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1、新目标英语九年级第9单元全单元教案Unit九年级下学期Unit9Whenwasitinvented?第一课时教学目标学习一般过去时的被动语态和特殊疑问句。教学过程导入(Lead-in):Ask the students to be familiar with the words below according to the pictures on computer(叫学生根据图片或通过多媒体熟悉如下的单词。)telephone,calculator,car,personal computer,TV,electric light,light bulb,alarm,clock,microwave

2、oven,electric slipper二、教学句型1. 教学When was the car invented? It was invented inChoose、the three inventions of these and ask students to guess when each 0ne was invented(选出其中三项发明,然后让学生猜每个发明的时间。)比如:你可以选择汽车、电话、手提电脑。让一些不同学生猜并且把日期写在黑板上。Repeat the process with several different inventions(通过同一方法重复不同的发明。)At

3、last,make students find out the real dates(当学生对句型理解后,学生找出那些发明正确日期。)2教学Who were the light bulbs invented by? And what are they used for?首先,老师利用图片,呈现Edison and light bulbs的画面。Tell the students Edison invented light bulbs(让学生知道Edison发明light bulbs。)Then ask the students to answer the questions below。(叫学

4、生回答如下的问题。)Repeat the process with several different inventions(通过同一方法重复不同的发明。当学生明白后,教师接着问。)教学la,lc, 2c进行以下教学活动。学生运用多媒体课件进行学习,把la 1c 2c.中的语言点综合起来,叫学生互相之间回答问题。(Ask the students to ask and answer the questions each other)并用刚刚学到的目标句型来操练。(若有学生不明白,老师可先示范一次。)最后,抽查几对学生,让他们在全班面前,按要求进行对话。(说明:让学生操练目标语言,并为听懂听力内

5、容打下基础。)教学lb, 2a,2b首先,帮助学生明确本题的要求。接着,听力练习,学生根据录音内容完成lb, 2a and 2b。最后,重放一遍录音内容,学生跟读。(学生通过听力练习,进一步熟悉本课的目标语言.)教学巩固完成一个任务:Ask some students to read about an invention using an encyclopedia or other bookfrom the library,or by looking up information on the InternetHave the students write upa short report a

6、nd draw a simple picture of the invention or bring in a photo of ItAsk eachstudents to show the picture and read his or her report to the class.说明:通过来完成一个任务让学生运用所学内容,既巩固了本课所学的语言目标,又开拓了学生的思维,使学生的思维跳出了课本,培养学生在实际生活中运用本课所学内容,来解决现实生活中的实际问题的能力,真正达到了新课标提出的培养学生综合运用语言的能力。六、作业1根据时间和人物写出发明物。(1)1885_ (2)1876_(3

7、)1927_ (4)1976_(5)Julie Thompson _ (6)Chelsea Lanmon _2回答问题。(1)When was the car invented?_(2)What are the car used for? _(3)What is the telephone used for? _(4)What is heated ice cream scoop used for? _(5)Who was papermaking invented by? _九年级下学期Unit9Whenwasitinvented?第二课时教学目标熟练掌握被动语态用法,学会用被动语态表达对创造和

8、发明事物的认识和看法。教学过程一、复习通过图片展示出以下句型及一些发明物for example:computer,telephone,car,TV,calculator组织同学应用以下句型进行对话,并把句型写在黑板上版书:二、教学helpful,annoyingAsk students to give some examples to show what each word meansFor example:A vacuum cleaner is helpfulA very loud truck is annoying确信学生知道helpful,annoying的含义。三、教学 3a1. 首先

9、,老师利用图片,呈现alarm clock,light bulb,microwave oven的画面Then ask the students the following questions通过此方法让学生表达对创造和发明事物的认识和看法。注:让学生根据自己写出的五个helpful inventions和五个annoying inventions与同伴进行俩俩对话2. Then ask the students to make a list of five helpful inventions and five annoying inventions on their ownGive the

10、class about five minutes to do this(接着要求学生写出五个helpful inventions和五个annoying inventions,五分钟完成。)注:当学生做时,教师应全班移动来帮助学生。完毕,四人一组互相分享答案。最后,要求一些学生读出他们的答案,并且解释为什么。四、教学3bAsk the students to work in pair the following talk using the target language(叫学生用语言目标进行俩俩对话。)让学生根据自己写出的五个helpful inventions和五个annoying inve

11、ntions应用以下句型与同伴进行俩俩对话。教师将应用句型写在黑板上。版书:说明:此活动用目标语言为学生提供听说练习。同时进一步让学生表达自己对创造和发明事物的认识和看法。五、教学巩固完成一个任务:Group workImagine that you are alone on a tiny islandChoose five inventions you would like tohave on the island with youTell the group what you chose and whyMaybe you can use the following drills:Id li

12、ke to have abecause I couldIts used forI think the most helpful invention isBut thats not going to help you leave the islandI think it would be better to leave说明:通过来完成一个任务让学生运用所学内容,既复习第一课时所学的语言目标和巩固了本课所学的语言目标,又开拓了学生的思维,培养了学生在实际生活中运用本课所学内容,来解决现实生活中的实际问题的能力。六、作业1句型转换。(1)She was seen to come out of the

13、 library by him(变为主动语态)He _ _ _ out of the library(2)When are trees often planted?(变为主动语态)When _ people often _ _?(3)The League was founded in Guangzhou in 1922(就画线部分提问)_ _ _ _ the League _ ?(4)Did the students wear the school clothes a lot?(变为被动语态)_ the school clothes _ a lot?(5)Kate took good care

