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9b unit2 导学案.docx

1、9b unit2 导学案9B Unit 2 Welcome to the unit 【背景知识】美国是机器人的诞生地,早在1962年就研制出世界上第一台工业机器人,比起号称机器人王国的日本起步至少要早五六年。经过30多年的发展,美国现已成为世界上的机器人强国之一 ,其技术全面、先进,适应性也很强。具体表现在: (1)性能可靠,功能全面,精确度高; (2)机器人语言研究发展较快,语言类型多、应用广,水平高居世界之首; (3)智能技术发展快,其视觉、触觉等人工智能技术已在航天、汽车工业中广泛应用; (4)高智能、高难度的军用机器人、太空机器人等发展迅速,主要用于扫雷、布雷、侦察、站岗及太空探测方面

2、。 此外法国,德国,日本,前苏联在这一方面也有突出表现。我国已在“七五”计划中把机器人列人国家重点科研规划内容,拨巨款在沈阳建立了全国第一个机器人研究示范工程,全面展开了机器人基础理论与基础元器件研究。十几年来,相继研制出示教再现型的搬运、点焊、弧焊、喷漆、装配等门类齐全的工业机器人及水下作业、军用和特种机器人。目前,示教再现型机器人技术已基本成熟,并在工厂中推广应用。我国自行生产的机器人喷漆流水线在长春第一汽车厂及东风汽车厂投入运行。1986年3月开始的国家863高科技发展规划已列入研究、开发智能机器人的内容。就目前来看,我们应从生产和应用的角度出发,结合我国国情,加快生产结构简单、成本低廉

3、的实用型机器人和某些特种机器人。 【自学探究】一、 预习P22P23,在课本上划出下列词组和句子并翻译。1. 写一封投诉信 2. 熨烫衬衫 3. 整理床铺 4. 洗餐具5. 探索危险的地方 6. 为你寄信 7. 需要向机器人商店投诉 8. 扫地9. 洗衣服 10. 做饭 11. 记住一切事情不忘 12. 做许多不同的事情13. 向某人抱怨某事 14. 为我寄这封信二、用括号中所给词的正确形式填空1. _ (relax) yourself after hard work is good for your health.2. She_(wash) up the dishes and_(dry) t

4、hem every day.3. He _ a lot of places. He was a famous _. (explore)4. What a beautiful hat! How much _ it _ (worth)?5. Im writing a letter,_ _(complain) to the factory of the product.6. I have decided to write a _(投诉) letter for my broken bike.7. Many houses were _ away by the floods. (sweep)8.Your

5、shirts should be_ _( 烫 ).9. The students are _ (discussion) about what to do next.10. Thank you for _ (invite) me to your celebration party.11. He always _ (抱怨) to me about his hard work.12. Robots can help Mum do the _(洗衣活) when there are dirty clothes. 【教案】教学内容8A Unit 6 Welcome to the unit课型新授课教学目

6、标介绍拥有机器人为人类工作的语境,谈论机器人的用途,了解机器人的一些优点。了解机器人的一些优点。教学重难点1.介绍拥有机器人为人类工作的语境。2.谈论机器人的用途。3.了解机器人的一些优点。 教学方法练习法、听读法教具准备课件教学步骤教师活动学生活动个性化补充Teaching procedure:Step 1: Warm-up: To raise students interest, get students thinking and talking about robots: Have you seen robots in the films? What kind of robots do

7、you know? Do you like robots? Why? What do you think robots can do for you? Would you buy a robot in the future? Why?Step 2: welcome to the unit 1.The purpose of this part is to activate students knowledge of robots and generate interests of this topic. Ask one student to read the phrases in the wor

8、d box. Make sure that all studentsunderstand the meanings of the phrases such as do the laundry, explore dangerous places in their own words. 2. Explain the context. Daniel is explaining to Amy what robots can do. Ask students to complete the conversation on Page 23 on their own. 3. Ask two students

9、 to read the conversation and check mistakes. 4. Encourage students to talk about if robots are harmful? Divide students into groups to discuss. What do robots do harm to human beings? Why do they do harm to human beings? 5. Listen to the tape for the first time to learn the main idea of the comic s

