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高考英语 Life in the future知识点总复习教案新人教版.docx

1、高考英语 Life in the future知识点总复习教案新人教版2019-2020年高考英语 Life in the future知识点总复习教案新人教版Section I 课前准备、听力、口语1. What will life be like in the future? 未来的生活会是什么样子? (p.41 Warming Up)What .like? “像什么怎么样什么样子?”,此处like是介词,其宾语是what。如: Whats the weather like there? 那儿的天气怎么样? Whats your teacher like? 你老师是怎样一个人?2. Wha

2、t happened to the people on the earth? 地球上的人出什么事了? (p.42 Listening Ex.3)happen to“某人某物发生了什么事,怎么了”。如: That autumn something unfortunate happened to my family. 那年秋天,我家发生了一件不幸的事。 What finally happened to the poor boy? 这可怜的男孩最后怎么了? What has happened to your leg?你的腿怎么了? What has happened to the recorder?

3、录音机怎么了?3. It would be wonderful if (I had more free time)! 假如 (我有更多的自由时间),那该多好啊! (p.43 Useful expressions)什么是虚拟语气?虚拟语气表示说话人的主观愿望、猜测、建议或与事实不符的假设等,也可以表示可能性较小或不可能发生的情况,虚拟语气常用于复合句中。上句是一个含有条件状语从句的复合句,主句和从句的谓语动词使用了虚拟语气,表示“与现在事实相反的”一种假设。那么,当说话人想表示“与现在事实相反的”假设时,主句和条件状语从句的谓语动词的“模版形式”是怎样的呢?请观察如下,例如: If I were

4、 you, I wouldnt accept her suggestion. 如果我是你,我不会接受她的建议。 If I knew the answer to the question, I should (would) tell you. 如果我知道问题的答案,我会告诉你的。 If he were here, he might talk with you. 如果他在这儿,他可能会跟你谈谈的。 If I didnt do exercise every day, I wouldnt be so strong. 如果我不每天锻炼,我是不会这么强壮的。Section 阅读4. One way to

5、catch a glimpse of the future is to examine some of the major trends in contemporary society. 瞥一眼未来是什么样子的办法之一是考察一下当今社会的主要倾向。(p.43 Reading Life in the future 第2行)(1) to catch a glimpse意为“看一眼;瞥见”。在句中作one way的定语;to examine some of the major trends in contemporary society作表语。 I caught a glimpse of our n

6、ew neighbor. 我只看过一眼我们的新邻居。 I glimpsed her among the crowd. 我瞥见她在人群当中。 The man glimpsed the thief climbing out of the window. 那人瞥见小偷从窗户爬出来。(2) major (adj. & n. & vi.)主要的,较大的,主修的;major in主修。如: The major aim of the air raid was the plete destruction of all means of munica- tions by bombing. 空袭的主要目的是通过轰

7、炸彻底摧毁敌人的通讯设施。 Cities, such as Shanghai, Beijing and Guangzhou are major cities in China. 像上海、北京和广州等城市是中国的主要城市。 Physics was his major subject in the university. 物理是他大学的主修课。 He is a history major. 他是主修历史的学生。 He majors in physics. 他主修物理。5. A good example of how transportation is changing is the new mag

8、lev train,which is environmentally friendly, energy-saving and travels at an amazing speed of 430 kmh. 交通工具是如何变化的一个很好的例子就是新兴的磁悬浮火车,这种火车既友好于周围环境,又节能,并且以每小时430公里的惊人速度行驶。(p.43 Reading Transportation 第4行)(1) 句中how transportation is changing (交通工具是如何变化的) 作介词of的宾语从句;which isand travels430 kmh是限制性定语从句,其先行词

9、是train。amaze (vt.) 使惊奇,使吃惊;amazing (adj.) 令人惊异的;amazed (人) 惊异的,惊愕的。如: Her knowledge amazes me. 她的学识令我吃惊。 Visitors were amazed at the achievements of the city during the past ten years. 参观者对这城市过去十年中的成就感到惊奇。 I was amazed by the news of Georges sudden death. 听到乔治突然去世的消息,我感到惊愕。 What an amazing painting!

