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7B Unit 6 pets教案10课时.docx

1、7B Unit 6 pets教案10课时7BUnit6pets教案(10课时) Language functions and focus Introduce names and characteristics of common pets, e.g., My cat is very friendly. Recognize and use nouns, verbs and adjectives to talk about specific animal features in terms of appearance, characteristics and personality, e.g.,

2、My dog is the cleverest animal of all. He doesnt just chase and catch a ball. Recognize and use positive and negative imperatives to give instructions, e.g., Walk the dog at 7 a.m. Dont chase the cat. Recognize how to use appropriate modal verbs to give instructions and to express duty and responsib

3、ilities, e.g., You should play with your pet for some time every day. Recognize positive and negative forms of model verbs, e.g. You must put clean water in the fish tank. You must not touch a fish with your hands.Language skillsListening Identify specific characteristics in a description of a goldf

4、ish Listen for detail to extract specific information Use knowledge presented in written text to infer general meaning and context Complete a conversation using information from a talkSpeaking Ask and respond to questions about favourite pets Ask for explanations of opinions and respond appropriatel

5、y Stress keywords in sentences Identify typical stress patterns in sentences Tell others about a favourite petReading Become familiar with rhyming words Learn intonation and rhyme scheme of poems Identify specific meaning by scanning the textWriting Present factual information and opinions in writin

6、g Describe characteristics and personalities of pets Describe pets lifestyle, including feeding habits, homes, and likes and dislikes Generate personal ideas, plan and organize text to communicate your own opinionsWarm-up activityBefore this lesson, ask students to bring in pictures, leaflets, or an

7、y other realia related to pets. They can get materials from pet shops, the internet and magazines. It is always a good idea to bring in materials yourself to make sure that your lesson gets off to a good start.Pass the materials around the class at the beginning of the lesson and then put them up on

8、 display. Ask students to make comments. Review the names of different animals. Encourage them to select suitable adjectives describe the books, behaviour, homes or anything else they associate with the pets. Do a quick class survey about how many students have pets and what kind of pets they have.

9、Use this situation to introduce the function of giving instructions to prepare for the conversation presented in the comic strip. Bring me and should are used to express instruction and duty. Ask students to look at the comic strip. Ask What does Eddie want? ( He wants his lunch.)How does Hobo respo

10、nd? (He tells Eddie to be more polite.)Why is Hobo unhappy? ( Because Eddie was not polite.)Welcome to the unitObjectives To introduce students to the world of pets To identify names of animals and typical features To understand differences in animal featuresTeaching procedures1. Encourage stronger

11、classes to do the task in Part A without further pre-teaching of keywords. For weaker classes, you may need to review the names of the animals and check whether they know how to pronounce them. Then ask students to de the task as set out.2. Divide the class into pairs. Ask students to compare their

12、answers and discuss any disagreements.3. For stronger classes, do Part B as a quiz. Students close their books. You read the sentences a-f and students have to guess the answer. The student who answers first gets a point. Weaker classes follow the instructions as set out. You could do a quiz later o

13、n for revision.4. Ask students to prepare a sentence about their favorite pet. Tell them to pretend that they have a pet if they do not own one.5. Do some exercises.(详见课件)ReadingObjectives To learn about rhyme schemes, stress and intonation of poetry To learn new vocabulary to talk about pets To rea

14、d about animal behaviourBackground informationThis section introduces students to poetry. The three short poems are different not only in the choice of pets, but also in the way they focus on different aspects of animals. The style of each poem is different. My Dog focuses on behaviour adjectives. M

15、y Goldfish expresses the poets feelings about the goldfishs lifestyle. Cats describes the different places where cats sleep.Part ATeaching procedures1. Ask students to study the poems and pictures on page 90. Write the title My Dog on the board and also the verb that are used in the poem: chase, cat

16、ch, hunts, hide, builds, bark, bite, fight and look after. Talk about their meanings.2. For weaker classes, read My Dog one like at a time and have students repeat after you. For stronger classes, choose five students to read two lines each.3. Ask students to find the adjectives in the poem which te