10、trip. 6. Listen to the tape for the second time to read after the tape. 7. Ask some students to act out the comic strip.Step 3: Useful expressions 1. complaint: 不+可数名词“抱怨”;可数名词 “抱怨的行动或话,投诉”,complain: 动词:complain to / about 2. post:动词邮寄:post something for sb.Step 4. Reading comprehension:Robots are b

11、ecoming a big part of our lives. There may be half a million robots in the U.S. 20 years from now. These machines are changing the way work is being done. Thousands of robots are used in factories. These robots are not like the robots in movies. They dont walk or talk .Instead, a robot may be just a

12、 metal arm . The robots arm can do a certain job in a factory over and over again. It can do jobs that people may not want to do .A robot never gets tired of doing the same thing. Sometimes a robot gets to do more exciting work. In Canada, the police are using a robot on Wheels. This robots job is t

13、o take apart(清除)bombs that may go off(爆炸).( )1.Robots are becoming _.A. More and more important B. less important than beforeC. Less useful than twenty years agoD. more and more expensive( )2.From the passage we can see that robots can _.A. Walk in the factoriesB. do a certain job in a factory over

14、and over againC. Talk with people D. get tired of doing the same thing ( )3. The title for this story could be _.A. Robots job B. Jobs in the factoriesC. Robot on Wheels D. Robots in Our Lives( )4.Robots in Canada can probably _.A. Build a bomb B. make films C. save lives D. walk and talk 通过介绍机器人的发展

15、史,提起学生兴趣,根据学生有可能有的经验,提出问题(有关电影) 播放录音,让学生判断两位漫画人物发生了什么状况鼓励学生增加适当的内容,扩大语言的输出量引领学生读生词,词组 要求学生根据所给的句型造出尽可能的句子,然后总结过去进行时的基本结构与学生核对答案对主要的词组作简要讲解,让学生知道这些词组和句子的用法提升练习核对答案 ABDC学生听课文录音,回答有关漫画的问题学生跟读,然后根据漫画完成下面的短文填空学生进行小组练习,准备短剧表演(可以竞赛)学生根据词组进行造句,初步了解机器人的作用学生积极思考还能有什么样功能的机器人 学生独立阅读。作业设计1. 背诵本课的单词与词组2. 完成同步导学上本

16、课时的作业3. 预习Reading,完成预习作业板书设计 9B Unit 2 RobotsWelcome to the unitcomplain to the robot shop write a complaint letterdo the laundry wash the dishessweep the floor explore dangerous places教学反思【当堂巩固】一、 选择填空( )1.-Could I borrow your dictionary? -Yes, of course .you_ _.A. could B. will C. can D. should( )

17、2. Dont let children _ _a football in the street. Its dangerous. A. play with B. play C. to play D. to play with( )3. You must _ _me the reason why you came so late this time. A. pardon B. excuse C. explain D. explain to( )4.- Where were you this afternoon? I tried to call you. - I_ _to the library

18、for a while. A. must go B. should go C. tried to go D. had to go( )5. -_ _I water the trees on Sunday? - No, you neednt. A. Can B. Must C. May D. Shall( ) 6. Every morning, we are asked _ taken our temperatures. A. if we have B. if have we C. if we had D. if had we( ) 7. _ have you done with the mil

19、k? Ive already drunk it.A. What B. Where C. How D. When( ) 8. Its _ here in winter. Youd better stay in bed.A. much too cold B. too much cold C. much cold too D. too cold much( ) 9. Oliver was so busy _ a novel that he _ to have dinner.A. reading;forgets B. to read;forgets C. to read;forgot D. readi

20、ng, forgot( ) 10. _ have you done with the mutton? Ive cooked _.A. How; it B. What; it C. How; them D. Where; it( ) 11. So many kinds of TV sets are on sale that I cant make up my mind _.A. what to buy B. where be bought C. which to buy D. how to be bought( ) 12. Her second friend was quite _ her fi

