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河南省安阳二中高一英语《Lesson 1 A Perfect Day》学案.docx

1、河南省安阳二中高一英语Lesson 1 A Perfect Day学案Lesson 1 A Perfect Day?Language PointsObjectiveTo master some phrases and sentence structuresVocabulary Learning1. switch on=turn on把开关打开;接通switch off=turn off关掉;关上switch over (to)转换频道;练习:First, you should switch the machine on.首先你要把机器电源接通。He switched off the telev

2、ision because he did not like those television programmes.他把电视机关了,因为他不喜欢那些电视节目。I usually switch over to BBC2 to watch the latest movie review.我通常转到BBC2看最新的影评。2at weekends=at the weekend在周末 on weekdays在工作日练习:Our office is closed at the weekend. = Our office is closed at weekends.我们办公室周末关闭。Most school

3、 libraries are open on weekdays.大部分学校图书馆工作日开放。3 live this lifestyle过这种生活 live / lead a (happy/poor)life 过的生活 dream a dream做的梦 练习:Now farmers of China live a much happier life than before.现在中国农民过上了比以往更幸福的生活。I dreamt a strange dream last night.我昨晚做了一个怪梦。4 in the evenings = in the evening on the evenin

4、g of = on evening练习: How about going to see a film on Sunday evening? =How about going to see a film on the evening of Sunday? Do you have to go to school on the evening of Saturday? =Do you have to go to school on Saturday evening?5. at ones desk = at desk在伏案工作 at the desk在书桌旁 at the table在饭桌旁 at t

5、able在吃饭 练习: She is sitting at the desk, reading English. 她坐在书桌旁读英语。 Dont interrupt her. She is at desk. 别打扰她,她在工作呢。 The family is at table. 他们一家人在吃饭。 After supper, they were still sitting at the table talking about home affairs. 晚饭后,他们仍坐在饭桌旁谈论着家事。6Work ones way through努力完成(工作),实现(目标) Li Lua plans to

6、 work her way through Beijing University. 李华的打算是努力学习,考上北京大学。 我爸爸正在努力完成他的工作。 My father is working his way through his work.7take up Meetings and phone calls take up a large part of the day. 占据时间 The new sofa has taken up much place of the sitting room.占据空间 He took up a job as a teacher three years ag

7、o.开始从事某事(尤指职业) take down Who could help me to take down the curtains? 拿下,取下 The old school gate was taken down yesterday. 拆除 Please take down the useful expressions while listening.记下 take offThe rocket took off in a flash. (飞机等)起飞 Take off your shoes before entering the bedroom.脱下(衣帽等) Mp4 has take

8、n off recently. (观念、产品等)突然大受欢迎 take onMany places in China have taken on a new look in recent years. 呈现 练习: 我知道你很忙,我不会占用你很长时间的。I know you are busy and I wont take up too much of your time. 我把很多时间都用在工作上。A great deal of my time is taken up with working. 这饭桌占了很多空间,我们要一张小一点的。The table takes up too much

9、room and we need a smaller one. 汤姆开始了画画,但不久就失去兴趣了。Tome took up painting, but soon lost interest. 8Be filled with= be full of装着;装满 Fill with把装进练习:那瓶子装满了油。The bottle is filled with oil. The bottle is full of oil.别把油装进瓶子里。Dont fill the bottle with oil.9Complain about sth. 抱怨,投诉,发牢骚complain (to sb). abo

10、ut sth.向某人抱怨、投诉某事complain (to sb). of sth. 向某人抱怨、投诉某事 Complain (to sb) that向某人抱怨、投诉某事 Complaint n. 抱怨、埋怨、不满 Complaint about/ of sth. 对的抱怨、埋怨、不满练习: She always complains to her parents about/of the school meals. 她总向父母抱怨学校的饭食。 We have a number of complaints about their service. 对他们的服务我们有些怨言。 Ive really

11、 got nothing to complain of/about. 我确实没有什么可抱怨的。He complained to the waiter that his meals were cold. 他向服务员抱怨他的饭菜是凉的。 He complained that the exam was too hard. 他抱怨考试太难了。 He complained to the police of/about the boys stealing his apples. 他向警方控告那些男孩偷他的苹果。 They complained about/of the food 他们抱怨这糟糕的食物。 1

12、0get bored变得厌烦 (get+adj.) bored 厌烦的(指人的感受) boring 令人厌烦的(指物) 类似用法的词有:surprised / surprising; excited /exciting frightened /frightening moved /moving puzzled /puzzling 练习: He got/became bored by her boring speech. 他被那些令人厌烦的话搞烦了。get changed 表示对自己身体的外表做某事,动作完成后主语所处的状态,此时过去分词多具有反身意义,类似用法的词组还有:get dressed

13、穿衣服get undressed脱下衣服,get shaved刮脸/刮胡子; get washed洗澡 Hurry and get dressed or youll be late.快点穿衣服啦,否则你会迟到的。He could not wash himself or get dressed. 他既不会洗澡,也不会穿衣。She got washed after she got back home from work. 她下班回到家后洗了澡。11. matter 一、作名词 The world is made up of matter世界是由物质构成的。物质, 作不可数名词用It is of n

