value what we have, and try our b

29、est to overcome any difficulty in life.她的故事告诉我们,要珍惜我们拥有的东西,努力去克服生活中的困难。4I admire her because she is optimistic about life.我钦佩她因为她对生活乐观。5He is regarded as a fighter by most of the people in the world.他被世界上的大多数人看作是一位斗士。6From 1753, with his skills increasing, he began to become popular.1753年之后,随着能力的提高他

30、开始变得受欢迎起来。题目要求请根据下表内容写一篇板报稿,介绍著名作曲家三宝的生平。Name三宝(本名:那日松)Nationality中国Date of birth1968年6月Early years三宝出生于音乐世家,四岁开始学习小提琴,十一岁开始学习钢琴。1986年三宝考入中央音乐学院学习指挥。在校期间,三宝对流行音乐产生了极大的兴趣并开始尝试流行歌曲创作,此后他致力于作曲。Achievements多次在国内外交响乐团的演出活动中担任指挥,并致力于从事影视音乐和广告音乐的创作。这些都让他一直以来以音乐天分和作品的多元化而著称。亚运之光(TheLight)成为流行乐坛的出色代表。注意:1.词数100左右;2可以适当增加细节,以使行文连贯。参考词汇:中央音乐学院Central Conservatory of Music交响乐团symphony orchestra第一步:审题构思很关键一、审题1确定体裁:本文为人物传记。2确定人称:本文应用第三人称。3确定时态:写人物的背景及早期生活时用一般过去时,写人物的成就、贡献及影响时用现在完成时和一般现在时。二、构思第一段:基本情况介绍及成长经历。第二段:取得成就及评价。第二步:核心词汇想周全1creative创作的2conduct 指挥3develop_an_interest_in 对感兴趣4be_devoted_to 致力

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