21、rst.A. too rich to B. rich enough to C. as rich as D. richer than二完成下列句子 1.请你把这个单词的意思再解释一下,好吗?_.2.机器人能帮助科学家考察外部空间的危险地区._.3.Amy在问机器人能干什么._.4. 妈妈烧饭时,我在做作业._5 .我可以立刻把这本字典拿走吗? 6. 你能在回家的路上为我寄一封信吗?_7机器人也能够帮助科学家探索危险的地方,如:大海和外层空间。_8. 每天为我熨烫衬衣他真是太好了。_.Reading【阅读准备】一、 阅读方法1 用30秒的时间看一下文章标题,猜测文章的大致内容,想象一下事件发生的情

22、景。这对快速理解和整体把握文章内容以及推测出生词的词义范围有积极的意义。2 在对文章的整体内容有了基本认识的基础上,再用3-5分钟的时间把这篇文章读两遍,抓住这个事件发生前、中、后的所见、所闻和所感等,为把握文章的细节内容做准备。3 用5分钟的时间完成书后的习题,看自己是否真正理解了这个事件的来龙去脉。4 用1分钟的时间思考一下,假如自己遇到这样的问题,应该如何处理,如用英语讲应该如何表述。二、背景知识 机器人是一种自动化机器。它被设计用来代替人类完成各种作业,并在很多方面扩展人类的能力。Robot这个词来源于捷克语robota,意思是“强迫劳动”。机器人技术在生活中的很多领域中使用,最普遍的

23、是在制造业。近来许多公司都在设计和开发能帮助主人干家务的新型机器人。这些机器人比过去小得多,却有更多的功能。在不久的将来,我们极可能拥有能为我们干一切家务杂活的家用机器人。最新的机器人是“智能化的”,其感应器“眼睛”可以感知周围环境,防止自己撞上其他东西。虽然大多数人希望机器人为我们做些日常琐事,但很多科学小说却警告机器人会变得太聪明而主宰世界。大部分学生对机器人这个话题都是很感兴趣的。可以问他们是否知道电影和电视节目中一些著名的机器人,从而激发他们学习本单元的兴趣。 【自学探究】(一)预习指导1.own 及物动词,表示 “拥有的意思”,主语为人. He used to own a large

24、 house.他曾经拥有一个大房子。 happy with 对.满意 I am happy with my English teacher. 3.了解由in order to 引导的句型及由特殊疑问句引导的宾语从句4. The robot change his life a lot in many ways.这个机器人在许多方面改变了他的生活 5. be busy with sth./doing sth. 忙于某事/做某事6. in order to do sth. 为了做某事。(二)预习检测A、翻译下列短语1.改变他的生活 2. 忙于做某事3.不再 4.做家务活5.下班回家 6.染上

25、病毒7.把东西打翻 8.处理B、根据提示,用适当形式拼写单词1. Im going to _ (烫)hair this afternoon.2. My computer caught a _(病毒) and caused a lot of trouble.3. Please put these dishes in the s_.4.In fact ,the robots two big eyes are used to _(照相)photos.5.Everything here has _( go )wrong since he came .6.Rose is always the first

26、 _(get )to the classroom.7.These days we are all busy _(prepare)for the Maths test next week.8.Sometimes ,Mr Jiang would find his breakfast in the _(wash) machine.9.I can_(stay) in bed for a little longer on Sundays.10.Robots are often _(design ) to have a human-like appearance.11.Its better_(ask)hi

27、m first.12.Sometimes I go_(shop)clothes with my mother.【教案】教学内容9B Unit 2 Robots Reading课型新授课教学目标1.了解机器人可以怎样改变我们的生活。 2. 认识并理解与机器人共处的有关词汇。3. 确定拥有机器人的利与弊。教学重难点掌握文章大意并且能够熟练朗读课文。教学方法情景交际法、任务型教学法教具准备课件教学步骤教师活动学生活动个性化补充Step 1 Show the learning aims:1. Learn the new words and expressions2. Try to find out what happened to Mr. Jiang after he bought a robot.Step 2 Presentation (Warm up)As we know a robot is a machine that is used to do work instead of people, especially some dangerous work. They can

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