17、ll us about its characteristics, e.g., cleverest. Work through the meaning of wonderful tricks. Then ask them to identify the verbs which describe the dogs actions (chase, catch, hunts, builds, bark, bite and fight).Ask students some general questions to elicit details about the dogs actions to gene

18、rate some of the key verbs, e.g., what does the dog do?4. For weaker classes, read the poem My Goldfish and ask students to follow in their books. Explain the meaning of miaow and bubbles. For stronger classes, ask two students to each read a stanza.5. Read the poem Cats. As you read the poem, try t

19、o use gestures and mines to illustrate the different impressions presented in the poem. Learn about the words window-ledge, edge, drawer, lap, cardboard box and frocks.6. Ask more able students to read the Cats poem, first on their own and then with a partner. S1 reads lines 26-35 and S2 reads lines

20、 36-46. Ask if any students have cats that like to sleep in unusual places.7. Have the class prepare this poem for choral reciting. Allocate different lines to individual students or pairs to create a dramatic impression. Ask one or two students to read one line only, e.g., S1: CatsAll: Cats sleep a

21、nywhere,S2: Any table,S3: Any chair,S4: Top of piano,This activity helps students to work as a team as they have to listen to their cues, which encourages them to work collaboratively.8. Ask students which poem they like best. Encourage more able students to say why they like it, e.g., I like the po

22、em about cats because they are my favourite animals.Extension activityFor stronger classes, ask students to copy the poem Cats into their books, leaving enough space to draw the different objects to illustrate where cats live and sleep. Encourage students to interpret the use of prepositions to prep

23、are a correct visual presentation of the poem.Part BTeaching procedures1 Read the words listed in the box in part B1 to the class. Ask students to repeat each one and to pay particular attention to the sounds of the final syllables.2 Ask students to complete the sentences with the correct words. Enc

24、ourage them to read the sentences out loud so that they can hear the sounds of the words. For weaker classes, you may need to read out the first word of each sentence slowly and ask students to repeat them before they start completing the sentences.3 Ask less able students to work with a partner and

25、 take turns saying the rhyming pairs aloud.4 Ask less able students to do the extra questions on page 91. For more able students, do not provide them with the extra gapped sentences and words. Ask them to look for other rhyming pairs in the poems themselves.5 Ask students whether they think the rhym

26、ing words make the poems more pleasant to listen to. Accept all opinions. Then ask individual students what are the other roles of the rhyme in poetry. Elicit as many opinions as possible, e.g., makes poetry easier to remember, creates a beat at the end of each line, helps create a pattern of sounds

27、 and a sound rhythm, creates a tune, helps create the images, etc.6 Explain the context and the instructions to part B2. Review the words in the box. Then ask students to complete the sentences with the correct words.7 Ask two volunteers to read out the completed articles.Extension activityAsk more

28、able students to find any other rhyming pairs from the words learned in other units. Give them a reward for finding one, two or more. This is a very useful pronunciation exercise as well as an activity which prepares students to use language creatively on their own.Part CTeaching procedures1. Ask st

29、udents to do Part C1 in pairs. Encourage them to use a dictionary if necessary.2. Review the answer and clarify any areas of uncertainty.3. Ask students to do Part C2 on their own. Remind them that all the words can be found in the poem My Goldfish on page 90. Ask more able students to do the task w

30、ithout referring the poem. Tell less able students to find the words in the poem to complete what Peter says.4. Read out the first line. Then ask four students to read out one line each.5. To do part C3, students will have to refer to the poem Cats on page 90. Ask more able students to do the task o

31、n their own. Less able students may need help. Provide them with the names of places, and perhaps how many times each preposition is used.Ask more able students where cats sleep based on the poem Cats on page 90. Tell them that they can use any other words apart from in, on and on top of.VocabularyObjectives To recognize and identify a range of

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