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人教版高中英语同步练习选修7 unit 2 单元测试含答案.docx

1、人教版高中英语同步练习选修7 unit 2 单元测试含答案Unit 2 Robots 单元测试(人教新课标选修7,课标通用)第I卷(共115分)第一部分听力(共两节,满分30分)第一节(共5小题;每小题1.5分,满分7.5分)听下面5段对话。每段对话后有一个小题,从题中所给的A,B,C三个选项中选出最佳选项。听完每段对话后,你都有10秒钟时间来回答有关小题和阅读下一小题。每段对话仅读一遍。1What did the man do before lunch?AHe swam with John.BHe went away.CHe played tennis.Text 1W:Hello,and h

2、ow did you spend the holiday?M:I played tennis till lunch time and went for a swim with John.答案C2How many countries has the woman been to so far?AFour. BThree. CTwo.Text 2M:Have you ever been to Canada?W:I wish to someday.So far Ive been to Japan,Korea and China.M:Canada is really worth visiting.答案B

3、3When would Elvis and Susan like to leave?ATomorrow.BNext Monday or Tuesday.CThis Tuesday.Text 3M:Have Elvis and Susan set a date for leaving?W:No,they havent.But Elvis said theyd like to leave next Monday or Tuesday.M:Id like to see them off at the airport.Will you go with me?W:Sure.Ill ask for a d

4、ay off on Friday.答案B4What does the woman mean?AShe wont go to the concert tonight.BShe wants to go to the concert alone.CShe doesnt think the concert is interesting.Text 4M:Would you like to go to the concert with me tonight?W:Im sorry,but I have an exam tomorrow.M:What a pity! Youll miss a lot.答案A5

5、When does the bakery close?AAt 7:00. BAt 6:55. CAt 7:30.Text 5M:Kate,are we going home now?W:I was hoping to get some bread from the bakery before it closes.M:My watch says 6:55,so we have about 35 minutes left to get there.答案C第二节(共15小题;每小题1.5分,满分22.5分)听下面5段对话或独白。每段对话或独白后有几个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项

6、。听每段对话或独白前,你将有时间阅读各个小题,每小题5秒钟;听完后,各小题将给出5秒钟的作答时间。每段对话或独白读两遍。听第6段材料,回答第6至7题。6What did the man do at the weekend?AHe watched TV.BHe went to the cinema.CHe visited his parents.7What does the man think about his roommate?AHes stupid.BHes strange.CHes shameless.Text 6W:Hey,Jack.How was your weekend?M:Not

7、 bad.I went downtown to watch a film with my roommate.W:How was it?M:Oh,it was wonderful,but my companion wasnt.W:What do you mean?M:Well,I liked the film,but my roommate talked about this and that,and he thought the Titanic was some boat the Japanese sank during World War .W:Oh,not a very bright ma

8、n.答案6.B 7.A听第7段材料,回答第8至10题。8When is the man going to see Dr. Carter?AOn Tuesday.BOn Wednesday.COn Thursday.9Why does the man want to see Dr. Carter?AHe was hit by a ladder.BHe broke his leg.CHe hurt his foot.10What does the woman tell the man to do in the end?AWait for Dr.Carter at home.BCome to the

9、 office right away.CTake off the paint can himself.Text 7W:Dr.Carters Office.M:Yes,Id like to make an appointment to see Dr.Carter,please.W:OK.Could I have your name,please?M:Yes.My name is Ronald Schuller.W:Ronald Schuller.OK.How about the day after tomorrow on Wednesday at 4:00 pm.?M:Do you happen

10、 to have an opening this morning?W:Um. how about tomorrow at 8:00 am.or Thursday at 8:15 am.?M:Uh,do you have anything earlier?W:No,Im sorry.M:Well,in that case,tomorrow would be fine.W:Whats the purpose of your visit?M:Well,to tell the truth,I fell from a ladder two days ago while painting my house

11、,and my foot landed in a paint can and it was badly hurt.W:So you took off the paint can. Sir,sir,are you still there?M:Well,the paint can is still on my foot.W:Oh,please come now.I dont think your case can wait.答案8.A 9.C 10.B听第8段材料,回答第11至13题。11What is the relationship between the two speakers?AComp

12、anies. BNeighbours. CFriends.12Who is visiting the woman for the weekend?AHer sister. BHer student. CHer teacher.13How does the woman know Bob?AHe has just been introduced to her.BShe has taken lessons from him.CThey have met at a party before.Text 8W:Hi,Dave.Good to see you could come a long way.Co

13、me on in.M:Wow.Looks like the party is at high point.W:Yeah.And theyre eating all of my food.Oh,Id like you to meet my sister,Carol.Shes visiting for the weekend.M:Oh.Which one is she?W:Shes sitting on the sofa over there.M:You mean the woman with long black hair?W:Thats right.Let me introduce her t

14、o you.Youre both so friendly and adventurous.M:And whos the man sitting next to her?Uh,the man wearing the suit jacket?W:Oh,thats Bob,my ballet teacher.M:Ballet teacher!I never knew you were into ballet.W:I started about two months ago.Come on.Id like you to meet them.M:Im coming.答案11.C 12.A 13.B听第9

15、段材料,回答第14至17题。14What is the new product used to do?ADo some housework.BSettle family problems.CManage money matters.15What is the robot programmed to do?AShopping and figuring.BRepairing and guarding.CCleaning and washing.16How does the woman like the product?AIts safe enough.BIts too expensive.CIts