14、o matter这无关紧要。要紧事, 作不可数名词用It relates to a matter of time这涉及到一个时间问题。问题, 作可数名词用。 I have nothing to do now. Could you offer me some reading matter? 我现在无事可做。你能给我点儿可读的东西吗? 东西;作可数名词用。3表示“毛病;麻烦事”,与定冠词连用,作表语或定语。 Is there anything the matter with her?她出了什么事吗?Whats the matter with the car?这辆小汽车怎么了? 二、作不及物动词 表

15、示“要紧;有重大关系”,是不及物动词,用于否定句、疑问句或条件句中。 It doesnt matter where she goes. 她去哪儿没有关系。 It doesnt matter to me what you do你做什么对我都无关紧要。 表示“有关系”时,也可用于肯定句,常与to连用。 That car matters (matter) a great deal to her那辆车对她来说事关重大。It doesnt matter if I miss the train, because theres another later. 我要是误了这趟火车也不要紧,因为晚些时候还有一趟车

16、呢。Does it matter a great deal to her whether they come or not? 他们是否来,这与她有很大关系吗? 练一练:1这台机器怎么啦? Whats the matter with the machine? 2我们有更重要的事需要考虑。 We have more important matters to think about 3你什么时候到无关紧要。 It doesnt matter when you arrive 12besides I have five other books besides this. 除这本以外, 我还有五本别的书。

17、“除外, 另外还有”, 着重“另外还有”He has no money beside this. 他除此之外没有钱了。除了之外(不再有)besides 和 except 的区别Besides milk and cheese, we need vegetables. 除了牛奶和干酪外,我们还需要蔬菜。I looked everywhere except there.我看了每一个地方,就没看那个地方。在肯定句 besides 和 except 含义相反,besides 表示“除了之外,还有”,except 表示“除了没有之外”。No one passed except Richard. = No

18、one passed besides Richard.除了理查德之外,再也没有人通过。在否定句 besides 和 except 含义相同besides adv.,而且I need the money. And besides, when I agree to do something, I do it. 我需要那笔钱,而且,当我答应做某事,我就得做。练习:Besides English, he has to study German. 除了英语, 他还要学德语。People choose jobs for other reasons besides money.人们选择工作除了金钱之外还有其

19、它原因。I dont want to come out now. And besides, I must work. 我现在不想出去,而且我还得工作。13 Suppose认为、认定、假定、猜想 Suppose sb./sth. (to be)+adj./名词短语 Everyone suppose him (to be) poor, but he is really rich. 大家都认为他很穷,实际上他很富有。 练习: 人们认为他很笨,实际上他很聪明。People suppose him (to be) stupid, but he is really clever. 她被认为是我们班最优秀的

20、学生。She is supposed (to be) the best students in our class. Suppose sb./sth. to have done(当猜测的内容发生在suppose之前) They supposed the paper to have been lost during the war. 他们认为那份文件在战争期间丢失了。 警察逮捕了他,因为他们认为他杀死了那位女士。The police arrested him because he was supposed to have killed the lady. Suppose it + adj./n.

21、 +to do I suppose it my duty to help those in poverty. 我认为帮助那些处于贫困的人是我的义务。 -Is he angry? -Yes, I suppose so. / No, I suppose not.练习: 她认为现在改变她的想法太晚了。She supposed that it was too late to change her mind.She supposed it too late to change her mind.我猜你已经完成了作业。I suppose that you have already finished you

22、r homework.I suppose you to have already finished your homework. 14. go offThe alarm clock went off at 6:00 and woke me. (闹钟)响The gun went off by accident. (枪)开火A few minutes later the bomb went off, destroying the building. 爆炸Dont go off with saying goodbye. 离开练习:火警警报器一响,我立刻冲出屋子。As soon as the alar

23、m went off, I rushed out of the house.炸弹在一条拥挤的街道上爆炸了。The bomb went off in a crowded street.汤姆告诉海伦不要不通知他就离开。Tom told Helen not to go off without informing him.Sentence structure1. It takes sb. time to do sth.某人花时间做某事It takes me less than fifteen minutes to wash dishes everyday.每天我最多花15分钟洗碗。It takes m

24、e five minutes to go to school by bike.我骑自行车上学需要5分钟时间。Sb. spend time (in) doing sthSb. spend time on sth. He spent the whole morning in reading the report. (read)Most of her life was spent in caring for other. (care for)I spent a whole day painting the room.我用了一整天的时间粉刷那间房子。Sth. cost sb. sth.The swea

25、ter cost me 50 yuan.练习:那只花瓶花了我200元。The vase cost me 200 yuan.我用了一周的时间读完这本书It took me a whole week to finish reading this book.I spent a whole week in finish reading this book.2. I am always the first person to get to the office. be + the + 序数词名词to do sth. 第几个做某事 She is always the first person to get to school everyday in our classroom. 在我们班她总是第一个人回到学校的人。

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