14、 of the baby yesterday evening(变为被动语态)The baby _ _ well by Kate yesterday evening(6)His aunt bought him a bicycle(变为被动语态)A bicycle _ _ him by his aunt2汉译英。(1)计算机是何时发明的?_(2)谁发明了计算机? _(3)计算机是用来做什么? _(4)你认为什么是最有用的发明? _(5)它能够给人们更多时间工作和玩。_九年级下学期Unit9Whenwasitinvented?第三课时教学目标学会表达由于这些创造和发明对你的生活的帮助和对生活质量的提

15、高认识教学过程一、复习要求学生使用黑板上的句型练习对话。板书:通过口语练习,既激发了学生的学习积极性,让学生在轻松好奇的氛围中复习了上节课的目标语言,又引出新课。二、教学 1a,1b1First the teacher asks the students what kind of fruit food and drink you like the best and writes down on the blackboard教师问学生最喜欢什么水果和饮料并把它们写在黑板上。比如:potato chips,ice cream,tea,lemon,chocolate,oranges,salad,po

16、pcorn,pickle and SO on2接着叫学生表达以上食物的味道,引出新单词sweet,crispy,salty,sour,delicious,hot,awful,nice并且完成lb教学内容通过此活动,以旧带新引入新单词。其目的是让学生自主学习新知识。三、教学 2a,2b1首先,听力前的brainstormFirst,Let students describe how potato chips taste and describe how helpful the potato chipsThen,ask:When and where were potato chips invent

17、ed?Who were potato chips invented by?How were potato chips invented?(Let students guess according to the following key words)Key words:by accident,customer,restaurant,by mistake(说明:通过问题让学生对对话内容有整体了解,为听力练习做好准备;又培养学生的注意力,想像力,观察力。)2进行以下教学活动。要求学生快速阅读 2a,2b,帮助学生明确听力语言目标的要求。接着,听力练习,学生根据录音内容完成 2a and 2b。最后

18、,重放一遍录音内容,学生跟读。学生通过听力练习,进一步熟悉本课的目标语言。四、教学 3a进行以下教学活动。1老师利用多媒体课件,呈现a cup of tea和the emperor(who was Shen Nung)was boiling drinking water over an open fire的画面Then ask the students the followingquestions让四人一组进行分组讨论以上问题。注:当学生讨论时,教师应全班移动来帮助学生。2让学生根据文章内容完成问题。时间4分钟。完毕,要求一些学生在全班分享他们的答案,并且解释为什么。最后,老师给出答案。(通过

19、听力练习和阅读练习让学生明白这些创造和发明对我们的生活的帮助和对生活质量的提高认识。)3接着要求学生写出五个helpful inventions和五个annoying inventions,五分钟完成。注:当学生做时,教师应全班移动来帮助学生。完毕,四人一组互相分享答案。4最后,要求一些学生读出他们的答案,并且解释为什么。五、教学巩固完成一个任务:Blind Taste TestAsk a student to bring to class some foods that taste sweet,crispy,salty,and sourHave him or her blindfold st

20、udents one at a time,let the student taste little pieces of eachfood,and say if each food is sweet,crispy,salty,or sour,Students may use more thanone word to describe some foods说明:通过综合性的活动,培养学生的语言运用能力。六、作业用动词的适当形式填空。A:When _ the Dinosaur World _ (build)?B:It _ _ (build)in 1988You will see many kinds

21、 of dinosaurs in itShallwe go to see them?A:Yes,Id love toBut where is the entranceB:_ (use)9Here this side door isas an entranceTheres something wrong withthe front doorIts _ (1ock)A:Wow,these must be dinosaur eggsWhere _ they _(discover)?B:They(discover)in Sichuan ProvinceA:When _ these eggs _(1ay

22、)?B:I dont knowThat must be millions of years ago九年级下学期Unit9Whenwasitinvented?第四课时教学目标1通过对被动语态表达的发明和创造的事物来认识人类的科技进步和培养学生的创新能力来达到情感,态度,价值观的课堂体现。2通过对一般过去时被动语态的掌握进一步了解和掌握被动语态其他时态的表达。教学过程一、导入(Lead-in):老师出了一些图片,例如:computer,radio,camlight bulb,car,bicycle,TV,tea,and so onThen ask students to discuss pictu

23、res and say something about what heshe would best in class教师可给出下面句型提示:版书:It gives meIt can change the style ofIt can improveIt can understand说明:通过图片和句型,既激发了学生的口语练习的积极性,又让学生在轻松好奇的氛围中认识人类的科技进步。二、教学写作(writing)3b, 4a1首先,写作前的brainstormFirst,read the instructions to the class and make students look at the

24、 sample first tence of 3bThen,explain that students can combine more than one point into one sentenceFinish 3b according to working in pairs2At last,ask a few students to tell the class about the partners they have interview Finish 4b(教师可以让一个好学生来完成代替。)说明:通过该活动用语言目标提供阅读和写作练习。三、教学Self Check 2让学生找出Self

25、 Check 2这些东西是何时发明的并根据如下句子进行俩俩对话版书:说明:通过该活动对一般过去时被动语态的掌握进一步了解和掌握被动语态其他时态的表达。四、教学巩固完成一个任务:Crazy InventionsAsk students to build their own crazy inventions using paper,cardboard and other materials they may have at homeHave them bring their inventions to class and say something in class说明:通过综合性的活动,培养学生的创新能力来达到情感,态度,价值观的课堂体现。五、作业写作:根据Section B 3b所给内容写一篇大约60个词的文章,介绍飞盘产生的过程。

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