10、 多么了不起的一幅油画啊!(2) at a speed of .以的速度 The car is racing at a frightening speed of 200 mh. 这辆小汽车以每小时200英里的吓人速度飞驰着。6. Many panies and consumers have already begun reforming the way they do business. 许多公司 和消费者已经开始改革他们之间的交易形式。(p.43 Reading Business 第1行)(1) reforming the way they do business是动名词短语作宾语。动词be

11、gin的宾语也可用不定式,可改为begun to reform the way they do business;they do business作名词way的定语从句。reform ( n. & v.)改革,改进,悔改。如: The reform and open policy has brought us Chinese people a rich and colourful life. 改革开放的政策给我们中国人民带来了富裕和丰富多彩的生活。 We must reform the outdated rules and regulations. 我们必须改革那些过时的规章制度。 He pr

12、omised to reform if given another chance. 他答应只要再给他一次机会就一定悔改。(2) 名词way(方法)后面的定语从句的关系词可用that代替in which,也可以如上句一样不用任何关系词。再如: They way(thatin which)youre doing is pletely crazy. 你这么干法,简直是发疯了。 I liked the way(thatin which)she organized the meeting. 我喜欢她组织会议的方法。【拓展】 in thisthatthe way中的介词常可省略;way后既可跟“带to的动

13、词不定式”结构作其定语,也可跟“of + -ing”结构作其定语,两者之间没有多大的区别;另外,不要混淆in the way(挡道),on the way (在途中)和by the way(顺便说)。请看如下例句: I think youre putting it together (in) the wrong way. 我认为你把它装错了。 Do it any way you like. 你爱怎么干就怎么干。 There was no way to prove that he stole the money. 没有办法证明他偷了钱。 There was no way of proving t

14、hat he stole the money. 没有办法证明他偷了钱。 Please dont stand in the kitchen door youre in the (my) way. 请别站在厨房门口 你挡了我的路。(3) do business (with) (与) 做买卖,做生意,做交易。Were doing a lot of business with foreigners now.现在我们跟外国人的买卖量很大。7. E-merce, or business done on the Internet, is being more and more popular. 电子商务,或

15、者说在因特网上所进行的贸易,越来越受到人们的青睐。(p.43 Reading Business 第2行)此处or的意思是“或者说,也就是”。注意下面与or搭配的词组:or else ( = otherwise) 否则,要不然;or so大约;or rather或者说,更准确地说;or sb. (sth.sp.)或者其他什么人(其他什么东西,其他什么地方)。如: This medicine, or rather drug, has a violent effect. 这种药品,或者说麻醉剂,有强烈的效果。 Hurry up, or (else) youll miss the bus. 快点,否则

16、你就赶不上公共汽车了。 He must pay off the debts or else go to prison. 他必须还清欠债,否则就得去坐牢。 Id like twenty or so. 我想要20个左右。 I put it in the cupboard or somewhere else. 我把它放到橱柜里,或者其他什么地方。8. The Internet also makes it easier for panies to keep in touch with customers and panies in other countries. 因特网也使公司和消费者及国外其他公司

17、之间的联系更加容易。(p.44 Reading Business 第3行)(1) it为形式宾语,easier为宾语补足语,真正的宾语是动词不定式复合结构for panies to keep in touch with customers and panies in other countries。词组keepbe in touch with意为“与保持联系”;get in touch with .“和取得联系”;lose touch with .“与失去联系”;out of touch“失去联系,对生疏”。如: I still keep in close touch with most of

18、 my high school classmates. 我仍然和大部分中学同学保持着紧密的联系。 Ill get in touch with you as soon as I arrive. 我一到达,就跟你联系。 Weve been out of touch with them for ages. 我们好多年没联系了。(2) 关于动词不定式复合结构:如果不定式的逻辑主语既不是句子的主语,也不是谓语动词的宾语,就要用for + n.pron.”作为它的逻辑主语。如: It is difficult for her to read the book. 她读这本书是困难的。 Its quite n

19、ecessary for you to give up smoking. 你很有必要戒烟。【提示】在“It is + adj. + of + n.pron. + to do”结构中,of前面的形容词一般限于对of后面的名词表示称赞和责备(即此入的品质)的形容词。如:nice, clever, bold, honest, polite, careful, wrong, bad, rude, stupid, silly, careless, foolish, naughty 等。如: Its clever of you to refuse her. 你拒绝她是明智的。 Its cruel of h

20、im to kill the cat. 他把那只猫杀死,太残忍了。9. Instead of just searching a crowded store for basic goods, such as food and clothes, people want to go to a pleasant mall and bine shopping with fun. 人们现在想去的购物商场是令人感到舒服的,并且是寓购物于娱乐中的,而不再是像以前那样,穿梭于拥挤的商店中,寻找着诸如食品和衣物一类的日用品。(p.44 Reading Business 第7行)(1) instead of (=

21、in place ofrather than) prep. 代替,而不是。如:If you cannot go, hell go instead of you. 如果你不能去,他愿替你去。(2) search sb. sth. for.搜查,搜索。如: He searched all the drawers for the missing papers. 他翻了所有的抽屉,找那份丢失的文件。 They searched the man all over for money. 他们搜遍了他的全身找钱。(3) crowd n. 人群,大量,大批 (the crowd 一般指群众,大众);crowd