16、 worth buying.17What is the probable relationship between the speakers?AReporter and manager.BCustomer and salesman.CHousewife and shopkeeper.Text 9W:Hello,Mr.Tompkins.Our newspaper will carry some information about new products.Now,will you tell us about the new home your company has built? It prom

17、ises to be a model for the houses of the future.M:Certainly.The idea is not to have a house full of different things.This is a complete home system.It will make peoples lives easier.W:OK.So tell me how this house will make my life easier?M:When you arrive at the front door,you wont need a key.The do

18、or will open with a touch of your finger.Youll be able to call your refrigerator when youre in the supermarket and find out how much you need to buy.Isnt it wonderful?W:Can I call the washing machine as well?M:Sure.But you wont need to.The house comes with a robot.It is programmed to do cleaning and

19、 washing.W:And whats the price of the new home?M:A million dollars.W:A million dollars! It will be the 22nd century before I can afford to buy one!答案14.A 15.C 16.B 17.A听第10段材料,回答第18至20题。18Who is the speaker most probably talking to?ANews reporters.BForeign students.CLanguage learners.19What would th

20、e speaker use his notebook to write?ANews and radio reports.BUseful words and expressions.CLanguage learning experience.20What does the speaker suggest doing?AMaking good goals.BTrusting in ones ability.CLearning in a real situation.Text 10Now Id like to tell you something about my language learning

21、.OK,first of all,I place myself in the language,the language that I want to learn.Uh,for example,I watch a film in that language,which would force me to learn words and expressions.Uh,you can watch TV news reports,or listen to radio reports.You know,anything is really helpful,as long as you can hear

22、 the language regularly.Next,I keep a situational notebook.For example,in a restaurant,you use a certain word or an expression over and over again.So if you can remember just a particular one in each situation,you can immediately speak that language and have more trust in your ability.In this way yo

23、u get more out of learning the language,I think.答案18.C 19.B 20.C第二部分英语知识运用(共两节,满分45分)第一节单项填空(共15小题;每小题1分,满分15分)从A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。21All the leading media in China _General Secretary Hu Jintao s official visit to America.Areported BprintedCannounced Ddeclared答案A考查动词辨析。句意:中国的所有主流媒体报道了胡锦涛总书记对

24、美国的官方访问。句子主语是media“媒体”,其谓语搭配自然应是“报道”,故选择report。print刊登,(在刊物上)发表;announce宣布、公布;declare宣告。故选A。22Try to_at least an hour each day for learning new vocabulary.Aset off Bset outCset aside Dset down答案C句意为:争取每天至少抽出1小时时间学习新词汇。set aside为某种目的留出、拨出(金钱、时间)等,符合句意。23When a friend invited me to the party, I _.Acou

25、ldnt help but go B. couldnt help but goingCcant help but go Dcant help but going答案A考查固定搭配,句意:当朋友邀请我参加聚会时,我不得不去。cant help but do sth “不得不做某事”。选A。24Is this the museum _ the exhibition was held?Awhere B. that Con which Dthe one答案A主、谓、宾俱全,从句部分为句子的状语表地点,既可用副词where,又因 in the museum词组,可用介词in which 引导地点状语。选

26、项C中,介词on错误,所以选A。25People have been complaining about SKII recently and think the advertisements always persuade people _the products which are not so good. Abuy Bto buy Cbuying Dbought答案B说服某人做某事的表达法有:persuade sb into doing 或persuade sb to do sth。故选B。26You need to take your job_if you want to keep it

27、.Acuriously BseriouslyCnervously Dharmorously答案B考查固定短语。句意:如果你想拥有这个工作,你必须认真对待它。take sth seriously意为“认真对待某事”,是固定短语。故选B。27Claire had her luggage_an hour before her plane left.Acheck Bchecking Cto check Dchecked答案D考查have sth done结构。 句意:claire在飞机起飞前一小时通过了行李检查。故选D。28Its unnatural for a mother to leave her

28、 child _to enjoy herself.Aalone BlonelyClone Dloneliness答案A考查leave的固定短语。句意:作为母亲,让孩子独自一个人玩是不合常理的。leave.alone表示“丢下不管”,是固定短语,故选A。29Tom often travelled,so that he never stayed in one place _a week.Aother than Bmore thanCrather than Dor rather答案B考查固定短语辨析。句意:汤姆经常旅行,以至于他待在一个地方从未超过一个星期。other than除了之外;more t

29、han多于;rather than而不是;or rather更确切地说。 根据句意选B。30Mrs. Old White showed her students some old maps_from the library.Ato borrow Bto be borrowedCborrowed Dborrowing答案Cborrow和maps是被动关系且该动作已经完成,故用过去分词形式作后置定语。故选C。31They desired that they_the right to attend the meeting.Ahad Bhave Care Dwere答案B考查desire的用法。句意:

30、他们渴望有参加会议的权力。desire后的宾语从句的谓语动词要用“should动词原形”的形式表示虚拟语气,其中should可以省略,选B。32I didnt get much _from the doctor when I told him about my pains.Asorrow BsympathyCdiscouragement D. suffering答案B考查名词辨析。句意:当我把我的痛苦告诉那个医生时,没有得到太多的同情。sorrow悲伤,悲痛;sympathy同情心;discouragement泄气,灰心;suffering痛苦。故选B。33What about the meeting?The two sides were unable to reach an agreement,_, they lost the chance of working together.AIn all BIn other wordsCOn the con

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