22、ed adj. 拥挤的,塞满的;crowd vt. & vi. 涌向(某处),聚集,挤满;crowded with 满是,挤满。如: He writes all his books for the crowd rather than for specialists. 他的全部作品都是为一般大众所写,而不是为了专家们。 There stood a crowd of lookers-on. 那儿站了一群围观的人。 They crowded into ray room. 他们挤进了我的房间。 Swimmers crowded the beaches. 游泳者们挤满了海滩。 The office wa

23、s crowded with people. 办公室里挤满了人。(4) pleasant adj. (某物事)令人愉快的,舒适的;please adj. (某人) 高兴的,满足的。如: We spent a pleasant day in the country. 我们在乡下度过了愉快的一天。 We are very pleased with her decision. 我们对她的决定很满意。(5) binewith把与结合起来。如:We should bine theory with practice. 我们应该把理论和实践结合起来。10. People in the future will

24、 be able to enjoy a longer and healthier life and remain active even in old age. 未来的人们将能够更长寿、更健康,即使年龄很大,也会很活跃的。(p.44 Reading Health And Medicine 第1行) remain active为系表结构,remain在此是系动词,意为“保持,依然,仍然,继续”。另外remain也是一个不及物动词,意为“留下,剩余,残存”。It remains to be seen句型,意为“还要看情况发展”。如: I went to the city, but my broth

25、er remained at home. 我去了城市,可弟弟留在了家里。 How many weeks will you remain (stay) here? 你将在此停留几个星期? Hes determined to remain loyal to the team whatever es his way. 他决心不管发生什么事都忠于球队。 Peter became a judge but John remained a fisherman. 彼得当了法官,但约翰仍然是个渔民。 The death of the innkeeper still remains a mystery. 客栈老板

26、之死仍然是个谜。 The fact remains to be proved. 事实尚待证明。11. People now are paying more attention to the importance of a healthy diet and all active life. 人们对于健康饮食和活跃的生活正给予更多的重视。(p.44 Reading Health And Medicine 第3行)attention n. 注意,关心,关注,注意力,(口令)立正! 注意下列搭配;attractdrawinvite ones attention (to) 吸引某人注意;pay atte

27、ntion to 注意,重视,倾听;give (ones) attention to 注意,关心;focuscentre ones attention on 把注意力集中在。如: We should pay more attention to state affairs. 我们应该更加关心国家大事。 Give your whole attention to what you are doing. 把全部注意力用于你所做的事。 Never mind about me. Please focus your attention on the wounded. 不要管我,请关注伤员。 Attentio

28、n please, fellow!伙计们,请注意!12. With a better understanding of the human body, scientists and physicians will be able to cure more diseases. 随着对人体结构的更好地了解,科学家和医生将能够治愈更多的疾病。(p.44 Reading Health And Medicine 倒数第3行)(1) understanding n. 理解,了解,谅解;adj. 富于理解力的,能体谅人的,聪明的。如: His understanding of English is very

29、 good. 他对英语的理解能力很强。 The two parties finally came to (arrived at) an under- standing. 双方最终取得谅解。 He replied to me with an understanding smile. 他会心地微笑着回答了我。 My mother is really an under- standing woman. 我妈妈确实是一个通情达理的人。(2) cure n. & v. 治疗,疗法,对策;治疗 (疾病),消除。如: The cats proved to be a good cure for our mou

30、se problem. 最终证实猫是我们解决老鼠问题的好方法。 Aspirin is a wonderful cure for colds. 阿斯匹林是治感冒的妙药。 I hope the doctor can cure the pain in my shoulder. 我希望医生能治好我肩上的疼痛。 Parents try to cure their children of bad habits. 父母试图改掉孩子的恶习。13. Perhaps more importantly, new discoveries in genetics and biochemistry may lead to

31、 changes in the way diseases are cured and medicines are made. 或许更重要的是,遗传党和生化党方面的新发现可能导致疾病治疗和药物制造方法上的改变。(p.44 Reading Health And Medicine 倒数第2行)Perhaps more importantly在句中作状语。changes in the way “在方法方面的变化”;diseases are cured and medicines are made为两个修饰先行词way的定语从句,省略了关系代词that或in which。词组lead to意为“引起,导

32、致,通向”。如: The path leads to the village. 这条小路通到那村庄。 His carelessness led to the great fire. 他的粗心引起了这场大火。 Blindly copying others might lead to losses. 盲目搬用别人的东西可能会造成损失。14. If we learn to accept change and appreciate what is new and different, we will be well-prepared for whatever the future may have in store. 如果我们学会善于接受变化并欣赏新颖而又不同寻常的东西的话,那就等于我们已经充分做好了接受未来给我们储备的任何东西的准备。(p.44 Reading Education and Knowledge 倒

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